Ingredients to make a reproducibility test of EC-Earth 3.1 and later.
Largely based on Paolo Davini's initial scripts to make a climate assessment of EC-Earth
* The output must come from EC-Earth 3.1 or later
* The output must be available as MMO, MMA tar files and ICMGG, ICMSH grib files
* The output must consist in 12 month data per file
* The simulation must start with January and finish with December
* The scripts are adapted to compare two and only two experiments
git clone
# Copy Climate_netcdf
cd scripts
cp /esarchive/releases/models/ecearth/Climate_netcdf
# Pre-process the EC-Earth output
Process *all* your members of all experiments. This can be done in paralle
by using nohup commands for instance:
./ ${exp} fc${i} 1850 1869 >& log/log_prpr_${exp}_fc${i}
# Re-grid to the same grid as the observational reference
for member in 0 1 2 3 4 ; do
sleep 2;
nohup ./ ${exp} fc0${member} ${yearb} ${yeare}
NetCDF files and a text file will be available in the directory EC-Earth_diags.
This text file (PI3.txt) consists in scores. By looking at how scores vary from
member to member one can guess if an experiment is reproducible wrt another one.
Once steps 1/ -> 5/ have been done for all members, we can proceed
to ensemble analyses:
./ ${exp} ${yearb} ${yeare}
Process all your experiments with this script. And then produce the plots comparing the Reichler and Kim indices and the variables differences between two experiments:
# Run reproducibility diagnostics between two experiments
./ ${exp1} ${exp2} ${year1} ${year2} ${number_of_members}
This script launch three R scripts:
1. Basic time series (2-m temperature, sea ice extent, precip)
2. The first on make the comparison based on the Reichler-Kim indices with the KS test (script R_scripts/KS_index.R). It produces the plot reichler_kim_scores_stat_${exp1}_${exp2}.ps
3. The second script produces the maps of the differences, with a KS test applied in each grid cell (script map_diff_experiments.R), for the variables 't2m','msl','qnet','tp','ewss','nsss' and 'SICE'. RData files are also saved to redo quickly the maps, changing for example the levels of the colour bars.