Start.R 237 KB
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        ## largest_dims_length = TRUE, or is a number & merge_across_dims is across this dim
          tmp <- find_largest_dims_length(
                   selectors_total_list[[i]], array_of_files_to_load,
                   selector_indices_save[[i]], dat[[i]], expected_inner_dims[[i]],
                   synonims, file_dim_reader)
          data_dims <- tmp$largest_data_dims
          # 'data_dims_each_file' is used when merge_across_dims = TRUE &
          # the files have different length of inner dim.
          data_dims_each_file <- tmp$data_dims_all_files
          # file_dim_reader returns dimension names as found in the file.
          # Need to translate accoridng to synonims:
          names(data_dims) <- replace_with_synonmins(data_dims, synonims)
        } # end if (largest_dims_length == TRUE)
        # Some dimension is defined in Start() call but doesn't exist in data
        if (!all(expected_inner_dims[[i]] %in% names(data_dims))) {
          tmp <- expected_inner_dims[[i]][which(!expected_inner_dims[[i]] %in% names(data_dims))]
          stop("Could not find the dimension '", tmp, "' in the file. Either ",
               "change the dimension name in your request, adjust the ",
               "parameter 'dim_names_in_files' or fix the dimension name in ",
               "the file.\n", file_path)
        # Not all the inner dims are defined in Start() call
        if (!all(names(data_dims) %in% expected_inner_dims[[i]])) {
          tmp <- names(data_dims)[which(!names(data_dims) %in% expected_inner_dims[[i]])]
          if (data_dims[tmp] != 1) {
            stop("The dimension '", tmp, "' is found in the file ", file_path,
                 " but not defined in the Start call.")

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        # Transform the variables if needed and keep them apart.
        if (!is.null(transform) && (length(transform_vars) > 0)) {
          if (!all(transform_vars %in% c(names(picked_vars[[i]]), names(picked_common_vars)))) {
            stop("Could not find all the required variables in 'transform_vars' ",
                 "for the dataset '", dat[[i]][['name']], "'.")
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          vars_to_transform <- NULL
          # picked_vars[[i]]
          vars_to_transform <- generate_vars_to_transform(vars_to_transform, picked_vars[[i]], transform_vars, picked_vars_ordered[[i]])
          # picked_common_vars
          vars_to_transform <- generate_vars_to_transform(vars_to_transform, picked_common_vars, transform_vars, picked_common_vars_ordered)

          # Save the crop domain from selectors of transformed vars
          # PROB: It doesn't consider aiat. If aiat, the indices are for 
          #       after transformed data; we don't know the corresponding 
          #       values yet.
          transform_crop_domain <- vector('list')
          for (transform_var in transform_vars) {
            transform_crop_domain[[transform_var]] <- dat[[i]][['selectors']][[transform_var]][[1]]
            # Turn indices into values
            if (attr(transform_crop_domain[[transform_var]], 'indices')) {
              if (transform_var %in% names(common_return_vars)) {
                if (transform_var %in% names(dim_reorder_params)) {
                  transform_crop_domain[[transform_var]] <-
                      picked_vars = picked_common_vars_ordered[[transform_var]], 
                } else {
                  transform_crop_domain[[transform_var]] <-
                      picked_vars = picked_common_vars[[transform_var]], 
              } else {  # return_vars
                if (transform_var %in% names(dim_reorder_params)) {
                  transform_crop_domain[[transform_var]] <-
                      picked_vars = picked_vars_ordered[[i]][[transform_var]], 
                } else {  
                  transform_crop_domain[[transform_var]] <-
                      picked_vars = picked_vars[[i]][[transform_var]], 
            } else if (is.atomic(transform_crop_domain[[transform_var]])) {
              # if it is values but vector
              transform_crop_domain[[transform_var]] <-
                tail(transform_crop_domain[[transform_var]], 1))

            # For CDORemapper (not sure if it's also suitable for other transform functions): 
            # If lon_reorder is not used + lon selector is from big to small, 
            # lonmax and lonmin need to be exchanged. The ideal way is to 
            # exchange in CDORemapper(), but lon_reorder is used or not is not
            # known by CDORemapper().
            # NOTE: lat's order doesn't matter, big to small and small to big 
            #       both work. Since we shouldn't assume transform_var in Start(),
            #       e.g., transform_var can be anything transformable in the assigned transform function,
            #       we exchange whichever parameter here anyway.
            if (!transform_var %in% names(dim_reorder_params) & 
                diff(unlist(transform_crop_domain[[transform_var]])) < 0) {
              transform_crop_domain[[transform_var]] <- rev(transform_crop_domain[[transform_var]]) 

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          # Transform the variables
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          tmp <- .withWarnings(
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  , c(list(data_array = NULL,
                                      variables = vars_to_transform,
                                      file_selectors = selectors_of_first_files_with_data[[i]],
                                      crop_domain = transform_crop_domain),
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          transformed_data <- tmp$value
          warnings1 <- c(warnings1, tmp$warnings)
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          # Discard the common transformed variables if already transformed before
          if (!is.null(transformed_common_vars)) {
            common_ones <- which(names(picked_common_vars) %in% names(transformed_data$variables))
            if (length(common_ones) > 0) {
              transformed_data$variables <- transformed_data$variables[-common_ones]
          transformed_vars[[i]] <- list()
          transformed_vars_ordered[[i]] <- list()
          transformed_vars_unorder_indices[[i]] <- list()
          # Order the transformed variables if needed
          # 'var_to_read' should be 'transformed_var', but is kept to reuse the same code as above.
          for (var_to_read in names(transformed_data$variables)) {
            if (var_to_read %in% unlist(var_params)) {
              associated_dim_name <- names(var_params)[which(unlist(var_params) == var_to_read)]
              if ((associated_dim_name %in% names(dim_reorder_params))) {
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                ## Is this check really needed?
                if (length(dim(transformed_data$variables[[associated_dim_name]])) > 1) {
                  stop("Requested a '", associated_dim_name, "_reorder' for a dimension ",
                       "whose coordinate variable that has more than 1 dimension (after ",
                       "transform). This is not supported.")
                ordered_var_values <- dim_reorder_params[[associated_dim_name]](transformed_data$variables[[associated_dim_name]])
                attr(ordered_var_values, 'variables') <- attr(transformed_data$variables[[associated_dim_name]], 'variables')
                if (!all(c('x', 'ix') %in% names(ordered_var_values))) {
                  stop("All the dimension reorder functions must return a list with the components 'x' and 'ix'.")
                # Save the indices to reorder back the ordered variable values.
                # This will be used to define the first round indices (if aiat) or second round
                # indices (if !aiat).
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                unorder <- sort(ordered_var_values$ix, index.return = TRUE)$ix
                if (var_to_read %in% names(picked_common_vars)) {
                  transformed_common_vars_ordered[[var_to_read]] <- ordered_var_values$x
                  transformed_common_vars_unorder_indices[[var_to_read]] <- unorder
                } else {
                  transformed_vars_ordered[[i]][[var_to_read]] <- ordered_var_values$x
                  transformed_vars_unorder_indices[[i]][[var_to_read]] <- unorder
          transformed_picked_vars_names <- which(names(picked_vars[[i]]) %in% names(transformed_data$variables))
          if (length(transformed_picked_vars_names) > 0) {
            transformed_picked_vars_names <- names(picked_vars[[i]])[transformed_picked_vars_names]
            transformed_vars[[i]][transformed_picked_vars_names] <- transformed_data$variables[transformed_picked_vars_names]
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          if (is.null(transformed_common_vars)) {
            transformed_picked_common_vars_names <- which(names(picked_common_vars) %in% names(transformed_data$variables))
            if (length(transformed_picked_common_vars_names) > 0) {
              transformed_picked_common_vars_names <- names(picked_common_vars)[transformed_picked_common_vars_names]
              transformed_common_vars <- transformed_data$variables[transformed_picked_common_vars_names]
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        # Once the variables are transformed, we compute the indices to be 
        # taken for each inner dimension.
        # In all cases, indices will have to be computed to know which data
        # values to take from the original data for each dimension (if a 
        # variable is specified for that dimension, it will be used to 
        # convert the provided selectors into indices). These indices are
        # referred to as 'first round of indices'.
        # The taken data will then be transformed if needed, together with
        # the dimension variable if specified, and, in that case, indices 
        # will have to be computed again to know which values to take from the 
        # transformed data. These are the 'second round of indices'. In the 
        # case there is no transformation, the second round of indices will
        # be all the available indices, i.e. from 1 to the number of taken
        # values with the first round of indices.
        for (inner_dim in expected_inner_dims[[i]]) {
          if (debug) {
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          crossed_file_dim <- NULL
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          if (inner_dim %in% unlist(inner_dims_across_files)) {
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            crossed_file_dim <- names(inner_dims_across_files)[which(sapply(inner_dims_across_files, function(x) inner_dim %in% x))[1]]
            chunk_amount <- length(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[crossed_file_dim]][[1]])
            names(chunk_amount) <- crossed_file_dim
          } else if (!is.null(names(dim(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]][[1]]))) &
                     inner_dim %in% names(dim(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]][[1]])) &
                     any(found_file_dims[[i]] %in% names(dim(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]][[1]])))) {
            # inner dim is dependent on file dim in the form of selector array (e.g., time = [sdate = 2, time = 4])
            crossed_file_dim <- found_file_dims[[i]][which(found_file_dims[[i]] %in% 
            if (length(crossed_file_dim) == 1) {
              chunk_amount <- length(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[crossed_file_dim]][[1]])
              names(chunk_amount) <- crossed_file_dim
            } else {
            # e.g., region = [memb = 2, sdate = 3, region = 1]
              chunk_amount <- prod(
                                  dat[[i]][['selectors']][crossed_file_dim], "[[", 1), length))
              names(chunk_amount) <- paste(crossed_file_dim, collapse = '.')
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          } else {
            chunk_amount <- 1
          # In the special case that the selectors for a dimension are 'all', 'first', ...
          # and chunking (dividing in more than 1 chunk) is requested, the selectors are
          # replaced for equivalent indices.
          if ((any(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]][[1]] %in% c('all', 'first', 'last'))) && 
              (chunks[[inner_dim]]['n_chunks'] != 1)) {
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            dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]][[1]] <- 
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              replace_character_with_indices(selectors = dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]][[1]], data_dims = data_dims[[inner_dim]], chunk_amount)
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          # The selectors for the inner dimension are taken.
          selector_array <- dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]][[1]]
          if (debug) {
            if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
              print(paste0("-> DEBUG MESSAGES FOR THE DATASET", i, " AND INNER DIMENSION '", inner_dim, "':"))
              print("-> STRUCTURE OF SELECTOR ARRAY:")
              print("-> PICKED VARS:")
              print("-> TRANSFORMED VARS:")
          if (is.null(dim(selector_array))) {
            dim(selector_array) <- length(selector_array)
          if (is.null(names(dim(selector_array)))) {
            if (length(dim(selector_array)) == 1) {
              names(dim(selector_array)) <- inner_dim
            } else {
              stop("Provided selector arrays must be provided with dimension ",
                   "names. Found an array of selectors without dimension names ",
                   "for the dimension '", inner_dim, "'.")
          selectors_are_indices <- FALSE
          if (!is.null(attr(selector_array, 'indices'))) {
            if (!is.logical(attr(selector_array, 'indices'))) {
              stop("The atribute 'indices' for the selectors for the dimension '", 
                   inner_dim, "' must be TRUE or FALSE.")
            selectors_are_indices <- attr(selector_array, 'indices')
          taken_chunks <- rep(FALSE, chunk_amount)
          selector_file_dims <- 1

          #NOTE: Change 'selector_file_dims' (from 1) if selector is an array with a file_dim dimname.
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          #      I.e., If time = [sdate = 2, time = 4], selector_file_dims <- c(sdate = 2)
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          if (any(found_file_dims[[i]] %in% names(dim(selector_array)))) {
            selector_file_dims <- dim(selector_array)[which(names(dim(selector_array)) %in% found_file_dims[[i]])]
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          selector_inner_dims <- dim(selector_array)[which(!(names(dim(selector_array)) %in% found_file_dims[[i]]))]
          var_with_selectors <- NULL
          var_with_selectors_name <- var_params[[inner_dim]]
          var_ordered <- NULL
          var_unorder_indices <- NULL
          with_transform <- FALSE
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          # If the selectors come with an associated variable
          if (!is.null(var_with_selectors_name)) {
            if ((var_with_selectors_name %in% transform_vars) && (!is.null(transform))) {
              with_transform <- TRUE
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              if (!is.null(crossed_file_dim)) {
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                stop("Requested a transformation over the dimension '", 
                     inner_dim, "', wich goes across files. This feature ", 
                     "is not supported. Either do the request without the ",
                     "transformation or request it over dimensions that do ",
                     "not go across files.")
            if (debug) {
              if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
                print("-> NAMES OF THE VARIABLES TO BE TRANSFORMED:")
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            if (var_with_selectors_name %in% names(picked_vars[[i]])) {
              var_with_selectors <- picked_vars[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]]
              var_ordered <- picked_vars_ordered[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]]
              var_unorder_indices <- picked_vars_unorder_indices[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]]
            } else if (var_with_selectors_name %in% names(picked_common_vars)) {
              var_with_selectors <- picked_common_vars[[var_with_selectors_name]]
              var_ordered <- picked_common_vars_ordered[[var_with_selectors_name]]
              var_unorder_indices <- picked_common_vars_unorder_indices[[var_with_selectors_name]]
            n <- prod(dim(var_with_selectors))
            # if no _reorder, var_unorder_indices is NULL
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            if (is.null(var_unorder_indices)) {
              var_unorder_indices <- 1:n
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            if (with_transform) {
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              if (var_with_selectors_name %in% names(transformed_vars[[i]])) {
                m <- prod(dim(transformed_vars[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]]))
                if (aiat) {
                  var_with_selectors <- transformed_vars[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]]
                  var_ordered <- transformed_vars_ordered[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]]
                  var_unorder_indices <- transformed_vars_unorder_indices[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]]
                # For making sri ordered later
                transformed_var_unordered_indices <- transformed_vars_unorder_indices[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]]
                if (is.null(transformed_var_unordered_indices)) {
                  transformed_var_unordered_indices <- 1:m
                transformed_var_with_selectors <- transformed_vars[[i]][transformed_picked_vars_names][[var_with_selectors_name]][transformed_var_unordered_indices]
                # Sorting the transformed variable and working out the indices again after transform.
                if (!is.null(dim_reorder_params[[var_with_selectors_name]])) {
                  transformed_var_with_selectors_reorder <- dim_reorder_params[[var_with_selectors_name]](transformed_var_with_selectors)
                  transformed_var_with_selectors <- transformed_var_with_selectors_reorder$x
                  transformed_var_with_selectors_unorder <- transformed_var_with_selectors_reorder$ix
                } else {
                  transformed_var_with_selectors_unorder <- 1:length(transformed_var_with_selectors)

              ## var in common
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              } else if (var_with_selectors_name %in% names(transformed_common_vars)) {
                m <- prod(dim(transformed_common_vars[[var_with_selectors_name]]))
                if (aiat) {
                  var_with_selectors <- transformed_common_vars[[var_with_selectors_name]]
                  var_ordered <- transformed_common_vars_ordered[[var_with_selectors_name]]
                  var_unorder_indices <- transformed_common_vars_unorder_indices[[var_with_selectors_name]]
                # For making sri ordered later
                transformed_var_unordered_indices <- transformed_common_vars_unorder_indices[[var_with_selectors_name]]
                if (is.null(transformed_var_unordered_indices)) {
                  transformed_var_unordered_indices <- 1:m
                transformed_var_with_selectors <- transformed_common_vars[[var_with_selectors_name]][transformed_var_unordered_indices]
                # Sorting the transformed variable and working out the indices again after transform.
                if (!is.null(dim_reorder_params[[var_with_selectors_name]])) {
                  transformed_var_with_selectors_reorder <- dim_reorder_params[[var_with_selectors_name]](transformed_var_with_selectors)
                  transformed_var_with_selectors <- transformed_var_with_selectors_reorder$x
                  transformed_var_with_selectors_unorder <- transformed_var_with_selectors_reorder$ix
                } else {
                  transformed_var_with_selectors_unorder <- 1:length(transformed_var_with_selectors)
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              if (is.null(var_unorder_indices)) {
                var_unorder_indices <- 1:m
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            if (debug) {
              if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
                print("-> SIZE OF ORIGINAL VARIABLE:")
                print("-> SIZE OF TRANSFORMED VARIABLE:")
                if (with_transform) print(m)
                print("-> STRUCTURE OF ORDERED VAR:")
                print("-> UNORDER INDICES:")
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            var_dims <- var_full_dims <- dim(var_with_selectors)
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            var_file_dims <- 1
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            # If this inner dim's selector (var_with_selectors) is an array
            # that has file dim as dimension (e.g., across or depend relationship)
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            if (any(names(var_dims) %in% found_file_dims[[i]])) {
              if (with_transform) {
                stop("Requested transformation for inner dimension '", 
                     inner_dim, "' but provided selectors for such dimension ",
                     "over one or more file dimensions. This is not ",
                     "supported. Either request no transformation for the ",
                     "dimension '", inner_dim, "' or specify the ",
                     "selectors for this dimension without the file dimensions.")
              var_file_dims <- var_dims[which(names(var_dims) %in% found_file_dims[[i]])]
              var_dims <- var_dims[-which(names(var_dims) %in% found_file_dims[[i]])]
            ##            # Keep the selectors if they correspond to a variable that will be transformed.
            ##            if (with_transform) {
            ##              if (var_with_selectors_name %in% names(picked_vars[[i]])) {
            ##                transformed_var_with_selectors <- transformed_vars[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]]
            ##              } else if (var_with_selectors_name %in% names(picked_common_vars)) {
            ##                transformed_var_with_selectors <- transformed_common_vars[[var_with_selectors_name]]
            ##              }
            ##              transformed_var_dims <- dim(transformed_var_with_selectors)
            ##              transformed_var_file_dims <- 1
            ##              if (any(names(transformed_var_dims) %in% found_file_dims[[i]])) {
            ##                transformed_var_file_dims <- transformed_var_dims[which(names(transformed_var_dims) %in% found_file_dims[[i]])]
            ##                transformed_var_dims <- tranasformed_var_dims[-which(names(transformed_var_dims) %in% found_file_dims[[i]])]
            ##              }
            ##if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
            ##              m <- prod(transformed_var_dims)
            ##            }
            # Work out var file dims and inner dims.
            if (inner_dim %in% unlist(inner_dims_across_files)) {
              #TODO: if (chunk_amount != number of chunks in selector_file_dims), crash
              if (length(var_dims) > 1) {
                stop("Specified a '", inner_dim, "_var' for the dimension '", 
aho's avatar
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                     inner_dim, "', which goes across files (across '", crossed_file_dim, 
aho's avatar
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                     "'). The specified variable, '", var_with_selectors_name, "', has more ",
                     "than one dimension and can not be used as selector variable. ",
                     "Select another variable or fix it in the files.")
            ## TODO HERE::
            #- indices_of_first_files_with_data may change, because array is now extended
            var_full_dims <- dim(var_with_selectors)
          } else if (((is.numeric(selector_array) || is.list(selector_array)) && selectors_are_indices) ||
                     (is.character(selector_array) && (length(selector_array) == 1) &&
                      (selector_array %in% c('all', 'first', 'last')) &&
                      !is.null(file_dim_reader))) {
            #### TODO HERE::
            ###- indices_of_first_files_with_data may change, because array is now extended
            # Lines moved above for better performance.
            ##data_dims <- file_dim_reader(file_path, NULL, selectors_of_first_files_with_data[[i]],
            ##                             lapply(dat[[i]][['selectors']][expected_inner_dims[[i]]], '[[', 1))
          } else {
            stop(paste0("Can not translate the provided selectors for '", inner_dim, 
                        "' to numeric indices. Provide numeric indices and a ",
                        "'file_dim_reader' function, or a '", inner_dim, 
                        "_var' in order to calculate the indices."))
          # At this point, if no selector variable was provided, the variable 
          # data_dims has been populated. If a selector variable was provided,
          # the variables var_dims, var_file_dims and var_full_dims have been 
          # populated instead.
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          # If the inner dim lengths differ among files,
          # need to know each length to create the indices for each file later.
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          # Record 'inner_dim_lengths' here for later usage.
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          if (largest_dims_length & !is.null(crossed_file_dim)) {
            # inner_dim_lengths here includes all the files, but we only want
            # the files of fyear for certain "sdate". We will categorize it later.
            inner_dim_lengths <- tryCatch({
              sapply(data_dims_each_file, '[[', inner_dim)
            }, error = function(x) {
              sapply(data_dims_each_file, '[[', 
                     synonims[[inner_dim]][which(synonims[[inner_dim]] != inner_dim)])

            # Use other file dims as the factors to categorize.
            other_file_dims <- dim(array_of_files_to_load)[which(!found_file_dims[[i]] %in% crossed_file_dim)]
            other_file_dims <- lapply(lapply(other_file_dims, seq, 1), rev)
            other_file_dims_factor <- expand.grid(other_file_dims)
            selector_indices_save_subset <-
              lapply(selector_indices_save[[i]], '[', which(!found_file_dims[[i]] %in% crossed_file_dim))

            # Put the fyear with the same other file dims (sdate, etc.) together, and find the largest length (in theory all of them should be the same)
            inner_dim_lengths_cat <- vector('list', dim(other_file_dims_factor)[1])
            for (i_factor in 1:length(inner_dim_lengths_cat)) {

              inner_dim_lengths_cat[[i_factor]] <- 
                  selector_indices_save_subset, '==', 
                  other_file_dims_factor[i_factor, ]), all))]
            # Find the largest length of each time step
            inner_dim_lengths <-, inner_dim_lengths_cat)
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          fri <- first_round_indices <- NULL
          sri <- second_round_indices <- NULL
          # This variable will keep the indices needed to crop the transformed 
          # variable (the one that has been transformed without being subset 
          # with the first round indices).
          tvi <- tranaformed_variable_indices <- NULL
          ordered_fri <- NULL
          ordered_sri <- NULL
          if ((length(selector_array) == 1) && is.character(selector_array) &&
              (selector_array %in% c('all', 'first', 'last')) &&
              (chunks[[inner_dim]]['n_chunks'] == 1)) {
            if (is.null(var_with_selectors_name)) {
              fri <- vector('list', length = chunk_amount)
              dim(fri) <- c(chunk_amount)
              sri <- vector('list', length = chunk_amount)
              dim(sri) <- c(chunk_amount)
              if (selector_array == 'all') {
                if (is.null(inner_dim_lengths) | length(unique(inner_dim_lengths)) <= 1) { #old code
                  fri[] <- replicate(chunk_amount, list(1:(data_dims[inner_dim])))
                } else {  # files have different inner dim length
                  for (i_chunk in 1:length(fri)) {
                    fri[[i_chunk]] <- 1:inner_dim_lengths[i_chunk]
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                taken_chunks <- rep(TRUE, chunk_amount)
                #sri <- NULL
              } else if (selector_array == 'first') {
                fri[[1]] <- 1
                taken_chunks[1] <- TRUE
                #sri <- NULL
              } else if (selector_array == 'last') {
                fri[[chunk_amount]] <- data_dims[inner_dim]
                taken_chunks[length(taken_chunks)] <- TRUE
                #sri <- NULL
            } else {
              if (!is.null(crossed_file_dim) & any(!(crossed_file_dim %in% names(var_file_dims)))) {
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                stop("The variable '", var_with_selectors_name, "' must also be ",
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                     "requested for the file dimension '", crossed_file_dim, "' in ",
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                     "this configuration.")
              fri <- vector('list', length = prod(var_file_dims))
              dim(fri) <- var_file_dims
              ordered_fri <- fri
              sri <- vector('list', length = prod(var_file_dims))
              dim(sri) <- var_file_dims
              ordered_sri <- sri
              if (selector_array == 'all') {
                # TODO: Populate ordered_fri
                ordered_fri[] <- replicate(prod(var_file_dims), list(1:n))
                fri[] <- replicate(prod(var_file_dims), list(var_unorder_indices[1:n]))
                taken_chunks <- rep(TRUE, chunk_amount)
                if (!with_transform) {
                  #fri[] <- replicate(prod(var_file_dims), list(1:n))
                  #taken_chunks <- rep(TRUE, chunk_amount)
                  #sri <- NULL
                } else {
                  ordered_sri[] <- replicate(prod(var_file_dims), list(1:m))
                  if (inner_dim %in% names(dim_reorder_params)) {
                    sri[] <- replicate(prod(var_file_dims), list(transformed_var_unordered_indices[1:m]))
                  } else {
                    sri[] <- replicate(prod(var_file_dims), list(1:m))
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                  ## var_file_dims instead??
                  #if (!aiat) {
                  #fri[] <- replicate(prod(var_file_dims), list(1:n))
                  #taken_chunks <- rep(TRUE, chunk_amount)
                  #sri[] <- replicate(prod(transformed_var_file_dims), list(1:m))
                  #} else {
                  #fri[] <- replicate(prod(var_file_dims), list(1:n))
                  #taken_chunks <- rep(TRUE, chunk_amount)
                  #sri[] <- replicate(prod(transformed_var_file_dims), list(1:m))
                  tvi <- 1:m
              } else if (selector_array == 'first') {
                taken_chunks[1] <- TRUE
                if (!with_transform) {
                  ordered_fri[[1]] <- 1
                  fri[[1]] <- var_unorder_indices[1]
                  #taken_chunks[1] <- TRUE
                  #sri <- NULL
                } else {
                  if (!aiat) {
                    ordered_fri[[1]] <- 1
                    fri[[1]] <- var_unorder_indices[1]
                    # TODO: TO BE IMPROVED
                    #taken_chunks[1] <- TRUE
                    ordered_sri[[1]] <- 1:ceiling(m / n)
                    sri[[1]] <- 1:ceiling(m / n)
                    tvi <- 1:ceiling(m / n)
                  } else {
                    ordered_fri[[1]] <- 1:ceiling(m / n)
                    fri[[1]] <- var_unorder_indices[1:ceiling(m / n)]
                    #taken_chunks[1] <- TRUE
                    ordered_sri[[1]] <- 1
                    sri[[1]] <- 1
                    tvi <- 1
              } else if (selector_array == 'last') {
                taken_chunks[length(taken_chunks)] <- TRUE
                if (!with_transform) {
                  ordered_fri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- n
                  fri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- var_unorder_indices[n]
                  #taken_chunks[length(taken_chunks)] <- TRUE
                  #sri <- NULL
                } else {
                  if (!aiat) {
                    ordered_fri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- prod(var_dims)
                    fri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- var_unorder_indices[prod(var_dims)]
                    #taken_chunks[length(taken_chunks)] <- TRUE
                    ordered_sri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- 1:ceiling(m / n)
                    sri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- 1:ceiling(m / n)
                    tvi <- 1:ceiling(m / n)
                  } else {
                    ordered_fri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- (n - ceiling(m / n) + 1):n
                    fri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- var_unorder_indices[(n - ceiling(m / n) + 1):n]
                    #taken_chunks[length(taken_chunks)] <- TRUE
                    ordered_sri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- 1
                    sri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- 1
                    tvi <- 1
            # If the selectors are not 'all', 'first', 'last', ...
          } else {
            if (!is.null(var_with_selectors_name)) {
              unmatching_file_dims <- which(!(names(var_file_dims) %in% names(selector_file_dims)))
              if ((length(unmatching_file_dims) > 0)) {
                raise_error <- FALSE
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                if (is.null(crossed_file_dim)) {
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                  raise_error <- TRUE
                } else {
                  if (!(length(unmatching_file_dims) == 1 & 
                        names(var_file_dims)[unmatching_file_dims] %in% crossed_file_dim &
                        inner_dim %in% names(selector_inner_dims))) {
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                    raise_error <- TRUE
                if (raise_error) {
                  stop("Provided selectors for the dimension '", inner_dim, "' must have as many ",
                       "file dimensions as the variable the dimension is defined along, '", 
                       var_with_selectors_name, "', with the exceptions of the file pattern dimension ('",
                       found_pattern_dim, "') and any depended file dimension (if specified as ",
                       "depended dimension in parameter 'inner_dims_across_files' and the ",
                       "depending file dimension is present in the provided selector array).")
              if (any(names(selector_file_dims) %in% names(dim(var_with_selectors)))) {
                if (any(dim(var_with_selectors)[names(selector_file_dims)] != selector_file_dims)) {
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                  stop("Size of selector file dimensions must match size of the corresponding ",
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                       "variable dimensions.")
            ## TODO: If var dimensions are not in the same order as selector dimensions, reorder
            if (is.null(names(selector_file_dims))) {
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              if (is.null(crossed_file_dim)) {
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                fri_dims <- 1
              } else {
                fri_dims <- chunk_amount
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                names(fri_dims) <- crossed_file_dim
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            } else {
              fri_dim_names <- names(selector_file_dims)
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              if (!is.null(crossed_file_dim)) {
                fri_dim_names <- c(fri_dim_names, crossed_file_dim)
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              fri_dim_names <- found_file_dims[[i]][which(found_file_dims[[i]] %in% fri_dim_names)]
              fri_dims <- rep(NA, length(fri_dim_names))
              names(fri_dims) <- fri_dim_names
              fri_dims[names(selector_file_dims)] <- selector_file_dims
              #NOTE: Not sure how it works here, but "chunk_amount" is the same as
              #      "selector_file_dims" above in the cases we've seen so far, 
              #      and it causes problem when crossed_file_dim is more than one.
#              if (!is.null(crossed_file_dim)) {
#                fri_dims[crossed_file_dim] <- chunk_amount
#              }
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            fri <- vector('list', length = prod(fri_dims))
            dim(fri) <- fri_dims
            sri <- vector('list', length = prod(fri_dims))
            dim(sri) <- fri_dims
            selector_file_dim_array <- array(1:prod(selector_file_dims), dim = selector_file_dims)
            selector_store_position <- fri_dims
            for (j in 1:prod(dim(selector_file_dim_array))) {
              selector_indices_to_take <- which(selector_file_dim_array == j, arr.ind = TRUE)[1, ]
              names(selector_indices_to_take) <- names(selector_file_dims)
              selector_store_position[names(selector_indices_to_take)] <- selector_indices_to_take
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              # "selector_indices_to_take" is an array if "selector_file_dims" is not 1 (if 
              # selector is an array with a file_dim dimname, i.e., time = [sdate = 2, time = 4].
              if (!is.null(names(selector_indices_to_take))) {
                sub_array_of_selectors <- Subset(selector_array, names(selector_indices_to_take),
                                                 as.list(selector_indices_to_take), drop = 'selected')
              } else {
                sub_array_of_selectors <- selector_array
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              if (debug) {
                if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
                  print("-> STRUCTURE OF A SUB ARRAY:")
                  print("-> STRUCTURE OF THE VARIABLE WITH SELECTORS:")
              if (selectors_are_indices) {
                sub_array_of_values <- NULL
                #} else if (!is.null(var_ordered)) {
                #  sub_array_of_values <- var_ordered
              } else {
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                if (length(names(var_file_dims)) > 0) {
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                  var_indices_to_take <- selector_indices_to_take[which(names(selector_indices_to_take) %in% names(var_file_dims))]
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                  if (!is.null(names(var_indices_to_take))) {
                    sub_array_of_values <- Subset(var_with_selectors, names(var_indices_to_take),
                                                  as.list(var_indices_to_take), drop = 'selected')
                  } else {
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                    # time across some file dim (e.g., "file_date") but doesn't have 
                    # this file dim as dimension (e.g., time: [sdate, time])
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                    sub_array_of_values <- var_with_selectors
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                } else {
                  sub_array_of_values <- var_with_selectors
              if (debug) {
                if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
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              # The inner dim selector is an array in which have file dim (e.g., time = [sdate = 2, time = 4],
              # or the inner dim doesn't go across any file dim (e.g., no time_across = 'sdate')
              if ((!is.null(crossed_file_dim) & (any(crossed_file_dim %in% names(selector_file_dims)))) || is.null(crossed_file_dim)) {
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                if (length(sub_array_of_selectors) > 0) {
                  if (debug) {
                    if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
                  if (selectors_are_indices) {
                    if (!is.null(var_with_selectors_name)) {
                      max_allowed <- ifelse(aiat, m, n)
                    } else {
                      max_allowed <- data_dims[inner_dim]
                    if (any(na.omit(unlist(sub_array_of_selectors)) > max_allowed) ||
                        any(na.omit(unlist(sub_array_of_selectors)) < 1)) {
                      stop("Provided indices out of range for dimension '", inner_dim, "' ", 
                           "for dataset '", dat[[i]][['name']], "' (accepted range: 1 to ", 
                           max_allowed, ").")
                  # The selector_checker will return either a vector of indices or a list
                  # with the first and last desired indices.
                  #NOTE: goes_across_prime_meridian may be TRUE only if the selector is list of values
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                  goes_across_prime_meridian <- FALSE
                  is_circular_dim <- FALSE
                  # If selectors are indices and _reorder = CircularSort() is used, change
                  # is_circular_dim to TRUE.
                  if (!is.null(var_ordered) & selectors_are_indices &
                      !is.null(dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]])) {
                    if ('circular' %in% names(attributes(dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]]))) {
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                      is_circular_dim <- attr(dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]], "circular")
                    if (is_circular_dim & is.list(sub_array_of_selectors)) {
                      tmp <- dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]](unlist(sub_array_of_selectors))$ix
                      goes_across_prime_meridian <-  tmp[1] > tmp[2]
                  # If selectors are values and _reorder is defined.
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                  if (!is.null(var_ordered) && !selectors_are_indices) {
                    if (!is.null(dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]])) {
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                      if ('circular' %in% names(attributes(dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]]))) {
                        is_circular_dim <- attr(dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]], "circular")
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                      if (is.list(sub_array_of_selectors)) {
                        ## NOTE: The check of 'goes_across_prime_meridian' is moved forward to here.
                        if (is_circular_dim) {
                          # NOTE: Use CircularSort() to put the values in the assigned range, and get the order.
                          # For example, [-10, 20] in CircularSort(0, 360) is [350, 20]. The $ix list is [2, 1].
                          # 'goes_across_prime_meridian' means the selector range across the border. For example,
                          # CircularSort(-180, 180) with selector [170, 190] -> goes_across_prime_meridian = TRUE.
                          # dim_reorder_params is a list of Reorder function, i.e.,
                          # Sort() or CircularSort().
                          tmp <- dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]](unlist(sub_array_of_selectors))$ix
                          goes_across_prime_meridian <-  tmp[1] > tmp[2]
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                        #NOTE: HERE change to the same code as below (under 'else'). Not sure why originally 
                        #      it uses additional lines, which make reorder not work.
                        # If "_reorder" is used, here 'sub_array_of_selectors' is adjusted to 
                        # follow the reorder rule. E.g., if lat = values(list(-90, 90)) and 
                        # lat_reorder = Sort(decreasing = T), 'sub_array_of_selectors' changes
                        # from list(-90, 90) to list(90, -90).
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                        sub_array_of_selectors <- as.list(dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]](unlist(sub_array_of_selectors))$x)
                        #sub_array_reordered <- dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]](unlist(sub_array_of_selectors))
                        #sub_array_unorder <- sort(sub_array_reordered$ix, index.return = TRUE)$ix
                        #sub_array_of_selectors <- as.list(sub_array_reordered$x[sub_array_unorder])
                        # Add warning if the boundary is out of range
                        if (min(unlist(sub_array_of_selectors)) < range(var_ordered)[1]) { 
                          show_out_of_range_warning(inner_dim, range = range(var_ordered), 
                                                    bound = 'lower')
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                        if (max(unlist(sub_array_of_selectors)) > range(var_ordered)[2]) {
                          show_out_of_range_warning(inner_dim, range = range(var_ordered),                                                     bound = 'upper')
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                      } else {
                        sub_array_of_selectors <- dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]](sub_array_of_selectors)$x
                    # NOTE: The ideal solution for selecting indices in goes_across_prime_meridian case
                    # is modified SelectorCheckor.R. But now SelectorCheckor doesn't know the info of
                    #goes_across_prime_meridian, so I do the adjustion after calling SelectorCheckor().
                    sub_array_of_indices <- selector_checker(sub_array_of_selectors, var_ordered,
                                                             tolerance = if (aiat) {
                                                             } else {
                    if (goes_across_prime_meridian & sub_array_of_indices[[1]] < sub_array_of_indices[[2]]) {
                      if (!(sub_array_of_selectors[[1]] %in% var_ordered)){
                        sub_array_of_indices[[1]] <- sub_array_of_indices[[1]] - 1
                      if (!(sub_array_of_selectors[[2]] %in% var_ordered)){
                        sub_array_of_indices[[2]] <- sub_array_of_indices[[2]] + 1
                    #NOTE: the possible case?
                    if (goes_across_prime_meridian & sub_array_of_indices[[1]] > sub_array_of_indices[[2]]) {
                      stop("The case is goes_across_prime_meridian but no adjustion for the indices!")
                    if (any( {
                      stop(paste0("The selectors of ", inner_dim,
                                  " are out of range [", min(var_ordered),
                                  ", ", max(var_ordered), "]."))
                  } else {
                    # Add warning if the boundary is out of range
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                    if (is.list(sub_array_of_selectors) & !selectors_are_indices) {
                      if (min(unlist(sub_array_of_selectors)) < min(sub_array_of_values)) {
                         show_out_of_range_warning(inner_dim, range = range(sub_array_of_values),
                                                   bound = 'lower')
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                      if (max(unlist(sub_array_of_selectors)) > max(sub_array_of_values)) {
                         show_out_of_range_warning(inner_dim, range = range(sub_array_of_values),
                                                   bound = 'upper')
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                    # sub_array_of_values here is NULL if selectors are indices, and 
                    # 'sub_array_of_indices' will be sub_array_of_selectors, i.e., the indices
                    # assigned (but rounded).
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aho committed
                    sub_array_of_indices <- selector_checker(sub_array_of_selectors, sub_array_of_values,
                                                             tolerance = if (aiat) {
                                                             } else {
                    if (any( {
                      stop(paste0("The selectors of ", inner_dim,
                                  " are out of range [", min(sub_array_of_values),
                                  ", ", max(sub_array_of_values), "]."))
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                  # If chunking along this inner dim, this part creates the indices for each chunk.
                  # For example, if 'sub_array_of_indices' is c(5:10) and chunked into 2, 
                  # 'sub_array_of_indices' becomes c(5:7) for chunk = 1, c(8:10) for chunk = 2. 
                  # If 'sub_array_of_indices' is list(55, 62) and chunked into 2, it becomes
                  # list(55, 58) for chunk = 1 and list(59, 62) for chunk = 2. 
                  #TODO: The list can be turned into vector here? So afterward no need to judge if
                  #      it is list or vector.
                  #NOTE: chunking cannot be done if goes_across_prime_meridian = TRUE. 
                  #TODO: Change the algorithm to make chunking works for goes_across_prime_meridian = TRUE.
                  #      If goes_across_prime_meridian = TRUE, "sub_array_of_indices" are not 
                  #      continuous numbers. For example, list(37, 1243) means sub_array_of_fri
                  #      that will be generated based on sub_array_of_indices later is c(1:37, 1243:1296).
                  #      the longitude are separated into 2 parts, therefore, cannot be chunked here.
                  if (chunks[[inner_dim]]["n_chunks"] > 1) {
                    if (goes_across_prime_meridian) {
                      stop(paste0("Chunking over ", inner_dim, " that goes across the circular border assigned by '", inner_dim, "_reorder' is not supported by startR now. Adjust the ", inner_dim, " selector to be within the border or change the borders." ))
                    if (!is.list(sub_array_of_indices)) {
                      sub_array_of_indices <- 
                    } else {
                      tmp <- 
                                          chunks[[inner_dim]]["chunk"], chunks[[inner_dim]]["n_chunks"],
                      vect <- sub_array_of_indices[[1]]:sub_array_of_indices[[2]]
                      sub_array_of_indices[[1]] <- vect[tmp[1]]
                      sub_array_of_indices[[2]] <- vect[tmp[length(tmp)]]
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                  # The sub_array_of_indices now contains numeric indices of the values to be taken by each chunk.
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                  # 'sub_sub_array_of_values' is for sri chunking. If this inner dim is chunked,
                  # the sri has to follow the chunking of fri. Therefore, we save the original 
                  # value of this chunk here for later use. We'll find the corresponding 
                  # transformed value within 'sub_sub_array_of_values' and chunk sri.
                  if (with_transform & chunks[[inner_dim]]["n_chunks"] > 1) {
                    if (!is.null(var_ordered)) {  #var_ordered
                      input_array_of_values <- var_ordered
                    } else {
                      if (is.null(sub_array_of_values)) {  # selectors are indices
                        #NOTE: Not sure if 'vars_to_transform' is the correct one to use.
                        input_array_of_values <- vars_to_transform[[var_with_selectors_name]]
                      } else {
                        input_array_of_values <- sub_array_of_values
                    tmp <- generate_sub_sub_array_of_values(
                             input_array_of_values, sub_array_of_indices,
                             number_of_chunk = chunks[[inner_dim]]["chunk"])
                    sub_sub_array_of_values <- tmp$sub_sub_array_of_values
                    previous_sub_sub_array_of_values <- tmp$previous_sub_sub_array_of_values

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                  if (debug) {
                    if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
                      print("-> TRANSFORMATION REQUESTED?")
                      print("-> BETA:")
                  if (with_transform) {
                    # If there is a transformation and selector values are provided, these
                    # selectors will be processed in the same way either if aiat = TRUE or
                    # aiat = FALSE.
                    ## TODO: If sub_array_of_selectors was integer and aiat then... do what's commented 50 lines below.
                    ##       otherwise, do what's coded.
                    if (debug) {
                      if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
                        print("-> SELECTORS REQUESTED BEFORE TRANSFORM.")
                    # Generate sub_array_of_fri 
                    sub_array_of_fri <- generate_sub_array_of_fri(
                      with_transform, goes_across_prime_meridian, sub_array_of_indices, n, beta, 
                    # May be useful for crop = T. 'subset_vars_to_transform' may not need
                    # to include extra cells, but currently it shows mistake if not include.
                    sub_array_of_fri_no_beta <- generate_sub_array_of_fri(
                      with_transform, goes_across_prime_meridian, sub_array_of_indices, n, beta,
                      is_circular_dim, add_beta = FALSE)

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                    subset_vars_to_transform <- vars_to_transform
                    if (!is.null(var_ordered)) {
                      #NOTE: If var_ordered is common_vars, it doesn't have attributes and it is a vector.
                      #      Turn it into array and add dimension name.
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                      if (!is.array(var_ordered)) {
                        var_ordered <- as.array(var_ordered)
                        names(dim(var_ordered)) <- inner_dim
                      subset_vars_to_transform[[var_with_selectors_name]] <- Subset(var_ordered, inner_dim, sub_array_of_fri)
                    } else {
                      if (!selectors_are_indices) {  # selectors are values
                      #NOTE: It should be redundant because without reordering the var should remain array
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                      ## But just stay same with above...
                      if (!is.array(sub_array_of_values)) {
                        sub_array_of_values <- as.array(sub_array_of_values)
                        names(dim(sub_array_of_values)) <- inner_dim
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                      subset_vars_to_transform[[var_with_selectors_name]] <- Subset(sub_array_of_values, inner_dim, sub_array_of_fri)

                      } else {  # selectors are indices
                      subset_vars_to_transform[[var_with_selectors_name]] <-
                               inner_dim, sub_array_of_fri)
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                    tmp <- .withWarnings(
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            , c(list(data_array = NULL,
                                                variables = subset_vars_to_transform,
                                                file_selectors = selectors_of_first_files_with_data[[i]],
                                                crop_domain = transform_crop_domain),