Start.R 171 KB
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Start <- function(..., # dim = indices/selectors, 
                       # dim_var = 'var', 
                       # dim_reorder = Sort/CircularSort, 
                       # dim_tolerance = number, 
                       # dim_depends = 'file_dim', 
                       # dim_across = 'file_dim', 
                  synonims = NULL, 
                  file_opener = NcOpener, 
                  file_var_reader = NcVarReader, 
                  file_dim_reader = NcDimReader, 
                  file_data_reader = NcDataReader, 
                  file_closer = NcCloser, 
                  transform = NULL, 
                  transform_params = NULL, 
                  transform_vars = NULL, 
                  apply_indices_after_transform = FALSE, 
                  pattern_dims = NULL,
                  metadata_dims = NULL, 
                  selector_checker = SelectorChecker,
                  merge_across_dims_narm = FALSE,
                  path_glob_permissive = FALSE,
                  retrieve = FALSE, 
                  #, config_file = NULL
                  #dictionary_dim_names = ,
                  #dictionary_var_names =  
  dim_params <- list(...)

  # Take *_var parameters apart
  var_params_ind <- grep('_var$', names(dim_params))
  var_params <- dim_params[var_params_ind]
  # Check all *_var are NULL or vectors of character strings, and 
  # that they all have a matching dimension param.
  i <- 1
  for (var_param in var_params) {
    if (!is.character(var_param)) {
      stop("All '*_var' parameters must be character strings.")
    } else if (!any(grepl(paste0('^', strsplit(names(var_params)[i], 
                                               '_var$')[[1]][1], '$'),
                          names(dim_params)))) {
      stop(paste0("All '*_var' parameters must be associated to a dimension parameter. Found parameter '", 
                  names(var_params)[i], "' but no parameter '", 
                  strsplit(names(var_params)[i], '_var$')[[1]][1], "'."))
    i <- i + 1
  # Make the keys of 'var_params' to be the name of 
  # the corresponding dimension.
  if (length(var_params) < 1) {
    var_params <- NULL
  } else {
    names(var_params) <- gsub('_var$', '', names(var_params))

  # Take *_reorder parameters apart
  dim_reorder_params_ind <- grep('_reorder$', names(dim_params))
  dim_reorder_params <- dim_params[dim_reorder_params_ind]
  # Make the keys of 'dim_reorder_params' to be the name of 
  # the corresponding dimension.
  if (length(dim_reorder_params) < 1) {
    dim_reorder_params <- NULL
  } else {
    names(dim_reorder_params) <- gsub('_reorder$', '', names(dim_reorder_params))

  # Take *_tolerance parameters apart
  tolerance_params_ind <- grep('_tolerance$', names(dim_params))
  tolerance_params <- dim_params[tolerance_params_ind]

  # Take *_depends parameters apart
  depends_params_ind <- grep('_depends$', names(dim_params))
  depends_params <- dim_params[depends_params_ind]
  # Check all *_depends are NULL or vectors of character strings, and 
  # that they all have a matching dimension param.
  i <- 1
  for (depends_param in depends_params) {
    if (!is.character(depends_param) || (length(depends_param) > 1)) {
      stop("All '*_depends' parameters must be single character strings.")
    } else if (!any(grepl(paste0('^', strsplit(names(depends_params)[i], 
                                               '_depends$')[[1]][1], '$'),
                          names(dim_params)))) {
      stop(paste0("All '*_depends' parameters must be associated to a dimension parameter. Found parameter '", 
                  names(depends_params)[i], "' but no parameter '", 
                  strsplit(names(depends_params)[i], '_depends$')[[1]][1], "'."))
    i <- i + 1
  # Make the keys of 'depends_params' to be the name of 
  # the corresponding dimension.
  if (length(depends_params) < 1) {
    depends_params <- NULL
  } else {
    names(depends_params) <- gsub('_depends$', '', names(depends_params))
  # Change name to depending_file_dims
  depending_file_dims <- depends_params

  # Take *_across parameters apart
  across_params_ind <- grep('_across$', names(dim_params))
  across_params <- dim_params[across_params_ind]
  # Check all *_across are NULL or vectors of character strings, and 
  # that they all have a matching dimension param.
  i <- 1
  for (across_param in across_params) {
    if (!is.character(across_param) || (length(across_param) > 1)) {
      stop("All '*_across' parameters must be single character strings.")
    } else if (!any(grepl(paste0('^', strsplit(names(across_params)[i], 
                                               '_across$')[[1]][1], '$'),
                          names(dim_params)))) {
      stop(paste0("All '*_across' parameters must be associated to a dimension parameter. Found parameter '", 
                  names(across_params)[i], "' but no parameter '", 
                  strsplit(names(across_params)[i], '_across$')[[1]][1], "'."))
    i <- i + 1
  # Make the keys of 'across_params' to be the name of 
  # the corresponding dimension.
  if (length(across_params) < 1) {
    across_params <- NULL
  } else {
    names(across_params) <- gsub('_across$', '', names(across_params))
  # Change name to inner_dims_across_files
  inner_dims_across_files <- across_params
  # Check merge_across_dims
  if (!is.logical(merge_across_dims)) {
    stop("Parameter 'merge_across_dims' must be TRUE or FALSE.")

  # Check merge_across_dims_narm
  if (!is.logical(merge_across_dims_narm)) {
    stop("Parameter 'merge_across_dims_narm' must be TRUE or FALSE.")
  if (!merge_across_dims & merge_across_dims_narm) {
    merge_across_dims_narm <- FALSE
    warning(paste0("Parameter 'merge_across_dims_narm' can only be TRUE when ",
                   "'merge_across_dims' is TRUE. Set 'merge_across_dims_narm'",
                   " to FALSE."))

  # Leave alone the dimension parameters in the variable dim_params
  if (length(c(var_params_ind, dim_reorder_params_ind, tolerance_params_ind,
               depends_params_ind, across_params_ind)) > 0) {
    dim_params <- dim_params[-c(var_params_ind, dim_reorder_params_ind,
                                tolerance_params_ind, depends_params_ind,
    # Reallocating pairs of across file and inner dimensions if they have
    # to be merged. They are put one next to the other to ease merge later.
    if (merge_across_dims) {
      for (inner_dim_across in names(inner_dims_across_files)) {
        inner_dim_pos <- which(names(dim_params) == inner_dim_across)
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        file_dim_pos <- which(names(dim_params) == inner_dims_across_files[[inner_dim_across]])
Nicolau Manubens's avatar
Nicolau Manubens committed
        if (file_dim_pos < inner_dim_pos) {
          new_pos <- new_pos - 1
        dim_params_to_move <- dim_params[c(inner_dim_pos, file_dim_pos)]
        dim_params <- dim_params[-c(inner_dim_pos, file_dim_pos)]
        new_dim_params <- list()
        if (new_pos > 1) {
          new_dim_params <- c(new_dim_params, dim_params[1:(new_pos - 1)])
        new_dim_params <- c(new_dim_params, dim_params_to_move)
        if (length(dim_params) >= new_pos) {
          new_dim_params <- c(new_dim_params, dim_params[new_pos:length(dim_params)])
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Nicolau Manubens committed
        dim_params <- new_dim_params
  dim_names <- names(dim_params)
  if (is.null(dim_names)) {
    stop("At least one pattern dim must be specified.")

  # Look for chunked dims
  chunks <- vector('list', length(dim_names))
  names(chunks) <- dim_names
  for (dim_name in dim_names) {
    if (!is.null(attr(dim_params[[dim_name]], 'chunk'))) {
      chunks[[dim_name]] <- attr(dim_params[[dim_name]], 'chunk')
      attributes(dim_params[[dim_name]]) <- attributes(dim_params[[dim_name]])[-which(names(attributes(dim_params[[dim_name]])) == 'chunk')]
    } else {
      chunks[[dim_name]] <- c(chunk = 1, n_chunks = 1)
  # This is a helper function to compute the chunk indices to take once the total
  # number of indices for a dimension has been discovered.
  chunk_indices <- function(n_indices, chunk, n_chunks, dim_name) {
    if (n_chunks > n_indices) {
      stop("Requested to divide dimension '", dim_name, "' of length ", 
           n_indices, " in ", n_chunks, " chunks, which is not possible.")
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    chunk_sizes <- rep(floor(n_indices / n_chunks), n_chunks)
    chunks_to_extend <- n_indices - chunk_sizes[1] * n_chunks
    if (chunks_to_extend > 0) {
      chunk_sizes[1:chunks_to_extend] <- chunk_sizes[1:chunks_to_extend] + 1
    chunk_size <- chunk_sizes[chunk]
    offset <- 0
    if (chunk > 1) {
      offset <- sum(chunk_sizes[1:(chunk - 1)])
    indices <- 1:chunk_sizes[chunk] + offset
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    array(indices, dim = setNames(length(indices), dim_name))
  # Check pattern_dims
  if (is.null(pattern_dims)) {
    .warning(paste0("Parameter 'pattern_dims' not specified. Taking the first dimension, '", 
                    dim_names[1], "' as 'pattern_dims'."))
    pattern_dims <- dim_names[1]
  } else if (is.character(pattern_dims) && (length(pattern_dims) > 0)) {
    pattern_dims <- unique(pattern_dims)
  } else {
    stop("Parameter 'pattern_dims' must be a vector of character strings.")
  if (any(names(var_params) %in% pattern_dims)) {
    stop("'*_var' parameters specified for pattern dimensions. Remove or fix them.")
  # Find the pattern dimension with the pattern specifications
  found_pattern_dim <- NULL
  for (pattern_dim in pattern_dims) {
    # Check all specifications in pattern_dim are valid
    dat <- datasets <- dim_params[[pattern_dim]]
    if (is.null(dat) || !(is.character(dat) && all(nchar(dat) > 0)) && !is.list(dat)) {
      stop(paste0("Parameter '", pattern_dim, 
                  "' must be a list of lists with pattern specifications or a vector of character strings."))
    if (!is.null(dim_reorder_params[[pattern_dim]])) {
      .warning(paste0("A reorder for the selectors of '", pattern_dim, 
                      "' has been specified, but it is a pattern dimension and the reorder will be ignored."))
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    if (is.list(dat) || any(sapply(dat, is.list))) {
      if (is.null(found_pattern_dim)) {
        found_pattern_dim <- pattern_dim
      } else {
        stop("Found more than one pattern dim with pattern specifications (list of lists). One and only one pattern dim must contain pattern specifications.")
  if (is.null(found_pattern_dim)) {
Nicolau Manubens's avatar
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    .warning(paste0("Could not find any pattern dim with explicit data set descriptions (in the form of list of lists). Taking the first pattern dim, '", pattern_dims[1], "', as dimension with pattern specifications."))
    found_pattern_dim <- pattern_dims[1]
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  # Check all *_reorder are NULL or functions, and that they all have 
  # a matching dimension param.
  i <- 1
  for (dim_reorder_param in dim_reorder_params) {
    if (!is.function(dim_reorder_param)) {
      stop("All '*_reorder' parameters must be functions.")
    } else if (!any(grepl(paste0('^', strsplit(names(dim_reorder_params)[i], 
                                               '_reorder$')[[1]][1], '$'),
                          names(dim_params)))) {
      stop(paste0("All '*_reorder' parameters must be associated to a dimension parameter. Found parameter '", 
                  names(dim_reorder_params)[i], "' but no parameter '", 
                  strsplit(names(dim_reorder_params)[i], '_reorder$')[[1]][1], "'."))
    #} else if (!any(grepl(paste0('^', strsplit(names(dim_reorder_params)[i], 
    #                                           '_reorder$')[[1]][1], '$'),
    #                      names(var_params)))) {
    #  stop(paste0("All '*_reorder' parameters must be associated to a dimension parameter associated to a ",
    #              "variable. Found parameter '", names(dim_reorder_params)[i], "' and dimension parameter '", 
    #              strsplit(names(dim_reorder_params)[i], '_reorder$')[[1]][1], "' but did not find variable ",
    #              "parameter '", strsplit(names(dim_reorder_params)[i], '_reorder$')[[1]][1], "_var'."))
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    i <- i + 1

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  # Check all *_tolerance are NULL or vectors of character strings, and 
  # that they all have a matching dimension param.
  i <- 1
  for (tolerance_param in tolerance_params) {
    if (!any(grepl(paste0('^', strsplit(names(tolerance_params)[i], 
                                               '_tolerance$')[[1]][1], '$'),
                          names(dim_params)))) {
      stop(paste0("All '*_tolerance' parameters must be associated to a dimension parameter. Found parameter '", 
                  names(tolerance_params)[i], "' but no parameter '", 
                  strsplit(names(tolerance_params)[i], '_tolerance$')[[1]][1], "'."))
    #} else if (!any(grepl(paste0('^', strsplit(names(tolerance_params)[i], 
    #                                           '_tolerance$')[[1]][1], '$'),
    #                      names(var_params)))) {
    #  stop(paste0("All '*_tolerance' parameters must be associated to a dimension parameter associated to a ",
    #              "variable. Found parameter '", names(tolerance_params)[i], "' and dimension parameter '", 
    #              strsplit(names(tolerance_params)[i], '_tolerance$')[[1]][1], "' but did not find variable ",
    #              "parameter '", strsplit(names(tolerance_params)[i], '_tolerance$')[[1]][1], "_var'."))
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Nicolau Manubens committed
    i <- i + 1
  # Make the keys of 'tolerance_params' to be the name of 
  # the corresponding dimension.
  if (length(tolerance_params) < 1) {
    tolerance_params <- NULL
  } else {
    names(tolerance_params) <- gsub('_tolerance$', '', names(tolerance_params))

  # Check metadata_dims
  if (!is.null(metadata_dims)) {
    if ( {
      metadata_dims <- NULL
    } else if (!is.character(metadata_dims) || (length(metadata_dims) < 1)) {
      stop("Parameter 'metadata' dims must be a vector of at least one character string.")
  } else {
    metadata_dims <- pattern_dims

  # Once the pattern dimension with dataset specifications is found,
  # the variable 'dat' is mounted with the information of each
  # dataset.
  # Take only the datasets for the requested chunk
  dats_to_take <- chunk_indices(length(dim_params[[found_pattern_dim]]), 
  dim_params[[found_pattern_dim]] <- dim_params[[found_pattern_dim]][dats_to_take]
  dat <- datasets <- dim_params[[found_pattern_dim]]
  dat_info_names <- c('name', 'path')#, 'nc_var_name', 'suffix', 'var_min', 'var_max', 'dimnames')
  dat_to_fetch <- c()
  dat_names <- c()
  if (!is.list(dat)) {
    dat <- as.list(dat)
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Nicolau Manubens committed
  } else {
    if (!any(sapply(dat, is.list))) {
      dat <- list(dat)
  for (i in 1:length(dat)) {
    if (is.character(dat[[i]]) && length(dat[[i]]) == 1 && nchar(dat[[i]]) > 0) {
      if (grepl('^(\\./|\\.\\./|/.*/|~/)', dat[[i]])) {
        dat[[i]] <- list(path = dat[[i]])
      } else {
        dat[[i]] <- list(name = dat[[i]])
    } else if (!is.list(dat[[i]])) {
      stop(paste0("Parameter '", pattern_dim, 
                  "' is incorrect. It must be a list of lists or character strings."))
    #if (!(all(names(dat[[i]]) %in% dat_info_names))) {
    #  stop("Error: parameter 'dat' is incorrect. There are unrecognized components in the information of some of the datasets. Check 'dat' in ?Load for details.")
    if (!('name' %in% names(dat[[i]]))) {
      dat[[i]][['name']] <- paste0('dat', i)
      if (!('path' %in% names(dat[[i]]))) {
        stop(paste0("Parameter '", found_pattern_dim, 
                    "' is incorrect. A 'path' should be provided for each dataset if no 'name' is provided."))
    } else if (!('path' %in% names(dat[[i]]))) {
      dat_to_fetch <- c(dat_to_fetch, i)
    #if ('path' %in% names(dat[[i]])) {
    #  if (!('nc_var_name' %in% names(dat[[i]]))) {
    #    dat[[i]][['nc_var_name']] <- '$var_name$'
    #  }
    #  if (!('suffix' %in% names(dat[[i]]))) {
    #    dat[[i]][['suffix']] <- ''
    #  }
    #  if (!('var_min' %in% names(dat[[i]]))) {
    #    dat[[i]][['var_min']] <- ''
    #  }
    #  if (!('var_max' %in% names(dat[[i]]))) {
    #    dat[[i]][['var_max']] <- ''
    #  }
    dat_names <- c(dat_names, dat[[i]][['name']])
  if ((length(dat_to_fetch) > 0) && (length(dat_to_fetch) < length(dat))) {
    .warning("'path' has been provided for some datasets. Any information in the configuration file related to these will be ignored.")
  if (length(dat_to_fetch) > 0) {
    stop("Specified only the name for some data sets, but not the path ",
         "pattern. This option has not been yet implemented.")
  # Reorder inner_dims_across_files (to make the keys be the file dimensions,
  # and the values to be the inner dimensions that go across it).
  if (!is.null(inner_dims_across_files)) {
    # Reorder: example, convert list(ftime = 'chunk', ensemble = 'member', xx = 'chunk')
    #                        to list(chunk = c('ftime', 'xx'), member = 'ensemble')
    new_idaf <- list()
    for (i in names(inner_dims_across_files)) {
      if (!(inner_dims_across_files[[i]] %in% names(new_idaf))) {
        new_idaf[[inner_dims_across_files[[i]]]] <- i
      } else {
        new_idaf[[inner_dims_across_files[[i]]]] <- c(new_idaf[[inner_dims_across_files[[i]]]], i)
    inner_dims_across_files <- new_idaf

  # Check return_vars
  if (is.null(return_vars)) {
    return_vars <- list()
#    if (length(var_params) > 0) {
#      return_vars <- as.list(paste0(names(var_params), '_var'))
#    } else {
#      return_vars <- list()
#    }
  if (!is.list(return_vars)) {
    stop("Parameter 'return_vars' must be a list or NULL.")
  if (length(return_vars) > 0 && is.null(names(return_vars))) {
#    names(return_vars) <- rep('', length(return_vars))
    stop("Parameter 'return_vars' must be a named list.")
  i <- 1
  while (i <= length(return_vars)) {
#    if (names(return_vars)[i] == '') {
#      if (!(is.character(return_vars[[i]]) && (length(return_vars[[i]]) == 1))) {
#        stop("The ", i, "th specification in 'return_vars' is malformed.")
#      } 
#      if (!grepl('_var$', return_vars[[i]])) {
#        stop("The ", i, "th specification in 'return_vars' is malformed.")
#      }
#      dim_name <- strsplit(return_vars[[i]], '_var$')[[1]][1]
#      if (!(dim_name %in% names(var_params))) {
#        stop("'", dim_name, "_var' requested in 'return_vars' but ",
#             "no '", dim_name, "_var' specified in the .Load call.")
#      }
#      names(return_vars)[i] <- var_params[[dim_name]]
#      return_vars[[i]] <- found_pattern_dim
#    } else
    if (length(return_vars[[i]]) > 0) { 
      if (!is.character(return_vars[[i]])) {
        stop("The ", i, "th specification in 'return_vars' is malformed. It ",
             "must be a vector of character strings of valid file dimension ",
    i <- i + 1

  # Check synonims
  if (!is.null(synonims)) {
    error <- FALSE
    if (!is.list(synonims)) {
      error <- TRUE
    for (synonim_entry in names(synonims)) {
      if (!(synonim_entry %in% names(dim_params)) &&
          !(synonim_entry %in% names(return_vars))) {
        error <- TRUE
      if (!is.character(synonims[[synonim_entry]]) ||
          length(synonims[[synonim_entry]]) < 1) {
        error <- TRUE
    if (error) {
      stop("Parameter 'synonims' must be a named list, where the names are ",
           "a name of a requested dimension or variable and the values are ",
           "vectors of character strings with at least one alternative name ",
           " for each dimension or variable in 'synonims'.")
  if (length(unique(names(synonims))) < length(names(synonims))) {
    stop("There must not be repeated entries in 'synonims'.")
  if (length(unique(unlist(synonims))) < length(unlist(synonims))) {
    stop("There must not be repeated values in 'synonims'.")
  # Make that all dims and vars have an entry in synonims, even if only dim_name = dim_name
  dim_entries_to_add <- which(!(names(dim_params) %in% names(synonims)))
  if (length(dim_entries_to_add) > 0) {
    synonims[names(dim_params)[dim_entries_to_add]] <- as.list(names(dim_params)[dim_entries_to_add])
  var_entries_to_add <- which(!(names(var_params) %in% names(synonims)))
  if (length(var_entries_to_add) > 0) {
    synonims[names(var_params)[var_entries_to_add]] <- as.list(names(var_params)[var_entries_to_add])
  # Check selector_checker
  if (is.null(selector_checker) || !is.function(selector_checker)) {
    stop("Parameter 'selector_checker' must be a function.")

  # Check file_opener
  if (is.null(file_opener) || !is.function(file_opener)) {
    stop("Parameter 'file_opener' must be a function.")

  # Check file_var_reader
  if (!is.null(file_var_reader) && !is.function(file_var_reader)) {
    stop("Parameter 'file_var_reader' must be a function.")

  # Check file_dim_reader
  if (!is.null(file_dim_reader) && !is.function(file_dim_reader)) {
    stop("Parameter 'file_dim_reader' must be a function.")

  # Check file_data_reader
  if (is.null(file_data_reader) || !is.function(file_data_reader)) {
    stop("Parameter 'file_data_reader' must be a function.")

  # Check file_closer
  if (is.null(file_closer) || !is.function(file_closer)) {
    stop("Parameter 'file_closer' must be a function.")

  # Check transform
  if (!is.null(transform)) {
    if (!is.function(transform)) {
      stop("Parameter 'transform' must be a function.")

  # Check transform_params
  if (!is.null(transform_params)) {
    if (!is.list(transform_params)) {
      stop("Parameter 'transform_params' must be a list.")
    if (is.null(names(transform_params))) {
      stop("Parameter 'transform_params' must be a named list.")

  # Check transform_vars
  if (!is.null(transform_vars)) {
    if (!is.character(transform_vars)) {
      stop("Parameter 'transform_vars' must be a vector of character strings.")
  if (any(!(transform_vars %in% names(return_vars)))) {
    stop("All the variables specified in 'transform_vars' must also be specified in 'return_vars'.")

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  # Check apply_indices_after_transform
  if (!is.logical(apply_indices_after_transform)) {
    stop("Parameter 'apply_indices_after_transform' must be either TRUE or FALSE.")
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Nicolau Manubens committed
  aiat <- apply_indices_after_transform

  # Check transform_extra_cells
  if (!is.numeric(transform_extra_cells)) {
    stop("Parameter 'transform_extra_cells' must be numeric.")
  transform_extra_cells <- round(transform_extra_cells)

  # Check split_multiselected_dims
  if (!is.logical(split_multiselected_dims)) {
    stop("Parameter 'split_multiselected_dims' must be TRUE or FALSE.")

  # Check path_glob_permissive
  if (!is.numeric(path_glob_permissive) && !is.logical(path_glob_permissive)) {
    stop("Parameter 'path_glob_permissive' must be TRUE, FALSE or an integer.")
  if (length(path_glob_permissive) != 1) {
    stop("Parameter 'path_glob_permissive' must be of length 1.")

  # Check retrieve
  if (!is.logical(retrieve)) {
    stop("Parameter 'retrieve' must be TRUE or FALSE.")
  # Check num_procs
  if (!is.null(num_procs)) {
    if (!is.numeric(num_procs)) {
      stop("Parameter 'num_procs' must be numeric.")
    } else {
      num_procs <- round(num_procs)

  # Check silent
  if (!is.logical(silent)) {
    stop("Parameter 'silent' must be logical.")

  dim_params[[found_pattern_dim]] <- dat_names

  if (!silent) {
    .message(paste0("Exploring files... This will take a variable amount ",
                    "of time depending on the issued request and the ",
                    "performance of the file server..."))

if (!is.character(debug)) {
dims_to_check <- c('time')
} else {
dims_to_check <- debug
debug <- TRUE

  ############################## READING FILE DIMS ############################
  # Check that no unrecognized variables are present in the path patterns
  # and also that no file dimensions are requested to THREDDs catalogs.
  # And in the mean time, build all the work pieces and look for the 
  # first available file of each dataset.
  array_of_files_to_load <- NULL
  array_of_not_found_files <- NULL
  indices_of_first_files_with_data <- vector('list', length(dat))
  selectors_of_first_files_with_data <- vector('list', length(dat))
  dataset_has_files <- rep(FALSE, length(dat))
  found_file_dims <- vector('list', length(dat))
  expected_inner_dims <- vector('list', length(dat))
  for (i in 1:length(dat)) {
    dat_selectors <- dim_params
    dat_selectors[[found_pattern_dim]] <- dat_selectors[[found_pattern_dim]][i]
    dim_vars <- paste0('$', dim_names, '$')
    file_dims <- which(sapply(dim_vars, grepl, dat[[i]][['path']], fixed = TRUE))
    if (length(file_dims) > 0) {
      file_dims <- dim_names[file_dims]
    file_dims <- unique(c(pattern_dims, file_dims))
    found_file_dims[[i]] <- file_dims
    expected_inner_dims[[i]] <- dim_names[which(!(dim_names %in% file_dims))]
    # (Check the depending_file_dims).
    if (any(c(names(depending_file_dims), unlist(depending_file_dims)) %in% 
            expected_inner_dims[[i]])) {
      stop(paste0("The dimension dependancies specified in ",
                  "'depending_file_dims' can only be between file ",
                  "dimensions, but some inner dimensions found in ",
                  "dependancies for '", dat[[i]][['name']], "', which ",
                  "has the following file dimensions: ", 
                  paste(paste0("'", file_dims, "'"), collapse = ', '), ".")) 
    } else {
      a <- names(depending_file_dims) %in% file_dims
      b <- unlist(depending_file_dims) %in% file_dims
      ab <- a & b
      if (any(!ab)) {
Nicolau Manubens's avatar
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        .warning(paste0("Detected some dependancies in 'depending_file_dims' with ",
                        "non-existing dimension names. These will be disregarded."))
        depending_file_dims <- depending_file_dims[-which(!ab)]
      if (any(names(depending_file_dims) == unlist(depending_file_dims))) {
        depending_file_dims <- depending_file_dims[-which(names(depending_file_dims) == unlist(depending_file_dims))]
    # (Check the inner_dims_across_files).
    if (any(!(names(inner_dims_across_files) %in% file_dims)) ||
        any(!(unlist(inner_dims_across_files) %in% expected_inner_dims[[i]]))) {
      stop(paste0("All relationships specified in ",
Nicolau Manubens's avatar
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                  "'_across' parameters must be between a inner ",
                  "dimension and a file dimension. Found wrong ",
                  "specification for '", dat[[i]][['name']], "', which ",
                  "has the following file dimensions: ", 
                  paste(paste0("'", file_dims, "'"), collapse = ', '),
                  ", and the following inner dimensions: ", 
                  paste(paste0("'", expected_inner_dims[[i]], "'"), 
                        collapse = ', '), "."))
    # (Check the return_vars).
    j <- 1
    while (j <= length(return_vars)) {
      if (any(!(return_vars[[j]] %in% file_dims))) {
        if (any(return_vars[[j]] %in% expected_inner_dims[[i]])) {
          stop("Found variables in 'return_vars' requested ",
               "for some inner dimensions (for dataset '",
               dat[[i]][['name']], "'), but variables can only be ",
               "requested for file dimensions.")
        } else {
          stop("Found variables in 'return_vars' requested ",
               "for non-existing dimensions.")
      j <- j + 1
    # (Check the metadata_dims).
    if (!is.null(metadata_dims)) {
      if (any(!(metadata_dims %in% file_dims))) {
        stop("All dimensions in 'metadata_dims' must be file dimensions.")
    ## Look for _var params that should be requested automatically.
    for (dim_name in dim_names) {
      if (!(dim_name %in% pattern_dims)) {
        if (is.null(attr(dat_selectors[[dim_name]], 'values')) ||
            is.null(attr(dat_selectors[[dim_name]], 'indices'))) {
          flag <- ((dat_selectors[[dim_name]] %in% c('all', 'first', 'last')) || 
          attr(dat_selectors[[dim_name]], 'values') <- !flag
          attr(dat_selectors[[dim_name]], 'indices') <- flag
        ## The following code 'rewrites' var_params for all datasets. If providing different
        ## path pattern repositories with different file/inner dimensions, var_params might
        ## have to be handled for each dataset separately.
        if ((attr(dat_selectors[[dim_name]], 'values') || (dim_name %in% c('var', 'variable'))) &&
            !(dim_name %in% names(var_params)) && !(dim_name %in% file_dims))  {
          if (dim_name %in% c('var', 'variable')) {
            var_params <- c(var_params, setNames(list('var_names'), dim_name))
            .warning(paste0("Found specified values for dimension '", dim_name, "' but no '", 
                            dim_name, "_var' requested. ", '"', dim_name, "_var = '", 
                            'var_names', "'", '"', " has been automatically added to ",
                            "the Start call."))
          } else {
            var_params <- c(var_params, setNames(list(dim_name), dim_name))
            .warning(paste0("Found specified values for dimension '", dim_name, "' but no '", 
                            dim_name, "_var' requested. ", '"', dim_name, "_var = '", 
                            dim_name, "'", '"', " has been automatically added to ",
                            "the Start call."))
    ## (Check the *_var parameters).
    if (any(!(unlist(var_params) %in% names(return_vars)))) {
      vars_to_add <- which(!(unlist(var_params) %in% names(return_vars)))
      new_return_vars <- vector('list', length(vars_to_add))
      names(new_return_vars) <- unlist(var_params)[vars_to_add]
      return_vars <- c(return_vars, new_return_vars)
Nicolau Manubens's avatar
Nicolau Manubens committed
      .warning(paste0("All '*_var' params must associate a dimension to one of the ",
                      "requested variables in 'return_vars'. The following variables",
                      " have been added to 'return_vars': ", 
                      paste(paste0("'", unlist(var_params), "'"), collapse = ', ')))
    replace_values <- vector('list', length = length(file_dims))
    names(replace_values) <- file_dims
    # Take the first selector for all possible file dimensions
    for (file_dim in file_dims) {
      if (file_dim %in% names(var_params)) {
        .warning(paste0("The '", file_dim, "_var' param will be ignored since '", 
                        file_dim, "' is a file dimension (for the dataset with pattern ", 
                        dat[[i]][['path']], ")."))
      if (!is.list(dat_selectors[[file_dim]]) || 
          (is.list(dat_selectors[[file_dim]]) && 
           length(dat_selectors[[file_dim]]) == 2 &&
           is.null(names(dat_selectors[[file_dim]])))) {
        dat_selectors[[file_dim]] <- list(dat_selectors[[file_dim]])
      first_class <- class(dat_selectors[[file_dim]][[1]])
      first_length <- length(dat_selectors[[file_dim]][[1]])
      for (j in 1:length(dat_selectors[[file_dim]])) {
        sv <- selector_vector <- dat_selectors[[file_dim]][[j]]
        if (!identical(first_class, class(sv)) ||
            !identical(first_length, length(sv))) {
          stop("All provided selectors for depending dimensions must ",
               "be vectors of the same length and of the same class.")
        if (is.character(sv) && !((length(sv) == 1) && (sv[1] %in% c('all', 'first', 'last')))) {
          dat_selectors[[file_dim]][[j]] <- selector_checker(selectors = sv,
                                                             return_indices = FALSE)
          # Take chunk if needed
          dat_selectors[[file_dim]][[j]] <- dat_selectors[[file_dim]][[j]][chunk_indices(length(dat_selectors[[file_dim]][[j]]),
        } else if (!(is.numeric(sv) || 
                     (is.character(sv) && (length(sv) == 1) && (sv %in% c('all', 'first', 'last'))) || 
                     (is.list(sv) && (length(sv) == 2) && (all(sapply(sv, is.character)) || 
                                                           all(sapply(sv, is.numeric)))))) {
          stop("All explicitly provided selectors for file dimensions must be character strings.")
      sv <- dat_selectors[[file_dim]][[1]]
      if (is.character(sv) && !((length(sv) == 1) && (sv[1] %in% c('all', 'first', 'last')))) {
        replace_values[[file_dim]] <- dat_selectors[[file_dim]][[1]][1]
    # Now we know which dimensions whose selectors are provided non-explicitly.
    undefined_file_dims <- file_dims[which(sapply(replace_values, is.null))]
    defined_file_dims <- file_dims[which(!(file_dims %in% undefined_file_dims))]
    # Quickly check if the depending dimensions are provided properly.
    for (file_dim in file_dims) {
      if (file_dim %in% names(depending_file_dims)) {
        ## TODO: Detect multi-dependancies and forbid.
        if (all(c(file_dim, depending_file_dims[[file_dim]]) %in% defined_file_dims)) {
          if (length(dat_selectors[[file_dim]]) != length(dat_selectors[[depending_file_dims[[file_dim]]]][[1]])) {
            stop(paste0("If providing selectors for the depending ",
                        "dimension '", file_dim, "', a ",
                        "vector of selectors must be provided for ",
Nicolau Manubens's avatar
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                        "each selector of the dimension it depends on, '",
                        depending_file_dims[[file_dim]], "'."))
          } else if (!all(names(dat_selectors[[file_dim]]) == dat_selectors[[depending_file_dims[[file_dim]]]][[1]])) {
            stop(paste0("If providing selectors for the depending ",
                        "dimension '", file_dim, "', the name of the ",
                        "provided vectors of selectors must match ",
                        "exactly the selectors of the dimension it ",
                        "depends on, '", depending_file_dims[[file_dim]], "'."))
    # Find the possible values for the selectors that are provided as
    # indices. If the requested file is on server, impossible operation.
    if (length(grep("^http", dat[[i]][['path']])) > 0) {
      if (length(undefined_file_dims) > 0) {
        stop(paste0("All selectors for the file dimensions must be ",
                    "character strings if requesting data to a remote ",
                    "server. Found invalid selectors for the file dimensions ",
                    paste(paste0("'", undefined_file_dims, "'"), collapse = ', '), "."))
      dataset_has_files[i] <- TRUE
    } else {
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      dat[[i]][['path']] <- path.expand(dat[[i]][['path']])
      # Iterate over the known dimensions to find the first existing file.
      # The path to the first existing file will be used to find the 
      # values for the non explicitly defined selectors.
      first_file <- NULL
      first_file_selectors <- NULL
      if (length(undefined_file_dims) > 0) {
        replace_values[undefined_file_dims] <- '*'
      ## TODO: What if length of defined_file_dims is 0? code might crash (in practice it worked for an example case)
      files_to_check <- sapply(dat_selectors[defined_file_dims], function(x) length(x[[1]]))
      sub_array_of_files_to_check <- array(1:prod(files_to_check), dim = files_to_check)
      j <- 1
      while (j <= prod(files_to_check) && is.null(first_file)) {
        selector_indices <- which(sub_array_of_files_to_check == j, arr.ind = TRUE)[1, ]
        selectors <- sapply(1:length(defined_file_dims), 
          function (x) {
            vector_to_pick <- 1
            if (defined_file_dims[x] %in% names(depending_file_dims)) {
              vector_to_pick <- selector_indices[which(defined_file_dims == depending_file_dims[[defined_file_dims[x]]])]
        replace_values[defined_file_dims] <- selectors
        file_path <- .ReplaceVariablesInString(dat[[i]][['path']], replace_values)
        file_path <- Sys.glob(file_path)
        if (length(file_path) > 0) {
          first_file <- file_path[1]
          first_file_selectors <- selectors
        j <- j + 1
      # Start looking for values for the non-explicitly defined selectors.
      if (is.null(first_file)) {
        .warning(paste0("No found files for the datset '", dat[[i]][['name']], 
                        "'. Provide existing selectors for the file dimensions ",
                        " or check and correct its path pattern: ", dat[[i]][['path']]))
      } else {
        dataset_has_files[i] <- TRUE
        ## TODO: Improve message here if no variable found:
        if (length(undefined_file_dims) > 0) {
          # Looking for the first values, parsed from first_file.
          first_values <- vector('list', length = length(undefined_file_dims))
          names(first_values) <- undefined_file_dims
          found_values <- 0
          stop <- FALSE
          try_dim <- 1
          last_success <- 1
          while ((found_values < length(undefined_file_dims)) && !stop) {
            u_file_dim <- undefined_file_dims[try_dim]
            if (is.null(first_values[[u_file_dim]])) {
              path_with_globs_and_tag <- .ReplaceVariablesInString(dat[[i]][['path']], 
                                           replace_values[-which(file_dims == u_file_dim)],
                                           allow_undefined_key_vars = TRUE)
              found_value <- .FindTagValue(path_with_globs_and_tag, 
                                           first_file, u_file_dim)
              if (!is.null(found_value)) {
                found_values <- found_values + 1
                last_success <- try_dim
                first_values[[u_file_dim]] <- found_value
                replace_values[[u_file_dim]] <- found_value
            try_dim <- (try_dim %% length(undefined_file_dims)) + 1
            if (try_dim == last_success) {
              stop <- TRUE
          if (found_values < length(undefined_file_dims)) {
            stop(paste0("Path pattern of dataset '", dat[[i]][['name']], 
                        "' is too complex. Could not automatically ",
                        "detect values for all non-explicitly defined ",
                        "indices. Check its pattern: ", dat[[i]][['path']]))
          ## TODO: Replace ReplaceGlobExpressions by looped call to FindTagValue? As done above
          ##       Maybe it can solve more cases actually. I got warnings in ReplGlobExp with a typical
          ##       cmor case, requesting all members and chunks for fixed var and sdate. Not fixing
          ##       sdate raised 'too complex' error.
          # Replace shell globs in path pattern and keep the file_dims as tags
          dat[[i]][['path']] <- .ReplaceGlobExpressions(dat[[i]][['path']], first_file, replace_values, 
                                                        file_dims, dat[[i]][['name']], path_glob_permissive)
          # Now time to look for the available values for the non 
          # explicitly defined selectors for the file dimensions.
          # Check first the ones that do not depend on others.
          ufd <- c(undefined_file_dims[which(!(undefined_file_dims %in% names(depending_file_dims)))],
                   undefined_file_dims[which(undefined_file_dims %in% names(depending_file_dims))])
          for (u_file_dim in ufd) {
            replace_values[undefined_file_dims] <- first_values
            replace_values[[u_file_dim]] <- '*'
            depended_dim <- NULL
            depended_dim_values <- NA
            selectors <- dat_selectors[[u_file_dim]][[1]]
            if (u_file_dim %in% names(depending_file_dims)) {
              depended_dim <- depending_file_dims[[u_file_dim]]
              depended_dim_values <- dat_selectors[[depended_dim]][[1]]
              dat_selectors[[u_file_dim]] <- vector('list', length = length(depended_dim_values))
              names(dat_selectors[[u_file_dim]]) <- depended_dim_values
            } else {
              dat_selectors[[u_file_dim]] <- list()
            if (u_file_dim %in% unlist(depending_file_dims)) {
              depending_dims <- names(depending_file_dims)[which(sapply(depending_file_dims, function(x) u_file_dim %in% x))]
              replace_values[depending_dims] <- rep('*', length(depending_dims))
            for (j in 1:length(depended_dim_values)) {
              parsed_values <- c()
              if (!is.null(depended_dim)) {
                replace_values[[depended_dim]] <- depended_dim_values[j]
              path_with_globs <- .ReplaceVariablesInString(dat[[i]][['path']], replace_values)
              found_files <- Sys.glob(path_with_globs)
              ## TODO: Enhance this error message, or change by warning.
              ##       Raises if a wrong sdate is specified, for example.
              if (length(found_files) == 0) {
                .warning(paste0("Could not find files for any '", u_file_dim, 
                                "' for '", depended_dim, "' = '", 
                                depended_dim_values[j], "'."))
                dat_selectors[[u_file_dim]][[j]] <- NA
              } else {
                for (found_file in found_files) {
                  path_with_globs_and_tag <- .ReplaceVariablesInString(dat[[i]][['path']],
                                               replace_values[-which(file_dims == u_file_dim)],
                                               allow_undefined_key_vars = TRUE)
                  parsed_values <- c(parsed_values, 
                                     .FindTagValue(path_with_globs_and_tag, found_file, 
                dat_selectors[[u_file_dim]][[j]] <- selector_checker(selectors = selectors,
                                                                     var = unique(parsed_values),
                                                                     return_indices = FALSE)
                # Take chunk if needed
                dat_selectors[[u_file_dim]][[j]] <- dat_selectors[[u_file_dim]][[j]][chunk_indices(length(dat_selectors[[u_file_dim]][[j]]),
        } else {
          dat[[i]][['path']] <- .ReplaceGlobExpressions(dat[[i]][['path']], first_file, replace_values, 
                                                        defined_file_dims, dat[[i]][['name']], path_glob_permissive)
    # Now fetch for the first available file
    if (dataset_has_files[i]) {
      known_dims <- file_dims
    } else {
      known_dims <- defined_file_dims
    replace_values <- vector('list', length = length(known_dims))
    names(replace_values) <- known_dims
    files_to_load <- sapply(dat_selectors[known_dims], function(x) length(x[[1]]))
    files_to_load[found_pattern_dim] <- 1
    sub_array_of_files_to_load <- array(1:prod(files_to_load), 
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                                        dim = files_to_load)
    names(dim(sub_array_of_files_to_load)) <- known_dims
    sub_array_of_not_found_files <- array(!dataset_has_files[i], 
Nicolau Manubens's avatar
Nicolau Manubens committed
                                          dim = files_to_load)
    names(dim(sub_array_of_not_found_files)) <- known_dims
    selector_indices_save <- vector('list', prod(files_to_load))
    while (j <= prod(files_to_load)) {
      selector_indices <- which(sub_array_of_files_to_load == j, arr.ind = TRUE)[1, ]
      names(selector_indices) <- known_dims
      selector_indices_save[[j]] <- selector_indices
      selectors <- sapply(1:length(known_dims), 
        function (x) {
          vector_to_pick <- 1
          if (known_dims[x] %in% names(depending_file_dims)) {
            vector_to_pick <- selector_indices[which(known_dims == depending_file_dims[[known_dims[x]]])]
      names(selectors) <- known_dims
      replace_values[known_dims] <- selectors
      if (!dataset_has_files[i]) {
        if (any( {
          replace_values <- replace_values[-which(names(replace_values) %in% names(selectors[which(]))]
        file_path <- .ReplaceVariablesInString(dat[[i]][['path']], replace_values, TRUE)
        sub_array_of_files_to_load[j] <- file_path
        #sub_array_of_not_found_files[j] <- TRUE???
      } else {
        if (any( {
          replace_values <- replace_values[-which(names(replace_values) %in% names(selectors[which(]))]
          file_path <- .ReplaceVariablesInString(dat[[i]][['path']], replace_values, TRUE)
          sub_array_of_files_to_load[j] <- file_path
          sub_array_of_not_found_files[j] <- TRUE
        } else {
          file_path <- .ReplaceVariablesInString(dat[[i]][['path']], replace_values)
          if (!(length(grep("^http", file_path)) > 0)) {
            if (grepl(file_path, '*', fixed = TRUE)) {
              file_path_full <- Sys.glob(file_path)[1]
              if (nchar(file_path_full) > 0) {
                file_path <- file_path_full
          sub_array_of_files_to_load[j] <- file_path
          if (is.null(indices_of_first_files_with_data[[i]])) {
            if (!(length(grep("^http", file_path)) > 0)) {
              if (!file.exists(file_path)) {
                file_path <- NULL
            if (!is.null(file_path)) {
              test_file <- NULL
              ## TODO: suppress error messages
              test_file <- file_opener(file_path)
              if (!is.null(test_file)) {
                selector_indices[which(known_dims == found_pattern_dim)] <- i
                indices_of_first_files_with_data[[i]] <- selector_indices
                selectors_of_first_files_with_data[[i]] <- selectors
      j <- j + 1
    # Extend array as needed progressively
    if (is.null(array_of_files_to_load)) {
        array_of_files_to_load <- sub_array_of_files_to_load
        array_of_not_found_files <- sub_array_of_not_found_files
    } else {
      array_of_files_to_load <- .MergeArrays(array_of_files_to_load, sub_array_of_files_to_load,
                                             along = found_pattern_dim)
      ## TODO: file_dims, and variables like that.. are still ok now? I don't think so
      array_of_not_found_files <- .MergeArrays(array_of_not_found_files, sub_array_of_not_found_files,
                                               along = found_pattern_dim)
    dat[[i]][['selectors']] <- dat_selectors
  if (all(sapply(indices_of_first_files_with_data, is.null))) {
    stop("No data files found for any of the specified datasets.")

  ########################### READING INNER DIMS. #############################
  ## TODO: To be run in parallel (local multi-core)
  # Now time to work out the inner file dimensions.
  # First pick the requested variables.
  dims_to_iterate <- NULL
  for (return_var in names(return_vars)) {
    dims_to_iterate <- unique(c(dims_to_iterate, return_vars[[return_var]]))
  if (found_pattern_dim %in% dims_to_iterate) {
    dims_to_iterate <- dims_to_iterate[-which(dims_to_iterate == found_pattern_dim)]
  common_return_vars <- NULL
  common_first_found_file <- NULL
  common_return_vars_pos <- NULL
  if (length(return_vars) > 0) {
    common_return_vars_pos <- which(sapply(return_vars, function(x) !(found_pattern_dim %in% x)))
  if (length(common_return_vars_pos) > 0) {
    common_return_vars <- return_vars[common_return_vars_pos]
    return_vars <- return_vars[-common_return_vars_pos]
    common_first_found_file <- rep(FALSE, length(which(sapply(common_return_vars, length) == 0)))
    names(common_first_found_file) <- names(common_return_vars[which(sapply(common_return_vars, length) == 0)])
  return_vars <- lapply(return_vars, 
    function(x) {
      if (found_pattern_dim %in% x) {
        x[-which(x == found_pattern_dim)]
      } else {
  if (length(common_return_vars) > 0) {
    picked_common_vars <- vector('list', length = length(common_return_vars))
    names(picked_common_vars) <- names(common_return_vars)
  } else {
    picked_common_vars <- NULL
  picked_common_vars_ordered <- picked_common_vars
  picked_common_vars_unorder_indices <- picked_common_vars
  picked_vars <- vector('list', length = length(dat))
  names(picked_vars) <- dat_names
  picked_vars_ordered <- picked_vars
  picked_vars_unorder_indices <- picked_vars
  for (i in 1:length(dat)) {
    if (dataset_has_files[i]) {
      # Put all selectors in a list of a single list/vector of selectors. 
      # The dimensions that go across files will later be extended to have 
      # lists of lists/vectors of selectors.
      for (inner_dim in expected_inner_dims[[i]]) {
        if (!is.list(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]]) || 
            (is.list(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]]) && 
             length(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]]) == 2 &&
             is.null(names(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]])))) {
          dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]] <- list(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]])
      if (length(return_vars) > 0) {
        picked_vars[[i]] <- vector('list', length = length(return_vars))
        names(picked_vars[[i]]) <- names(return_vars)
        picked_vars_ordered[[i]] <- picked_vars[[i]]
        picked_vars_unorder_indices[[i]] <- picked_vars[[i]]
      indices_of_first_file <- as.list(indices_of_first_files_with_data[[i]])
      array_file_dims <- sapply(dat[[i]][['selectors']][found_file_dims[[i]]], function(x) length(x[[1]]))
      names(array_file_dims) <- found_file_dims[[i]]
      if (length(dims_to_iterate) > 0) {
        indices_of_first_file[dims_to_iterate] <- lapply(array_file_dims[dims_to_iterate], function(x) 1:x)
      array_of_var_files <-'[', c(list(x = array_of_files_to_load), indices_of_first_file, list(drop = FALSE)))
      array_of_var_indices <- array(1:length(array_of_var_files), dim = dim(array_of_var_files))
      array_of_not_found_var_files <-'[', c(list(x = array_of_not_found_files), indices_of_first_file, list(drop = FALSE)))
      previous_indices <- rep(-1, length(indices_of_first_file))
      names(previous_indices) <- names(indices_of_first_file)
      first_found_file <- NULL
      if (length(return_vars) > 0) {
        first_found_file <- rep(FALSE, length(which(sapply(return_vars, length) == 0)))
        names(first_found_file) <- names(return_vars[which(sapply(return_vars, length) == 0)])
      for (j in 1:length(array_of_var_files)) {
        current_indices <- which(array_of_var_indices == j, arr.ind = TRUE)[1, ]
        names(current_indices) <- names(indices_of_first_file)
        if (![j]) && !array_of_not_found_var_files[j]) {
          changed_dims <- which(current_indices != previous_indices)
          vars_to_read <- NULL
          if (length(return_vars) > 0) {
            vars_to_read <- names(return_vars)[sapply(return_vars, function(x) any(names(changed_dims) %in% x))]
          if (!is.null(first_found_file)) {
            if (any(!first_found_file)) {
              vars_to_read <- c(vars_to_read, names(first_found_file[which(!first_found_file)]))
          if ((i == 1) && (length(common_return_vars) > 0)) {
            vars_to_read <- c(vars_to_read, names(common_return_vars)[sapply(common_return_vars, function(x) any(names(changed_dims) %in% x))])
          if (!is.null(common_first_found_file)) {
            if (any(!common_first_found_file)) {
              vars_to_read <- c(vars_to_read, names(common_first_found_file[which(!common_first_found_file)]))
          file_object <- file_opener(array_of_var_files[j])
          if (!is.null(file_object)) {
            for (var_to_read in vars_to_read) {
              if (var_to_read %in% unlist(var_params)) {
                associated_dim_name <- names(var_params)[which(unlist(var_params) == var_to_read)]
              var_name_to_reader <- var_to_read
              names(var_name_to_reader) <- 'var'
              var_dims <- file_dim_reader(NULL, file_object, var_name_to_reader, NULL,
              # file_dim_reader returns dimension names as found in the file.
              # Need to translate accoridng to synonims:
              names(var_dims) <- sapply(names(var_dims), 
                function(x) {
                  which_entry <- which(sapply(synonims, function(y) x %in% y))
                  if (length(which_entry) > 0) {
                  } else {
              if (!is.null(var_dims)) {
                var_file_dims <- NULL
                if (var_to_read %in% names(common_return_vars)) {
                  var_to_check <- common_return_vars[[var_to_read]]
                  var_to_check <- return_vars[[var_to_read]]
                if (any(names(dim(array_of_files_to_load)) %in% var_to_check)) {
                  var_file_dims <- dim(array_of_files_to_load)[which(names(dim(array_of_files_to_load)) %in% 
                if (((var_to_read %in% names(common_return_vars)) && 
                     is.null(picked_common_vars[[var_to_read]])) ||
                    ((var_to_read %in% names(return_vars)) && 
                     is.null(picked_vars[[i]][[var_to_read]]))) {
                  if (any(names(var_file_dims) %in% names(var_dims))) {
                    stop("Found a requested var in 'return_var' requested for a ",
                         "file dimension which also appears in the dimensions of ",
                         "the variable inside the file.\n", array_of_var_files[j])
                  special_types <- list('POSIXct' = as.POSIXct, 'POSIXlt' = as.POSIXlt, 
                                        'Date' = as.Date)
                  first_sample <- file_var_reader(NULL, file_object, NULL, 
                                                  var_to_read, synonims)
                  if (any(class(first_sample) %in% names(special_types))) {
                    array_size <- prod(c(var_file_dims, var_dims))
                    new_array <- rep(special_types[[class(first_sample)[1]]](NA), array_size)
                    dim(new_array) <- c(var_file_dims, var_dims)
                  } else {
                    new_array <- array(dim = c(var_file_dims, var_dims))
                  attr(new_array, 'variables') <- attr(first_sample, 'variables')
                  if (var_to_read %in% names(common_return_vars)) {
                    picked_common_vars[[var_to_read]] <- new_array
                    pick_ordered <- FALSE 
                    if (var_to_read %in% unlist(var_params)) {
                      if (associated_dim_name %in% names(dim_reorder_param) && !aiat) {
                        picked_common_vars_ordered[[var_to_read]] <- new_array
                        pick_ordered <- TRUE
                    if (!pick_ordered) {
                      picked_common_vars_ordered[[var_to_read]] <- NULL
                  } else {
                    picked_vars[[i]][[var_to_read]] <- new_array
                    pick_ordered <- FALSE
                    if (var_to_read %in% unlist(var_params)) {
                      if (associated_dim_name %in% names(dim_reorder_params) && !aiat) {
                        picked_vars_ordered[[i]][[var_to_read]] <- new_array
                        pick_ordered <- TRUE
                    if (!pick_ordered) {
                      picked_vars_ordered[[i]][[var_to_read]] <- NULL
                } else {
                  if (var_to_read %in% names(common_return_vars)) {
                    array_var_dims <- dim(picked_common_vars[[var_to_read]])
                  } else {
                    array_var_dims <- dim(picked_vars[[i]][[var_to_read]])
                  full_array_var_dims <- array_var_dims
                  if (any(names(array_var_dims) %in% names(var_file_dims))) {
                    array_var_dims <- array_var_dims[-which(names(array_var_dims) %in% names(var_file_dims))]
                  if (names(array_var_dims) != names(var_dims)) {
                    stop("Error while reading the variable '", var_to_read, "' from ",
                         "the file. Dimensions do not match.\nExpected ", 
                         paste(paste0("'", names(array_var_dims), "'"), 
                               collapse = ', '), " but found ",
                         paste(paste0("'", names(var_dims), "'"), 
                               collapse = ', '), ".\n", array_of_var_files[j])
                  if (any(var_dims > array_var_dims)) {
                    longer_dims <- which(var_dims > array_var_dims)
                    if (length(longer_dims) == 1) {
                      longer_dims_in_full_array <- longer_dims
                      if (any(names(full_array_var_dims) %in% names(var_file_dims))) {
                        candidates <- (1:length(full_array_var_dims))[-which(names(full_array_var_dims) %in% names(var_file_dims))]
                        longer_dims_in_full_array <- candidates[longer_dims]
                      padding_dims <- full_array_var_dims
                      padding_dims[longer_dims_in_full_array] <- var_dims[longer_dims] - 
                      special_types <- list('POSIXct' = as.POSIXct, 'POSIXlt' = as.POSIXlt,
                                        'Date' = as.Date)
                      if (var_to_read %in% names(common_return_vars)) {
                        var_class <- class(picked_common_vars[[var_to_read]])
                      } else {
                        var_class <- class(picked_vars[[i]][[var_to_read]])
                      if (any(var_class %in% names(special_types))) {
                        padding_size <- prod(padding_dims)
                        padding <- rep(special_types[[var_class[1]]](NA), padding_size)
                        dim(padding) <- padding_dims
                      } else {
                        padding <- array(dim = padding_dims)
                      if (var_to_read %in% names(common_return_vars)) {
                        picked_common_vars[[var_to_read]] <- .abind2(
                      } else {
                        picked_vars[[i]][[var_to_read]] <- .abind2(
                    } else {
                      stop("Error while reading the variable '", var_to_read, "' from ",
                           "the file. Found size (", paste(var_dims, collapse = ' x '), 
                           ") is greater than expected maximum size (", 
                           array_var_dims, ").")
                var_store_indices <- c(as.list(current_indices[names(var_file_dims)]), lapply(var_dims, function(x) 1:x))
                var_values <- file_var_reader(NULL, file_object, NULL, var_to_read, synonims)
                if (var_to_read %in% unlist(var_params)) {
                  if ((associated_dim_name %in% names(dim_reorder_params)) && !aiat) {
                    ## Is this check really needed?
                    if (length(dim(var_values)) > 1) {
                      stop("Requested a '", associated_dim_name, "_reorder' for a dimension ",
                           "whose coordinate variable that has more than 1 dimension. This is ",
                           "not supported.")
                    ordered_var_values <- dim_reorder_params[[associated_dim_name]](var_values)
                    attr(ordered_var_values$x, 'variables') <- attr(var_values, 'variables')
                    if (!all(c('x', 'ix') %in% names(ordered_var_values))) {
                      stop("All the dimension reorder functions must return a list with the components 'x' and 'ix'.")
                    # Save the indices to reorder back the ordered variable values.
                    # This will be used to define the first round indices.
                    unorder <- sort(ordered_var_values$ix, index.return = TRUE)$ix
                    if (var_to_read %in% names(common_return_vars)) {
                       picked_common_vars_ordered[[var_to_read]] <-'[<-', 
                         c(list(x = picked_common_vars_ordered[[var_to_read]]), 
                           list(value = ordered_var_values$x)))
                       picked_common_vars_unorder_indices[[var_to_read]] <-'[<-', 
                         c(list(x = picked_common_vars_unorder_indices[[var_to_read]]), 
                           list(value = unorder)))
                    } else {
                       picked_vars_ordered[[i]][[var_to_read]] <-'[<-', 
                         c(list(x = picked_vars_ordered[[i]][[var_to_read]]), 
                           list(value = ordered_var_values$x)))
                       picked_vars_unorder_indices[[i]][[var_to_read]] <-'[<-', 
                         c(list(x = picked_vars_unorder_indices[[i]][[var_to_read]]), 
                           list(value = unorder)))
                if (var_to_read %in% names(common_return_vars)) {
                   picked_common_vars[[var_to_read]] <-'[<-', 
                     c(list(x = picked_common_vars[[var_to_read]]), 
                       list(value = var_values)))
                   picked_vars[[i]][[var_to_read]] <-'[<-', 
                     c(list(x = picked_vars[[i]][[var_to_read]]), 
                       list(value = var_values)))
                if (var_to_read %in% names(first_found_file)) {
                  first_found_file[var_to_read] <- TRUE
                if (var_to_read %in% names(common_first_found_file)) {
                  common_first_found_file[var_to_read] <- TRUE
                stop("Could not find variable '", var_to_read, 
                     "' in the file ", array_of_var_files[j])
        previous_indices <- current_indices
  # Once we have the variable values, we can work out the indices
  # for the implicitly defined selectors.
  # Trnasforms a vector of indices v expressed in a world of 
  # length N from 1 to N, into a world of length M, from
  # 1 to M. Repeated adjacent indices are collapsed.
  transform_indices <- function(v, n, m) { 
    #unique2 turns e.g. 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 into 1 2 3 1
    unique2 <- function(v) {
      if (length(v) < 2) {
      } else {
        v[c(1, v[2:length(v)] - v[1:(length(v) - 1)]) != 0]
    unique2(round(((v - 1) / (n - 1)) * (m - 1))) + 1 # this rounding may generate 0s. what then?
  beta <- transform_extra_cells
  dims_to_crop <- vector('list')
  transformed_vars <- vector('list', length = length(dat))
  names(transformed_vars) <- dat_names
  transformed_vars_ordered <- transformed_vars
  transformed_vars_unorder_indices <- transformed_vars
  transformed_common_vars <- NULL
  transformed_common_vars_ordered <- NULL
  transformed_common_vars_unorder_indices <- NULL
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  for (i in 1:length(dat)) {
    if (dataset_has_files[i]) {
      indices <- indices_of_first_files_with_data[[i]]
      if (!is.null(indices)) {
        file_path <-"[", c(list(array_of_files_to_load), as.list(indices_of_first_files_with_data[[i]])))
        # The following 5 lines should go several lines below, but were moved
        # here for better performance.
        # If any of the dimensions comes without defining variable, then we read
        # the data dimensions.
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Nicolau Manubens Gil committed
        data_dims <- NULL
        if (length(unlist(var_params[expected_inner_dims[[i]]])) < length(expected_inner_dims[[i]])) {
          file_to_open <- file_path
          data_dims <- file_dim_reader(file_to_open, NULL, selectors_of_first_files_with_data[[i]],
                                       lapply(dat[[i]][['selectors']][expected_inner_dims[[i]]], '[[', 1),
          # file_dim_reader returns dimension names as found in the file.
          # Need to translate accoridng to synonims:
          names(data_dims) <- sapply(names(data_dims),
            function(x) {
              which_entry <- which(sapply(synonims, function(y) x %in% y))
              if (length(which_entry) > 0) {
              } else {
        # Transform the variables if needed and keep them apart.
        if (!is.null(transform) && (length(transform_vars) > 0)) {
          if (!all(transform_vars %in% c(names(picked_vars[[i]]), names(picked_common_vars)))) {
            stop("Could not find all the required variables in 'transform_vars' ",
                 "for the dataset '", dat[[i]][['name']], "'.")
          vars_to_transform <- NULL
          picked_vars_to_transform <- which(names(picked_vars[[i]]) %in% transform_vars)
          if (length(picked_vars_to_transform) > 0) {
            picked_vars_to_transform <- names(picked_vars[[i]])[picked_vars_to_transform]
            new_vars_to_transform <- picked_vars[[i]][picked_vars_to_transform]
            which_are_ordered <- which(!sapply(picked_vars_ordered[[i]][picked_vars_to_transform], is.null))

##NOTE: The following 'if' replaces the original with reordering vector
            if (length(which_are_ordered) > 0) {
                      tmp <- which(![[i]]), names(which_are_ordered))))
                      new_vars_to_transform[which_are_ordered] <- picked_vars_ordered[[i]][tmp]

            vars_to_transform <- c(vars_to_transform, new_vars_to_transform)

##NOTE: Above is non-common vars, here is common vars (ie, return_vars = NULL).
          picked_common_vars_to_transform <- which(names(picked_common_vars) %in% transform_vars)
          if (length(picked_common_vars_to_transform) > 0) {
            picked_common_vars_to_transform <- names(picked_common_vars)[picked_common_vars_to_transform]

            new_vars_to_transform <- picked_common_vars[picked_common_vars_to_transform]
            which_are_ordered <- which(!sapply(picked_common_vars_ordered[picked_common_vars_to_transform], is.null))

            if (length(which_are_ordered) > 0) {

              tmp <- which(!, names(which_are_ordered))))
              new_vars_to_transform[which_are_ordered] <- picked_common_vars_ordered[tmp]
            vars_to_transform <- c(vars_to_transform, new_vars_to_transform)
          # Transform the variables
          transformed_data <-, c(list(data_array = NULL,
                                                        variables = vars_to_transform,
                                                        file_selectors = selectors_of_first_files_with_data[[i]]),
          # Discard the common transformed variables if already transformed before
          if (!is.null(transformed_common_vars)) {
            common_ones <- which(names(picked_common_vars) %in% names(transformed_data$variables))
            if (length(common_ones) > 0) {
              transformed_data$variables <- transformed_data$variables[-common_ones]
          transformed_vars[[i]] <- list()
          transformed_vars_ordered[[i]] <- list()
          transformed_vars_unorder_indices[[i]] <- list()
          # Order the transformed variables if needed
          # 'var_to_read' should be 'transformed_var', but is kept to reuse the same code as above.
          for (var_to_read in names(transformed_data$variables)) {
            if (var_to_read %in% unlist(var_params)) {
              associated_dim_name <- names(var_params)[which(unlist(var_params) == var_to_read)]
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Nicolau Manubens committed
              if ((associated_dim_name %in% names(dim_reorder_params)) && aiat) {
                ## Is this check really needed?
                if (length(dim(transformed_data$variables[[associated_dim_name]])) > 1) {
                  stop("Requested a '", associated_dim_name, "_reorder' for a dimension ",
                       "whose coordinate variable that has more than 1 dimension (after ",
                       "transform). This is not supported.")
                ordered_var_values <- dim_reorder_params[[associated_dim_name]](transformed_data$variables[[associated_dim_name]])
                attr(ordered_var_values, 'variables') <- attr(transformed_data$variables[[associated_dim_name]], 'variables')
                if (!all(c('x', 'ix') %in% names(ordered_var_values))) {
                  stop("All the dimension reorder functions must return a list with the components 'x' and 'ix'.")
                # Save the indices to reorder back the ordered variable values.
                # This will be used to define the first round indices.
                unorder <- sort(ordered_var_values$ix, index.return = TRUE)$ix
                if (var_to_read %in% names(picked_common_vars)) {
                  transformed_common_vars_ordered[[var_to_read]] <- ordered_var_values$x
                  transformed_common_vars_unorder_indices[[var_to_read]] <- unorder
                } else {
                  transformed_vars_ordered[[i]][[var_to_read]] <- ordered_var_values$x
                  transformed_vars_unorder_indices[[i]][[var_to_read]] <- unorder
          transformed_picked_vars <- which(names(picked_vars[[i]]) %in% names(transformed_data$variables))
          if (length(transformed_picked_vars) > 0) {
            transformed_picked_vars <- names(picked_vars[[i]])[transformed_picked_vars]
            transformed_vars[[i]][transformed_picked_vars] <- transformed_data$variables[transformed_picked_vars]
          if (is.null(transformed_common_vars)) {
            transformed_picked_common_vars <- which(names(picked_common_vars) %in% names(transformed_data$variables))
            if (length(transformed_picked_common_vars) > 0) {
              transformed_picked_common_vars <- names(picked_common_vars)[transformed_picked_common_vars]
              transformed_common_vars <- transformed_data$variables[transformed_picked_common_vars]
        # Once the variables are transformed, we compute the indices to be 
        # taken for each inner dimension.
        # In all cases, indices will have to be computed to know which data
        # values to take from the original data for each dimension (if a 
        # variable is specified for that dimension, it will be used to 
        # convert the provided selectors into indices). These indices are
        # referred to as 'first round of indices'.
        # The taken data will then be transformed if needed, together with
        # the dimension variable if specified, and, in that case, indices 
        # will have to be computed again to know which values to take from the 
        # transformed data. These are the 'second round of indices'. In the 
        # case there is no transformation, the second round of indices will
        # be all the available indices, i.e. from 1 to the number of taken
        # values with the first round of indices.
        for (inner_dim in expected_inner_dims[[i]]) {
if (debug) {
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Nicolau Manubens committed
          file_dim <- NULL
          if (inner_dim %in% unlist(inner_dims_across_files)) {
            file_dim <- names(inner_dims_across_files)[which(sapply(inner_dims_across_files, function(x) inner_dim %in% x))[1]]
            chunk_amount <- length(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[file_dim]][[1]])
            names(chunk_amount) <- file_dim
          } else {
            chunk_amount <- 1
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Nicolau Manubens committed
          # In the special case that the selectors for a dimension are 'all', 'first', ...
          # and chunking (dividing in more than 1 chunk) is requested, the selectors are
          # replaced for equivalent indices.
          if ((dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]][[1]] %in% c('all', 'first', 'last')) && 
              (chunks[[inner_dim]]['n_chunks'] != 1)) {
            selectors <- dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]][[1]]
            if (selectors == 'all') {
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Nicolau Manubens committed
              selectors <- indices(1:(data_dims[[inner_dim]] * chunk_amount))
Nicolau Manubens's avatar
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            } else if (selectors == 'first') {
              selectors <- indices(1)
            } else {
Nicolau Manubens's avatar
Nicolau Manubens committed
              selectors <- indices(data_dims[[inner_dim]] * chunk_amount)
Nicolau Manubens's avatar
Nicolau Manubens committed
            dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]][[1]] <- selectors
          # The selectors for the inner dimension are taken.
          selector_array <- dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]][[1]]
if (debug) {
if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
print(paste0("-> DEBUG MESSAGES FOR THE DATASET", i, " AND INNER DIMENSION '", inner_dim, "':"))
print("-> PICKED VARS:")
          if (is.null(dim(selector_array))) {
            dim(selector_array) <- length(selector_array)
          if (is.null(names(dim(selector_array)))) {
            if (length(dim(selector_array)) == 1) {
              names(dim(selector_array)) <- inner_dim
            } else {
              stop("Provided selector arrays must be provided with dimension ",
                   "names. Found an array of selectors without dimension names ",
                   "for the dimension '", inner_dim, "'.")
Nicolau Manubens's avatar
Nicolau Manubens committed
          selectors_are_indices <- FALSE
          if (!is.null(attr(selector_array, 'indices'))) {
            if (!is.logical(attr(selector_array, 'indices'))) {
              stop("The atribute 'indices' for the selectors for the dimension '", 
                   inner_dim, "' must be TRUE or FALSE.")
            selectors_are_indices <- attr(selector_array, 'indices')
          taken_chunks <- rep(FALSE, chunk_amount)
          selector_file_dims <- 1
          if (any(found_file_dims[[i]] %in% names(dim(selector_array)))) {
            selector_file_dims <- dim(selector_array)[which(names(dim(selector_array)) %in% found_file_dims[[i]])]
          selector_inner_dims <- dim(selector_array)[which(!(names(dim(selector_array)) %in% found_file_dims[[i]]))]
          var_with_selectors <- NULL
          var_with_selectors_name <- var_params[[inner_dim]]
          var_ordered <- NULL
          var_unorder_indices <- NULL
          with_transform <- FALSE
          # If the selectors come with an associated variable
          if (!is.null(var_with_selectors_name)) {
            if ((var_with_selectors_name %in% transform_vars) && (!is.null(transform))) {
              with_transform <- TRUE
              if (!is.null(file_dim)) {
                stop("Requested a transformation over the dimension '", 
                     inner_dim, "', wich goes across files. This feature ", 
                     "is not supported. Either do the request without the ",
                     "transformation or request it over dimensions that do ",
                     "not go across files.")
if (debug) {
if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
            if (var_with_selectors_name %in% names(picked_vars[[i]])) {
              var_with_selectors <- picked_vars[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]]
              var_ordered <- picked_vars_ordered[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]]
              var_unorder_indices <- picked_vars_unorder_indices[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]]
            } else if (var_with_selectors_name %in% names(picked_common_vars)) {
              var_with_selectors <- picked_common_vars[[var_with_selectors_name]]
              var_ordered <- picked_common_vars_ordered[[var_with_selectors_name]]
              var_unorder_indices <- picked_common_vars_unorder_indices[[var_with_selectors_name]]
            n <- prod(dim(var_with_selectors))
            if (is.null(var_unorder_indices)) {
              var_unorder_indices <- 1:n
            if (with_transform) {
              if (var_with_selectors_name %in% names(transformed_vars[[i]])) {
                m <- prod(dim(transformed_vars[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]]))
Nicolau Manubens's avatar
Nicolau Manubens committed
                if (aiat) {
                  var_with_selectors <- transformed_vars[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]]
                  var_ordered <- transformed_vars_ordered[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]]
                  var_unorder_indices <- transformed_vars_unorder_indices[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]]
              } else if (var_with_selectors_name %in% names(transformed_common_vars)) {
                m <- prod(dim(transformed_common_vars[[var_with_selectors_name]]))
Nicolau Manubens's avatar
Nicolau Manubens committed
                if (aiat) {
                  var_with_selectors <- transformed_common_vars[[var_with_selectors_name]]
                  var_ordered <- transformed_common_vars_ordered[[var_with_selectors_name]]
                  var_unorder_indices <- transformed_common_vars_unorder_indices[[var_with_selectors_name]]
              if (is.null(var_unorder_indices)) {
                var_unorder_indices <- 1:m
if (debug) {
if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
if (with_transform) print(m)
print("-> UNORDER INDICES:")
            var_dims <- dim(var_with_selectors)
            var_file_dims <- 1
            if (any(names(var_dims) %in% found_file_dims[[i]])) {
              if (with_transform) {
                stop("Requested transformation for inner dimension '", 
                     inner_dim, "' but provided selectors for such dimension ",
                     "over one or more file dimensions. This is not ",
                     "supported. Either request no transformation for the ",
                     "dimension '", inner_dim, "' or specify the ",
                     "selectors for this dimension without the file dimensions.")
              var_file_dims <- var_dims[which(names(var_dims) %in% found_file_dims[[i]])]
              var_dims <- var_dims[-which(names(var_dims) %in% found_file_dims[[i]])]
##            # Keep the selectors if they correspond to a variable that will be transformed.
##            if (with_transform) {
##              if (var_with_selectors_name %in% names(picked_vars[[i]])) {
##                transformed_var_with_selectors <- transformed_vars[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]]
##              } else if (var_with_selectors_name %in% names(picked_common_vars)) {
##                transformed_var_with_selectors <- transformed_common_vars[[var_with_selectors_name]]
##              }
##              transformed_var_dims <- dim(transformed_var_with_selectors)
##              transformed_var_file_dims <- 1
##              if (any(names(transformed_var_dims) %in% found_file_dims[[i]])) {
##                transformed_var_file_dims <- transformed_var_dims[which(names(transformed_var_dims) %in% found_file_dims[[i]])]
##                transformed_var_dims <- tranasformed_var_dims[-which(names(transformed_var_dims) %in% found_file_dims[[i]])]
##              }
##if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
##              m <- prod(transformed_var_dims)
##            }
            # Work out var file dims and inner dims.
            if (inner_dim %in% unlist(inner_dims_across_files)) {
              #TODO: if (chunk_amount != number of chunks in selector_file_dims), crash
              if (length(var_dims) > 1) {
                stop("Specified a '", inner_dim, "_var' for the dimension '", 
                     inner_dim, "', which goes across files (across '", file_dim, 
                     "'). The specified variable, '", var_with_selectors_name, "', has more ",
                     "than one dimension and can not be used as selector variable. ",
                     "Select another variable or fix it in the files.")
            ## TODO HERE::
            #- indices_of_first_files_with_data may change, because array is now extended
            var_full_dims <- dim(var_with_selectors)
            if (!(inner_dim %in% names(var_full_dims))) {
              stop("Could not find the dimension '", inner_dim, "' in ",
                   "the file. Either change the dimension name in ",
                   "your request, adjust the parameter ",
                   "'dim_names_in_files' or fix the dimension name in ",
                   "the file.\n", file_path)
          } else if (((is.numeric(selector_array) || is.list(selector_array)) && selectors_are_indices) ||
Nicolau Manubens's avatar
Nicolau Manubens committed
                     (is.character(selector_array) && (length(selector_array) == 1) &&
                      (selector_array %in% c('all', 'first', 'last')) &&
                       !is.null(file_dim_reader))) {
Nicolau Manubens's avatar
Nicolau Manubens committed
            #### TODO HERE::
            ###- indices_of_first_files_with_data may change, because array is now extended
            # Lines moved above for better performance.
            ##data_dims <- file_dim_reader(file_path, NULL, selectors_of_first_files_with_data[[i]],
            ##                             lapply(dat[[i]][['selectors']][expected_inner_dims[[i]]], '[[', 1))
            if (!(inner_dim %in% names(data_dims))) {
              stop("Could not find the dimension '", inner_dim, "' in ",
                   "the file. Either change the dimension name in ",
                   "your request, adjust the parameter ",
                   "'dim_names_in_files' or fix the dimension name in ",
                   "the file.\n", file_path)
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          } else {
Nicolau Manubens's avatar
Nicolau Manubens committed
            stop(paste0("Can not translate the provided selectors for '", inner_dim, 
                        "' to numeric indices. Provide numeric indices and a ",
                        "'file_dim_reader' function, or a '", inner_dim, 
                        "_var' in order to calculate the indices."))
          # At this point, if no selector variable was provided, the variable 
          # data_dims has been populated. If a selector variable was provided,
          # the variables var_dims, var_file_dims and var_full_dims have been 
          # populated instead.
          fri <- first_round_indices <- NULL
          sri <- second_round_indices <- NULL
          # This variable will keep the indices needed to crop the transformed 
          # variable (the one that has been transformed without being subset 
          # with the first round indices).
          tvi <- tranaformed_variable_indices <- NULL
          ordered_fri <- NULL
          ordered_sri <- NULL
          if ((length(selector_array) == 1) && is.character(selector_array) &&
              (selector_array %in% c('all', 'first', 'last')) &&
              (chunks[[inner_dim]]['n_chunks'] == 1)) {
            if (is.null(var_with_selectors_name)) {
              fri <- vector('list', length = chunk_amount)
              dim(fri) <- c(chunk_amount)
              sri <- vector('list', length = chunk_amount)
              dim(sri) <- c(chunk_amount)
              if (selector_array == 'all') {
                fri[] <- replicate(chunk_amount, list(1:(data_dims[inner_dim])))
                taken_chunks <- rep(TRUE, chunk_amount)
                #sri <- NULL
              } else if (selector_array == 'first') {
                fri[[1]] <- 1
                taken_chunks[1] <- TRUE
                #sri <- NULL
              } else if (selector_array == 'last') {
                fri[[chunk_amount]] <- data_dims[inner_dim]
                taken_chunks[length(taken_chunks)] <- TRUE
                #sri <- NULL
            } else {
              if ((!is.null(file_dim)) && !(file_dim %in% names(var_file_dims))) {
                stop("The variable '", var_with_selectors_name, "' must also be ",
                     "requested for the file dimension '", file_dim, "' in ",
                     "this configuration.")
              fri <- vector('list', length = prod(var_file_dims))
              dim(fri) <- var_file_dims
              sri <- vector('list', length = prod(var_file_dims))
              dim(sri) <- var_file_dims
              if (selector_array == 'all') {
# TODO: Populate ordered_fri
                ordered_fri[] <- replicate(prod(var_file_dims), list(1:n))
                fri[] <- replicate(prod(var_file_dims), list(var_unorder_indices[1:n]))
                taken_chunks <- rep(TRUE, chunk_amount)
                if (!with_transform) {
                  #fri[] <- replicate(prod(var_file_dims), list(1:n))
                  #taken_chunks <- rep(TRUE, chunk_amount)
                  #sri <- NULL
                } else {
                  ordered_sri[] <- replicate(prod(var_file_dims), list(1:m))
                  sri[] <- replicate(prod(var_file_dims), list(1:m))
                  ## var_file_dims instead??
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                  #if (!aiat) {
                    #fri[] <- replicate(prod(var_file_dims), list(1:n))
                    #taken_chunks <- rep(TRUE, chunk_amount)
                    #sri[] <- replicate(prod(transformed_var_file_dims), list(1:m))
                  #} else {
                    #fri[] <- replicate(prod(var_file_dims), list(1:n))
                    #taken_chunks <- rep(TRUE, chunk_amount)
                    #sri[] <- replicate(prod(transformed_var_file_dims), list(1:m))
                  tvi <- 1:m
              } else if (selector_array == 'first') {
                taken_chunks[1] <- TRUE
                if (!with_transform) {
                  ordered_fri[[1]] <- 1
                  fri[[1]] <- var_unorder_indices[1]
                  #taken_chunks[1] <- TRUE
                  #sri <- NULL
                } else {
Nicolau Manubens's avatar
Nicolau Manubens committed
                  if (!aiat) {
                    ordered_fri[[1]] <- 1
                    fri[[1]] <- var_unorder_indices[1]
                    #taken_chunks[1] <- TRUE
                    ordered_sri[[1]] <- 1:ceiling(m / n)
                    sri[[1]] <- 1:ceiling(m / n)
                    tvi <- 1:ceiling(m / n)
                  } else {
                    ordered_fri[[1]] <- 1:ceiling(m / n)
                    fri[[1]] <- var_unorder_indices[1:ceiling(m / n)]
                    #taken_chunks[1] <- TRUE
                    tvi <- 1
              } else if (selector_array == 'last') {
                taken_chunks[length(taken_chunks)] <- TRUE
                if (!with_transform) {
                  ordered_fri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- n
                  fri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- var_unorder_indices[n]
                  #taken_chunks[length(taken_chunks)] <- TRUE
                  #sri <- NULL
                } else {
Nicolau Manubens's avatar
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                  if (!aiat) {
                    ordered_fri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- prod(var_dims)
                    fri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- var_unorder_indices[prod(var_dims)]
                    #taken_chunks[length(taken_chunks)] <- TRUE
                    ordered_sri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- 1:ceiling(m / n)
                    sri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- 1:ceiling(m / n)
                    tvi <- 1:ceiling(m / n)
                  } else {
                    ordered_fri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- (n - ceiling(m / n) + 1):n
                    fri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- var_unorder_indices[(n - ceiling(m / n) + 1):n]
                    #taken_chunks[length(taken_chunks)] <- TRUE
                    ordered_sri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- 1
                    sri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- 1
          # If the selectors are not 'all', 'first', 'last', ...
          } else {
            if (!is.null(var_with_selectors_name)) {
              unmatching_file_dims <- which(!(names(var_file_dims) %in% names(selector_file_dims)))
              if ((length(unmatching_file_dims) > 0)) {
                raise_error <- FALSE
                if (is.null(file_dim)) {
                  raise_error <- TRUE
                } else {
                  if (!((length(unmatching_file_dims) == 1) && 
                        (names(var_file_dims)[unmatching_file_dims] == file_dim) &&
                        (inner_dim %in% names(selector_inner_dims)))) {
                    raise_error <- TRUE
                if (raise_error) {
                  stop("Provided selectors for the dimension '", inner_dim, "' must have as many ",
                       "file dimensions as the variable the dimension is defined along, '", 
                       var_with_selectors_name, "', with the exceptions of the file pattern dimension ('",
                       found_pattern_dim, "') and any depended file dimension (if specified as ",
                       "depended dimension in parameter 'inner_dims_across_files' and the ",
                       "depending file dimension is present in the provided selector array).")
Nicolau Manubens's avatar
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              if (any(names(selector_file_dims) %in% names(dim(var_with_selectors)))) {
                if (any(dim(var_with_selectors)[names(selector_file_dims)] != selector_file_dims)) {
                  stop("Size of selector file dimensions must mach size of requested ",
                       "variable dimensions.")
            ## TODO: If var dimensions are not in the same order as selector dimensions, reorder
            if (is.null(names(selector_file_dims))) {
              if (is.null(file_dim)) {
                fri_dims <- 1
              } else {
                fri_dims <- chunk_amount
                names(fri_dims) <- file_dim
            } else {
              fri_dim_names <- names(selector_file_dims)
              if (!is.null(file_dim)) {
                fri_dim_names <- c(fri_dim_names, file_dim)
              fri_dim_names <- found_file_dims[[i]][which(found_file_dims[[i]] %in% fri_dim_names)]
              fri_dims <- rep(NA, length(fri_dim_names))
              names(fri_dims) <- fri_dim_names
              fri_dims[names(selector_file_dims)] <- selector_file_dims
              if (!is.null(file_dim)) {
                fri_dims[file_dim] <- chunk_amount
            fri <- vector('list', length = prod(fri_dims))
            dim(fri) <- fri_dims
            sri <- vector('list', length = prod(fri_dims))
            dim(sri) <- fri_dims
            selector_file_dim_array <- array(1:prod(selector_file_dims), dim = selector_file_dims)
            selector_store_position <- fri_dims
            for (j in 1:prod(dim(selector_file_dim_array))) {
              selector_indices_to_take <- which(selector_file_dim_array == j, arr.ind = TRUE)[1, ]
              names(selector_indices_to_take) <- names(selector_file_dims)
              selector_store_position[names(selector_indices_to_take)] <- selector_indices_to_take
              sub_array_of_selectors <- Subset(selector_array, names(selector_indices_to_take),
                                               as.list(selector_indices_to_take), drop = 'selected')
if (debug) {
if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
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              if (selectors_are_indices) {
                sub_array_of_values <- NULL
              #} else if (!is.null(var_ordered)) {
              #  sub_array_of_values <- var_ordered
              } else {
                if (length(var_file_dims) > 0) {
                  var_indices_to_take <- selector_indices_to_take[which(names(selector_indices_to_take) %in% names(var_file_dims))]
                  sub_array_of_values <- Subset(var_with_selectors, names(var_indices_to_take),
                                                as.list(var_indices_to_take), drop = 'selected')
                } else {
                  sub_array_of_values <- var_with_selectors
if (debug) {
if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
              if ((!is.null(file_dim) && (file_dim %in% names(selector_file_dims))) || is.null(file_dim)) {
                if (length(sub_array_of_selectors) > 0) {
if (debug) {
if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
Nicolau Manubens's avatar
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                  if (selectors_are_indices) {
                    if (!is.null(var_with_selectors_name)) {
                      max_allowed <- ifelse(aiat, m, n)
                    } else {
                      max_allowed <- data_dims[inner_dim]
                    if (any(na.omit(unlist(sub_array_of_selectors)) > max_allowed) ||
                        any(na.omit(unlist(sub_array_of_selectors)) < 1)) {
                      stop("Provided indices out of range for dimension '", inner_dim, "' ", 
                           "for dataset '", dat[[i]][['name']], "' (accepted range: 1 to ", 
                           max_allowed, ").")
                  # The selector_checker will return either a vector of indices or a list
                  # with the first and last desired indices.
                  goes_across_prime_meridian <- FALSE
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                  if (!is.null(var_ordered) && !selectors_are_indices) {
                    if (!is.null(dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]])) {
                      if (is.list(sub_array_of_selectors)) {

## NOTE: The check of 'goes_across_prime_meridian' is moved forward to here.
                        is_circular_dim <- attr(dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]], "circular")
                          if (!is.null(is_circular_dim)) {
                            if (is_circular_dim) {

# NOTE: Use CircularSort() to put the values in the assigned range, and get the order.
# For example, [-10, 20] in CircularSort(0, 360) is [350, 20]. The $ix list is [2, 1].
# 'goes_across_prime_meridian' means the selector range across the border. For example,
# CircularSort(-180, 180) with selector [170, 190] -> goes_across_prime_meridian = TRUE.
                              tmp <- dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]](unlist(sub_array_of_selectors))$ix
                              goes_across_prime_meridian <-  tmp[1] > tmp[2]

                        # HERE change to the same code as below (under 'else'). Not sure why originally 
                        #it uses additional lines, which make reorder not work.
                        sub_array_of_selectors <- as.list(dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]](unlist(sub_array_of_selectors))$x)
                        #sub_array_reordered <- dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]](unlist(sub_array_of_selectors))
                        #sub_array_unorder <- sort(sub_array_reordered$ix, index.return = TRUE)$ix
                        #sub_array_of_selectors <- as.list(sub_array_reordered$x[sub_array_unorder])

# Add warning if the boundary is out of range
                      if (sub_array_of_selectors[1] < range(var_ordered)[1] | sub_array_of_selectors[1] > range(var_ordered)[2]) {
                        .warning(paste0("The lower boundary of selector of ",
                                       " is out of range [",
                                       min(var_ordered), ", ", max(var_ordered), "]. ",
                                       "Check if the desired range is all included."))
                      if (sub_array_of_selectors[2] < range(var_ordered)[1] | sub_array_of_selectors[2] > range(var_ordered)[2]) {
                        .warning(paste0("The upper boundary of selector of ",
                                       " is out of range [",
                                       min(var_ordered), ", ", max(var_ordered), "]. ",
                                       "Check if the desired range is all included."))

                      } else {
                        sub_array_of_selectors <- dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]](sub_array_of_selectors)$x

# NOTE: The ideal solution for selecting indices in goes_across_prime_meridian case
# is modified SelectorCheckor.R. But now SelectorCheckor doesn't know the info of
#goes_across_prime_meridian, so I do the adjustion after calling SelectorCheckor().
                    sub_array_of_indices <- selector_checker(sub_array_of_selectors, var_ordered,
                                                             tolerance = if (aiat) {
                                                                         } else {
                    if (goes_across_prime_meridian & sub_array_of_indices[[1]] < sub_array_of_indices[[2]]) {
                      if (!(sub_array_of_selectors[[1]] %in% var_ordered)){
                        sub_array_of_indices[[1]] <- sub_array_of_indices[[1]] - 1

                      if (!(sub_array_of_selectors[[2]] %in% var_ordered)){
                        sub_array_of_indices[[2]] <- sub_array_of_indices[[2]] + 1

#NOTE: the possible case?
                    if (goes_across_prime_meridian & sub_array_of_indices[[1]] > sub_array_of_indices[[2]]) {
                      .stop("The case is goes_across_prime_meridian but no adjustion for the indices!")

                   if (any( {

                      stop(paste0("The selectors of ", inner_dim,
                                  " are out of range [", min(var_ordered),
                                  ", ", max(var_ordered), "]."))

# Add warning if the boundary is out of range
                            if (is.list(sub_array_of_selectors)) {
                              if (sub_array_of_selectors[1] <
                                min(sub_array_of_values) | sub_array_of_selectors[1] >
                                max(sub_array_of_values)) {
                                .warning(paste0("The lower boundary of selector of ",
                                  inner_dim, " is out of range [",
                                  min(sub_array_of_values), ", ",
                                  max(sub_array_of_values), "]. ",
                                  "Check if the desired range is all included."))
                              if (sub_array_of_selectors[2] <
                                min(sub_array_of_values) | sub_array_of_selectors[2] >
                                max(sub_array_of_values)) {
                                .warning(paste0("The upper boundary of selector of ",
                                  inner_dim, " is out of range [",
                                  min(sub_array_of_values), ", ",
                                  max(sub_array_of_values), "]. ",
                                  "Check if the desired range is all included."))

                    sub_array_of_indices <- selector_checker(sub_array_of_selectors, sub_array_of_values,
                                                             tolerance = if (aiat) {
                                                                         } else {

                          if (any( {

                                stop(paste0("The selectors of ", inner_dim,
                                      " are out of range [", min(sub_array_of_values),
                                     ", ", max(sub_array_of_values), "]."))

                  ## This 'if' runs in both Start() and Compute(). In Start(), it doesn't have any effect (no chunk).
                  ## In Compute(), it creates the indices for each chunk. For example, if 'sub_array_of_indices'
                  ## is c(5:10) and chunked into 2, 'sub_array_of_indices' becomes c(5:7) for chunk = 1, c(8:10)
                  ## for chunk = 2. If 'sub_array_of_indices' is list(55, 62) and chunked into 2, it becomes
                  ## list(55, 58) for chunk = 1 and list(59, 62) for chunk = 2. 
                  ## TODO: The list can be turned into vector here? So afterward no need to judge if it is list 
                  ## or vector.
                  if (!is.list(sub_array_of_indices)) {
                    sub_array_of_indices <- sub_array_of_indices[chunk_indices(length(sub_array_of_indices), 
                  } else {
                    tmp <- chunk_indices(length(sub_array_of_indices[[1]]:sub_array_of_indices[[2]]),
                                                chunks[[inner_dim]]["chunk"], chunks[[inner_dim]]["n_chunks"],
                    vect <- sub_array_of_indices[[1]]:sub_array_of_indices[[2]]
                    sub_array_of_indices[[1]] <- vect[tmp[1]]
                    sub_array_of_indices[[2]] <- vect[tmp[length(tmp)]]
                  # The sub_array_of_indices now contains numeric indices of the values to be taken by each chunk.
# Check if all the files have the selectors assigned (e.g., region = 'Grnland') _20191015
if (is.character(sub_array_of_selectors)) {
  array_of_var_files_check <- vector('list', length(selector_indices))
  for (k in 1:length(selector_indices)) {
    asdasd <- selector_indices[[k]]
    array_of_var_files_check <-'[', c(list(x = array_of_files_to_load), asdasd, list(drop = FALSE)))[j]
    file_object <- file_opener(array_of_var_files_check)
    var_values_check <- file_var_reader(NULL, file_object, NULL, var_to_read, synonims)
    if (any(as.vector(var_values_check)[sub_array_of_indices] != sub_array_of_selectors)) {
      .warning('Not all the files has correponding selectors. Check the selector attributes')

if (debug) {
if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
print("-> BETA:")
                  if (with_transform) {
                    # If there is a transformation and selector values are provided, these
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                    # selectors will be processed in the same way either if aiat = TRUE or
                    # aiat = FALSE.
## TODO: If sub_array_of_selectors was integer and aiat then... do what's commented 50 lines below.
##       otherwise, do what's coded.
if (debug) {
if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {

###NOTE: Here, the transform, is different from the below part of non-transform.
#  search 'if (goes_across_prime_meridian' to find the lines below.
                    if (goes_across_prime_meridian) {
# NOTE: before changing, the return is already correct.
#NOTE: The fix below has the same explanation as no with_transform part below. 
#      Search the next next 'if (goes_across_prime_meridian) {'.
                      if (sub_array_of_indices[[1]] == sub_array_of_indices[[2]]) {
                        # global longitude
                        sub_array_of_fri <- 1:n
                        # Warning if transform_extra_cell != 0
                        if (beta != 0) {
                          .warning(paste0("Adding parameter transform_extra_cells =  ",
                            transform_extra_cells, " to the transformed index excesses ",
                            "the border. The border index is used for transformation."))

                        # normal case, i.e., not global
                        first_index <- min(unlist(sub_array_of_indices))
                        last_index <- max(unlist(sub_array_of_indices))
                        gap_width <- last_index - first_index - 1
                        sub_array_of_fri <- c(1:(min(unlist(sub_array_of_indices)) + min(gap_width, beta)),                       
                       (max(unlist(sub_array_of_indices)) - min(gap_width, beta)):n)

                        if (min(gap_width, beta) != beta) {
                              .warning(paste0("Adding parameter transform_extra_cells =  ",
                                  transform_extra_cells, " to the transformed index excesses ",
                                  "the border. The border index is used for transformation."))
                      #NOTE: This if seems redundant.
                      if (is.list(sub_array_of_indices)) {
                        sub_array_of_indices <- sub_array_of_indices[[1]]:sub_array_of_indices[[2]]
                      first_index <- min(unlist(sub_array_of_indices))
                      last_index <- max(unlist(sub_array_of_indices))
                      start_padding <- min(beta, first_index - 1)
                      end_padding <- min(beta, n - last_index)

aho's avatar
aho committed
                    if (exists("is_circular_dim")) {
                      if (!is_circular_dim) {  #latitude
                        sub_array_of_fri <- (first_index - start_padding):(last_index + end_padding)
                        if (start_padding != beta | end_padding != beta) {
                          .warning(paste0("Adding parameter transform_extra_cells =  ",
                                  transform_extra_cells, " to the transformed index excesses ",
                                  "the border. The border index is used for transformation."))
                      } else {  #longitude
                        if ((last_index - first_index + 1 + beta * 2) >= n) {
                          sub_array_of_fri <- 1:n
                        } else if (start_padding < beta) {  # left side too close to border, need to go to right side
                          sub_array_of_fri <- c((first_index - start_padding):(last_index + end_padding), (n - (beta - start_padding - 1)):n)
                        } else if (end_padding < beta) { # right side too close to border, need to go to left side
                          sub_array_of_fri <- c(1: (beta - end_padding), (first_index - start_padding):(last_index + end_padding))
                        } else {  #normal
                          sub_array_of_fri <- (first_index - start_padding):(last_index + end_padding)
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                    } else {   # when <var>_reorder is not used
                       sub_array_of_fri <- (first_index - start_padding):(last_index + end_padding)
                        if (start_padding != beta | end_padding != beta) {
                          .warning(paste0("Adding parameter transform_extra_cells =  ",
                                  transform_extra_cells, " to the transformed index excesses ",
                                  "the border. The border index is used for transformation."))

                    subset_vars_to_transform <- vars_to_transform
                    if (!is.null(var_ordered)) {

##NOTE: if var_ordered is common_vars, it doesn't have attributes and it is a vector.
## Turn it into array and add dimension name.
                      if (!is.array(var_ordered)) {
                        var_ordered <- as.array(var_ordered)
                        names(dim(var_ordered)) <- inner_dim

                      subset_vars_to_transform[[var_with_selectors_name]] <- Subset(var_ordered, inner_dim, sub_array_of_fri)
                    } else {
##NOTE: It should be redundant because without reordering the var should remain array
## But just stay same with above...
                      if (!is.array(sub_array_of_values)) {
                        sub_array_of_values <- as.array(sub_array_of_values)
                        names(dim(sub_array_of_values)) <- inner_dim

                      subset_vars_to_transform[[var_with_selectors_name]] <- Subset(sub_array_of_values, inner_dim, sub_array_of_fri)

# Change the order of longitude crop if no reorder + from big to small.
# cdo -sellonlatbox, the lon is west, east (while lat can be north 
# to south or opposite)
# Before changing crop, first we need to find the name of longitude. 
# NOTE: The potential bug here (also the bug for CDORemapper): the lon name
#       is limited (only the ones listed in .KnownLonNames() are available.
                     known_lon_names <- s2dverification:::.KnownLonNames()
                     lon_name <- names(subset_vars_to_transform)[which(names(subset_vars_to_transform) %in% known_lon_names)[1]]

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# NOTE: The cases not considered: (1) if lon reorder(decreasing = T)
#       It doesn't make sense, but if someone uses it, here should
#       occur error. (2) crop = TRUE/FALSE
                     if ('crop' %in% names(transform_params) & var_with_selectors_name == lon_name & is.null(dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]])) {
                       if (is.numeric(class(transform_params$crop))) {
                         if (transform_params$crop[1] > transform_params$crop[2]) {
                           tmp <- transform_params$crop[1]
                           transform_params$crop[1] <- transform_params$crop[2]
                           transform_params$crop[2] <- tmp
                    transformed_subset_var <-, c(list(data_array = NULL,
                                                                        variables = subset_vars_to_transform,
                                                                        file_selectors = selectors_of_first_files_with_data[[i]]),
                    # Sorting the transformed variable and working out the indices again after transform.
                    if (!is.null(dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]])) {
                      transformed_subset_var_reorder <- dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]](transformed_subset_var)
                      transformed_subset_var <- transformed_subset_var_reorder$x
#NOTE: The fix here solves the mis-ordered lon when across_meridian. 
                      transformed_subset_var_unorder <- transformed_subset_var_reorder$ix
#                      transformed_subset_var_unorder <- sort(transformed_subset_var_reorder$ix, index.return = TRUE)$ix
                    } else {
                      transformed_subset_var_unorder <- 1:length(transformed_subset_var)
                    sub_array_of_sri <- selector_checker(sub_array_of_selectors, transformed_subset_var,
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                                                         tolerance = if (aiat) {
                                                                     } else {

# Check if selectors fall out of the range of the transform grid
# It may happen when original lon is [-180, 180] while want to regrid to
# [0, 360], and lon selector = [-20, -10].
                    if (any( {
                      stop(paste0("The selectors of ",
                           inner_dim, " are out of range of transform grid '",
                           transform_params$grid, "'. Use parameter '",
                           inner_dim, "_reorder' or change ", inner_dim,
                           " selectors."))

                    if (goes_across_prime_meridian) {

                      if (sub_array_of_sri[[1]] == sub_array_of_sri[[2]]) {
                        # global longitude
                        sub_array_of_sri <- c(1:length(transformed_subset_var))
                      } else {
                        # the common case, i.e., non-global
                        # NOTE: Because sub_array_of_sri order is exchanged due to 
                        # previous development, here [[1]] and [[2]] should exchange
                        sub_array_of_sri <- c(1:sub_array_of_sri[[1]],
                    } else if (is.list(sub_array_of_sri)) {
                      sub_array_of_sri <- sub_array_of_sri[[1]]:sub_array_of_sri[[2]]
                    ordered_sri <- sub_array_of_sri
                    sub_array_of_sri <- transformed_subset_var_unorder[sub_array_of_sri]
                    # In this case, the tvi are not defined and the 'transformed_subset_var'
                    # will be taken instead of the var transformed before in the code.
if (debug) {
if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
print("-> FIRST INDEX:")
print("-> LAST INDEX:")
###                    # If the selectors are expressed after transformation
###                    } else {
###if (debug) {
###if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
###                      if (goes_across_prime_meridian) {
###                        sub_array_of_indices <- c(sub_array_of_indices[[1]]:m,
###                                                    1:sub_array_of_indices[[2]])
###                      }
###                      first_index <- min(unlist(sub_array_of_indices))
###                      last_index <- max(unlist(sub_array_of_indices))
###                      first_index_before_transform <- max(transform_indices(first_index, m, n) - beta, 1)
###                      last_index_before_transform <- min(transform_indices(last_index, m, n) + beta, n)
###                      sub_array_of_fri <- first_index_before_transform:last_index_before_transform
###                      n_of_extra_cells <- round(beta / n * m)
###                      if (is.list(sub_array_of_indices) && (length(sub_array_of_indices) > 1)) {
###                        sub_array_of_sri <- 1:(last_index - first_index + 1) 
###                        if (is.null(tvi)) {
###                          tvi <- sub_array_of_sri + first_index - 1
###                        }
###                      } else {
###                        sub_array_of_sri <- sub_array_of_indices - first_index + 1
###                        if (is.null(tvi)) {
###                          tvi <- sub_array_of_indices
###                        }
###                      }
###                      sub_array_of_sri <- sub_array_of_sri + n_of_extra_cells
                    sri <-'[[<-', c(list(x = sri), as.list(selector_store_position),
                                             list(value = sub_array_of_sri)))
                  } else {
                    if (goes_across_prime_meridian) {
#NOTE: The potential problem here is, if it is global longitude,
#      and the indices overlap (e.g., lon = [0, 359.723] and 
#      CircularSort(-180, 180), then sub_array_of_indices = list(649, 649)). 
#      Therefore, sub_array_of_fri will be c(1:649, 649:1296). We'll
#      get two 649.
#      The fix below may not be the best solution, but it works for 
#      the example above.

                      if (sub_array_of_indices[[1]] == sub_array_of_indices[[2]]) {
                      # global longitude
                      sub_array_of_fri <- c(1:n)
                      } else {
                      # the common case, i.e., non-global
                      sub_array_of_fri <- c(1:min(unlist(sub_array_of_indices)),
                    } else if (is.list(sub_array_of_indices)) {
                      sub_array_of_fri <- sub_array_of_indices[[1]]:sub_array_of_indices[[2]]
                    } else {
                      sub_array_of_fri <- sub_array_of_indices
                  if (!is.null(var_unorder_indices)) {
                    if (is.null(ordered_fri)) {
                      ordered_fri <- sub_array_of_fri
                    sub_array_of_fri <- var_unorder_indices[sub_array_of_fri]
                  fri <-'[[<-', c(list(x = fri), as.list(selector_store_position),
                                           list(value = sub_array_of_fri)))
                  if (!is.null(file_dim)) {
                    taken_chunks[selector_store_position[[file_dim]]] <- TRUE
                  } else {
                    taken_chunks <- TRUE
              } else {
if (debug) {
if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
                if (inner_dim %in% names(dim(sub_array_of_selectors))) {
                  if (is.null(var_with_selectors_name)) {
                    if (any(na.omit(unlist(sub_array_of_selectors)) < 1) ||
                        any(na.omit(unlist(sub_array_of_selectors)) > data_dims[inner_dim] * chunk_amount)) {
                      stop("Provided indices out of range for dimension '", inner_dim, "' ", 
                           "for dataset '", dat[[i]][['name']], "' (accepted range: 1 to ", 
                           data_dims[inner_dim] * chunk_amount, ").")
                  } else {
                    if (inner_dim %in% names(dim(sub_array_of_values))) {
# NOTE: Put across-inner-dim at the 1st position.
# POSSIBLE PROB!! Only organize inner dim, the rest dims may not in the same order as sub_array_of_selectors below.
                      inner_dim_pos_in_sub_array <- which(names(dim(sub_array_of_values)) == inner_dim)
                      if (inner_dim_pos_in_sub_array != 1) {
                        new_sub_array_order <- (1:length(dim(sub_array_of_values)))[-inner_dim_pos_in_sub_array]
                        new_sub_array_order <- c(inner_dim_pos_in_sub_array, new_sub_array_order)
                        sub_array_of_values <- .aperm2(sub_array_of_values, new_sub_array_order)

# NOTE: Put across-inner-dim at the 1st position.
# POSSIBLE PROB!! Only organize inner dim, the rest dims may not in the same order as sub_array_of_values above.
                  inner_dim_pos_in_sub_array <- which(names(dim(sub_array_of_selectors)) == inner_dim)
                  if (inner_dim_pos_in_sub_array != 1) {
                    new_sub_array_order <- (1:length(dim(sub_array_of_selectors)))[-inner_dim_pos_in_sub_array]
                    new_sub_array_order <- c(inner_dim_pos_in_sub_array, new_sub_array_order)
                    sub_array_of_selectors <- .aperm2(sub_array_of_selectors, new_sub_array_order)
                  sub_array_of_indices <- selector_checker(sub_array_of_selectors, sub_array_of_values,
                                                           tolerance = tolerance_params[[inner_dim]])
                  # It is needed to expand the indices here, otherwise for 
                  # values(list(date1, date2)) only 2 values are picked.
                  if (is.list(sub_array_of_indices)) {
                    sub_array_of_indices <- sub_array_of_indices[[1]]:sub_array_of_indices[[2]]
                  sub_array_of_indices <- sub_array_of_indices[chunk_indices(length(sub_array_of_indices),
                  sub_array_is_list <- FALSE
                  if (is.list(sub_array_of_indices)) {
                    sub_array_is_list <- TRUE
                    sub_array_of_indices <- unlist(sub_array_of_indices)
                  if (is.null(var_with_selectors_name)) {
                    indices_chunk <- floor((sub_array_of_indices - 1) / data_dims[inner_dim]) + 1
                    transformed_indices <- ((sub_array_of_indices - 1) %% data_dims[inner_dim]) + 1
                  } else {
                    indices_chunk <- floor((sub_array_of_indices - 1) / var_full_dims[inner_dim]) + 1
                    transformed_indices <- ((sub_array_of_indices - 1) %% var_full_dims[inner_dim]) + 1
                  if (sub_array_is_list) {
                    sub_array_of_indices <- as.list(sub_array_of_indices)
if (debug) {
if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
                  for (chunk in 1:chunk_amount) {
                    if (!is.null(names(selector_store_position))) {
                      selector_store_position[file_dim] <- chunk
                    } else {
                      selector_store_position <- chunk
                    chunk_selectors <- transformed_indices[which(indices_chunk == chunk)]
                    sub_array_of_indices <- chunk_selectors
                    if (with_transform) {
                      # If the provided selectors are expressed in the world
                      # before transformation
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                      if (!aiat) {
                        first_index <- min(unlist(sub_array_of_indices))
                        last_index <- max(unlist(sub_array_of_indices))
                        sub_array_of_fri <- max(c(first_index - beta, 1)):min(c(last_index + beta, n))
                        sub_array_of_sri <- transform_indices(unlist(sub_array_of_indices) - first_index + 1, n, m)
                        if (is.list(sub_array_of_indices)) {
                          if (length(sub_array_of_sri) > 1) {
                            sub_array_of_sri <- sub_array_of_sri[[1]]:sub_array_of_sri[[2]]
                      # If the selectors are expressed after transformation
                      } else {
                        first_index <- min(unlist(sub_array_of_indices))
                        last_index <- max(unlist(sub_array_of_indices))
                        first_index_before_transform <- max(transform_indices(first_index, m, n) - beta, 1)
                        last_index_before_transform <- min(transform_indices(last_index, m, n) + beta, n)
                        sub_array_of_fri <- first_index_before_transform:last_index_before_transform
                        if (is.list(sub_array_of_indices) && (length(sub_array_of_indices) > 1)) {
                          sub_array_of_sri <- 1:(last_index - first_index + 1) + 
                                              round(beta / n * m) 
                        } else {
                          sub_array_of_sri <- sub_array_of_indices - first_index + 1 +
                                              round(beta / n * m)
                      sri <-'[[<-', c(list(x = sri), as.list(selector_store_position),
                                               list(value = sub_array_of_sri)))
                      if (length(sub_array_of_sri) > 0) {
                        taken_chunks[chunk] <- TRUE
                    } else {
                      sub_array_of_fri <- sub_array_of_indices
                      if (length(sub_array_of_fri) > 0) {
                        taken_chunks[chunk] <- TRUE
                    if (!is.null(var_unorder_indices)) {
                      ordered_fri <- sub_array_of_fri
                      sub_array_of_fri <- var_unorder_indices[sub_array_of_fri]
                    fri <-'[[<-', c(list(x = fri), as.list(selector_store_position),
                                             list(value = sub_array_of_fri)))
if (debug) {
if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
                } else {
                  stop("Provided array of indices for dimension '", inner_dim, "', ",
                       "which goes across the file dimension '", file_dim, "', but ",
                       "the provided array does not have the dimension '", inner_dim, 
                       "', which is mandatory.")
if (debug) {
if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
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          #if ((length(selector_array) == 1) && (selector_array %in% c('all', 'first', 'last'))) {
            #if (!is.null(var_with_selectors_name) || (is.null(var_with_selectors_name) && is.character(selector_array) &&
            #    (length(selector_array) == 1) && (selector_array %in% c('all', 'first', 'last')))) {
              empty_chunks <- which(!taken_chunks)
              if (length(empty_chunks) >= length(taken_chunks)) {
                stop("Selectors do not match any of the possible values for the dimension '", inner_dim, "'.")
              if (length(empty_chunks) > 0) {
#                # Get the first group of chunks to remove, and remove them. 
#                # E.g., from c(1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9) remove only 1 and 2
#                dist <- abs(rev(empty_chunks) - c(rev(empty_chunks)[1] - 1, head(rev(empty_chunks), length(rev(empty_chunks)) - 1)))
#                if (all(dist == 1)) {
#                  start_chunks_to_remove <- NULL
#                } else {
#                  first_chunk_to_remove <- tail(which(dist > 1), 1)
#                  start_chunks_to_remove <- rev(rev(empty_chunks)[first_chunk_to_remove:length(empty_chunks)])
#                }
#                # Get the last group of chunks to remove, and remove them. 
#                # E.g., from c(1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9) remove only 8 and 9
#                dist <- abs(empty_chunks - c(empty_chunks[1] - 1, head(empty_chunks, length(empty_chunks) - 1)))
#                if (all(dist == 1)) {
#                  first_chunk_to_remove <- 1
#                } else {
#                  first_chunk_to_remove <- tail(which(dist > 1), 1)
#                }
#                end_chunks_to_remove <- empty_chunks[first_chunk_to_remove:length(empty_chunks)]
#                chunks_to_keep <- which(!((1:length(taken_chunks)) %in% c(start_chunks_to_remove, end_chunks_to_remove)))
                chunks_to_keep <- which(taken_chunks)
                dims_to_crop[[file_dim]] <- c(dims_to_crop[[file_dim]], list(chunks_to_keep))
#                found_indices <- Subset(found_indices, file_dim, chunks_to_keep)
#                # Crop dataset variables file dims.
#                for (picked_var in names(picked_vars[[i]])) {
#                  if (file_dim %in% names(dim(picked_vars[[i]][[picked_var]]))) {
#                    picked_vars[[i]][[picked_var]] <- Subset(picked_vars[[i]][[picked_var]], file_dim, chunks_to_keep)
#                  }
#                }
            dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]] <- list(fri = fri, sri = sri)
            # Crop dataset variables inner dims.
            # Crop common variables inner dims.
            types_of_var_to_crop <- 'picked'
            if (with_transform) {
              types_of_var_to_crop <- c(types_of_var_to_crop, 'transformed')
            if (!is.null(dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]])) {
              types_of_var_to_crop <- c(types_of_var_to_crop, 'reordered')
            for (type_of_var_to_crop in types_of_var_to_crop) {
              if (type_of_var_to_crop == 'transformed') {
                if (is.null(tvi)) {
                  if (!is.null(dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]])) {
                    crop_indices <- unique(unlist(ordered_sri))
                  } else {
                    crop_indices <- unique(unlist(sri))
                } else {
                  crop_indices <- unique(unlist(tvi))
                vars_to_crop <- transformed_vars[[i]]
                common_vars_to_crop <- transformed_common_vars
              } else if (type_of_var_to_crop == 'reordered') {
                crop_indices <- unique(unlist(ordered_fri))
                vars_to_crop <- picked_vars_ordered[[i]]
                common_vars_to_crop <- picked_common_vars_ordered
              } else {
                crop_indices <- unique(unlist(fri))
                vars_to_crop <- picked_vars[[i]]
                common_vars_to_crop <- picked_common_vars
              for (var_to_crop in names(vars_to_crop)) {
                if (inner_dim %in% names(dim(vars_to_crop[[var_to_crop]]))) {
                  if (!is.null(crop_indices)) {
                    if (type_of_var_to_crop == 'transformed') {
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                      if (!aiat) {
                        vars_to_crop[[var_to_crop]] <- Subset(transformed_subset_var, inner_dim, crop_indices)
                      } else {
                        vars_to_crop[[var_to_crop]] <- Subset(vars_to_crop[[var_to_crop]], inner_dim, crop_indices)
                    } else {
                      vars_to_crop[[var_to_crop]] <- Subset(vars_to_crop[[var_to_crop]], inner_dim, crop_indices)
              if (i == length(dat)) {
                for (common_var_to_crop in names(common_vars_to_crop)) {
                  if (inner_dim %in% names(dim(common_vars_to_crop[[common_var_to_crop]]))) {
                    common_vars_to_crop[[common_var_to_crop]] <- Subset(common_vars_to_crop[[common_var_to_crop]], inner_dim, crop_indices)
              if (type_of_var_to_crop == 'transformed') {
                if (!is.null(vars_to_crop)) {
                  transformed_vars[[i]] <- vars_to_crop
                if (i == length(dat)) {
                  transformed_common_vars <- common_vars_to_crop
              } else if (type_of_var_to_crop == 'reordered') {
                if (!is.null(vars_to_crop)) {
                  picked_vars_ordered[[i]] <- vars_to_crop
                if (i == length(dat)) {
                  picked_common_vars_ordered <- common_vars_to_crop
              } else {
                if (!is.null(vars_to_crop)) {
                  picked_vars[[i]] <- vars_to_crop
                if (i == length(dat)) {
                  picked_common_vars <- common_vars_to_crop
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        # After the selectors have been picked (using the original variables), 
        # the variables are transformed. At that point, the original selectors
        # for the transformed variables are also kept in the variable original_selectors.
#  if (!is.null(transformed_common_vars)) {
#    picked_common_vars[names(transformed_common_vars)] <- transformed_common_vars
#  }
  # Remove the trailing chunks, if any.
  for (file_dim in names(dims_to_crop)) {
#    indices_to_keep <- min(sapply(dims_to_crop[[file_dim]], min)):max(sapply(dims_to_crop[[file_dim]], max))
    ## TODO: Merge indices in dims_to_crop with some advanced mechanism?
    indices_to_keep <- unique(unlist(dims_to_crop[[file_dim]]))
    array_of_files_to_load <- Subset(array_of_files_to_load, file_dim, indices_to_keep)
    array_of_not_found_files <- Subset(array_of_not_found_files, file_dim, indices_to_keep)
    for (i in 1:length(dat)) {
      # Crop selectors
      for (selector_dim in names(dat[[i]][['selectors']])) {
        if (selector_dim == file_dim) {
          for (j in 1:length(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[selector_dim]][['fri']])) {
            dat[[i]][['selectors']][[selector_dim]][['fri']][[j]] <- dat[[i]][['selectors']][[selector_dim]][['fri']][[j]][indices_to_keep]
          for (j in 1:length(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[selector_dim]][['sri']])) {
            dat[[i]][['selectors']][[selector_dim]][['sri']][[j]] <- dat[[i]][['selectors']][[selector_dim]][['sri']][[j]][indices_to_keep]
        if (file_dim %in% names(dim(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[selector_dim]][['fri']]))) {
          dat[[i]][['selectors']][[selector_dim]][['fri']] <- Subset(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[selector_dim]][['fri']], file_dim, indices_to_keep)
          dat[[i]][['selectors']][[selector_dim]][['sri']] <- Subset(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[selector_dim]][['sri']], file_dim, indices_to_keep)
      # Crop dataset variables file dims.
      for (picked_var in names(picked_vars[[i]])) {
        if (file_dim %in% names(dim(picked_vars[[i]][[picked_var]]))) {
          picked_vars[[i]][[picked_var]] <- Subset(picked_vars[[i]][[picked_var]], file_dim, indices_to_keep)
      for (transformed_var in names(transformed_vars[[i]])) {
        if (file_dim %in% names(dim(transformed_vars[[i]][[transformed_var]]))) {
          transformed_vars[[i]][[transformed_var]] <- Subset(transformed_vars[[i]][[transformed_var]], file_dim, indices_to_keep)
    # Crop common variables file dims.
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    for (picked_common_var in names(picked_common_vars)) {
      if (file_dim %in% names(dim(picked_common_vars[[picked_common_var]]))) {
        picked_common_vars[[picked_common_var]] <- Subset(picked_common_vars[[picked_common_var]], file_dim, indices_to_keep)
    for (transformed_common_var in names(transformed_common_vars)) {
      if (file_dim %in% names(dim(transformed_common_vars[[transformed_common_var]]))) {
        transformed_common_vars[[transformed_common_var]] <- Subset(transformed_common_vars[[transformed_common_var]], file_dim, indices_to_keep)
  # Calculate the size of the final array.
  total_inner_dims <- NULL
  for (i in 1:length(dat)) {
    if (dataset_has_files[i]) {
      inner_dims <- expected_inner_dims[[i]]
      inner_dims <- sapply(inner_dims, 
        function(x) {
          if (!all(sapply(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[x]][['sri']], is.null))) {
            max(sapply(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[x]][['sri']], length))
          } else {
            if (length(var_params[[x]]) > 0) {
              if (var_params[[x]] %in% names(transformed_vars[[i]])) {
              } else if (var_params[[x]] %in% names(transformed_common_vars)) {
              } else {
                max(sapply(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[x]][['fri']], length))
            } else {
              max(sapply(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[x]][['fri']], length))
      names(inner_dims) <- expected_inner_dims[[i]]
      if (is.null(total_inner_dims)) {
        total_inner_dims <- inner_dims
      } else {
        new_dims <- .MergeArrayDims(total_inner_dims, inner_dims)
        total_inner_dims <- new_dims[[3]]
  new_dims <- .MergeArrayDims(dim(array_of_files_to_load), total_inner_dims)
  final_dims <- new_dims[[3]][dim_names]
  # final_dims_fake is the vector of final dimensions after having merged the 
  # 'across' file dimensions with the respective 'across' inner dimensions, and
  # after having broken into multiple dimensions those dimensions for which 
  # multidimensional selectors have been provided.
  # final_dims will be used for collocation of data, whereas final_dims_fake 
  # will be used for shaping the final array to be returned to the user.
  final_dims_fake <- final_dims
  if (merge_across_dims) {
    if (!is.null(inner_dims_across_files)) {
      for (file_dim_across in names(inner_dims_across_files)) {
Nicolau Manubens's avatar
Nicolau Manubens committed
        inner_dim_pos <- which(names(final_dims_fake) == inner_dims_across_files[[file_dim_across]])
        new_dims <- c()
        if (inner_dim_pos > 1) {
          new_dims <- c(new_dims, final_dims_fake[1:(inner_dim_pos - 1)])
Nicolau Manubens's avatar
Nicolau Manubens committed
        new_dims <- c(new_dims, setNames(prod(final_dims_fake[c(inner_dim_pos, inner_dim_pos + 1)]), 
        if (inner_dim_pos + 1 < length(final_dims_fake)) {
          new_dims <- c(new_dims, final_dims_fake[(inner_dim_pos + 2):length(final_dims_fake)])
        final_dims_fake <- new_dims
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  all_split_dims <- NULL
  if (split_multiselected_dims) {
    for (dim_param in 1:length(dim_params)) {
      if (!is.null(dim(dim_params[[dim_param]]))) {
        if (length(dim(dim_params[[dim_param]])) > 1) {
          split_dims <- dim(dim_params[[dim_param]])
Nicolau Manubens's avatar
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          all_split_dims <- c(all_split_dims, setNames(list(split_dims), 
Nicolau Manubens's avatar
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          if (is.null(names(split_dims))) {
            names(split_dims) <- paste0(names(dim_params)[dim_param], 
          old_dim_pos <- which(names(final_dims_fake) == names(dim_params)[dim_param])

# NOTE: Three steps to create new dims.
# 1st: Put in the dims before split_dim.
# 2nd: Replace the old_dim with split_dims.
# 3rd: Put in the dims after split_dim.
          new_dims <- c()
          if (old_dim_pos > 1) {
            new_dims <- c(new_dims, final_dims_fake[1:(old_dim_pos - 1)])
          new_dims <- c(new_dims, split_dims)
          if (old_dim_pos < length(final_dims_fake)) {
            new_dims <- c(new_dims, final_dims_fake[(old_dim_pos + 1):length(final_dims_fake)])
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          final_dims_fake <- new_dims
  # only merge_across_dims -> the 'time' dim length needs to be adjusted
    across_inner_dim <- inner_dims_across_files[[1]]  #TODO: more than one?
    across_file_dim <- names(inner_dims_across_files)  #TODO: more than one?
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    # Get the length of each inner_dim ('time') along each file_dim ('file_date')  
    length_inner_across_dim <- lapply(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[across_inner_dim]][['fri']], length)
    final_dims_fake_name <- names(final_dims_fake)
    pos_across_inner_dim <- which(final_dims_fake_name == across_inner_dim)
    new_length_inner_dim <- sum(unlist(length_inner_across_dim))
    if (pos_across_inner_dim != length(final_dims_fake)) {
      final_dims_fake <- c(final_dims_fake[1:(pos_across_inner_dim - 1)],
                           final_dims_fake[(pos_across_inner_dim + 1):length(final_dims_fake)])
    } else {
      final_dims_fake <- c(final_dims_fake[1:(pos_across_inner_dim - 1)],
    names(final_dims_fake) <- final_dims_fake_name
  if (!silent) {
    .message("Detected dimension sizes:")
    longest_dim_len <- max(sapply(names(final_dims_fake), nchar))
    longest_size_len <- max(sapply(paste0(final_dims_fake, ''), nchar))
      function(x) {
        message(paste0("*   ", paste(rep(' ', longest_dim_len - nchar(x)), collapse = ''), 
                       x, ": ", paste(rep(' ', longest_size_len - nchar(paste0(final_dims_fake[x], ''))), collapse = ''), 
    bytes <- prod(c(final_dims_fake, 8))
    dim_sizes <- paste(final_dims_fake, collapse = ' x ')
    if (retrieve) {
      .message(paste("Total size of requested data:"))
    } else {
      .message(paste("Total size of involved data:"))
    .message(paste(dim_sizes, " x 8 bytes =", 
                   format(structure(bytes, class = "object_size"), units = "auto")), 
                   indent = 2)
# NOTE: If split_multiselected_dims + merge_across_dims, the dim order may need to be changed.
#       The inner_dim needs to be the first dim among split dims.
#       Cannot control the rest dims are in the same order or not...
#       Suppose users put the same order of across inner and file dims.
  if (split_multiselected_dims & merge_across_dims) {
    # TODO: More than one split?
    inner_dim_pos_in_split_dims <- which(names(all_split_dims[[1]]) == inner_dims_across_files)  
    # if inner_dim is not the first, change!
    if (inner_dim_pos_in_split_dims != 1) {
      split_dims <- c(split_dims[inner_dim_pos_in_split_dims],
      split_dims_pos <- which(!, names(split_dims))))
      # Save the current final_dims_fake for later reorder back
      final_dims_fake_output <- final_dims_fake
      new_dims <- c()
      if (split_dims_pos[1] != 1) {
        new_dims <- c(new_dims, final_dims_fake[1:(split_dims_pos[1] - 1)])
      new_dims <- c(new_dims, split_dims)
      if (split_dims_pos[length(split_dims_pos)] < length(final_dims_fake)) {
        new_dims <- c(new_dims, final_dims_fake[(split_dims_pos[length(split_dims_pos)] + 1):length(final_dims_fake)])
      final_dims_fake <- new_dims

  # The following several lines will only be run if retrieve = TRUE
  if (retrieve) {
  # TODO: try performance of storing all in cols instead of rows
  # Create the shared memory array, and a pointer to it, to be sent
  # to the work pieces.
  data_array <- big.matrix(nrow = prod(final_dims), ncol = 1)
  shared_matrix_pointer <- describe(data_array)
  if (is.null(num_procs)) {
    num_procs <- availableCores()
  # Creating a shared tmp folder to store metadata from each chunk
  array_of_metadata_flags <- array(FALSE, dim = dim(array_of_files_to_load))
  if (!is.null(metadata_dims)) {
    metadata_indices_to_load <- as.list(rep(1, length(dim(array_of_files_to_load))))
    names(metadata_indices_to_load) <- names(dim(array_of_files_to_load))
    metadata_indices_to_load[metadata_dims] <- as.list(rep(TRUE, length(metadata_dims)))
    array_of_metadata_flags <-'[<-', c(list(array_of_metadata_flags),  metadata_indices_to_load,
                                                list(value = rep(TRUE, prod(dim(array_of_files_to_load)[metadata_dims])))))
  metadata_file_counter <- 0
  metadata_folder <- tempfile('metadata')
  # Build the work pieces, each with:
  # - file path
  # - total size (dims) of store array
  # - start position in store array
  # - file selectors (to provide extra info. useful e.g. to select variable)
  # - indices to take from file
  work_pieces <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(dat)) {
    if (dataset_has_files[i]) {
      selectors <- dat[[i]][['selectors']]
      file_dims <- found_file_dims[[i]]
      inner_dims <- expected_inner_dims[[i]]
      sub_array_dims <- final_dims[file_dims]
      sub_array_dims[found_pattern_dim] <- 1
      sub_array_of_files_to_load <- array(1:prod(sub_array_dims), 
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                                          dim = sub_array_dims)
      names(dim(sub_array_of_files_to_load)) <- names(sub_array_dims)
      # Detect which of the dimensions of the dataset go across files.
      file_dim_across_files <- lapply(inner_dims, 
        function(x) {
          dim_across <- sapply(inner_dims_across_files, function(y) x %in% y)
          if (any(dim_across)) {
          } else {
      names(file_dim_across_files) <- inner_dims
      j <- 1
      while (j <= prod(sub_array_dims)) {
        # Work out file path.
        file_to_load_sub_indices <- which(sub_array_of_files_to_load == j, arr.ind = TRUE)[1, ]
        names(file_to_load_sub_indices) <- names(sub_array_dims)
        file_to_load_sub_indices[found_pattern_dim] <- i
        big_dims <- rep(1, length(dim(array_of_files_to_load)))
        names(big_dims) <- names(dim(array_of_files_to_load))
        file_to_load_indices <- .MergeArrayDims(file_to_load_sub_indices, big_dims)[[1]]
        file_to_load <-'[[', c(list(array_of_files_to_load), 
        not_found_file <-'[[', c(list(array_of_not_found_files),
        load_file_metadata <-'[', c(list(array_of_metadata_flags), 
        if (load_file_metadata) {
          metadata_file_counter <- metadata_file_counter + 1
        if (! && !not_found_file) {
          # Work out indices to take
          first_round_indices <- lapply(inner_dims, 
            function (x) {
              if (is.null(file_dim_across_files[[x]])) {
              } else {
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                which_chunk <- file_to_load_sub_indices[file_dim_across_files[[x]]] 
          names(first_round_indices) <- inner_dims
          second_round_indices <- lapply(inner_dims, 
            function (x) {
              if (is.null(file_dim_across_files[[x]])) {
              } else {
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                which_chunk <- file_to_load_sub_indices[file_dim_across_files[[x]]]
if (debug) {
          names(second_round_indices) <- inner_dims
          if (!any(sapply(first_round_indices, length) == 0)) {
            work_piece <- list()
            work_piece[['first_round_indices']] <- first_round_indices
            work_piece[['second_round_indices']] <- second_round_indices
            work_piece[['file_indices_in_array_of_files']] <- file_to_load_indices
            work_piece[['file_path']] <- file_to_load
            work_piece[['store_dims']] <- final_dims
            # Work out store position
            store_position <- final_dims
            store_position[names(file_to_load_indices)] <- file_to_load_indices
            store_position[inner_dims] <- rep(1, length(inner_dims))
            work_piece[['store_position']] <- store_position
            # Work out file selectors
            file_selectors <- sapply(file_dims, 
              function (x) {
                vector_to_pick <- 1
                if (x %in% names(depending_file_dims)) {
                  vector_to_pick <- file_to_load_indices[depending_file_dims[[x]]]
            names(file_selectors) <- file_dims
            work_piece[['file_selectors']] <- file_selectors
            # Send variables for transformation
            if (!is.null(transform) && (length(transform_vars) > 0)) {
              vars_to_transform <- NULL
              picked_vars_to_transform <- which(names(picked_vars[[i]]) %in% transform_vars)
              if (length(picked_vars_to_transform) > 0) {
                picked_vars_to_transform <- names(picked_vars[[i]])[picked_vars_to_transform]
                vars_to_transform <- c(vars_to_transform, picked_vars[[i]][picked_vars_to_transform])
                if (any(picked_vars_to_transform %in% names(picked_vars_ordered[[i]]))) {
                  picked_vars_ordered_to_transform <- picked_vars_to_transform[which(picked_vars_to_transform %in% names(picked_vars_ordered[[i]]))]
                  vars_to_transform[picked_vars_ordered_to_transform] <- picked_vars_ordered[[i]][picked_vars_ordered_to_transform]
              picked_common_vars_to_transform <- which(names(picked_common_vars) %in% transform_vars)
              if (length(picked_common_vars_to_transform) > 0) {
                picked_common_vars_to_transform <- names(picked_common_vars)[picked_common_vars_to_transform]
                vars_to_transform <- c(vars_to_transform, picked_common_vars[picked_common_vars_to_transform])
                if (any(picked_common_vars_to_transform %in% names(picked_common_vars_ordered))) {
                  picked_common_vars_ordered_to_transform <- picked_common_vars_to_transform[which(picked_common_vars_to_transform %in% names(picked_common_vars_ordered))]
                  vars_to_transform[picked_common_vars_ordered_to_transform] <- picked_common_vars_ordered[picked_common_vars_ordered_to_transform]
              work_piece[['vars_to_transform']] <- vars_to_transform
            # Send flag to load metadata
            if (load_file_metadata) {
              work_piece[['save_metadata_in']] <- paste0(metadata_folder, '/', metadata_file_counter)
            work_pieces <- c(work_pieces, list(work_piece))
        j <- j + 1
if (debug) {

  # Calculate the progress %s that will be displayed and assign them to 
  # the appropriate work pieces.
  if (length(work_pieces) / num_procs >= 2 && !silent) {
    if (length(work_pieces) / num_procs < 10) {
      amount <- 100 / ceiling(length(work_pieces) / num_procs)
      reps <- ceiling(length(work_pieces) / num_procs)
    } else {
      amount <- 10
      reps <- 10
    progress_steps <- rep(amount, reps)
    if (length(work_pieces) < (reps + 1)) {
      selected_pieces <- length(work_pieces)
      progress_steps <- c(sum(head(progress_steps, reps)),
                          tail(progress_steps, reps))
    } else {
      selected_pieces <- round(seq(1, length(work_pieces), 
                                   length.out = reps + 1))[-1]
    progress_steps <- paste0(' + ', round(progress_steps, 2), '%')
    progress_message <- 'Progress: 0%'
  } else {
    progress_message <- ''
    selected_pieces <- NULL
  piece_counter <- 1
  step_counter <- 1
  work_pieces <- lapply(work_pieces, 
    function (x) {
      if (piece_counter %in% selected_pieces) {
        wp <- c(x, list(progress_amount = progress_steps[step_counter]))
        step_counter <<- step_counter + 1
      } else {
        wp <- x
      piece_counter <<- piece_counter + 1
  if (!silent) {
    .message("If the size of the requested data is close to or above the free shared RAM memory, R may crash.")
    .message("If the size of the requested data is close to or above the half of the free RAM memory, R may crash.")
    .message(paste0("Will now proceed to read and process ", length(work_pieces), " data files:"))
    if (length(work_pieces) < 30) {
      lapply(work_pieces, function (x) .message(x[['file_path']], indent = 2))
    } else {
      .message("The list of files is long. You can check it after Start() finishes in the output '$Files'.", indent = 2, exdent = 5)

  # Build the cluster of processes that will do the work and dispatch work pieces.
  # The function .LoadDataFile is applied to each work piece. This function will
  # open the data file, regrid if needed, subset, apply the mask, 
  # compute and apply the weights if needed,
  # disable extreme values and store in the shared memory matrix.
  if (!silent) {
    .message("Loading... This may take several minutes...")
    if (progress_message != '') {
      .message(progress_message, appendLF = FALSE)
  if (num_procs == 1) {
    found_files <- lapply(work_pieces, .LoadDataFile, 
                          shared_matrix_pointer = shared_matrix_pointer,
                          file_data_reader = file_data_reader, 
                          synonims = synonims,
                          transform = transform, 
                          transform_params = transform_params,
                          silent = silent, debug = debug)
  } else {
    cluster <- makeCluster(num_procs, outfile = "")
    # Send the heavy work to the workers
    work_errors <- try({
      found_files <- clusterApplyLB(cluster, work_pieces, .LoadDataFile, 
                                    shared_matrix_pointer = shared_matrix_pointer,
                                    file_data_reader = file_data_reader,
                                    synonims = synonims,
                                    transform = transform, 
                                    transform_params = transform_params,
                                    silent = silent, debug = debug)

  if (!silent) {
    if (progress_message != '') {
      .message("\n", tag = '')

# NOTE: If merge_across_dims = TRUE, there might be additional NAs due to
#       unequal inner_dim ('time') length across file_dim ('file_date').
#       If merge_across_dims_narm = TRUE, add additional lines to remove these NAs.
# TODO: Now it assumes that only one '_across'. Add a for loop for more-than-one case. 
   if (merge_across_dims_narm) {

    # Get the length of these two dimensions in final_dims
    length_inner_across_store_dims <- final_dims[across_inner_dim]
    length_file_across_store_dims <- final_dims[across_file_dim]

    # Create a logical array for merge_across_dims
    logi_array <- array(rep(FALSE,
                            length_file_across_store_dims * length_inner_across_store_dims),
                            dim = c(length_inner_across_store_dims, length_file_across_store_dims))
    for (i in 1:length_file_across_store_dims) {  #1:4
      logi_array[1:length_inner_across_dim[[i]], i] <- TRUE

    # First, get the data array with final_dims dimension
    data_array_final_dims <- array(bigmemory::as.matrix(data_array), dim = final_dims)

    # Change the NA derived from additional spaces to -9999, then remove these -9999
    func_remove_blank <- function(data_array, logi_array) {
      # dim(data_array) = [time, file_date]
      # dim(logi_array) = [time, file_date]
      # Change the blank spaces from NA to -9999
      data_array[which(!logi_array)] <- -9999
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    data_array_final_dims <- multiApply::Apply(data_array_final_dims,
                                   target_dims = c(across_inner_dim, across_file_dim),  #c('time', 'file_date')
                                   output_dims = c(across_inner_dim, across_file_dim),
                                   fun = func_remove_blank,
                                   logi_array = logi_array)$output1
    ## reorder back to the correct dim
    tmp <- match(names(final_dims), names(dim(data_array_final_dims)))
    data_array_final_dims <- .aperm2(data_array_final_dims, tmp)
    data_array_tmp <- data_array_final_dims[data_array_final_dims != -9999]  # become a vector

    data_array <- array(data_array_tmp, dim = final_dims_fake)

  } else {  # merge_across_dims_narm = F (old version)
    data_array <- array(bigmemory::as.matrix(data_array), dim = final_dims_fake)

# NOTE: If split_multiselected_dims + merge_across_dims, the dimension order may change above.
#       To get the user-required dim order, we need to reorder the array again.
  if (split_multiselected_dims & merge_across_dims) {
    if (inner_dim_pos_in_split_dims != 1) {
      correct_order <- match(names(final_dims_fake_output), names(final_dims_fake))
      data_array <- .aperm2(data_array, correct_order)

  # Load metadata and remove the metadata folder
  if (!is.null(metadata_dims)) {
    loaded_metadata_files <- list.files(metadata_folder)
    loaded_metadata <- lapply(paste0(metadata_folder, '/', loaded_metadata_files), readRDS)
    unlink(metadata_folder, recursive = TRUE)
    return_metadata <- vector('list', length = prod(dim(array_of_metadata_flags)[metadata_dims]))
    return_metadata[as.numeric(loaded_metadata_files)] <- loaded_metadata
    dim(return_metadata) <- dim(array_of_metadata_flags[metadata_dims])
    attr(data_array, 'Variables') <- return_metadata
    # TODO: Try to infer data type from loaded_metadata
    # as.integer(data_array) 
  failed_pieces <- work_pieces[which(unlist(found_files))]
  for (failed_piece in failed_pieces) {
    array_of_not_found_files <-'[<-', 
        list(value = TRUE)))
  if (any(array_of_not_found_files)) {
    for (i in 1:prod(dim(array_of_files_to_load))) {
      if ([i])) {
        array_of_files_to_load[i] <- NA
      } else {
        if (array_of_not_found_files[i]) {
          array_of_not_found_files[i] <- array_of_files_to_load[i]
          array_of_files_to_load[i] <- NA
        } else {
          array_of_not_found_files[i] <- NA
  } else {
    array_of_not_found_files <- NULL

  } # End if (retrieve)
  # Change final_dims_fake back because retrieve = FALSE will use it for attributes later
  if (exists("final_dims_fake_output")) {
    final_dims_fake <- final_dims_fake_output
  # Replace the vars and common vars by the transformed vars and common vars
  for (i in 1:length(dat)) {
    if (length(names(transformed_vars[[i]])) > 0) {
      picked_vars[[i]][names(transformed_vars[[i]])] <- transformed_vars[[i]]
    } else if (length(names(picked_vars_ordered[[i]])) > 0) {
      picked_vars[[i]][names(picked_vars_ordered[[i]])] <- picked_vars_ordered[[i]]
  if (length(names(transformed_common_vars)) > 0) {
    picked_common_vars[names(transformed_common_vars)] <- transformed_common_vars
  } else if (length(names(picked_common_vars_ordered)) > 0) {
    picked_common_vars[names(picked_common_vars_ordered)] <- picked_common_vars_ordered
if (debug) {
print("-> THE PICKED VARS:")
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  file_selectors <- NULL
  for (i in 1:length(dat)) {
    file_selectors[[dat[[i]][['name']]]] <- dat[[i]][['selectors']][which(names(dat[[i]][['selectors']]) %in% found_file_dims[[i]])]
  if (retrieve) {
    if (!silent) {
      .message("Successfully retrieved data.")
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    var_backup <- attr(data_array, 'Variables')[[1]]
    attr(data_array, 'Variables') <- NULL
    attributes(data_array) <- c(attributes(data_array), 
                                list(Variables = c(list(common = c(picked_common_vars, var_backup)), 
                                     Files = array_of_files_to_load, 
                                     NotFoundFiles = array_of_not_found_files,
                                     FileSelectors = file_selectors,
                                     PatternDim = found_pattern_dim)
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    attr(data_array, 'class') <- c('startR_array', attr(data_array, 'class'))
  } else {
    if (!silent) {
      .message("Successfully discovered data dimensions.")
    start_call <-
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    for (i in 2:length(start_call)) {
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      if (class(start_call[[i]]) %in% c('name', 'call')) {
        start_call[[i]] <- eval.parent(start_call[[i]])
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    start_call[['retrieve']] <- TRUE
    attributes(start_call) <- c(attributes(start_call),
                                     Variables = c(list(common = picked_common_vars), picked_vars),
                                     ExpectedFiles = array_of_files_to_load,
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                                     FileSelectors = file_selectors,
                                     PatternDim = found_pattern_dim,
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                                     MergedDims = if (merge_across_dims) {
                                                  } else {
                                     SplitDims = if (split_multiselected_dims) {
                                                 } else {
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    attr(start_call, 'class') <- c('startR_cube', attr(start_call, 'class'))

# This function is the responsible for loading the data of each work
# piece.
.LoadDataFile <- function(work_piece, shared_matrix_pointer, 
                          file_data_reader, synonims,
                          transform, transform_params,
                          silent = FALSE, debug = FALSE) {
#  suppressPackageStartupMessages({library(bigmemory)})
### TODO: Specify dependencies as parameter
#  suppressPackageStartupMessages({library(ncdf4)})

  store_indices <- as.list(work_piece[['store_position']])
  first_round_indices <- work_piece[['first_round_indices']]
  second_round_indices <- work_piece[['second_round_indices']]
  file_to_open <- work_piece[['file_path']]
  sub_array <- file_data_reader(file_to_open, NULL, 
                                first_round_indices, synonims)
if (debug) {
if (all(unlist(store_indices[1:6]) == 1)) {
  if (!is.null(sub_array)) {
    # Apply data transformation once we have the data arrays.
    if (!is.null(transform)) {
if (debug) {
if (all(unlist(store_indices[1:6]) == 1)) {
      sub_array <-, c(list(data_array = sub_array,
                                             variables = work_piece[['vars_to_transform']],
                                             file_selectors = work_piece[['file_selectors']]),
if (debug) {
if (all(unlist(store_indices[1:6]) == 1)) {
      sub_array <- sub_array$data_array
      # Subset with second round of indices
      dims_to_crop <- which(!sapply(second_round_indices, is.null))
      if (length(dims_to_crop) > 0) {
        dimnames_to_crop <- names(second_round_indices)[dims_to_crop]
        sub_array <- Subset(sub_array, dimnames_to_crop, 
if (debug) {
if (all(unlist(store_indices[1:6]) == 1)) {

    metadata <- attr(sub_array, 'variables')

    store_indices <- lapply(names(store_indices), 
      function (x) {
        if (!(x %in% names(first_round_indices))) {
        } else if (is.null(second_round_indices[[x]])) {
        } else {
          if (is.numeric(second_round_indices[[x]])) {
            ## TODO: Review carefully this line. Inner indices are all 
            ## aligned to the left-most positions. If dataset A has longitudes
            ## 1, 2, 3, 4 but dataset B has only longitudes 3 and 4, then
            ## they will be stored as follows:
            ## 1, 2, 3, 4
            ## 3, 4, NA, NA
            ##x - min(x) + 1
          } else {
Nicolau Manubens Gil's avatar
Nicolau Manubens Gil committed
if (all(unlist(store_indices) == 1)) {
    store_dims <- work_piece[['store_dims']]
    # split the storage work of the loaded subset in parts
    largest_dim_name <- names(dim(sub_array))[which.max(dim(sub_array))]
    max_parts <- length(store_indices[[largest_dim_name]])

    # Indexing a data file of N MB with expand.grid takes 30*N MB
    # The peak ram of Start is, minimum, 2 * total data to load from all files
    # due to inefficiencies in other regions of the code
    # The more parts we split the indexing done below in, the lower
    # the memory footprint of the indexing and the fast. 
    # But more than 10 indexing iterations (parts) for each MB processed 
    # makes the iteration slower (tested empirically on BSC workstations).
    subset_size_in_mb <- prod(dim(sub_array)) * 8 / 1024 / 1024
    best_n_parts <- ceiling(subset_size_in_mb * 10)
    # We want to set n_parts to a greater value than the one that would 
    # result in a memory footprint (of the subset indexing code below) equal
    # to 2 * total data to load from all files.
    # s = subset size in MB
    # p = number of parts to break it in
    # T = total size of data to load
    # then, s / p * 30 = 2 * T
    # then, p = s * 15 / T
    min_n_parts <- ceiling(prod(dim(sub_array)) * 15 / prod(store_dims))
    # Make sure we pick n_parts much greater than the minimum calculated
    n_parts <- min_n_parts * 10
    if (n_parts > best_n_parts) {
      n_parts <- best_n_parts
    # Boundary checks
    if (n_parts < 1) {
      n_parts <- 1
    if (n_parts > max_parts) {
      n_parts <- max_parts

    if (n_parts > 1) {
      make_parts <- function(length, n) {
        clusters <- cut(1:length, n, labels = FALSE)
        lapply(1:n, function(y) which(clusters == y))
      part_indices <- make_parts(max_parts, n_parts)
      parts <- lapply(part_indices, 
                      function(x) {
    } else {
      part_indices <- list(1:max_parts)
      parts <- store_indices[largest_dim_name]
    # do the storage work
    weights <- sapply(1:length(store_dims), 
                      function(i) prod(c(1, store_dims)[1:i]))
    part_indices_in_sub_array <- as.list(rep(TRUE, length(dim(sub_array))))
    names(part_indices_in_sub_array) <- names(dim(sub_array))
    data_array <- bigmemory::attach.big.matrix(shared_matrix_pointer)
    for (i in 1:n_parts) {
      store_indices[[largest_dim_name]] <- parts[[i]]
      # Converting array indices to vector indices
      matrix_indices <-"expand.grid", store_indices)
      # Given a matrix where each row is a set of array indices of an element
      # the vector indices are computed
      matrix_indices <- 1 + colSums(t(matrix_indices - 1) * weights)
      part_indices_in_sub_array[[largest_dim_name]] <- part_indices[[i]]
      data_array[matrix_indices] <- as.vector('[',
        c(list(x = sub_array), 

    if (!is.null(work_piece[['save_metadata_in']])) {
      saveRDS(metadata, file = work_piece[['save_metadata_in']])
  if (!is.null(work_piece[['progress_amount']]) && !silent) {
    message(work_piece[['progress_amount']], appendLF = FALSE)