Hi @aho,
I have moved the code I showed you to this branch. Finally, I have created a file zzz.R to include the internal functions of Start(). Maybe, in the future, we might want to look for another strategy.
Then, I have created the package in my WS using R 3.2.0 and CDO 1.9.8 including the tests. I found that some of them failed so I have reviewed the master branch and it has shown the same errors:
Running ‘testthat.R’ [29s/32s]
Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
Last 13 lines of output:
testthat results ================================================================
OK: 333 SKIPPED: 173 FAILED: 2
1. Failure: 1. expid/member/version (@test-Start-path_glob_permissive.R#40)
2. Failure: 1. expid/member/version (@test-Start-path_glob_permissive.R#82)
Have you recently tested? Maybe it is due to the R version but I have used R 3.2.0 since is the one specified in the DESCRIPTION file.