1. 08 Aug, 2015 1 commit
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      burst_buffer/cray work · 23ea85a7
      Morris Jette authored
      Move limits checks to burst_buffer/common
      Disable persistent burst buffer with numeric value
      Refactor bb_p_job_get_est_start() logic
      Split out persistent buffer create/delete into a pthread
      Fix job buffer size parsing logic
      Get through stage-in and support for non-Cray systems (e.g. VM)
  2. 07 Aug, 2015 1 commit
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      burst_buffer/cray work · c20fa424
      Morris Jette authored
      Add new buffer state of "BB_STATE_PENDING"
      Refactor job buffer state structure
      Refactor job buffer creation environment
      Rename "bb_hash" to "bb_ahash"
      Set up job state hash table
      Add magic cookies to data structures
      Rename bb_find_job_rec() to  bb_find_alloc_rec()
      Rename bb_free_rec() to bb_free_alloc_buf()
  3. 06 Aug, 2015 4 commits
  4. 05 Aug, 2015 2 commits
  5. 04 Aug, 2015 4 commits
  6. 03 Aug, 2015 5 commits
  7. 31 Jul, 2015 5 commits
  8. 30 Jul, 2015 4 commits
  9. 29 Jul, 2015 1 commit
  10. 28 Jul, 2015 3 commits
  11. 27 Jul, 2015 10 commits
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      Merge branch 'slurm-14.11' · 4fcdc65c
      Morris Jette authored
    • Brian Christiansen's avatar
      Optmized queries with additional db indexes. · f1ed6616
      Brian Christiansen authored
      Bug 1819
      Composite indexes search left to right. E.g. an index of (inx1, inx2, inx3) will search from left to right. inx2 can't be used in a where statement by itself, it requires inx1 to be present (inx3 can be optional). For the rollup index having time_end first speeds up the below query. The actual rollup queries still benefit from the original rollup index.
      sacct -S 07/22-09:41:36 -E 07/22-09:42:37 -i 1-4 -ojobid,start,end,nnodes,nodelist -n -a:
      mysql> explain select t1.account, t1.array_max_tasks, t1.array_task_str, t1.cpus_alloc, t1.cpus_req, t1.derived_ec, t1.derived_es, t1.exit_code, t1.id_array_job, t1.id_array_task, t1.id_assoc, t1.id_block, t1.id_group, t1.id_job, t1.id_qos, t1.id_resv, t3.resv_name, t1.id_user, t1.id_wckey, t1.job_db_inx, t1.job_name, t1.kill_requid, t1.mem_req, t1.node_inx, t1.nodelist, t1.nodes_alloc, t1.partition, t1.priority, t1.state, t1.time_eligible, t1.time_end, t1.time_start, t1.time_submit, t1.time_suspended, t1.timelimit, t1.track_steps, t1.wckey, t1.gres_alloc, t1.gres_req, t1.gres_used, t2.acct, t2.lft, t2.user from compy_job_table as t1 left join compy_assoc_table as t2 on t1.id_assoc=t2.id_assoc left join compy_resv_table as t3  on t1.id_resv=t3.id_resv  where ((t1.nodes_alloc between 1 and 4)) && ((t1.time_eligible < 1437550957 && (t1.time_end >= 1437550896 || t1.time_end = 0))) group by id_job, time_submit desc;
      | id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref                    | rows   | Extra                                        |
      |  1 | SIMPLE      | t1    | ALL    | id_job,rollup | NULL    | NULL    | NULL                   | 120953 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
      |  1 | SIMPLE      | t2    | eq_ref | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY | 4       | slurm_1412.t1.id_assoc |      1 | Using where                                  |
      |  1 | SIMPLE      | t3    | ref    | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY | 4       | slurm_1412.t1.id_resv  |      1 | NULL                                         |
      3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
      mysql> explain select t1.account, t1.array_max_tasks, t1.array_task_str, t1.cpus_alloc, t1.cpus_req, t1.derived_ec, t1.derived_es, t1.exit_code, t1.id_array_job, t1.id_array_task, t1.id_assoc, t1.id_block, t1.id_group, t1.id_job, t1.id_qos, t1.id_resv, t3.resv_name, t1.id_user, t1.id_wckey, t1.job_db_inx, t1.job_name, t1.kill_requid, t1.mem_req, t1.node_inx, t1.nodelist, t1.nodes_alloc, t1.partition, t1.priority, t1.state, t1.time_eligible, t1.time_end, t1.time_start, t1.time_submit, t1.time_suspended, t1.timelimit, t1.track_steps, t1.wckey, t1.gres_alloc, t1.gres_req, t1.gres_used, t2.acct, t2.lft, t2.user from compy_job_table as t1 left join compy_assoc_table as t2 on t1.id_assoc=t2.id_assoc left join compy_resv_table as t3  on t1.id_resv=t3.id_resv  where ((t1.nodes_alloc between 1 and 4)) && ((t1.time_eligible < 1437550957 && (t1.time_end >= 1437550896 || t1.time_end = 0))) group by id_job, time_submit desc;
      | id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys         | key     | key_len | ref                    | rows | Extra                                                               |
      |  1 | SIMPLE      | t1    | range  | id_job,rollup,rollup2 | rollup2 | 8       | NULL                   |    6 | Using index condition; Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
      |  1 | SIMPLE      | t2    | eq_ref | PRIMARY               | PRIMARY | 4       | slurm_1412.t1.id_assoc |    1 | Using where                                                         |
      |  1 | SIMPLE      | t3    | ref    | PRIMARY               | PRIMARY | 4       | slurm_1412.t1.id_resv  |    1 | NULL                                                                |
      3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
      mysql> explain select job.job_db_inx, job.id_job, job.id_assoc, job.id_wckey, job.array_task_pending, job.time_eligible, job.time_start, job.time_end, job.time_suspended, job.cpus_alloc, job.cpus_req, job.id_resv, SUM(step.consumed_energy) from compy_job_table as job left outer join compy_step_table as step on job.job_db_inx=step.job_db_inx and (step.id_step>=0) where (job.time_eligible < 1420102800 && (job.time_end >= 1420099200 || job.time_end = 0)) group by job.job_db_inx order by job.id_assoc, job.time_eligible;
      | id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys                                                                  | key     | key_len | ref                       | rows | Extra                                                  |
      |  1 | SIMPLE      | job   | range | PRIMARY,id_job,rollup,rollup2,wckey,qos,association,array_job,reserv,sacct_def | rollup  | 4       | NULL                      |    1 | Using index condition; Using temporary; Using filesort |
      |  1 | SIMPLE      | step  | ref   | PRIMARY                                                                        | PRIMARY | 4       | slurm_1412.job.job_db_inx |    1 | Using where                                            |
      2 rows in set (0.01 sec)
      A plain sacct is sped up by moving time_end into the middle of the index (ex. id_user, time_end, time_eligible). sacct_def is for sacct calls with a state specified, sacct_def2 is for a plain sacct call.
      plain sacct:
      mysql> explain select t1.account, t1.array_max_tasks, t1.array_task_str, t1.cpus_alloc, t1.cpus_req, t1.derived_ec, t1.derived_es, t1.exit_code, t1.id_array_job, t1.id_array_task, t1.id_assoc, t1.id_block, t1.id_group, t1.id_job, t1.id_qos, t1.id_resv, t3.resv_name, t1.id_user, t1.id_wckey, t1.job_db_inx, t1.job_name, t1.kill_requid, t1.mem_req, t1.node_inx, t1.nodelist, t1.nodes_alloc, t1.partition, t1.priority, t1.state, t1.time_eligible, t1.time_end, t1.time_start, t1.time_submit, t1.time_suspended, t1.timelimit, t1.track_steps, t1.wckey, t1.gres_alloc, t1.gres_req, t1.gres_used, t2.acct, t2.lft, t2.user from compy_job_table as t1 left join compy_assoc_table as t2 on t1.id_assoc=t2.id_assoc left join compy_resv_table as t3  on t1.id_resv=t3.id_resv  where (t1.id_user='1003') && ((t1.time_end >= 1437548400 || t1.time_end = 0)) group by id_job, time_submit desc;
      | id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys    | key       | key_len | ref                    | rows  | Extra                                                               |
      |  1 | SIMPLE      | t1    | ref    | id_job,sacct_def | sacct_def | 4       | const                  | 60476 | Using index condition; Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
      |  1 | SIMPLE      | t2    | eq_ref | PRIMARY          | PRIMARY   | 4       | slurm_1412.t1.id_assoc |     1 | Using where                                                         |
      |  1 | SIMPLE      | t3    | ref    | PRIMARY          | PRIMARY   | 4       | slurm_1412.t1.id_resv  |     1 | NULL                                                                |
      3 rows in set (0.00 sec)o
      mysql> explain select t1.account, t1.array_max_tasks, t1.array_task_str, t1.cpus_alloc, t1.cpus_req, t1.derived_ec, t1.derived_es, t1.exit_code, t1.id_array_job, t1.id_array_task, t1.id_assoc, t1.id_block, t1.id_group, t1.id_job, t1.id_qos, t1.id_resv, t3.resv_name, t1.id_user, t1.id_wckey, t1.job_db_inx, t1.job_name, t1.kill_requid, t1.mem_req, t1.node_inx, t1.nodelist, t1.nodes_alloc, t1.partition, t1.priority, t1.state, t1.time_eligible, t1.time_end, t1.time_start, t1.time_submit, t1.time_suspended, t1.timelimit, t1.track_steps, t1.wckey, t1.gres_alloc, t1.gres_req, t1.gres_used, t2.acct, t2.lft, t2.user from compy_job_table as t1 left join compy_assoc_table as t2 on t1.id_assoc=t2.id_assoc left join compy_resv_table as t3  on t1.id_resv=t3.id_resv  where (t1.id_user='1003') && ((t1.time_end >= 1437548400 || t1.time_end = 0)) group by id_job, time_submit desc;
      | id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys                       | key        | key_len | ref                    | rows | Extra                                                  |
      |  1 | SIMPLE      | t1    | range  | id_job,rollup2,sacct_def,sacct_def2 | sacct_def2 | 8       | NULL                   |   68 | Using index condition; Using temporary; Using filesort |
      |  1 | SIMPLE      | t2    | eq_ref | PRIMARY                             | PRIMARY    | 4       | slurm_1412.t1.id_assoc |    1 | Using where                                            |
      |  1 | SIMPLE      | t3    | ref    | PRIMARY                             | PRIMARY    | 4       | slurm_1412.t1.id_resv  |    1 | NULL                                                   |
      3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
      Adding the sacct_def2 index order didn't affect other queries:
      sacct -s CA,CD,F,R:
      mysql> explain select t1.account, t1.array_max_tasks, t1.array_task_str, t1.cpus_alloc, t1.cpus_req, t1.derived_ec, t1.derived_es, t1.exit_code, t1.id_array_job, t1.id_array_task, t1.id_assoc, t1.id_block, t1.id_group, t1.id_job, t1.id_qos, t1.id_resv, t3.resv_name, t1.id_user, t1.id_wckey, t1.job_db_inx, t1.job_name, t1.kill_requid, t1.mem_req, t1.node_inx, t1.nodelist, t1.nodes_alloc, t1.partition, t1.priority, t1.state, t1.time_eligible, t1.time_end, t1.time_start, t1.time_submit, t1.time_suspended, t1.timelimit, t1.track_steps, t1.wckey, t1.gres_alloc, t1.gres_req, t1.gres_used, t2.acct, t2.lft, t2.user from compy_job_table as t1 left join compy_assoc_table as t2 on t1.id_assoc=t2.id_assoc left join compy_resv_table as t3  on t1.id_resv=t3.id_resv  where (t1.id_user='1003') && ((t1.state='4' && (t1.time_end && (t1.time_end >= 1438028802))) || (t1.state='3' && (t1.time_end && (t1.time_end >= 1438028802))) || (t1.state='5' && (t1.time_end && (t1.time_end >= 1438028802))) || (t1.time_start && ((!t1.time_end && t1.state=1) || (1438028802 between t1.time_start and t1.time_end)))) group by id_job, time_submit desc;
      | id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys                       | key       | key_len | ref                    | rows  | Extra                                                               |
      |  1 | SIMPLE      | t1    | ref    | id_job,rollup2,sacct_def,sacct_def2 | sacct_def | 4       | const                  | 60513 | Using index condition; Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
      |  1 | SIMPLE      | t2    | eq_ref | PRIMARY                             | PRIMARY   | 4       | slurm_1412.t1.id_assoc |     1 | Using where                                                         |
      |  1 | SIMPLE      | t3    | ref    | PRIMARY                             | PRIMARY   | 4       | slurm_1412.t1.id_resv  |     1 | NULL                                                                |
      3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
      Adding nodes_alloc index speeds up quries with queries like: sacct -i 2-10000
      mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT t1.account, t1.array_max_tasks, t1.array_task_str, t1.cpus_req, t1.derived_ec, t1.derived_es, t1.exit_code, t1.id_array_job, t1.id_array_task, t1.id_assoc, t1.id_block, t1.id_group, t1.id_job, t1.id_qos, t1.id_resv, t3.resv_name, t1.id_user, t1.id_wckey, t1.job_db_inx, t1.job_name, t1.kill_requid, t1.mem_req, t1.node_inx, t1.nodelist, t1.nodes_alloc, t1.partition, t1.priority, t1.state, t1.time_eligible, t1.time_end, t1.time_start, t1.time_submit, t1.time_suspended, t1.timelimit, t1.track_steps, t1.wckey, t1.gres_alloc, t1.gres_req, t1.gres_used, t2.acct, t2.lft, t2.user FROM compy_job_table AS t1 LEFT JOIN compy_assoc_table AS t2 ON t1.id_assoc = t2.id_assoc LEFT JOIN compy_resv_table AS t3 ON t1.id_resv = t3.id_resv WHERE ((t1.nodes_alloc between 2 and 10000)) && ((t1.time_start && ((1434384740 BETWEEN t1.time_start AND t1.time_end) || (t1.time_start BETWEEN 1434384740 AND 1434384741)))) GROUP BY id_job , time_submit DESC;
      | id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys  | key     | key_len | ref                     | rows   | Extra                                        |
      |  1 | SIMPLE      | t1    | ALL    | id_job,rollup2 | NULL    | NULL    | NULL                    | 117549 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
      |  1 | SIMPLE      | t2    | eq_ref | PRIMARY        | PRIMARY | 4       | 1411_master.t1.id_assoc |      1 | NULL                                         |
      |  1 | SIMPLE      | t3    | ref    | PRIMARY        | PRIMARY | 4       | 1411_master.t1.id_resv  |      1 | NULL                                         |
      3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
      mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT t1.account, t1.array_max_tasks, t1.array_task_str, t1.cpus_req, t1.derived_ec, t1.derived_es, t1.exit_code, t1.id_array_job, t1.id_array_task, t1.id_assoc, t1.id_block, t1.id_group, t1.id_job, t1.id_qos, t1.id_resv, t3.resv_name, t1.id_user, t1.id_wckey, t1.job_db_inx, t1.job_name, t1.kill_requid, t1.mem_req, t1.node_inx, t1.nodelist, t1.nodes_alloc, t1.partition, t1.priority, t1.state, t1.time_eligible, t1.time_end, t1.time_start, t1.time_submit, t1.time_suspended, t1.timelimit, t1.track_steps, t1.wckey, t1.gres_alloc, t1.gres_req, t1.gres_used, t2.acct, t2.lft, t2.user FROM compy_job_table AS t1 LEFT JOIN compy_assoc_table AS t2 ON t1.id_assoc = t2.id_assoc LEFT JOIN compy_resv_table AS t3 ON t1.id_resv = t3.id_resv WHERE ((t1.nodes_alloc between 2 and 10000)) && ((t1.time_start && ((1434384740 BETWEEN t1.time_start AND t1.time_end) || (t1.time_start BETWEEN 1434384740 AND 1434384741)))) GROUP BY id_job , time_submit DESC;
      | id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys              | key         | key_len | ref                     | rows | Extra                                                               |
      |  1 | SIMPLE      | t1    | range  | id_job,rollup2,nodes_alloc | nodes_alloc | 4       | NULL                    |  720 | Using index condition; Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
      |  1 | SIMPLE      | t2    | eq_ref | PRIMARY                    | PRIMARY     | 4       | 1411_master.t1.id_assoc |    1 | NULL                                                                |
      |  1 | SIMPLE      | t3    | ref    | PRIMARY                    | PRIMARY     | 4       | 1411_master.t1.id_resv  |    1 | NULL                                                                |
      3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      Move logic to optimize performance · 23f6ec89
      Morris Jette authored
      No change in functionality
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      Fix bug in node selection with topology optimization · 9dad2ff7
      Morris Jette authored
      If node definitions in slurm.conf are spread across multiple lines
      and topology/tree is configured, then sub-optimal node selection can
      bug 1645
    • Nathan Yee's avatar
      Add sinfo long format option · bafcb17f
      Nathan Yee authored
      This also adds the ability to display allocated memory on a node
      bug 1804
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      Minor format change for download web page · b1ec4667
      Morris Jette authored
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      Merge branch 'slurm-14.11' · 821c8bb8
      Morris Jette authored
    • Dorian Krause's avatar
    • Dominik Bartkiewicz's avatar
      More accurate log message · 34b6f814
      Dominik Bartkiewicz authored
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      Log build job queue timeout less ofter · aee694eb
      Morris Jette authored
      Rather than generating loads of log messages about too much time
      being used to build the job queue every few seconds, log it only
      every 10 minutes.
      bug 1827