1. 28 Aug, 2014 4 commits
  2. 27 Aug, 2014 13 commits
  3. 26 Aug, 2014 20 commits
  4. 25 Aug, 2014 3 commits
    • Nathan Yee's avatar
      Validates that the afternotok dependency is enforced · a6ed693e
      Nathan Yee authored
      when a job runs to completion.
    • Francois Chevallier's avatar
      [PATCH 5/5] Integrate the layouts framework into the controller startup stage · 2a1adff7
      Francois Chevallier authored
      With this commit, the slurm controller will now initialize the configured
      layouts and parse their configuration files at startup.
      Note that even if no layouts were configured, a "base" layout is
      automatically built in slurm-layouts_load_config(). This "base" layout is
      containing every nodes defined in the system, linked together as a flat tree.
      (Adapted for slurm-14.11 by Matthieu Hautreux <matthieu.hautreux@cea.fr>)
    • Francois Chevallier's avatar
      [PATCH 4/5] Introduce layouts core primitives · fcee6898
      Francois Chevallier authored
      This commit introduces the entity, layout and layouts manager related structures
      corresponding to the core of the layouts logic.
      The layouts manager is responsible for initializing and loading the layouts
      specified in the slurm.conf "Layouts=" pragma retrieved using
      (Adapted for slurm-14.11 by Matthieu Hautreux <matthieu.hautreux@cea.fr>)