1. 15 Aug, 2012 3 commits
  2. 14 Aug, 2012 8 commits
  3. 13 Aug, 2012 8 commits
  4. 10 Aug, 2012 12 commits
  5. 09 Aug, 2012 9 commits
    • Morris Jette's avatar
    • Matthieu Hautreux's avatar
    • Matthieu Hautreux's avatar
      Fix sbcast's credential to last till the end of a job instead of the · 069eead2
      Matthieu Hautreux authored
      previous 20 minute time limit.  The previous behavior would fail for
      large files 20 minutes into the transfer.
    • Danny Auble's avatar
    • Danny Auble's avatar
    • Danny Auble's avatar
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      add access_denied message to trigger clear · 6ce78c99
      Morris Jette authored
      If a user tries to to clear message that he does not own, return
      access denied rather than not found error
    • Stephen Trofinoff's avatar
      Restore separate gres_req field · 2a5ccf6a
      Stephen Trofinoff authored
    • Stephen Trofinoff's avatar
      Gres accounting enhancements · 9029b262
      Stephen Trofinoff authored
      I performed more testing today and for the most part things
      worked except for one glitch.  In the case of batch jobs, the GRES
      req field was being lost.  It was not being uploaded into the DB and
      it was missing from "scontrol show job ...."  This didn't occur with
      interactive jobs.  After looking at this, it appears that we enter
      select_nodes twice for the batch jobs and only once for interactive
      jobs.  Consequently, we call _fill_in_gres_fields twice for the
      batch jobs.  On the first entry, the job_ptr->node_cnt entry is 0.
      Thus we don't perform the computation and append the string to gres.
      Because we are now using the same gres string field, what this
      means is that we tokenize the gres string and then don't rebuild
      it--thus it becomes blank.
      One solution is simply to comment out the second clause of the
      if-statement where it checks whether the node_cnt > 0.  This works
      because it doesn't matter if on the first pass there is something
      like "gpu:0" in the gres string (0 being due to an initial node_cnt
      of 0) because we just need the type names of this string.  We use
      that to extract from the gres_list the actual value requested.  Thus
      as long as we have at least rebuilt the string to contain the type
      names, on the subsequent entry into _fill_in_gres_fields, when we do
      have the correct node_cnt value, the correct string will be built.
           A better solution is to avoid the entire block of code where we
      do the tokenization of the gres string if node_cnt is 0.  This way,
      we would not even tokenize the string on the first entry and avoid
      some double work.  Being that we enter twice for batch jobs, I also
      placed a condition around the the gres_alloc building part of the
      function so that we only attempt to build that string when there
      isn't already a string there (again avoiding double duty).