# Nemo modelfactors
Script used to get important metrics from NEMO
This script requires the following BSCTOOLS to be installed, loaded and available through the PATH environment variable.
* *Extrae (4.0.0 or above)*
* *Paraver*
* *Dimemas*
* *Basicanalysis*
Also the different modules needed to compile and execute NEMO should be loaded before the script execution.
* Perl interpreter
* Fortran compiler (ifort, gfortran, pgfortran, ftn, …),
* Message Passing Interface (MPI) implementation (e.g. OpenMPI or MPICH).
* Network Common Data Form (NetCDF) library with its underlying Hierarchical Data Form (HDF)
# Usage
* Copy all the content of this folder into the folder used to run NEMO, the one that contains the data the namelists and the executable.
* Edit the file config.yaml adding the information required.
* Execute