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# Nemo modelfactors
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The project was developed and tested using NEMO 4.2 version.
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This project is intended to compute important performance metrics for a NEMO run.
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The statistic produced is focusing on the timestep loop, so these numbers are not related to the initialization and finalization parts.
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# Installation and requeriments
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This script relies on the following tools:
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* *Extrae (4.0.0 or above)* 
* *Paraver*
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* *Dimemas (latest has a bug use 5.4.2-devel instead)* 
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* *Basicanalysis* 
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*They can be downloaded at* and need to be installed, loaded and available through the PATH environment variable.
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Here the list of the modules that need to be loaded before the script execution.
* Perl interpreter.
* Fortran compiler (ifort, gfortran, pgfortran, ftn, …),
* Message Passing Interface (MPI) implementation (e.g. OpenMPI or MPICH).
* Network Common Data Form (NetCDF) library with its underlying Hierarchical Data Form (HDF).
* Clone this repository wherever you please.
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* Don't move the content of the repository outside , the sub-modules won't load and the script will fail. If you want you can init the sub-modules manually with `git submodule update --init` and then move the content.
* ***Edit the file perf_metrics.config and replace the parameters values with the suited information.*** 
* ***MINIMUM CHANGES perf_metrics.config:***
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	* Nemo_path, change the value to the path were NEMO is installed in your machine.
	* Nemo_input_data, change the value to the path were the input data for the configuration is downloaded.
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	* Compilation_arch, replace the value with the name of the arch file that you use to compile NEMO.
	* Modules, change the value to suit the name of the modules you need to load.
	* Jobs_scheduler, replace the value with the name of the scheduler installed in your machine (currently supports slurm, lsf and torque)
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* Execute perf_metrics.bash 
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* If the script executes without problems the data will be by default ready inside ../Output/Metrics folder. The Output dir path can be changed at perf_metrics.config.