1. 21 Jan, 2019 5 commits
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      Fix node GRES update string parsing · 41c45f07
      Morris Jette authored
      If scontrol is used to change a node's GRES and the input string
      contains socket binding information (e.g. "gres=gpu:4(S:0),...")
      then ignore the socket binding information input. Use the binding
      as reported by slurmd in the node registration.
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      Fix zero count use in node GRES string · b285edcb
      Morris Jette authored
      If a node's GRES has a count of zero (say after updating GRES counts)
      then do not print the count. Just don't report anything for that
      GRES type.
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      Fix for gres logic · 96c04d29
      Morris Jette authored
      If a GRES was defined with Type information in gres.conf, but
      lacked Type information in slurm.conf, this sets up the data
      structures in slurmctld for resource allocations.
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      cosmetic change for long line in code · 88ca6ff3
      Morris Jette authored
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      use common node gres string build function · 7b627555
      Morris Jette authored
      Convert node validate logic (on node registration) in gres.c
      to use the same (new) function as is used for node gres update
  2. 19 Jan, 2019 2 commits
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      Major refactoring of GRES reconfig/update logic · 15165596
      Morris Jette authored
      Add new logic to set node's GRES string on reconfig.
      Set node GRES sockets based upon real socket/core config info.
      Validate GRES changes before making them.
          Specifically we want to make sure no requests to process changes
          in the count of a GRES associated with File specifications happens.
          For example, if we have 4 gres/gpu associated with /dev/nvidia[0-3]
          and "scontrol update NodeName=... Gres=gpu:2" is executed that
          request will return an error. This is because we have no idea which
          specific gres/gpu records should be removed. We can issue a request
          to keep the count unchanged or set the count to 0, but any other
          count will return an error. This restrictions is not placed on
          GRES without Files (e.g. gres/craynetwork).
      Changed some variable names to better reflect their contents.
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      Increase sleep in test · 4fc680bc
      Morris Jette authored
      Give job longer time to be scheduled and started (depends on
      scheduling parameters).
  3. 18 Jan, 2019 4 commits
  4. 17 Jan, 2019 20 commits
  5. 16 Jan, 2019 5 commits
  6. 15 Jan, 2019 4 commits