1. 22 Jun, 2015 2 commits
  2. 19 Jun, 2015 1 commit
  3. 15 Jun, 2015 1 commit
  4. 12 Jun, 2015 2 commits
  5. 11 Jun, 2015 1 commit
  6. 10 Jun, 2015 1 commit
  7. 09 Jun, 2015 2 commits
    • David Bigagli's avatar
      Search for user in all groups · 93ead71a
      David Bigagli authored
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      Fix scheduling inconsistency with GRES · e1a00772
      Morris Jette authored
      1. I submit a first job that uses 1 GPU:
      $ srun --gres gpu:1 --pty bash
      2. while the first one is still running, a 2-GPU job asking for 1 task per node
      waits (and I don't really understand why):
      $ srun --ntasks-per-node=1 --gres=gpu:2 --pty bash
      srun: job 2390816 queued and waiting for resources
      3. whereas a 2-GPU job requesting 1 core per socket (so just 1 socket) actually
      gets GPUs allocated from two different sockets!
      $ srun -n 1  --cores-per-socket=1 --gres=gpu:2 -p testk --pty bash
      With this change #2 works the same way as #3.
      bug 1725
  8. 05 Jun, 2015 1 commit
  9. 04 Jun, 2015 2 commits
  10. 03 Jun, 2015 1 commit
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      switch/cray: Refine PMI_CRAY_NO_SMP_ENV set · ef66b2eb
      Morris Jette authored
      switch/cray: Refine logic to set PMI_CRAY_NO_SMP_ENV environment variable.
      Rather than testing for the task distribution option, test the actual
      task IDs to see fi they are monotonically increasing across all nodes.
      Based upon idea from Brian Gilmer (Cray).
  11. 02 Jun, 2015 3 commits
  12. 01 Jun, 2015 1 commit
  13. 30 May, 2015 1 commit
  14. 29 May, 2015 5 commits
  15. 28 May, 2015 1 commit
  16. 27 May, 2015 1 commit
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      Map job --mem-per-cpu=0 to --mem=0. · 33c77302
      Morris Jette authored
      However, --mem=0 now reflects the appropriate amount of memory in the
      system, --mem-per-cpu=0 hasn't changed.  This allows all the memory to
      be allocated in a cgroup but is not "consumed" and is available for
      other jobs running on the same host.
      Eric Martin, Washington University School of Medicine
  17. 26 May, 2015 1 commit
  18. 22 May, 2015 1 commit
  19. 21 May, 2015 1 commit
  20. 20 May, 2015 2 commits
  21. 19 May, 2015 1 commit
  22. 16 May, 2015 1 commit
  23. 15 May, 2015 2 commits
  24. 14 May, 2015 2 commits
  25. 13 May, 2015 3 commits