1. 13 Aug, 2003 1 commit
    • Moe Jette's avatar
      When running a job step in a pre-existing resource allocation, modify · 21905b6d
      Moe Jette authored
      the old_job_allocation response so as to conform with job step's specification.
      For example, remove nodes that are excluded (-x), set the node count to
      that requested (-N, eliminate nodes as required), etc. This requires
      modifying the node list including the slurm_addr, and cpu_count arrays.
  2. 12 Aug, 2003 3 commits
  3. 08 Aug, 2003 2 commits
  4. 07 Aug, 2003 5 commits
  5. 06 Aug, 2003 1 commit
  6. 05 Aug, 2003 4 commits
  7. 04 Aug, 2003 1 commit
  8. 02 Aug, 2003 5 commits
  9. 31 Jul, 2003 18 commits