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Degree supervision rules

Before a degree student arrives, a project should be written describing the general objectives, scientific questions, tools to be used during the project. A work plan should also be prepared to describe the documentation to be read, the exact analyses to be performed, i.e. step by step instructions for the degree student.

Degree students

Sergi Bech Sala

Advisor: Llorenç Lledó & Lluís Palma
University: Universitat de Barcelona
Project: Challenge to improve sub-seasonal to seasonal predictions using artificial intelligence
Duration: 16/June/2021-16/November/2021

Álvaro Criado Romero

Responsible: Jan Mateu, Albert Soret
University: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Project: Practices - Junior Researcher: Modeling and evaluation on urban air quality.
Duration: 01/March/2021-31/July/2021

Sergio Pérez Montero

Responsible: Pablo Ortega Montilla
University: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Project: 3rd BSC International Summer HPC Internship Programme
Duration: 22/June/2020-30/August/2020

Brian O'Sullivan

Responsible: Kim Serradell
University: National University of Ireland, Galway
Project: 3rd BSC International Summer HPC Internship Programme -
Duration: 29/June/2021-30/August/2021

Francesc Roura Adserias

Advisor: Jaume Ramon
University: Universitat de Barcelona
Project: Decathlon project (1st International Summer HPC Internship Programme)
Duration: July 2019-February 2020

Sergi Palomas

Advisor: Mario Acosta
University: Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Title: Profiling analysis of XIOS
Duration: 1/July-31/August 2018
TFG: final_report.pdf

Adrià Quesada

Advisor: Kim Serradell & David Carrera
University: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Title: Evaluation of Amazon Web Services for running Earth Science models
Duration: January - June 2019

Fatine Bentires

Advisor: Mario Acosta
University: Polytech Paris-UPMC
Title: Automatic scalability tests for MPMD applications as EC-Earth
Duration: 20/June-20/August 2018
Final report: Automatic scalability tests for MPMD applications as EC-Earth

Agnes De Gimel

Advisor: Kim Serradell
Co-advisor: Mario Acosta
University: Polytech Paris-UPMC
Title: Porting Nemo Ocean Model to Marenostrum4
Duration: 1/June-10/August 2017
Final report: Porting Nemo Ocean Model to Marenostrum4

degree_students/degree_students.1625574282.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/06 12:24 by bosulliv