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Brief description

Please note that Ec-Earth2 includes NEMO2.2 and Ec-Earth3 includes NEMO3.3

s4 NEMO2.2 / NEMO3.2 / NEMO3.3 ORCA1 and ORCAL46 19580101 20141201 02, 05, 08, 11 fc0 - f4 ocean reanalysis - mask corrected for ORCA1 - vertically interpolated and extrapolated for ORCA1L46 Mogensen et al(2011), Balmaseda et al (2012)
GLORYS2V1 NEMO3.3 ORCA1L46 19921101 20091101 05,11 fc0 Interpolated initial conditions from an ocean reanalysis Ferry et al (2010)
GLORYS2V1 NEMO3.3 ORCA025L46 19921101 20091101 05,11 fc0 Interpolated initial conditions from an ocean reanalysis Ferry et al (2010)
GLORYS2V1 NEMO3.3 ORCA025L75 19921101 20091101 05,11 fc0 ocean reanalysis Ferry et al (2010)
GLOSEA5 NEMO3.3 ORCA025L75 19930430 20131031 05,11 fc0 ocean reanalysis Mogensen et al (2009)
GLOSEA5 NEMO3.3 ORCA1L46 19930430 20131031 05,11 fc0 Interpolated initial conditions from an ocean reanalysis Mogensen et al (2009)
ORAP5 NEMO3.3 ORCA025L75 19790430 20131031 05,11 fc0 ocean reanalysis Hao et al (2015)
ORAP5 NEMO3.3 ORCA1L46 19790430 20131031 05,11 fc0 Interpolated initial conditions from an ocean reanalysis Hao et al (2015)
m01x NEMO3.3 ORCA1L46 19921101 20091101 02,05,08,11 fc0 Initial conditions produced by nudging the ocean component in EC-Earth3.0.1 toward the monthly T and S from GLORYS2V1 ocean reanalysis no reference yet
m01w NEMO3.3 ORCA025L46 19921101 20091101 02,05,08,11 fc0 Initial conditions produced by nudging the ocean component in EC-Earth3.0.1 toward the monthly T and S from GLORYS2V1 ocean reanalysis no reference yet
m01u NEMO3.3 ORCA025L75 19921101 20091101 02,05,08,11 fc0 Initial conditions produced by nudging the ocean component in EC-Earth3.0.1 toward the monthly T and S from GLORYS2V1 ocean reanalysis no reference yet


Need for new ocean initial conditions

These are ranked by priority :

1) ORAS4 ORCA1L75 configuration for 1958 to present

2) GLORYS2v1 ORCA1L75 configuration for 1993 to 2009

3) ORAS4 all configurations whole period

4) GLORYS3 all configurations whole period


Balmaseda M.A., Mogensen K.S., Weaver A.T., 2012, Evaluation of the ECMWF Ocean Reanalysis ORAS4. Quart J Roy Meteor Soc DOI 10.1002/qj.2063.

Ferry N et al., 2010, Mercator global eddy permitting ocean reanalysis GLORYS1v1: description and results. Mercator Ocean Quart. Newsl, 36, 15-27.

Mogensen K.S., Balmaseda M.A., Weaver A., 2011, The NEMOVAR ocean data assimilation as implemented in the ECMWF ocean analysis for system 4. ECMWF Technical Memorandum, 668.

[[how_to_generate_new_ocean_initial_conditions_|Generation of new ocean initial condition]]

initial_conditions/oceanic.1452261683.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/01/08 14:01 by eexarcho