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Technical memoranda

This page contains technical memos that describe preliminary results (e.g. first version of a paper) or technical developments that are too long to be written on a single web page:

  • Naming convention: surname and initials of first author, initials and surname of following authors (year of publication). Title. WG Technical Memorandum YYYY-NNN, pages, file


  • Bennouna, Y., M. Schulz, Y. Christophe, H.J. Eskes, S. Basart, A. Benedictow, A.-M. Blechschmidt, S. Chabrillat, H. Clark, E. Cuevas, H. Flentje, K.M. Hansen, U. Im, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, K. Petersen, A. Richter, N. Sudarchikova, V. Thouret, A. Wagner, Y. Wang, C. Zerefos, Validation report of the CAMS global Reanalysis of aerosols and reactive gases, years 2003-2019, Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) report, CAMS84_2018SC1_D5.1.1-2017_v1.pdf, February 2019, 167 pp, doi:10.24380/ xjhk-zt69.
  • Eskes, H. J., S. Basart, A. Benedictow, Y. Bennouna, A.-M. Blechschmidt, S. Chabrillat, Y. Christophe, K. M. Hansen, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, M. Pitkänen, M. Ramonet, A. Richter, N. Sudarchikova, M. Schulz, A. Wagner, T. Warneke, C. Zerefos, Upgrade verification note for the CAMS near-real time global atmospheric composition service:Evaluation of the e-suite for the CAMS 47R1 upgrade of October 2020, Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) report, CAMS84_2018SC2_D3.2.1- 202009_esuite.pdf, 2 October 2020. doi:doi:10.24380/fzdx-j890
  • Christophe, Y., M. Ramonet, A. Wagner, M. Schulz, H. J. Eskes, S. Basart, A. Benedictow, Y. Bennouna, A.-M. Blechschmidt, S. Chabrillat, E. Cuevas, A. ElYazidi, H. Flentje, P. Fritzsche, K.M. Hansen, U. Im, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, A. Richter, N. Sudarchikova, V. Thouret, T. Warneke, C. Zerefos, Validation report of the CAMS near-real-time global atmospheric composition service: Period March - May 2020, Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) report, CAMS84_2018SC2_D1.1.1_MAM2020.pdf, September 2020. doi: ??
  • Christophe, Y., Schulz, M., Y. Bennouna, H.J. Eskes, S. Basart, A. Benedictow, A.-M. Blechschmidt, S. Chabrillat, H. Clark, E. Cuevas, H. Flentje, K.M. Hansen, U. Im, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, K. Petersen, A. Richter, N. Sudarchikova, V. Thouret, A. Wagner, Y. Wang, T. Warneke, C. Zerefos, Validation report of the CAMS global Reanalysis of aerosols and reactive gases, years 2003-2018, Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) report, CAMS84_2018SC1_D5.1.1-2018_v1.pdf, May 2019, doi:10.24380/dqws-kg08.
  • Schulz, M., Y. Christophe, M. Ramonet, Wagner, A., H. J. Eskes, S. Basart, A. Benedictow, Y. Bennouna, A.-M. Blechschmidt, S. Chabrillat, E. Cuevas, A. ElYazidi, H. Flentje, P. Fritzsche, K.M. Hansen, U. Im, J. Kapsomenakis, B.Langerock, A. Richter, N. Sudarchikova, V. Thouret, T. Warneke, C. Zerefos,Validation report of the CAMS near-real-time global atmospheric composition service: Period December 2019 – February 2020, Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) report, CAMS84_2018SC2_D1.1.1_DJF2020.pdf, June 2020, doi:10.24380/322n-jn39.
  • Wagner, A., M. Schulz, Y. Christophe, M. Ramonet, H. J. Eskes, S. Basart, A. Benedictow, Y. Bennouna, A.-M. Blechschmidt, S. Chabrillat, E. Cuevas, A. ElYazidi, H. Flentje, K.M. Hansen, U. Im, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, A. Richter, N. Sudarchikova, V. Thouret, T. Warneke, C. Zerefos, Validation report of the CAMS near-real-time global atmospheric composition service: Period September - November 2019, Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) report, CAMS84_2018SC2_D1.1.1_SON2019_v1.pdf, February 2020,doi:10.24380/xzkk-bz05.


  • Ramon, J., Lledó, Ll. (2019). The Tall Tower Dataset. Technical Note, 2nd version. BSC-ESS Technical Memorandum 2019-001, 45 pp.
  • Basart, S, A. Benedictow, Y. Bennouna, A.-M. Blechschmidt, S. Chabrillat, Y. Christophe, E. Cuevas, H. J. Eskes, K. M. Hansen, O. Jorba, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, T. Pay, A. Richter, N. Sudarchikova, M. Schulz, A. Wagner, C. Zerefos, Upgrade verification note for the CAMS real-time global atmospheric composition service: Evaluation of the esuite for the CAMS upgrade of July 2019, Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) report, CAMS84_2018SC1_D3.2.1-201907_esuite_v1.pdf, July 2019, doi:10.24380/fcwq-yp50.
  • Bennouna, Y., M. Schulz, Y. Christophe, H.J. Eskes, S. Basart, A. Benedictow, A.-M. Blechschmidt, S. Chabrillat, H. Clark, E. Cuevas, H. Flentje, K.M. Hansen, U. Im, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, K. Petersen, A. Richter, N. Sudarchikova, V. Thouret, A. Wagner, Y. Wang, C. Zerefos, Validation report of the CAMS global Reanalysis of aerosols and reactive gases, years 2003-2017, Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) report, CAMS84_2018SC1_D5.1.1-2017_v1.pdf, February 2019, 167 pp, doi:10.24380/ xjhk-zt69.
  • Christophe, Y., M. Ramonet, A. Wagner, M. Schulz, H. J. Eskes, S. Basart, A. Benedictow, Y. Bennouna, A.-M. Blechschmidt, S. Chabrillat, E. Cuevas, A. ElYazidi, H. Flentje, K.M. Hansen, U. Im, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, A.Richter, N. Sudarchikova, V. Thouret, T. Warneke, C. Zerefos, Validation report of the CAMS near-real-time global atmospheric composition service: Period March-May 2019, Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) report, CAMS84_2018SC1_D1.1.1_MAM2019_v1.pdf, September 2019, doi:10.24380/1t4q-1h53.
  • Granier, C., S. Darras, H. Denier van der Gon, J. Doubalova, N. Elguindi, B. Galle, M. Gauss, M. Guevara, J.-P. Jalkanen, J. Kuenen, C. Liousse, B. Quack, D. Simpson and K. Sindelarova (2019). The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service global and regional emissions. Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) report, April 2019, doi:10.24380/d0bn-kx16.
  • Ramonet, M., A. Wagner, M. Schulz, Y. Christophe, H. J. Eskes, S. Basart, A. Benedictow, Y. Bennouna, A.-M. Blechschmidt, S. Chabrillat, E. Cuevas, A. ElYazidi, H. Flentje, K.M. Hansen, U. Im, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, A. Richter, N. Sudarchikova, V. Thouret, T. Warneke, C. Zerefos, Validation report of the CAMS near-real-time global atmospheric composition service: Period June - August 2019, Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) report, CAMS84_2018SC1_D1.1.1_JJA2019_v1.pdf, November 2019, doi:10.24380/def9-na43.
  • Schulz, M., Y. Christophe, M. Ramonet, Wagner, A., H.J. Eskes, S. Basart, A. Benedictow, Y. Bennouna, A.-M. Blechschmidt, S. Chabrillat, E. Cuevas, A. ElYazidi, H. Flentje, K.M. Hansen, U. Im, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, A. Richter, N. Sudarchikova, V. Thouret, T. Warneke, C. Zerefos, Validation report of the CAMS near-real-time global atmospheric composition service: Period December 2018 -February 2019, Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) report, CAMS84_2018SC1_D1.1.1_DJF2019_v1.pdf, June 2019,doi:10.24380/7th6-tk72.
  • Verfaillie, D., S. Wild, F.J. Doblas-Reyes, M. Donat, R. Mahmood, and R. Bilbao (2019), Milestone 2: Preliminary illustration of the relative merits of the forecast combination and description of the methods identified. EUCP Milestone Report, December 2019, 12 pp. EUCP Milestone 2
  • Wagner, A., M. Schulz, Y. Christophe, M. Ramonet, H.J. Eskes, S. Basart, A. Benedictow, Y. Bennouna, A.-M. Blechschmidt, S. Chabrillat, H. Clark, E. Cuevas, H. Flentje, K.M. Hansen, U. Im, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, A. Richter, N. Sudarchikova, V. Thouret, T. Warneke, C. Zerefos, Validation report of the CAMS near-real-time global atmospheric composition service: Period SeptemberNovember 2018, Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) report, CAMS84_2018SC1_D1.1.1_SON2018_v1.pdf, March 2019, doi:10.24380/dg9c-pm41.


  • Bilbao, R., M. Ménégoz, V. Torralba, L.-P. Caron and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2018). Capability of the BSC-CNS as a Global Producing Center for Near-Term Climate Prediction. BSC-CPG Technical Memorandum 2018-001, 35 pp.
  • Eskes, H.J., A. Wagner, M. Schulz, Y. Christophe, M. Ramonet, S. Basart, A. Benedictow, Y. Bennouna, A.M. Blechschmidt, S. Chabrillat, H. Clark, E. Cuevas, H. Flentje, K.M. Hansen, U. Im, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, K. Petersen, A. Richter, N. Sudarchikova, V. Thouret, T. Warneke, C. Zerefos (2018) Validation Report of the CAMS near-real-time global atmospheric composition service: Period March 2018 - May 2018. Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) Report, October 2018, 134 pp.
  • Eskes, H.J., M. Schulz, Y. Christophe, S. Basart, A.Benedictow, Y. Bennouna, A.M. Blechschmidt, S. Chabrillat, H. Clark, E. Cuevas, H. Flentje, K.M. Hansen, U. Im, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, K. Petersen, A. Richter, N. Sudarchikova, V. Thouret, T. Wagner, Y. Wang, C. Zerefos (2018) Validation report for the CAMS global reanalyses of aerosols and reactive trace gases, years 2003 - 2016. Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) Report, September 2018, 125 pp.
  • Eskes, H.J., S. Basart, A. Benedictow, Y. Bennouna, A.M. Blechschmidt, S. Chabrillat, Y. Christophe, H. Clark, E. Cuevas, K.M. Hansen, U. Im, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, K. Petersen, M. Schulz, A. Wagner, C. Zerefos (2017). Addendum to: Upgrade verification note for the CAMS near-real time global atmospheric composition service. Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) Report, July 2018, 10 pp.
  • Eskes, H.J., A. Wagner, M. Schulz, Y. Christophe, M. Ramonet, S. Basart, A. Benedictow, Y. Bennouna, A.M. Blechschmidt, S. Chabrillat, H. Clark, E. Cuevas, H. Flentje, K.M. Hansen, U. Im, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, K. Petersen, A. Richter, N. Sudarchikova, V. Thouret, T. Warneke, C. Zerefos (2018) Validation Report of the CAMS near-real-time global atmospheric composition service: Period December 2017 - February 2018. Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) Report, June 2018, 133 pp.
  • Eskes, H.J., S. Basart, A. Benedictow, Y. Bennouna, A.M. Blechschmidt, S. Chabrillat, Y. Christophe, H. Clark, E. Cuevas, K.M. Hansen, U. Im, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, K. Petersen,M. Schulz, A. Wagner, C. Zerefos (2018). Upgrade verification note for the CAMS near-real time global atmospheric composition service. Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) Report, April 2018, 55 pp.
  • Eskes, H.J., M. Schulz, Y. Christophe, S. Basart, A.Benedictow, Y. Bennouna, A.M. Blechschmidt, S. Chabrillat, H. Clark, E. Cuevas, H. Flentje, K.M. Hansen, U. Im, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, K. Petersen, A. Richter, N. Sudarchikova, V. Thouret, T. Wagner, Y. Wang, C. Zerefos (2017) Validation report for the CAMS global reanalyses of aerosols and reactive trace gases, years 2003 - 2007. Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) Report, March 2018, 125 pp.
  • Eskes, H.J., A. Wagner, M. Schulz, Y. Christophe, M. Ramonet, S. Basart, A. Benedictow, Y. Bennouna, A.M. Blechschmidt, S. Chabrillat, H. Clark, E. Cuevas, H. Flentje, K.M. Hansen, U. Im, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, K. Petersen, A. Richter, N. Sudarchikova, V. Thouret, T. Warneke, C. Zerefos (2018) Validation Report of the CAMS near-real-time global atmospheric composition service: Period September - November 2017. Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) Report, March 2018, 123 pp.
  • González-Reviriego, N., L.-P. Caron, B. Solaraju Murali and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2018). Overview of near-term decadal climate prediction and its applications. BSC-ESS Technical Memorandum 2018-001, 41 pp.
  • Massonnet, F., M. Ménégoz, M. C. Acosta, X. Yepes-Arbós, E. Exarchou and F. J. Doblas-Reyes (2018). Reproducibility of an Earth System Model under a Change in Computing Environment BSC-CPG Technical Memorandum 2018-002, 25 pp.
  • Solaraju-Murali, B., N. González-Reviriego, L.-P. Caron and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2018). Assessing the added-value of near-term decadal climate information for the agricultural sector. BSC-ESS Technical Memorandum 2018-002, 26 pp.
  • Sudarchikova, N., S. Basart, E. Katragkou, K. Petersen, D. Akritidis, S. Kartsios, P. Zanis, D. Melas, S. Chabrillat, Y. Christophe, M. Ramonet, Y. Bennouna, H. Clark, A. Wagner, M. Schulz, A.-M. Blechschmidt, E. Cuevas, H. Flentje, K. M. Hansen, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, T. Warneke, H.J. Eskes (2018) Compendium of case studies for the period 2015-2018, Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) report, December 2018, 113 pp.
  • Terradellas, E., E. Werner, S. Basart and F. Benincasa (2017) Warning Advisory System for Sand and Dust Storm in Burkina Faso SDS-WAS-NAMEE Technical Memorandum 2018-001, 9 pp.
  • Wagner, A., M. Schulz, Y. Christophe, M. Ramonet, H.J. Eskes, S. Basart, A. Benedictow, Y. Bennouna, A.M. Blechschmidt, S. Chabrillat, H. Clark, E. Cuevas, H. Flentje, K.M. Hansen, U. Im, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, K. Petersen, A. Richter, N. Sudarchikova, V. Thouret, T. Warneke, C. Zerefos (2018) Validation Report of the CAMS near-real-time global atmospheric composition service: Period June - August 2018. Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) Report, December 2018, 141 pp.
  • Yepes-Arbós, X., M.C. Acosta, G. van den Oord and G. Carver (2018). Computational aspects and performance evaluation of the IFS-XIOS integration. ECMWF Technical Memorandum 2018-825, 84pp.


  • Basart, S. (2017). Forecast Evaluation: AERONET vs. SDS-WAS multimodel forecast.SDS-WAS-NAMEE Technical Memorandum 2017-001, 7 pp.
  • Douros, J., S. Basart, A. Benedictow, A.-M. Blechschmidt, S. Chabrillat, Y. Christophe, H. Clark, E. Cuevas, H.J. Eskes, H. Flentje, K.M. Hansen, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, K. Petersen, M. Ramonet, A. Richter, M. Schulz, A. Wagner, T. Warneke, C. Zerefos. (2017). Observations characterisation and validation methods document.Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) report, CAMS84_2015SC2_D., October 2017.
  • Eskes, H.J., H. Clark, M. Schulz, Y. Christophe, S. Basart, A.Benedictow, A.M. Blechschmidt, S. Chabrillat, E. Cuevas, H. Flentje, K.M. Hansen, U. Im, O. Jossoud, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, K. Petersen, A. Richter, N. Sudarchikova, V. Thouret, T. Wagner, Y. Warneke, C. Zerefos (2017) Validation report for the CAMS global reanalyses of aerosols and reactive trace gases, year 2003. Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) Report, November 2017, 90 pp.
  • Eskes, H.J., A. Wagner, M. Schulz, Y. Christophe, M. Ramonet, S. Basart, A. Benedictow, A.M. Blechschmidt, S. Chabrillat, H. Clark, E. Cuevas, H. Flentje, K.M. Hansen, U. Im, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, K. Petersen, A. Richter, N. Sudarchikova, V. Thouret, T. Warneke, C. Zerefos (2017) Validation Report of the CAMS near-real-time global atmospheric composition service: Period June - August 2017. Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) Report, December 2017, 119 pp.
  • Eskes, H.J., T. Antonakaki, S. Basart, A. Benedictow, A.M. Blechschmidt, S. Chabrillat, Y. Christophe, H. Clark, E. Cuevas, K.M. Hansen, U. Im, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, K. Petersen, A. Richter, M. Schulz, N. Sudarchikova, V. Thouret, A. Wagner, T. Warneke and C. Zerefos (2017). Upgrade verification note for the CAMS near-real time global atmospheric composition service. Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) Report, July 2017, 58 pp.
  • Eskes, H.J., A. Wagner, M. Schulz, Y. Christophe, M. Ramonet, S. Basart, A. Benedictow, A.M. Blechschmidt, S. Chabrillat, H. Clark, E. Cuevas, H. Flentje, K.M. Hansen, U. Im, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, K. Petersen, A. Richter, N. Sudarchikova, V. Thouret, T. Warneke and C. Zerefos (2017). Validation Report of the CAMS near-real-time global atmospheric composition service: March - May 2017. Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) Report, October 2017, 119 pp.
  • Eskes, H.J., A. Wagner, M. Schulz, Y. Christophe, M. Ramonet, S. Basart, A. Benedictow, A.M. Blechschmidt, S. Chabrillat, H. Clark, E. Cuevas, H. Flentje, K.M. Hansen, U. Im, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, K. Petersen, A. Richter, N. Sudarchikova, V. Thouret, T. Warneke and C. Zerefos (2017). Validation Report of the CAMS near-real-time global atmospheric composition service: December 2016 - February 2017. Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) Report, May 2017, 117 pp.
  • Eskes, H.J., A. Wagner, M. Schulz, Y. Christophe, M. Ramonet, S. Basart, A. Benedictow, A.M. Blechschmidt, S. Chabrillat, H. Clark, E. Cuevas, H. Flentje, K.M. Hansen, U. Im, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, K. Petersen, A. Richter, N. Sudarchikova, V. Thouret, T. Warneke and C. Zerefos (2017). Validation Report of the CAMS near-real-time global atmospheric composition service: September - November 2016. Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) Report, February 2017, 118 pp.
  • Lledó, LL. (2017). CLIM4ENERGY technical note no.1: computing capacity factor. BSC-ESS Technical Memorandum 2017-001, 9 pp.
  • Yepes-Arbós, X., M. C. Acosta, K. Serradell, A. Sanchez Lorente and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2017). Simulation-based performance analysis of EC-Earth 3.2.0 using Dimemas. BSC-CES Technical Memorandum 2017-001, 30 pp.


  • Acosta, M.C., X. Yepes-Arbós, S. Valcke, E. Maisonnave, K. Serradell, O. Mula-Valls and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2016). Performance analysis of EC-Earth 3.2: Coupling. BSC-CES Technical Memorandum 2016-006, 38 pp.
  • Baudouin, J.-P. and L.-P. Caron (2016). Users' guide for the BSC cyclone tracker. BSC-CPG Technical Memorandum 2016-003, 34 pp.
  • Chabrillat, S., H.J. Eskes, S. Basart, A. Benedictow, A.M. Blechschmidt, Y. Christophe, H. Clark, E. Cuevas, H. Flentje, K.M. Hansen, U. Im, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, K. Petersen, M. Ramonet, A. Richter, M. Schulz, N. Sudarchikova, V. Thouret, A. Wagner, T. Warneke and C. Zerefos (2016). Upgrade verification not for the CAMS near-real-time global atmospheric composition service; Evaluation of the e-suite (experiment 0067) for the period November 2015 - March 2016. Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) Report, April 2016, 54 pp.
  • Cortesi, N., N. Gonzalez-Reviriego, V. Torralba and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2016). Wind speed verification of ECMWF monthly forecasts. BSC-ESS Technical Memorandum 2016-011, 23 pp.
  • Cortesi, N., N. Gonzalez-Reviriego, A. Soret and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2016). Weather regimes: ECMWF seasonal forecasts verification. BSC-ESS Technical Memorandum 2016-010, 32pp.
  • Cortesi, N., N. Gonzalez-Reviriego, A. Soret and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2016). Observed seasonal weather regimes over Europe: impact on wind speed and temperature. BSC-ESS Technical Memorandum 2016-009, 28pp.
  • Doblas-Reyes, F.J., L.-P. Caron, J. Garcia-Serrano, M. Ménégoz, C. Prodhomme and V. Guemas (2016). Capability of the BSC-CNS as a Global Producing Center for Near-Term Climate Prediction. BSC-CPG Technical Memorandum 2016-003, 25 pp.
  • Eskes, H.J., A. Wagner, M. Schulz, Y. Christophe, M. Ramonet, S. Basart, A. Benedictow, A.M. Blechschmidt, S. Chabrillat, H. Clark, E. Cuevas, H. Flentje, K.M. Hansen, U. Im, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, K. Petersen, A. Richter, N. Sudarchikova, V. Thouret, T. Warneke and C. Zerefos (2016). Validation Report of the CAMS near-real-time global atmospheric composition service. System evolution and performance statistics; Status up to 1 September 2016. Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) Report, November 2016, 126 pp.
  • Eskes, H.J., A. Wagner, M. Schulz, Y. Christophe, M. Ramonet, S. Basart, A. Benedictow, A.M. Blechschmidt, S. Chabrillat, H. Clark, E. Cuevas, H. Flentje, K.M. Hansen, U. Im, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, K. Petersen, A. Richter, N. Sudarchikova, V. Thouret, T. Warneke and C. Zerefos (2016). Upgrade verification not for the CAMS near-real-time global atmospheric composition service. Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) Report, November 2016, 45 pp.
  • Eskes, H.J., A. Wagner, M. Schulz, Y. Christophe, M. Ramonet, S. Basart, A. Benedictow, A.M. Blechschmidt, S. Chabrillat, H. Clark, E. Cuevas, H. Flentje, K.M. Hansen, U. Im, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, K. Petersen, A. Richter, N. Sudarchikova, V. Thouret, T. Warneke and C. Zerefos (2016). Validation Report of the CAMS near-real-time global atmospheric composition service. System evolution and performance statistics; Status up to 1 June 2016. Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) Report, September 2016, 117 pp.
  • Eskes, H.J., A. Wagner, M. Schulz, Y. Christophe, M. Ramonet, S. Basart, A. Benedictow, A.M. Blechschmidt, S. Chabrillat, H. Clark, E. Cuevas, H. Flentje, K.M. Hansen, U. Im, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, K. Petersen, A. Richter, N. Sudarchikova, V. Thouret, T. Warneke and C. Zerefos (2016). Validation Report of the CAMS near-real-time global atmospheric composition service. System evolution and performance statistics; Status up to 1 March 2016. Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) Report, May 2016, 107 pp.
  • Eskes, H.J., A. Wagner, M. Schulz, Y. Christophe, M. Ramonet, S. Basart, A. Benedictow, A.M. Blechschmidt, S. Chabrillat, H. Clark, E. Cuevas, H. Flentje, K.M. Hansen, U. Im, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerock, K. Petersen, A. Richter, N. Sudarchikova, V. Thouret, T. Warneke and C. Zerefos (2016). Validation Report of the CAMS near-real-time global atmospheric composition service. System evolution and performance statistics; Status up to 1 December 2015. Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) Report, February 2016, 99 pp.
  • Gonçalves-Ageitos, M., S. Basart, M.T. Pay, E. Di Tomaso, M. Guevara, C. Pérez, P.A. Bretonnière, J. Cuadrado and K. Serradell (2016). Protocol for the AC data storage in esnas. BSC-AC Technical Memorandum 2016-002, 15 pp. BSC-AC 2016-002 Annex
  • Lee, D.Y., N. Gonzalez-Reviriego, V. Torralba, A. Soret and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2016). Forecast quality assessment of several seasonal climate prediction systems. BSC-ESS Technical Memorandum 2016-008, 36 pp.
  • Lee, D.Y., N. Gonzalez-Reviriego, V. Torralba, N. Cortesi, R. Marcos, A. Soret, and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2016). Forecast quality assessment of seasonal extreme wind events. BSC-ESS Technical Memorandum 2016-007, 26 pp.
  • Marcos, R., V. Torralba, N. Cortesi, N. Gonzalez-Reviriego, A. Soret and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2016). Characterization of near surface wind speed and temperature statistical distributions. BSC-ESS Technical Memorandum 2016-006, 34 pp.
  • Marcos, R., N. Gonzalez-Reviriego, A. Soret and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2016). Storm track characterization based on reanalysis data. BSC-ESS Technical Memorandum 2016-005, 16 pp.
  • Mishra, N., M. Terrado, N. Gonzalez-Reviriego and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2016). User engagement activities. BSC-ESS Technical Memorandum 2016-004, 16 pp.
  • Terrado, M., N. Gonzalez-Reviriego and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2016). Documentation of the design and development strategy for the UIP on climate services for energy. BSC-ESS Technical Memorandum 2016-003, 28 pp.
  • Terrado, M., N. Gonzalez-Reviriego, J. Subtil and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2016). Contributions to international initiatives.BSC-ESS Technical Memorandum 2016-002, 28 pp.
  • Torralba, V., L. Lledó, N. Cortesi, N. Gonzalez-Reviriego and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2016). Methodology to estimate seasonal predictions of capacity factor BSC-ESS Technical Memorandum 2016-001, 28 pp.
  • Yepes-Arbós, X., M.C. Acosta, K. Serradell, O. Mula-Valls and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2016). Scalability and performance analysis of EC-Earth 3.2.0 using a new metric approach (Part I). BSC-CES Technical Memorandum 2016-001, 28 pp.
  • Yepes-Arbós, X., M.C. Acosta, K. Serradell, O. Mula-Valls and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2016). Scalability and performance analysis of EC-Earth 3.2.0 using a new metric approach (Part II). BSC-CES Technical Memorandum 2016-004, 56 pp.


  • Basart, S., K. Serradell and J.M. Baldasano (2015). User's guide of the BSC-DREAM8b model. BSC-AC Technical Memorandum 2015-001, 74 pp.
  • Bellprat, O., D. Macias-Gómez, C. Prodhomme, V. Guemas and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2015). Climate prediction with EC-Earth3: Impact of horizontal resolution and initialisation of land-surface and sea-ice. CFU Technical Memorandum No. 2, 14 pp.
  • Fileni, L., Basart, S. and Pay, M.T. (2015). Convergence of the NMMB/BSC-CTM model in the CALIOPE system. Phase II: Meteorological Evaluation. BSC-AC Technical Memorandum 2015-002, 40 pp
  • Huijnen, V., H.J. Eskes, A. Arola, S. Basart, A. Benedictow, A.-M. Blechschmidt, E. Botek, S. Chabrillat, Y. Christophe, E. Cuevas, H. Flentje, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerok, M. Razinger, A. Richter, M. Schulz, V. Thouret and C. Zerefos (2015). Validation report of the CAMS near-real-time global atmospheric composition service. System evolution and performance statistics; Status up to 1 September 2015. Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) report, December 2015, 83 pp.
  • Huijnen, V., H.J. Eskes, A. Arola, S. Basart, A. Benedictow, A.-M. Blechschmidt, E. Botek, S. Chabrillat, Y. Christophe, E. Cuevas, H. Flentje, J. Kapsomenakis, B. Langerok, M. Razinger, A. Richter, M. Schulz, V. Thouret and C. Zerefos (2015). Validation report of the CAMS near-real-time global atmospheric composition service. System evolution and performance statistics; Status up to 1 June 2015. Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) report, September 2015, 102 pp.
  • Tintó Prims, O., M. Castrillo, K. Serradell , O. Mula-Valls and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2015). Optimization of an ocean model using performance tools. BSC-CES Technical Memorandum 2015-002, 16 pp.


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