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Travel requests

In order to accelerate the process of both organise your trips and after to receive the payment, here you have a check list of recommendations:

When requesting your trip on the on-line APP add at least the following information:

  • Preferred flight
  • Preferred hotel
  • Agenda
  • If you have an sponsor paying for your trip, indicate this in the comments section

After the trip:

  • Hand the tickets once you have completed the summary document (on-line)
  • If possible stick the tickets to a A4 sheet, this will speed up the payment process, please avoid to use staples or scotch

You will find glue on the drawer below the printer in 1C and next to the printer in 1D. Please don't hesitate in recycling printed paper that is blank on one side.

Remember to bring back with you:

  • Boarding passes
  • Meals tickets
  • Hotel invoice (unless you have a reservation document from the travel agency)
  • Used transport tickets
  • Other expenses tickets

Please bring the commerce original tickets. Credit card tickets are not eligible.

Visit the Intranet for more information regarding travels.

main_page/bsc_travel_policy.1527071141.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/05/23 10:25 by gtaraban