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Table of Contents

Overview of OUTCLASSES defined in autosubmit seperated into the model parts


IFS ID Variable CMIP5 spin diags specs specs-daily-ocean SMHI v3.1
129 3d Geopotential x x x x x x
130 3d Temperature x x x x x x
131 3d U Velocity x x x x x x
132 3d V Velocity x x x x x x
133 3d Specific humidity x x x x x x
135 3d W Vertical velocity x
31 2d Sea-ice cover x x x x
32 2d Snow albedo
33 2d Snow density x
34 2d SST x x x x
35 2d Ice surface temperature x x x x
39 2d Soil water L1 x x x x
40 2d Soil water L2 x x x x
41 2d Soil water L3 x x x x
42 2d Soil water L4 x x x x
44 2d Snow evaporation x
45 2d Snowmelt x
78 2d Total column liquid water x x x x x x
79 2d Total column ice water x x x x x x
129 2d Geopotential x x x x x x
136 2d Total column water (vapour+ice) x x x
137 2d Total column water vapour x x x x x x
139 2d Soil temperature L1 x x x x
141 2d Snow depth x x x x
142 2d Precipitation (Large-scale) x x x x x x
143 2d Precipitation (Convective) x x x x x x
144 2d Snowfall x x x x
145 2d PBL dissipation x
146 2d Surface SH x x x x x x
147 2d Surface LH x x x x x x
151 2d MSLP x x x x x x
164 2d Total cloud cover x x x x x x
165 2d 10m U x x x x
166 2d 10m V x x x x
167 2d 2m Temperature x x x x x x
168 2d 2m Dewpoint temperature x x x x x x
169 2d Surface SW downwards x x x x x
170 2d Soil tempreature L2 x x x x
172 2d Land-sea mask x x x x x x
173 2d Surface Roughness x
174 2d Albedo x x x
175 2d Surface LW downwards x x x x x
176 2d Surface SW radiation x x x x x x
177 2d Surface LW radiation x x x x x x
178 2d Top SW radiation x x x x x x
179 2d Top LW rradiation x x x x x x
180 2d E-W Surface stress x x x x x x
181 2d North-South Surface stress x x x x x x
182 2d Evaporation x x x x x x
183 2d Soil tempreature L3 x x x x
186 2d Low cloud cover x x x x x x
187 2d Medium cloud cover x x x x x x
188 2d High cloud cover x x x x x x
197 2d Gravity wave dissipation x
198 2d Skin reservoir content x
201 2d Max 2m Temperature x x x x
202 2d Min 2m Temperature x x x x
205 2d Runoff x x x x
208 2d TOA net SW radiation x x x x
209 2d TOA net LW radiation x x x x
210 2d Surface net SW, clear sky x x x x
211 2d Surface net LW, clear sky x x x x
212 2d Solar Insolation x x x
235 2d Skin temperature x x x x
236 2d Soil tempreature L4 x x x x
238 2d Snow temperature x x x x
243 2d Forecast Albedo x x x x



EC-Name CFU-Name Variables CMIP5 spin diags specs specs-daily-ocean SMHI v3.1
ssh sossheigh 2d Sea surface height x x x x x (d) x
mldkz5 somixthgt Mixed layer depth (turb. Crit) x (d) x x x (d) x
qsr soshfldo 2d Shortwave radiation x x x (d)
qt sohefldo 2d Net downward heat flux x x (d) x
mlddzt sothedep 2d Thermocline depth x (d) x x (d) x
icealb_cea soicealb 2d Sea ice albedo x x (d) x
mldr10_1 somxl010 Mixed layer depth x (d) x x x (d) x
20d so20chgt 2d Depth of 20C isotherm x x (d) x
sss sosaline 2d SSS x (d) x x x x (d) x
sst sosstsst 2d SST x (d) x x x x (d) x
toce votemper 3d Temperature x x x x x x
soce vosaline 3d Salinity x x x x x
uoce vozocrtx Sea wayer Y velocity x x x x x
voce vomecrty Sea water X velocity x x x x x x
empmr sowaflup 2d Net upward water flux x x
empsmr sowaflcd 2d Concentration/dilution water flux x x
wspd sowindsp 2d Concentration/dilution water flux x
qrp sohefldp 2d Concentration/dilution water flux x x
erp sowafldp 2d Concentration/dilution water flux x x
28d so28chgt 2d Depth of 28 C isotherm x
utau sozotaux x x
vtau sozotauy x x
uvoce_eiv vomeeivv x
uoce_eiv vozoeivu
woce vovecrtz Sea water Z velocity x
woce_eiv voveeivw
aht2d soleahtw
aht2d_eiv soleaeiw x
hc300 sohtc300 2d Heat content 300m x (d)


d= daily


EC-Name CFU-Name Variables CMIP5 spin diags specs specs-daily-ocean SMHI v3.1
snow_thic_cea isnowthi 2d Snow thickness x x (d) x x x
icethic_cea iicethic 2d Ice thickness x x (d) x x x x
ist_ipa iicetemp 2d Ice temperature x x x
ice_pres iiceconc 2d Ice concentration x x (d) x x x
ioceflxb ioceflxb 2d Ocean flux at ice base x x x
uice_ipa iicevolu 2d Ice velocity u x x x
vice_ipa iicevelv 3d Ice velocity v x x x
utau_ice iicestru x x x
vtau_ice iicestrv x x x
qsr_io_cea iicesflx x x x
qns_io_cea iicenflx x x x
biceml_cea iocewflx x x x
snowpre isnowpre 2d Snow precipitation x
iceprod_cea iiceprod 2d Ice production x x
snow_thic_cea isnowthi 2d Snow thickness x x (d) x x x
icethic_cea iicethic 2d Ice thickness x x (d) x x x x
ist_ipa iicetemp 2d Ice temperature x x x
ice_pres iiceconc 2d Ice concentration x x (d) x x x
ioceflxb ioceflxb 2d Ocean flux at ice base x x x
uice_ipa iicevolu 2d Ice velocity u x x x
vice_ipa iicevelv 3d Ice velocity v x x x
utau_ice iicestru x x x
vtau_ice iicestrv x x x
qsr_io_cea iicesflx x x x
qns_io_cea iicenflx x x x
biceml_cea iocewflx x x x
snowpre isnowpre 2d Snow precipitation x
iceprod_cea iiceprod 2d Ice production x x
snow_thic_cea isnowthi 2d Snow thickness x x (d) x x x



CFU-Name Variables All outclasses
iiceconc Ice concentration x
iicethic Ice thickness x
isnowthi Snow thickness x
iicebopr Daily bottom thermo ice production x
iicedypr Daily dynamic ice production x
ioceflxb Oceanic flux at the ice base x
iicevelu Ice velocity u x
iicevelv Ice velocity v x
isstmpe Sea surface temperature x
isssalin Sea surface salinity x
iocetflx Total flux at ocean surface x
iocesflx Solar flux at ocean surface x
iocwnsfl Non-solar flux at ocean surface x
iocehebr Heat flux due to brine release x
iocestru Winde stress u x
iocestrv Wind stress v x
iiceflx Solar flux at ice/ocean surface x
iicenflx Non-solar flux at ice/ocean surface x
isnowpre Snow precipitation x
iicesali Mean ice salinity x
iiceages Mean ice age x
iceslapr Daily lateral thermo ice prod. x
iicesipr Daily snowice ice production x
iicetemp Mean ice temperature x
iiceheco Ice total heat content x
isnoheco Snow total heat content x
iicesurt Ice surface temperature x
iicfsbri brine salt flux x
iicfseqv Fseqv – equivalent FW salt flux x
ibrinvol Brine volume x
iicecolf Frazil ice collection thickness x
iicestre Ice strength x
iicevelo Ice velocity x
iicesume Surface melt x
iicebome Bottom melt x
iicedive Divergence x
iiceshea Shear x


overview_outclasses.1438874570.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/08/06 15:22 by omula