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Traces of detailed information

In this section there are some traces that show in which MPI state threads are. For example: running, waiting, sending, etc. We just analyzed one coupling iteration due to the fact that this kind of trace is very huge and, as a consequence, difficult to handle it. Note that the original trace contains more information, like IPC, useful duration, cycles, etc. The trace is available on /path (MareNostrum).


  • Coupled EC-Earth 3.2beta: IFS, NEMO 3.6, LIM3, XIOS, Runoff-mapper, OASIS3-MCT
  • 128 NEMO tasks
  • 128 IFS tasks
  • 1 Runoff-Mapper task
  • 1 xios task
  • 1 day of simulation.
  • MareNostrum III, 16 tasks/node
  • T255L91-ORCA1L46

Trace of the whole execution

 Trace of the whole execution

Trace of one OASIS iteration

Trace of one OASIS iteration

Trace of one OASIS iteration (more zoom)

Trace of one OASIS iteration (more zoom)

Trace of IFS with more detail

Trace of IFS with more detail

Trace of NEMO with more detail

Trace of NEMO with more detail

profiling/traces_detailed_information.1448460892.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/11/25 14:14 by xyepes