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CMAQ Reduced

Under the conventions of the BSC-AC Technical Memorandum 2016-002 this tools makes the reduced version of the CMAQ (CCTM) outputs.

This a tool developed specifically for the CMAQ outputs, it is developed in Python 2.7.x language and use many of the Python libraries to make it easy.


This tool is composed of 3 elements

  • Code
  • Configuration file
  • Reduced specifications

Code is fully in Python 2.7.x language and uses some libraries:

  • ConfigParser → To read the configuration file.
  • pandas → To read the CSV as a DataFrame.
  • numpy → To do the calculations of the information.
  • datetime → To use correct dates.
  • netCDF4 → To use NetCDF files.

All the functions of the script are documented following the conventions. Feel free to inspect them.

To run the script is needed two more files to specify What to do (Configuration file) and How to do it (Reduced specifications).

Configuration file

cmaq_reduce.conf is the configuration file needed to run the script. You must give the configuration file as an argument

./ cmaq_reduced.conf
tools/actools/cmaq_reduced.1485941117.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/02/01 09:25 by ctena