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Set of bash and nco functions called used to format atmospheric monhtly and daily means into standards from ENSEMBLE project.


The purpose is to standardize CFU EC-Earth outputs, to make it follow the common netcdf file conventions of the ENSEMBLE project. Most importantly, it makes CFU people who works on different date sets in a common framework. That means common diagnostic scripts can be used on different dataset. With this in mind, we save all members of one variable of one starting date in one file.

While nccf_atm_monhtly uses MMA netcdf files, nccf_atm_daily directly treats the GRIB files IFS produces. nccf_atm_daily selects daily outputs (every 6 hours for variables with one level and every 12 hours for pressure level variables) before formatting them. 24 basic daily variables are saved for the purpose of performing diagnostics if intraseasonal variability.


This package only needs nco


First, you have can download the atmosphere_diagnostics project from git: git clone https://gitlab.cfu.local/cfu/atmosphere_diagnostics.git or just update it from your local directory (git pull origin $your_branch)

nccf_atm_monthly works with a configuration file (config_file-nccf_atm_monthly.bash, available in the git project) that has to be passed as the only argument of the script. This configuration file allows the user to define all the parameters they need: members, leadtimes and variables they want to extract (2d and 3d being separated). If the variable list is left empty, all the variables included in the file will be extracted. When users extend the number of members of an experiment, the script concatenates those members with the previous already post-process members, checking that there is no twice the same members in the output files, or that no member was left out.

For daily data, run the script by specifying the experiment id and start date as follows: ./ $expid 19601101 # where $expid is the experiment id and “19601101” is the starting date; the script will postprocess all the GRIB files for this start date. The different parameters (variables to be extracted, leadtime, members…) still have to be specified at the top of the script.

The outputs will be respectively saved at /cfunas/exp/ecearth/$expid/monthly_mean and /cfunas/exp/ecearth/$expid/daily.

Processed variables

By default this is the list of variable that will be post-processed by nccf_atm_monthly and nccf_atm_daily.

Surface variables| Daily/Monthly| Short Name| Long name| Unit |

Daily/Monthly tas near surface temperature K
Daily/Monthly tos sea surface temperature K
Daily/Monthly prlr total precipitation m s-1
Daily/Monthly psl mean sea level pressure Pa
Daily/Monthly rss surface net download shortwave flux W s-2
Daily/Monthly rls surface net download longwave flux W s-2
Daily/Monthly rsds solar radiation incident at the surface W s-2
Daily/Monthly rlds longwave radiation incident at the surface W s-2
Daily/Monthly hfssd surface downward sensible heat flux W s-2
Daily/Monthly hflsd surface downward latent heat flux W s-2
Daily tdps near-surface dewpoint temperature K
Daily uas near-surface zonal wind positive to the east m s-1
Daily vas near-surface meridional wind positive to the north m s-1
Daily rst difference of solar radiation from above and from below at the top of the atmosphere W s-2
Daily rlut difference of longwave radiation from above and from below at the top of the atmosphere W s-2
Daily snld snow depth in metres of water equivalent m
Daily evlwr moisture flux into the surface from the atmosphere m s-1
Daily ts surface temperature K
Daily clt cloud area fraction for the whole atmosphere column none

Pressure level variables| Daily/Monthly| Short Name| Long name| Unit |

Daily/Monthly ta air temperature K
Daily/Monthly ua zonal wind positive to the east m s-1
Daily/Monthly va meridional wind positive to the north m s-1
Daily/Monthly g geopotential m2 s-2
Daily hus mass fraction of water vapor in moist air kg kg-1



The coordinator of this project is Pierre-Antoine Bretonnière while Muhammad Asif worked a bit on this before the current coordinator and Hui Du is the one who initiated this activity long time ago.

Previous version of this page can be found here:

Style Guide

You can check the style guide for the atmosphere diagnostics here

tools/atmosphere_diagnostics.1432639550.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/10/19 15:08 (external edit)