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This set of tools has been developped in python using a object oriented framework in order to post-process and calculate statistics on daily data (ERAint daily reanalysis, raw outpust from EC-Earth experiments, ECMWF S4). These tools allows to calculate monthly extremes and means, daily climatologies, daily anomalies, precipitation based monsoon onset date, averaged or select data over a region. The function are done to save easily the output with the proper format on the /esnas. Some functions are also available for plotting. Most of the statistics are based on cdo.


This set of tools has been developed by Chloé Prodhomme ( This development is relatively recent so the documentation is not complete, please feel free to contact the developer for any questions.

GIT branching scheme

The source code can be found in gitlab:

Style Guide

tools/daystat.1461598341.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/04/25 15:32 by cprodhom