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Please, include the information of the newest events at the top of the table, following a chronological order. Label: AC (Atmospheric Composition), CP (Climate Prediction), CES (Computational Earth Sciences), ESS (Earth System Services) or All if the event is of general interest.

Internal Events

Date Speaker(s) Topic(s) Location Hour Event Label
2015/12/14 Claude Frankignoul (emeritus professor at LOCEAN/IPSL (Université Pierre et Marie Curie)) Cold season atmospheric response to the variability of the Atlantic overturning circulation: on climate model diversity Nexus II, ground floor meeting room 12:00 BSC-ES SeminarsAll
2015/12/14 Doo Young Enhancement of seasonal prediction of East Asian summer rainfall related to western tropical Pacific convection Nexus II, ground floor meeting room 12:30 BSC-ES Seminars All
upcoming_events/internal_events/internal_events.1449763951.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/12/10 16:12 by lcaron