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Agenda and minutes of Climate Services team meetings (last meeting on top)

08/10/2021- Agenda

  1. Update of collaborations going on
  2. Update of proposals going on for the forthcoming months
  3. Update of main activities with Trello

23/09/2021 - Agenda

  1. Update of main activities with Trello

10/09/2021 - Agenda

  1. Update of main activities with Trello
  2. Update of proposals to be submitted in the followings months

30/07/2021 - Agenda

  1. Update of main activities with Trello

16/07/2021 - Agenda

  1. Update of main activities with Trello

02/07/2021 - Agenda

  1. Timestamp issue when using startR (Chung)
  2. Update of main activities with Trello

18/06/2021 - Agenda

  1. Update cs-team mailing list
  2. Update of main activities with Trello

04/06/2021 - Agenda

  1. Update cs-team mailing list
  2. Update of main activities with Trello

21/05/2021 - Agenda

  1. Update of main activities with Trello

23/04/2021 - Agenda

  1. Update of main activities with Trello

09/04/2021 - Agenda

  1. AI4ES Journal Club. Downscaling papers. (Jaume)
  2. Update of main activities with Trello

26/03/2021 - Agenda

  1. Update of main activities with Trello

12/03/2021 - Agenda

  1. EMS conference (3-10 Sept 2021, online) (Jaume)
  2. Update of main activities with Trello

26/02/2021 - Agenda

  1. New Zoom system for CS Team meetings
  2. Update of main activities with Trello

12/02/2021 - Agenda

  1. Update of main activities with Trello

29/01/2021 - Agenda

  1. R package CSIndicators in progress
  2. Update of main activities with Trello

15/01/2021 - Agenda

  1. Llorenç defended his PhD thesis successfully
  2. R package devoted to climate indices developed within CS team
  3. Abstract submission to EGU 2020 (deadline: 20 January 2020)
  4. Update on EU Green Deal proposals
  5. Update of main activities with Trello

04/12/2020 - Agenda

  1. Update of main activities with Trello

20/11/2020 - Agenda

  1. Update of main activities with Trello
  2. Update of Nord3 use of high-memory nodes (Nicola)
  3. Update of the climate services' mailing list (missing people) (Albert)

06/11/2020 - Agenda

  1. 2020IVMWO Verification workshop starting next week abstractsbook2020ivmwo.pdf (Andrea)
  2. HHRR's trainings: GIT course denied (Andrea)
  3. Update proposals Green Deal (Nube)

23/10/2020 - Agenda

  1. AI strategy
  2. Update of main activities with Trello
  3. Update on proposals (Bosque y Comunidad, Green Deal Call)
  4. Chairing next CS Team meeting

09/10/2020 - Agenda

  1. Update new projects started in September: FOCUS (Raül), VITIGEOSS (Andrea)
  2. Online conferences/workshop share them within the email list
  3. Downscaling strategy, person identified Llorenç
  4. Update of main activities with Trello
  5. Ideas for chairing next CS Team meetings (Lluis)

23/07/2020 - Agenda

  1. New channel for internal comunication in slack
  2. Update issues in Nord3/operational issues
  3. Summary of AI/ML meeting
  4. Update of main activities with Trello
  5. Recurrent meetings starting in September
  6. If you need MS Office, download and ask Albert Vila to install it on your laptop (Nicola)

08/07/2020 - Agenda

  1. New incorporation to the team: Albert Martinez
  2. Update issues in Nord3
  3. Case study repository (Francesc)
  4. Update of main activities with Trello
working_groups/climate_services.1633688186.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/10/08 10:16 by ngonzal2