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Starting at ESS group

Introduction about BSC and BSC-ES department

Description of the ESS group

Useful contacts

Practical information


Newcomers in ESS group (and BSC-ES department) have to add a brief biography explaining their academic and professional background. To have an idea of the format, here are the biography wiki pages of :

Newcomers also have to send an email to the BSC-ES department ( with a few words of introduction explaining (1) on which topic you are going to work, (2) with who, (3) in which office you are going to work (Torre Girona in the case of ESS people), and (4) please also add a photo of you so that people can identify who you are. After sending this email, the ESS leader will add you to the ESS mailing list (

In addition, newcomers will also have the opportunity to present themselves to the other other during (1) their first ESS (bi-weekly) meeting, and (2) their first BSC-ES department (monthly) meeting.


Several regular meetings are organized at both the ESS group and BSC-ES department levels.

ESS group meetings :ESS group meetings are organized every two weeks. They occur the Monday between 15-16h in the Severo Ochoa meeting room of Torre Girona. All ESS people are asked to assist these group meetings. Here is the link to the wiki page of the ESS group meetings : Agenda and minutes of ESS group meetings. Any ESS person can edit this page and add an issue to be discussed during the next meeting (please add your name into brackets at the end your input). These meetings are organized as follows : (1) presentation of the newcomers in any, (2) review and discussion of the points added by the ESS people, (3) brief update about the status of the project proposals in preparation, (4) a 10-15 min presentation from one member of ESS.

BSC-ES department meetings : BSC-ES department meeting are organized once a month. The date/time/location is sent by email a few days before. It can also be seen by following the calendar of Gabriela Tarabanoff. These department meetings usually occur in “Aula de Teleensenyament” meeting room (B3 building of UPC, see here the location). Here is the link to the wiki page of the BSC-ES department meetings : Agenda and minutes of ESS group meetings. As for the ESS group meeting, any BSC-ES person can edit this page and add a issue to be discussed (again, please add your name into brackets at the end your input).

Besides these two meetings, newcomers will join and/or organize other meetings related to their work here in the ESS group. In order to limit the high meeting activity, it is to be noted that Wednesday is a “meeting-free day” in the BSC-ES department. During this day, BSC-ES people can request to work from home.


Other administrative information


blabla :

working_groups/ess_starting.1553085374.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/20 12:36 by hpetetin