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A list of the publications, either peer-reviewed or other types, can be found in this section. For those papers that are not open access, do not hesitate to send a message to any of us to request an open access copy of these papers.

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  • Naming convention: surname, initials first author, initials, surname following authors, (year of publication), title. Journal, volume, pages, doi, (project)
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Peer-reviewed papers


  1. A. de la Vara, P. Galan del Sastre, T. Arsouze, C. Gallardo, M. A. Gaertner (2019). Role of atmospheric resolution in the long-term seasonal variability of the Tyrrhenian Sea circulation from a set of ocean hindcast simulations (1997–2008). Ocean Modelling.
  2. N. Dunic, I. Vilibić, J. Šepić, H. Mihanović, F. Sevault, S. Somot, R. Waldman, P. Nabat, T. Arsouze, R. Pennel, G. Jordà, R. Precali (2019). Performance of multi-decadal ocean simulations in the Adriatic Sea. Ocean Modelling.
  3. Cruz-García, R., V. Guemas, M. Chevallier and F. Massonnet (2019). An assessment of regional sea ice predictability in the Arctic ocean. Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-018-4592-6. (APPLICATE, INTAROS, Copernicus, RyC, FPU).
  4. Gobbi, G.P., F. Barnaba, L. Di Liberto, A. Bolignano, F. Lucarelli, S. Nava, C. Perrino, A. Pietrodangelo, S. Basart, F. Costabile, D. Dionisi, U. Rizza, S. Canepari, R. Sozzi, M. Morelli, M. Manigrasso, F. Drewnick, C. Struckmeier, K. Poenitz and H. Wille (2019) An inclusive view of Saharan dust advections to Italy and the Central Mediterranean, Atmospheric Environment, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2019.01.002. (AXA)
  5. Kushnir, Y., A.A. Scaife, R. Arritt, G. Balsamo, G. Boer, F.J. Doblas-Reyes, E. Hawkins, M. Kimoto, R. Kumar Kolli, A. Kumar, D. Matei, K. Matthes, W.A. Müller, T. O’Kane, J. Perlwitz, S. Power, M. Raphael, A. Shimpo, D. Smith, M. Tuma and B. Wu (2019). Towards operational predictions of the near-term climate. Nature Climate Change, doi:10.1038/s41558-018-0359-7. (EUCP)
  6. Prodhomme, C., A. Voldoire, E. Exarchou, A.-L. Deppenmeier, J. García‐Serrano and V. Guemas (2019). How does the seasonal cycle control equatorial Atlantic interannual variability? Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2018GL080837. (PREFACE, RyC, JdC).
  7. Rodrigues, L.R.L., F.J. Doblas-Reyes and C.A.S. Coelho (2019). Calibration and combination of monthly near-surface temperature and precipitation predictions over Europe. Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-018-4140-4. (SPECS, EUCP)


  1. Acosta Navarro, J.C., P. Ortega, J. García-Serrano, V. Guemas, E. Tourigny, R. Cruz-García, F. Massonnet and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2018). December 2016: Linking the Lowest Arctic Sea-Ice Extent on Record with the Lowest European Precipitation Event on Record Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Explainig Extreme Events of 2017, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0097.1. Open Access
  2. Alexander-Turner, R., P. Ortega and J. Robson (2018). How robust are the surface temperature fingerprints of the Atlantic Overturning Meridional Circulation on monthly time-scales? Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 1-9, doi:10.1029/2017GL076759. Open Access
  3. Amores, A., G. Jordà, T. Arsouze and J. Le Sommer (2018). Up to what extent can we characterize ocean eddies using present‐day gridded altimetric products? Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2018JC014140.
  4. Baudouin, J.-P., L.-P. Caron and M. Boudreault (2018). Impact of reanalysis boundary conditions on downscaled hurricane activity. Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-018-4352-7. (RESPONS, JdlC)
  5. Befort, D.J., S. Wild, J.R. Knight, J.F. Lockwood, H.E. Thornton, L. Hermanson, P.E. Bett, A. Weisheimer and G.C. Leckebusch (2018). Seasonal forecast skill for extratropical cyclones and windstorms. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, doi:10.1002/qj.3406. Open Access
  6. Benedetti, A., J. S. Reid, P. Knippertz, J.H. Marsham, F. Di Giuseppe, S. Rémy, S. Basart, O. Boucher, I.M. Brooks, L. Menut, L. Mona, P. Laj, G. Pappalardo, A. Wiedensohler, A. Baklanov, M. Brooks, P.R. Colarco, E. Cuevas, A. da Silva, J. Escribano, J. Flemming, N. Huneeus, O. Jorba, S. Kazadzis, S. Kinne, T. Popp, P.K. Quinn, T. T. Sekiyama, T. Tanaka and E. Terradellas (2018). Status and future of numerical atmospheric aerosol prediction with a focus on data requirements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 10615-10643, doi:10.5194/acp-18-10615-2018. Open Access (inDust, AXA Chair)
  7. Beguería, S., R. Serrano-Notivoli and M. Tomás-Burguera (2018). Computation of rainfall erosivity from daily precipitation amounts. Science of The Total Environment, 637-638, 359-373, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.04.400.
  8. - Bojovic, D. and M. Terrado (2018). Insights from the APPLICATE User Group Meeting. Polar Journal, 8, 215-217, doi:10.1080/2154896X.2018.1477426. (APPLICATE)
  9. Buontempo C., H. M. Hanlon, M. Bruno Soares, I. Christel, J-M Soubeyroux, C. Viel, S. Calmanti, L. Bosi, P. Falloon, E. J. Palin, E. Vanvyve, V. Torralba, N. Gonzalez-Reviriego, F.J. Doblas-Reyes, E. Pope, P. Newton and F. Liggins (2018). What have we learnt from EUPORIAS climate service prototypes? Climate Services, 9, 21-32, doi:10.1016/j.cliser.2017.06.003. Open Access (EUPORIAS, RESILIENCE)
  10. Butchart, N., J.A. Anstey, K. Hamilton, S. Osprey, C. McLandress, A.C. Bushell, Y. Kawatani, Y.-H. Kim, F. Lott, J. Scinocca, T.N. Stockdale, M. Andrews, O. Bellprat, P. Braesicke, C. Cagnazzo, C.-C. Chen, H.-Y. Chun, M. Dobrynin, R.R. Garcia, J. García-Serrano, L.J. Gray, L. Holt, T. Kerzenmacher, H. Naoe, H. Pohlmann, J.H. Richter, A.A. Scaife, V. Schenzinger, F. Serva, S. Versick, S. Watanabe, K. Yoshida and S. Yukimoto (2018). Overview of experimental design and comparison of models participating in phase 1 of the SPARC Quasi-Biennial Oscillation initiative (QBOi). Geoscientific Model Development, 11, 1009-1032, doi:10.5194/gmd-2017-187. Open Access (DANAE)
  11. Caron, L.-P., L. Hermanson, A. Dobbin, J. Imbers, L. Lledó and G.A. Vecchi (2018). How skilful are the multi-annual forecasts of Atlantic hurricane activity? Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 99, 403-413, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0025.1. Open Access (RESPONS, PREFACE, JdlC)
  12. Ceglar, A., A. Toreti, C. Prodhomme, M. Zampieri, M. Turco and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2018). Land-surface initialisation improves seasonal climate prediction skill for maize yield forecast. Scientific Reports, 8, doi:10.1038/s41598-018-19586-6. Open Access (IMPREX)
  13. Christel, I., D. Hemment, D. Bojovic, F. Cucchiettia, L. Calvoa, M. Stefaner and C. Buontempo (2018). Introducing design in the development of effective climate services. Climate Services, 9, 21-32, doi:10.1016/j.cliser.2017.06.002. Open Access (EUPORIAS, SPECS, RESILIENCE)
  14. Donat, M.G., A.J. Pitman and O. Angelil (2018). Understanding and reducing future uncertainty in midlatitude daily heat extremes via land surface feedback constraints. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 10,627-10,636, doi:10.1029/2018GL079128
  15. Exarchou, C. Prodhomme, L. Brodeau, V. Guemas and F.J. Doblas‐Reyes (2018). Origin of the warm eastern tropical Atlantic SST bias in a climate model Climate Dynamics, 51, 1819-1840, doi:10.1007/s00382-017-3984-3. (PREFACE)
  16. Frassoni, A., D. Castilho, M. Rixen, E. Ramirez, J.G. de Mattos, P. Kubota, A.J. Calheiros, K.A. Reed, M.A. da Silva Dias, P.L. da Silva Dias, H.F. de Campos Velho, S.R. de Roode, F. Doblas-Reyes, D. Eiras, M. Ek, S.N. Figueroa, R. Forbes, S.R. Freitas, G.A. Grell, D.L. Herdies, P.H. Lauritzen, L.A. Machado, A.O. Manzi, G. Martins, G.S. Oliveira, N.E. Rosário, D.C. Sales, N. Wedi and B. Yamada (2018). Building the next generation of climate modelers: scale–aware physics parameterization and the “Grey Zone” challenge. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 99, ES185-ES189, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0145.1. Open Access
  17. Fučkar, N.S., V. Guemas, N.C. Johnson and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2018). Dynamical prediction of Arctic sea ice modes of variability. Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-018-4318-9. (PICA-ICE, SPECS, PRIMAVERA)
  18. Gkikas, A., V. Obiso, C. Pérez García-Pando, O. Jorba, N. Hatzianastassiou, L. Vendrell, S. Basart, S. Solomos, S. Gassó, and J.M. Baldasano (2018). Direct radiative effects during intense Mediterranean desert dust outbreaks Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 8757-8787, doi:10.5194/acp-18-8757-2018. (AXA Chair, RyC Carlos Perez, MSCA Antonis Gkikas)
  19. van den Hurk, B., C. Hewitt, D. Jacobc, J.Bessembinder, F.J. Doblas-Reyes and R.Döscher (2018). The match between climate services demands and Earth System Models supplies. Climate Services, 12, 59-63, 10.1016/j.cliser.2018.11.002. Open Access (Climateurope)
  20. Kimmritz, M., F. Counillon, C.M. Bitz, F. Massonnet, I. Bethke and Y. Gao (2018). Optimising assimilation of sea ice concentration in an Earth system model with a multicategory sea ice model. Tellus A, doi:10.1080/16000870.2018.1435945. Open Access
  21. King, M.P., I. Herceg-Bulic, I. Bladé, J. García-Serrano, N. Keenlyside, F. Kucharski, C. Li and S. Sobolow (2018). Importance of late-fall ENSO teleconnection in the Euro-Atlantic sector. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 99, 1337-1343, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0020.1. Open Access (DANAE)
  22. Konsta, D., I. Binietoglou, A. Gkikas, S. Solomos, E. Marinou, E. Proestakis, S. Basart, C. Pérez García-Pando, H. El-Askary and V. Amiridis. (2018). Evaluation of the BSC-DREAM8b regional dust model using the 3D LIVAS-CALIPSO product. Atmospheric Environment, 195, 46-62, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2018.09.047. (AXA Chair, RyC Carlos Perez, COST Action CA16202, DUST-GLASS)
  23. Lavender, S.L., K.J.E. Walsh, L.-P. Caron, M. King, S. Monkiewicz, M. Guishard, Q. Zhang and B. Hunt (2018). Estimation of the maximum annual number of North Atlantic tropical cyclones using climate models. Science Advances, 4, doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aat6509. Open Access (HIATUS, JdlC)
  24. Lawrence, B.N., M. Rezny, R. Budich, P. Bauer, J. Behrens, M. Carter, W. Deconinck, R. Ford, C. Maynard, S. Mullerworth, C. Osuna, A. Porter, K. Serradell, S. Valcke, N. Wedi and S. Wilson (2018). Crossing the chasm: how to develop weather and climate models for next generation computers? Geoscience Model Development, 11, 1799-1821, doi:10.5194/gmd-11-1799-2018. Open Access (IS-ENES2)
  25. Lledó, Ll., O. Bellprat, F.J. Doblas-Reyes and A. Soret (2018). Investigating the effects of Pacific sea surface temperatures on the wind drought of 2015 over the United States. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 123, 4837-4849, doi: 10.1029/2017JD028019. (CLIM4ENERGY, S2S4E, INDECIS, EUCP, EUCLEIA)
  26. Mamadjanova, G., S. Wild, M. Walz and G.C. Leckebusch (2018). The role of synoptic processes in mudflow formation in the piedmont areas of Uzbekistan. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 18, 2893-2919, doi: 10.5194/nhess-18-2893-2018. Open Access
  27. Macleod, D., V. Torralba, M. Davis and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2018). Transforming climate model output to forecasts of wind power production: how much resolution is enough? Meteorological Applications, 25, 1-10, doi:10.1002/met.1660. Open Access (SPECS, EUPORIAS)
  28. Manubens, N., L.-P. Caron, A. Hunter, O. Bellprat, E. Exarchou, N.S. Fučkar, J. Garcia-Serrano, F. Massonnet, M. Ménégoz, V. Sicardi, L. Batté, C. Prodhomme, V. Torralba, N. Cortesi, O. Mula-Valls, K. Serradell, V. Guemas and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2018). An R package for climate forecast verification. Environmental Modelling & Software, 103, 29-42, doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2018.01.018. (SPECS, EUCLEIA, PREFACE, EUPORIAS, QA4Seas, VERITAS-CCI)
  29. Marcos, R., N. González-Reviriego, V. Torralba, A. Soret and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2018). Characterization of the near surface wind speed distribution at global scale: ERA-Interim reanalysis and ECMWF seasonal forecasting system 4 Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-018-4338-5. Open Access (S2S4E, NEWA, EUCP, INDECIS, MEDSCOPE, RESILIENCE)
  30. Massonnet, F., M. Vancoppenolle, H. Goosse, D. Docquier, T. Fichefet and E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth (2018). Arctic sea-ice change tied to its mean state through thermodynamic processes Nature Climate Change, 8, 599-603, doi:10.1038/s41558-018-0204-z. (APPLICATE, PRIMAVERA)
  31. Mavilia, I., B. Alessio, P. J. Athanasiadis, S. Gualdi, R. Msadek and Y. Ruprich-Robert (2018). On the spectral characteristics of the Atlantic multidecadal variability in an ensemble of multi-century simulations. Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-018-4093-7.
  32. McGee, D., E. Moreno-Chamarro, J. Marshall and E.D. Galbraith (2018). Western US lake expansions during Heinrich stadials linked to Pacific Hadley circulation. Science advances, 4, eaav011, doi:10.1126/sciadv.aav0118. Open Access
  33. Ménégoz, M., R. Bilbao, O. Bellprat, V. Guemas and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2018). Forecasting the climate response to volcanic eruptions: prediction skill related to stratospheric aerosol forcing. Environmental Research Letters, 13, 064022, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aac4db. Open Access (VOLCADEC, HIATUS, SPECS)
  34. Ménégoz, M., C. Cassou, D. Swingedouw, Y. Ruprich-Robert, P.-A. Bretonnière and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2018). Role of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability in modulating the climate response to a Pinatubo-like volcanic eruption. Climate Dynamics, 51, 1863-1883, doi:10.1007/s00382-017-3986-1. (SPECS, VOLCADEC)
  35. Meseguer-Ruiz, O., T.J. Osborn, P. Sarricolea, P.D. Jones, J. Olcina, R. Serrano-Notivoli and J. Martín-Vide (2018). Definition of a temporal distribution index for high temporal resolution precipitation data over Peninsular Spain and the Balearic Islands: the fractal dimension; and its synoptic implications. Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-018-4159-6.
  36. Messori, G., D. van Wees, F.S.R. Pausata, J.C. Acosta Navarro, A. Hannachi and F.J. Dentener (2018) The impact of future atmospheric circulation changes over the Euro-Atlantic sector on urban PM2.5 concentrations. Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, doi:10.1080/16000889.2018.1468704. Open Access
  37. Mishra, N., C. Prodhomme and V. Guemas (2018). Multi-model skill assessment of seasonal temperature and precipitation forecasts over Europe Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-018-4404-z. (IMPREX)
  38. Neukermans, G., T. Harmel, M. Galí , N. Rudorff, J. Chowdhary, O. Dubovik, C. Hostetler, Y. Hu, C. Jamet, K. Knobelspiesse, Y. Lehahn, P. Litvinov, A.M. Sayer, B. Ward, E. Boss, I. Koren and L.A. Miller (2018). Harnessing remote sensing to address critical science questions on ocean-atmosphere interactions. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, doi:10.1525/elementa.331. Open Access
  39. Obiso, V. and O. Jorba (2018). Aerosol-radiation interaction in atmospheric models: Idealized sensitivity study of simulated short-wave direct radiative effects to particle microphysical properties. Journal of Aerosol Science, 115, 46-61, doi:10.1016/j.jaerosci.2017.10.004. (CGL2013-46736-R, SEV-2011-00067, ACTRIS-2, SVP-2013-067953)
  40. Otero, N., J. Sillmann, K.A. Mar, H.W. Rust, S. Solberg, C. Andersson, M. Engardt, R. Bergström, B. Bessagnet, A. Colette, F. Couvidat, C. Cuvelier, S. Tsyro, H. Fagerli, M. Schaap, A. Manders, M. Mircea, G. Briganti, A. Cappelletti, M. Adani, M. D'Isidoro, M.T. Pay, M. Theobald, M.G. Vivanco, P. Wind, N. Ojha, V. Raffort and T. Butler (2018). A multi-model comparison of meteorological drivers of surface ozone over Europe. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 12269-12288, doi:10.5194/acp-18-12269-2018. Open Access (PAISA)
  41. Rincon, A., O. Jorba, M. Frutos, L. Alvarez, F.P. Barrios and J.A. Gonzalez (2018). Bias correction of global irradiance modelled with weather and research forecasting model over Paraguay. Solar Energy, 170, 201-211, doi:10.1016/j.solener.2018.05.061.
  42. Ruprich-Robert, Y., T. Delworth, R. Msadek, F. Castruccio, S. Yeager and D. Danabasoglu (2018). Impacts of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability on North American summer climate and heat waves. Journal of Climate, 31, 3679-3700, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0270.1.
  43. Saurral, R.I., F.J. Doblas-Reyes and J. García-Serrano (2018). Observed modes of sea surface temperature variability in the South Pacific region. Climate Dynamics, 50, 1129-1143, doi:10.1007/s00382-017-3666-1. (SPECS, DPETNA)
  44. Scanza, R.A., D.S. Hamilton, C. Perez Garcia-Pando, C. Buck, A. Baker and N.M. Mahowald (2018) Atmospheric processing of iron in mineral and combustion aerosols: development of an intermediate-complexity mechanism suitable for Earth system models. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 14175-14196, doi:10.5194/acp-18-14175-2018. Open Access (AXA Chair, RyC Carlos Pérez; NUTRIENT)
  45. Serrano-Notivoli, R., J. Martín-Vide, L.A. Longares, S. Beguería, P. Sarricolea, O. Meseguer-Ruiz and M. De Luis (2018). Spatio-temporal variability of daily precipitation concentration in Spain based on a high-resolution gridded data set. International Journal of Climatology, 38, e518-e530, doi:10.1002/joc.5387.
  46. Serradell, K., M. Castrillo and M. Acosta (2018). Optimization of EC-Earth 3.2 model. PRACE White paper, 2018. (doi not yet avialable)
  47. Smith, D.M., A.A. Scaife, E. Hawkins, R. Bilbao, G.J. Boer, M. Caian, L.‐P. Caron, G. Danabasoglu, T. Delworth, F.J. Doblas‐Reyes, R. Doescher, N.J. Dunstone, R. Eade, L. Hermanson, M. Ishii, V. Kharin, M. Kimoto, T. Koenigk, Y. Kushnir, D. Matei, G A. Meehl, M. Menegoz, W.J. Merryfield, T. Mochizuki, W.A. Müller, H. Pohlmann, S. Power, M. Rixen, R. Sospedra‐Alfonso, M. Tuma, K. Wyser, X. Yang and S. Yeager (2018). Predicted chance that global warming will temporarily exceed 1.5ºC. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 11,895-11,903, doi:10.1029/2018GL079362. Open Access (EUCP, CLINSA, HIATUS)
  48. Thornalley, D., D.W. Oppo, P. Ortega, J.I. Robson, C.M. Brierley, R. Davis, I.R Hall, P. Moffa-Sanchez, N.L. Rose, P.T. Spooner, I. Yashayaev and L.D. Keigwin (2018). Anomalously weak Labrador Sea convection and Atlantic overturning during the past 150 years. Nature, 556, 227-230, doi:10.1038/s41586-018-0007-4.
  49. Tintó Prims O., M. Castrillo, M.C. Acosta, O. Mula-Valls, A. Sanchez Lorente, K. Serradell, A. Cortés and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2018). Finding, analysing and solving MPI communication bottlenecks in Earth System models. Journal of Computational Sciences, doi:10.1016/j.jocs.2018.04.015. Open Access (ESiWACE, SO)
  50. Toja-Silva, F., C. Pregel-Hoderlein and J. Chen (2018). On the urban geometry generalization for CFD simulation of gas dispersion from chimneys: Comparison with Gaussian plume model. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 177, 1-18, doi:10.1016/j.jweia.2018.04.003.
  51. Trombetti, M., P. Thunis, B. Bessagnet, A. Clappier, F. Couvidant, M. Guevara, J. Kuenen and S. Lopez-Aparicio (2018). Spatial inter-comparison of top-down emission inventories in European urban areas. Atmospheric Environment, 173, 142-156, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.10.032. (FAIRMODE)
  52. Turco, M., S. Jerez, F.J. Doblas-Reyes, A. AghaKouchak, M. Carmen Llasat and A. Provenzale (2018). Skilful forecasting of global fire activity using seasonal climate predictions. Nature Communications, 9, 2718, doi:10.1038/s41467-018-05250-0. Open Access (IMPREX, EUCP)
  53. Uotila, P., H. Goosse, K. Haines, M. Chevallier, A. Barthélemy, C. Bricaud, J. Carton, N. Fučkar, G. Garric, D. Iovino, F. Kauker, M. Korhonen, V.S. Lien, M. Marnela, F. Massonnet, D. Mignac, K.A. Peterson, R. Sadikni, L. Shi, S. Tietsche, T. Toyoda, J. Xie and Z. Zhang (2018). An assessment of ten ocean reanalyses in the polar regions. Climate Dynamics. doi:10.1007/s00382-018-4242-z. (APPLICATE)
  54. Vautard, R., N. Christidis, A. Ciavarella, C. Alvarez-Castro, O. Bellprat, B. Christiansen, I. Colfescu, T. Cowan, F.J. Doblas-Reyes, J. Eden, M. Hauser, G. Hegerl, N. Hempelmann, K. Klehmet, F. Lott, C. Nangini, R. Orth, S. Radanovics, S. I. Seneviratne, G. Jan van Oldenborgh, P. Stott, S. Tett, L. Wilcox and P. Yiou (2018). Evaluation of the HadGEM3-A simulations in view of detection and attribution of human influence on extreme events in Europe. Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-018-4183-6. (EUCLEIA)
  55. Vial, J., C. Cassou, F. Codron, S. Bony and Y. Ruprich-Robert (2018). Influence of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation on the tropical climate response to CO2 forcing. Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2018GL078558.
  56. Vivanco, M.G., M.R. Theobald, H. García-Gómez, J.L. Garrido, M. Prank, W. Aas, M. Adani, U. Alyuz, C. Andersson, R. Bellasio, B. Bessagnet, R. Bianconi, J. Bieser, J. Brandt, G. Briganti, A. Cappelletti, G. Curci, J. H. Christensen, A. Colette, F. Couvidat, C. Cuvelier, M. D’Isidoro, J. Flemming, A. Fraser, C. Geels, K. M. Hansen, C. Hogrefe, U. Im, O. Jorba, N. Kitwiroon, A. Manders, M. Mircea, N. Otero, M.-T. Pay, L. Pozzoli, E. Solazzo, S. Tsyro, A. Unal, P. Wind and S. Galmarini (2018). Modeled deposition of nitrogen and sulfur in Europe estimated by 14 air quality model systems: evaluation, effects of changes in emissions and implications for habitat protection. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 10199-10218, doi: 10.5194/acp-18-10199-2018. Open Access
  57. Walz, M.A., M.G. Donat and G.C. Leckebusch (2018). Large‐scale drivers and seasonal predictability of extreme wind speeds over the North Atlantic and Europe. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, doi:10.1029/2017JD027958. Open Access


  1. Alessandri, A., F. Catalano, M. De Felice, B. Van Den Hurk, F.J. Doblas Reyes, S. Boussetta, G. Balsamo and P.A. Miller (2017). Multi-scale enhancement of climate prediction over land by increasing the model sensitivity to vegetation variability in EC-Earth. Climate Dynamics, 49, 1215-1237, doi:10.1007/s00382-016-3372-4. Open Access (SPECS)
  2. Ansmann, A., F. Rittmeister, R. Engelmann, S. Basart, O. Jorba, C. Spyrou, S. Remy, A. Skupin, H. Baars, P. Seifert, F. Senf, and T. Kanitz (2017). Profiling of Saharan dust from the Caribbean to western Africa – Part 2: Shipborne lidar measurements versus forecasts Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 14987-15006, doi:10.5194/acp-17-14987-2017. Open Access (PFRMCON, AXA Research Fund, ACTRIS-2)
  3. Ardilouze, C., L. Batté, F. Bunzel, D. Decremer, M. Déqué, F.J. Doblas-Reyes, H. Douville, D. Fereday, V. Guemas, C. MacLachlan, W. Müller and C. Prodhomme (2017). Multi-model assessment of the impact of soil moisture initialization on mid-latitude summer predictability. Climate Dynamics, 49, 3959-397, doi:10.1007/s00382-017-3555-7. (SPECS, IMPREX, Severo Ochoa)
  4. Badia, A., O. Jorba, A. Voulgarakis, D. Dabdub, C. Pérez García-Pando, A. Hilboll, M. Gonçalves and Z. Janjic (2017). Description and evaluation of the Multiscale Online Nonhydrostatic AtmospheRe CHemistry model (NMMB-MONARCH) version 1.0: gas-phase chemistry at global scale. Geoscientific Model Development, 10, 609-638, doi:10.5194/gmd-10-609-2017. Open Access (PFRMCON, Supercomputación and e-ciencia, Severo-Ochoa1)
  5. Barnaba, F., A. Bolignano, L. Di Liberto, M. Morelli, F. Lucarelli, S. Nava, C. Perrino, S. Canepari, S. Basart, F. Costabile, D. Dionisi, S. Ciampichetti, R. Sozzi and G. P. Gobbi (2017). Desert dust contribution to PM10 loads in Italy: Methods and recommendations addressing the relevant European Commission Guidelines in support to the Air Quality Directive 2008/50. Atmospheric Environment, 161, 288-305, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.04.038.
  6. Bellprat, O., F. Massonnet, S. Siegert, C. Prodhomme, D. Macias-Gómez, V. Guemas and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2017). Uncertainty propagation in observational references to climate model scales. Remote Sensing of the Environment, 203, 101-108, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2017.06.034. (SPECS, VERITAS-CCI, EUCLEIA)
  7. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, E., A. Barthélemy, M. Chevallier, R. Cullather, N. Fučkar, F. Massonnet, P. Posey, W. Wang, J. Zhang, C. Ardilouze, C.M. Bitz, G. Vernieres, A. Wallcraft and M. Wang (2017). Multi-model seasonal forecast of Arctic sea-ice: forecast uncertainty at pan-Arctic and regional scales. Climate Dynamics, 49, 1399-1410, doi:10.1007/s00382-016-3388-9. (PICA-ICE, JdC)
  8. Boudreault, M., L.-P. Caron and S. Camargo (2017). Reanalysis of climate influences on Atlantic tropical cyclone activity using cluster analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research A, 122, 4258-4280, doi:10.1002/2016JD026103. (RESPONS)
  9. Ceglar, A., M. Turco, A. Toreti and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2017). Linking crop yield anomalies to large-scale atmospheric circulation in Europe. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 240-241, 35-45, doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2017.03.019. Open Access (SPECS)
  10. Colette, A., C. Andersson, A. Manders, K. Mar, M. Mircea, M.-T. Pay, V. Raffort, S. Tsyro, C. Cuvelier, M. Adani, B. Bessagnet, R. Bergström, G. Briganti, T. Butler, A. Cappelletti, F. Couvidat, M. D'Isidoro, T. Doumbia, H. Fagerli, C. Granier, C. Heyes, Z. Klimont, N. Ojha, N. Otero, M. Schaap, K. Sindelarova, A.I. Stegehuis, Y. Roustan, R. Vautard, E. van Meijgaard, M.G. Vivanco and P. Wind (2017). EURODELTA-Trends, a multi-model experiment of air quality hindcast in Europe over 1990-2010. Geoscientific Model Development, 10, 3255-3276, doi: 10.5194/gmd-10-3255-2017. Open Access
  11. Cortès, M., M.C. Llasat, J. Gilabert, M. Llasat-Botija, M. Turco, R. Marcos, J.P. Martín-Vide and L. Falcón (2017). Towards a better understanding of the evolution of the flood risk in Mediterranean urban areas: the case of Barcelona. Natural Hazards, doi:10.1007/s11069-017-3014-0.
  12. Cuevas, E., A.J. Gómez-Peláez, S. Rodríguez, E. Terradellas, S. Basart, R.D. García, O.E. García and S. Alonso-Pérez (2017). The pulsating nature of large-scale Saharan dust transport as a result of interplays between mid-latitude Rossby waves and the North African Dipole Intensity, Atmospheric Environment, 167, 586-602, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.08.059. (CAMS-84,PFRMCON)
  13. Di Tomaso, E., N.A.J. Schutgens, O. Jorba, and C. Pérez García-Pando (2017). Assimilation of MODIS Dark Target and Deep Blue observations in the dust aerosol component of NMMB-MONARCH version 1.0. Geoscientific Model Development, 10, 1107-1129, doi:10.5194/gmd-10-1107-2017. Open Access (SEV-2011-00067, CGL-2013-46736-R, ACTRIS-2, RES-AECT-2015-1-0007, AXA Research Fund, RYC-2015-18690)
  14. Docquier, D., F. Massonnet, N.F. Tandon, O. Lecomte and T. Fichefet (2017). Arctic sea ice drift-strength feedback modelled by NEMO-LIM3.6. The Cryosphere, 11, 2829-2846, doi:10.5194/tc-2017-60. Open Access (PRIMAVERA)
  15. García-Serrano, J., C. Frankignoul, M.P. King, A. Arribas, Y. Gao, V. Guemas, D. Matei, R. Msadek, W. Park, and E. Sanchez-Gomez (2017). Multi-model assessment of linkages between eastern Arctic sea-ice variability and the Euro-Atlantic atmospheric circulation in current climate. Climate Dynamics, 49, 2407-2429, doi:10.1007/s00382-016-3454-3. (NACLIM, DPETNA, Severo.Ochoa)
  16. García-Serrano, J., C. Cassou, H. Douville, A. Giannini and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2017). Revisiting the ENSO teleconnection to the tropical North Atlantic. Journal of Climate, 30, 6945-6957, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0641.1. Open Access (DPETNA)
  17. García-Serrano, J. and R.J. Haarsma (2017). Non-annular, hemispheric signature of the winter North Atlantic Oscillation. Climate Dynamics, 48, 3659-3670, doi:10.1007/s00382-016-3292-3. (DPETNA)
  18. Gastineau, G., J. García-Serrano and C. Frankignoul (2017). The influence of autumnal Eurasian snow cover on climate and its link with Arctic sea ice cover. Journal of Climate, 30, 7599-7619, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0623.1. (NACLIM, DPETNA)
  19. Guevara, M., C. Tena, A. Soret, K. Serradell, D. Guzmán, A. Retama, P. Camacho, M. Jaimes-Palomera and A. Mediavilla (2017). An emission processing system for air quality modelling in the Mexico City metropolitan area: Evaluation and comparison of the MOBILE6.2-Mexico and MOVES-Mexico traffic emissions.Science of The Total Environment, 584-585, 882-900, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.01.135. (AQFS-MexDF)
  20. Guevara, M., López-Aparicio, S., Cuvelier, C., Tarrason, L., Clappier, A., Thunis, P. (2017). A benchmarking tool to screen and compare bottom-up and top-down atmospheric emission inventories. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 10, 627-642, doi:10.1007/s11869-016-0456-6. (FAIRMODE)
  21. Hewitt, C., C. Buontempo, P. Newton, F.J. Doblas-Reyes, K. Jochumsen and D. Quadfasel (2017). Climate observations, climate modelling and climate services. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 98, 1503-1506, doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0012.1. Open Access (SPECS, EUPORIAS)
  22. Lienert, F. and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2017). Prediction of interannual North Atlantic sea surface temperature and its remote influence over land. Climate Dynamics, 48, 3099-3114, doi: 10.1007/s00382-016-3254-9. (SPECS)
  23. Lopez-Aparicio, S., M. Guevara, P. Thunis, C. Cuvelier and L. Tarrason (2017). Assessment of discrepancies between bottom-up and regional emission inventories in Norwegian urban areas. Atmospheric Environment, 154, 285-296, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.02.004. (FAIRMODE)
  24. Marcos, R., M.C. Llasat, P. Quintana-Sequí and M. Turco (2017). Seasonal predictability of water resources in a Mediterranean freshwater reservoir and assessment of its utility for end-users. Science of the Total Environment, 575, 681-691, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.09.080.
  25. Marcos, R., M.C. Llasat, P. Quintana-Sequí and M. Turco (2017). Use of bias correction techniques to improve seasonal forecasts for reservoirs - A case-study in northwestern Mediterranean. Science of the Total Environment, 610, 64-74, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.08.010.
  26. Marti, A., A. Folch, O. Jorba and Z. Janjic (2017). Volcanic ash modeling with the on-line NMMB/BSC-ASHv1.0 model: model description, case simulation and evaluation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 4005-4030, doi:10.5194/acp-2016-881. Open Access
  27. Merryfield, W.J., F.J. Doblas-Reyes, L. Ferranti, J.-H. Jeong, Y.J. Orsolini, R.I. Saurral, A.A. Scaife, M.A. Tolstykh and M. Rixen (2017). Advancing Climate Forecasting. EOS, 98, doi:10.1029/2017EO086891. Open Access
  28. Obiso, V., M. Pandolfi, M. Ealo and O. Jorba (2017). Impact of aerosol microphysical properties on mass scattering cross sections. Journal of Aerosol Science, 112, 68-82, doi:10.1016/j.jaerosci.2017.03.001. (ACTRIS-2, CGL2013-46736-R, SEV-2011-00067, SVP-2013-067953)
  29. Siegert, S., D. Stephenson, O. Bellprat, M. Ménégoz and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2017). Detecting improvements in forecast correlation skill: Statistical testing and power analysis. Monthly Weather Review, 145, 437-450, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-16-0037.1. (SPECS, VERITAS)
  30. Siomos, N., D. S. Balis, A. Poupkou, N. Liora, S.Dimopoulos, D. Melas, E. Giannakaki, M. Filioglou, S. Basart and A. Chaikovsky (2017). Investigating the quality of modeled aerosol profiles based on combined lidar and sunphotometer data. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 7003-7023, doi:10.5194/acp-17-7003-2017. Open Access (PFRMCON, ACTRIS-2)
  31. Stephenson, D.B.,A. Hunter, B. Youngman and I. Cook (2017). Chapter 3: Towards a more dynamical paradigm for natural catastrophe risk modeling. Risk Modeling for Hazards and Disasters, 63-77.
  32. Swingedouw, D., J. Mignot, P. Ortega, M. Khodri, M. Ménégoz, C. Cassou and V. Hanquiez (2017). Impact of explosive volcanic eruptions on the main climate variability modes. Global and Planetary Change, 150, 24-45, doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2017.01.006. (VOLCADEC)
  33. Tintó, O., M.C. Acosta. M. Castrillo, A. Cortes, A. Sanchez, K. Serradell and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2017). Optimizing domain decomposition in an ocean model: the case of NEMO. Procedia of Computer Sciences, 108, 776-785, doi:10.1016/j.procs.2017.05.257.
  34. Tompkins, A.M., M.I. Inés Ortiz de Zárate, R.I. Saurral, C. Vera, C. Saulo, W.J. Merryfield, M. Sigmond, W.-S. Lee, J. Baehr, A. Braun, A. Butler, M. Déqué, F.J. Doblas-Reyes, M. Gordon, A.A. Scaife, Y. Imada, M. Ishii, T. Ose, B. Kirtman, A. Kumar, W.A. Müller, A. Pirani. T. Stockdale, M. Rixen and T. Yasuda (2017). The Climate-system Historical Forecast Project: providing open access to seasonal forecast ensembles from centers around the globe. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 98, 2293-2301, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0209.1. Open Access
  35. Torralba, V., F.J. Doblas-Reyes, D. MacLeod, I. Christel and M. Davis (2017). Seasonal climate prediction: a new source of information for the management of wind energy resources. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 56, 1231-1247, doi:10.1175/JAMC-D-16-0204.1. (CLIM4ENERGY, EUPORIAS, NEWA, RESILIENCE, SPECS)
  36. Torralba, V., F.J. Doblas-Reyes, and N. González-Reviriego (2017). Uncertainty in recent near-surface wind speed trends: a global reanalysis intercomparison. Environmental Research Letters, 12, 114019, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aa8a58. (CLIM4ENERGY, EUPORIAS, NEWA, RESILIENCE, SPECS)
  37. Tsekeri, A., A. Lopatin, V. Amiridis, E. Marinou, J. Igloffstein, N. Siomos, S. Solomos, P. Kokkalis, R. Engelmann, H. Baars, M. Gratsea, P. I. Raptis, I. Binietoglou, N. Mihalopoulos, N. Kalivitis, G. Kouvarakis, N. Bartsotas, G. Kallos, S. Basart, D. Schuettemeyer, U. Wandinger, A. Ansmann, A. P. Chaikovsky, and O. Dubovik (2017). GARRLiC and LIRIC: strengths and limitations for the characterization of dust and marine particles along with their mixtures Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 10, 4995-5016, Open Access (ACTRIS-2)
  38. Turco, M., A. Ceglar, C. Prodhomme, A. Soret, A. Toreti and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2017). Summer drought predictability over Europe: empirical versus dynamical forecasts. Environmental Research Letters, 12, 84006, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aa7859. Open Access (IMPREX, SPECS)
  39. Turco, M., M.C. Llasat, S. Herrera and J.M. Gutiérrez (2017). Bias correction and downscaling of future RCM precipitation projections using a MOS-Analog technique. Journal of Geophysical Research, 122, 2631-2648, doi:10.1002/2016JD025724.
  40. Vivanco, M., B. Bessagnet, C. Cuvelier, M.R. Theobald, S. Tsyro, G. Pirovano, A. Aulinger, J. Bieser, G. Calori, G. Ciarelli, A. Manders, M. Mircea, S. Aksoyoglu, G. Briganti, A. Cappelletti, A. Colette, F. Couvidat, M. D'Isidoro, R. Kranenburg, F. Meleux, L. Menut, M.T. Pay, L. Rouïl, C. Silibello, P. Thunis and A. Ung (2017). Joint analysis of deposition fluxes and atmospheric concentrations of inorganic nitrogen and sulphur compounds predicted by six chemistry transport models in the frame of the EURODELTAIII project. Atmospheric Environment, 151, 152-175, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.11.042.
  41. Volpi, D., V. Guemas, F.J. Doblas-Reyes, E. Hawkins and N. Nichols (2017). Decadal climate prediction with a refined anomaly initialisation approach. Climate Dynamics, 48, 1841-1853, doi:10.1007/s00382-016-3176-6. (SPECS, PICA-ICE)
  42. Volpi, D., V. Guemas and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2017). Comparison of full field and anomaly initialisation for decadal climate prediction: towards an optimal consistency between the ocean and sea-ice anomaly initialisation state. Climate Dynamics, 49, 1181-1195, doi:10.1007/s00382-016-3373-3. (SPECS, PICA-ICE)


  1. Basart, S., L. Vendrell and J.M. Baldasano (2016). High-resolution dust modelling over complex terrains in West Asia. Aeolian Research, 23, 37-50, doi:10.1016/j.aeolia.2016.09.005. (PFRMCON)
  2. Bellprat, O. and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2016). Attribution of extreme weather and climate events overestimated by unreliable climate simulations. Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 2158-2164, doi:10.1002/2015GL067189. (VERITAS-CCI, EUCLEIA)
  3. Bellprat, O., Massonnet, F., García-Serrano, J., Fučkar, N.S., Guemas, V., and F. Doblas-Reyes (2016). The role of Arctic sea ice and sea surface temperatures on the cold 2015 February over North America. In Explaining Extreme Events of 2015 from a Climate Perspective, Bulletin of American Meteorological Society, 97, S36-S41, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0159.1. Open Access (EUCLEIA, SPECS, PRIMAVERA, JdC)
  4. Bessagnet, B., G. Pirovano, M. Mircea, C. Cuvelier, A. Aulinger, G. Calori, G. Ciarelli, A. Manders, R. Stern, S. Tsyro, M. García Vivanco, P. Thunis, M.-T. Pay, A. Colette, F. Couvidat, F. Meleux, L. Rouïl, A. Ung, S. Aksoyoglu, J.M. Baldasano, J. Bieser, G. Briganti, A. Cappelletti, M. D'Isodoro, S. Finardi, R. Kranenburg, C. Silibello, C. Carnevale, W. Aas, J.-C. Dupont, H. Fagerli, L. Gonzalez, L. Menut, A.S.H. Prévôt, P. Roberts and L. White (2016). Presentation of the EURODELTA III inter-comparison exercise - Evaluation of the chemistry transport models performance on criteria pollutants and joint analysis with meteorology. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 12667-12701, doi:10.5194/acp-2015-736. Open Access
  5. Boer, G.J., D.M. Smith, C. Cassou, F.J. Doblas-Reyes, G. Danabasoglu, B. Kirtman, Y. Kushnir, M. Kimoto, G.A. Meehl, R. Msadek, W.A. Mueller, K. Taylor and F. Zwiers (2016). The Decadal Climate Prediction Project. Geoscientific Model Development, 9, 3751-3777, doi:10.5194/gmd-2016-78. Open Access
  6. Camp, J. and L.-P. Caron (2016). Analysis of Atlantic tropical cyclone landfall forecasts in coupled GCMs on seasonal and decadal timescales. In Hurricanes and Climate Change, 3rd edition, Springer. (RESPONS, SPECS)
  7. Carrassi, A., V. Guemas, F.J. Doblas-Reyes, D. Volpi and M. Asif (2016). Sources of skill in near-term climate prediction. Part I: Generating initial conditions. Climate Dynamics, 47, 3693-3712, doi:10.1007/s00382-016-3036-4. (INCLIDA, SPECS, PICA-ICE)
  8. Day, J., S. Tietsche, M. Collins, H. Goessling, V. Guemas, A. Guillory, W. Hurlin, M. Ishii, S. Keeley, D. Matei, R. Msadek, M. Sigmond, H. Tatebe and E. Hawkins (2016). The Arctic Predictability and Prediction on Seasonal-to-Interannual TimEscales (APPOSITE) data set version 1. Geoscientific Model Devevelopment Discussions, 9, 2255-2270, doi:10.5194/gmd-9-2255-2016. (SPECS, PICA-ICE)
  9. Favier, V., D. Verfaillie, E. Berthier, M. Ménégoz, V. Jomelli, J.E. Kay, L. Ducret, Y. Malbéteau, D. Brunstein, H. Gallée, Y.H. Park and V. Rinterknecht (2016). Atmospheric drying as the main driver of dramatic glacier wastage in the southern Indian Ocean. Scientific Reports, 6, 32396, doi:10.1038/srep32396. Open access
  10. Fučkar, N.S., V. Guemas, N.C. Johnson, F. Massonnet and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2016). Clusters of interannual sea ice variability in the northern hemisphere. Climate Dynamics, 47, 1527-1543, doi:10.​1007/​s00382-015-2917-2. (PICA-ICE, SPECS)
  11. Fučkar, N.S, F. Massonnet, V. Guemas, J. García-Serrano, O. Bellprat, F.J. Doblas-Reyes and M. Acosta (2016). Record low northern hemisphere sea ice extent in March 2015. In Explaining Extreme Events of 2015 from a Climate Perspective, Bulletin of American Meteorological Society, 97, S136-S140, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0153.1. Open Access (EUCLEIA, SPECS, PRIMAVERA, JdC)
  12. García-Serrano, J. and C. Frankignoul (2016). On the feedback of the winter NAO-driven sea ice anomalies. Climate Dynamics, 47, 1601-1612, doi:10.1007/s00382-015-2922-5. (NACLIM, DPETNA)
  13. Gkikas, A., S. Basart, N. Hatzianastassiou, E. Marinou, V. Amiridis, S. Kazadzis, J. Pey, X. Querol, O. Jorba, S. Gassó and J.M. Baldasano (2016). Mediterranean intense desert dust outbreaks and their vertical structure based on remote sensing data . Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 8609-8642, doi:10.5194/acp-16-8609-2016. Open Access (MDRAF,PFRMCON,Severo-Ochoa1,Consolider)
  14. Gkikas, A., N. Hatzianastassiou, N. Mihalopoulos and O. Torres (2016). Characterization of aerosol episodes in the greater Mediterranean Sea area from satellite observations (2000-2007). Atmospheric Environment, 128, 286-304, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2015.11.056.
  15. González-Hidalgo, J.C., D. Peña-Angulo, M. Brunetti and N. Cortesi (2016). Review: Recent trend in temperature evolution in Spanish mainland (1951–2010): from warming to hiatus. International Journal of Climatology, 36, 2405-2416, doi:10.1002/joc.4519. Open Access
  16. González Rocha, S.N., J. Cervantes Pérez and J.M. Baldasano Recio (2016). Air quality trends in metropolitan zones in Veracruz, México. Open Journal of Air Pollution, 5, 64-94, doi:10.4236/ojap.2016.52007. Open Access
  17. Granados-Muñoz, M. J., F. Navas-Guzmán, J. L. Guerrero-Rascado, J. A. Bravo-Aranda, I. Binietoglou, S. N. Pereira, S. Basart, J. M. Baldasano, L. Belegante, A. Chaikovsky, A. Comerón, G. D'Amico, O. Dubovik, L. Ilic, P. Kokkalis, C. Muñoz-Porcar, U. Nickovic, S., Nicolae, D., Olmo, F. J., Papayannis, A., Pappalardo, G., Rodríguez, A., Schepanski, K., Sicard, M., Vukovic, A., Wandinger, F. Dulac and L. Alados-Arboledas (2016). Profiling of aerosol microphysical properties at several EARLINET/AERONET sites during the July 2012 ChArMEx/EMEP campaign, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 7043-7066, doi:10.5194/acp-16-7043-2016. Open Access
  18. Guemas, V., E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, M. Chevallier, J.J. Day, M. Déqué, F.J. Doblas-Reyes, N. Fučkar, A. Germe, E. Hawkins, S. Keeley, T. Koenigk, D. Salas y Mélia and S. Tietsche (2016). A review on Arctic sea ice predictability and prediction on seasonal-to-decadal timescales. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 142, 546-561, doi:10.1002/qj.2401. (SPECS, PICA-ICE)
  19. Guemas, V., M. Chevallier, M. Déqué, O. Bellprat and F.J. Doblas‐Reyes (2016). Impact of sea ice initialization on sea ice and atmosphere prediction skill on seasonal timescales. Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 3889-3896, doi:10.1002/2015GL066626. (SPECS, PICA-ICE, VERITAS-CCI)
  20. Haarsma, R. J., Roberts, M. J., Vidale, P. L., Senior, C. A., Bellucci, A., Bao, Q., Chang, P., Corti, S., Fučkar, N. S., Guemas, V., von Hardenberg, J., Hazeleger, W., Kodama, C., Koenigk, T., Leung, L. R., Lu, J., Luo, J.-J., Mao, J., Mizielinski, M. S., Mizuta, R., Nobre, P., Satoh, M., Scoccimarro, E., Semmler, T., Small, J., and von Storch, J.-S.: High Resolution Model Intercomparison Project (HighResMIP v1.0) for CMIP6 (2016) Geoscientific Model Development, 9, 4185-4208, doi:10.5194/gmd-9-4185-2016. Open Access (PRIMAVERA, JdC)
  21. Huneeus, N., S. Basart, S. Fiedler, J.-J. Morcrette, A. Benedetti, J. Mulcahy, E. Terradellas, C. Pérez García-Pando, G. Pejanovic, S. Nickovic, P. Arsenovic, M. Schulz, E. Cuevas, J. M. Baldasano, J. Pey, S. Remy and B. Cvetkovic (2016). Forecasting the northern African dust outbreak towards Europe in April 2011: a model intercomparison, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 4967-4986, doi:10.5194/acp-16-4967-2016. Open access (PFRMCON, Severo-Ochoa1)
  22. Jung, T., N.D. Gordon, P. Bauer, D.H. Bromwich, M. Chevallier, J.J. Day, J. Dawson, F.J. Doblas-Reyes, C. Fairall, H.F. Goessling, M. Holland, J. Inoue, T. Iversen, S. Klebe, P. Lemke, M. Losch, A. Makshtas, B. Mills, P. Nurmi, D. Perovich, P. Reid, I.A. Renfrew, G. Smith, G. Svensson, M. Tolstykh and Q. Yang (2016). Advancing polar prediction capabilities on daily to seasonal time scales. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 97, 1631-1647, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-14-00246.1. Open Access
  23. King, M. P. and J. García-Serrano (2016). Potential ocean-atmosphere preconditioning of late autumn Barents-Kara sea ice concentration anomaly. Tellus A - Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 68, 28580, doi:10.3402/tellusa.v68.28580. Open Access (DPETNA, Severo Ochoa)
  24. Kioutsioukis, I., Im, U., Solazzo, E., Bianconi, R., Badia, A., Balzarini, A., Baró, R., Bellasio, R., Brunner, D., Chemel, C., Curci, G., Denier van der Gon, H., Flemming, J., Forkel, R., Giordano, L., Jiménez-Guerrero, P., Hirtl, M., Jorba, O., Manders-Groot, A., Neal, L., Pérez, J. L., Pirovano, G., San Jose, R., Savage, N., Schroder, W., Sokhi, R. S., Syrakov, D., Tuccella, P., Werhahn, J., Wolke, R., Hogrefe, C. and Galmarini, S. (2016). Insights into the deterministic skill of air quality ensembles from the analysis of AQMEII data. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 15629-15652, doi:10.5194/acp-16-15629-2016. Open Access
  25. Krikken, F., M. Schmeits, W. Vlot, V. Guemas and W. Hazeleger (2016). Skill improvement of dynamical seasonal Arctic sea ice forecasts. Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 5124-5132, doi:10.1002/2016GL068462.
  26. Llasat, M. C., R . Marcos, M. Turco, J. Gilabert and M. Llasat-Botija (2016). Trends in flash flood events versus convective precipitation in the Mediterranean region: The case of Catalonia.Journal of Hydrology, 541, 24-37, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.05.040.
  27. Manubens-Gil, D., J. Vegas-Regidor, C. Prodhomme, O. Mula-Valls and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2016). Seamless management of ensemble climate prediction experiments on HPC platforms. Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS), Innsbruck, 895-900, doi:10.1109/HPCSim.2016.7568429 . (SPECS, IS-ENES2)
  28. Massonnet, F., O. Bellprat, V. Guemas and F. J. Doblas-Reyes (2016). Using climate models to estimate the quality of global observational data sets. Science, 6311, 452-455, doi:10.1126/science.aaf6369. (FNRS, SPECS, PICA-ICE, EUCLEIA, VERITAS, CMUG, RES).
  29. Mignot, J., J. García-Serrano, D. Swingedouw, A. Germe, S. Nguyen, P. Ortega, E. Guilyardi and S. Ray (2016). Decadal prediction skill in the ocean with surface nudging in the IPSL-CM5A-LR climate model. Climate Dynamics, 47, 1225-1246, doi:10.1007/s00382-015-2898-1. (SPECS, NACLIM)
  30. Orsolini, Y., R. Senan, F. Vitart, G. Balsamo, A. Weisheimer and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2016). Influence of the Eurasian snow on the negative North Atlantic Oscillation in subseasonal forecasts of the cold winter 2009/2010. Climate Dynamics, 47, 1325-1334, doi:10.1007/s00382-015-2903-8. Open Access (SPECS)
  31. Osman, M., C.S. Vera and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2016). Predictability of the tropospheric circulation in the Southern Hemisphere from CHFP models. Climate Dynamics, 46, 2423-2434, doi:10.1007/s00382-015-2710-2. (SPECS)
  32. Otto, J., C. Brown, C. Buontempo, F.J. Doblas-Reyes, D. Jacob, M. Juckes, E. Keup-Thiel, B. Kurnik, J. Schulz, A. Taylor, T. Verhoelst and P. Walton (2016). Uncertainty: Lessons learned for climate services. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 97, S265-S269, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0173.1. Open Access (EUPORIAS)
  33. Peña-Angulo, D., R.M. Trigo, N. Cortesi and J.C. González-Hidalgo (2016). The influence of weather types on the monthly average maximum and minimum temperatures in the Iberian Peninsula. Atmospheric Research, 178-179, 217-230, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2016.03.022.
  34. Peña-Angulo, D., M. Brunetti, N. Cortesi and J.C. González-Hidalgo (2016). A new climatology of maximum and minimum temperature (1951-2010) in the Spanish mainland: a comparison between three different interpolation methods. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 30, 2109-2132, doi:10.1080/13658816.2016.1155712. Open Access
  35. Prodhomme, C., F.J. Doblas-Reyes, O. Bellprat and E. Dutra (2016). Impact of land-surface initialization on sub-seasonal to seasonal forecasts over Europe. Climate Dynamics, 47, 919-935, doi:10.1007/s00382-015-2879-4. (SPECS, DENFREE, EUCLEIA, MINECO CGL2013-41055-R)
  36. Prodhomme, C., L. Batté, F. Massonnet, P. Davini, O. Bellprat, V. Guemas, and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2016). Benefits of increasing the model resolution for the seasonal forecast quality in EC-Earth. Journal of Climate, 29, 9141-9162, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0117.1. (SPECS, EUCLEIA, PREFACE, PRIMAVERA, IMPREX, VERITAS)
  37. Quintana-Sequí, P., C. Peral, M. Turco, M.C. Llasat and E. Martin. (2016) Meteorological analysis systems in the North-East of Spain. Validation of SAFRAN and comparison to SPAN. Journal of Environmental Informatics, 27, 116-130, doi:10.3808/jei.201600335.
  38. Ruti P. M., S. Somot, F. Giorgi, C. Dubois, E. Flaounas, A. Obermann, A. Dell’Aquila, G. Pisacane, A. Harzallah, E. Lombardi, B. Ahrens, N. Akhtar, A. Alias, T. Arsouze, R. Aznar, S. Bastin, J. Bartholy, K. Béranger, J. Beuvier, S. Bouffies-Cloché, J. Brauch, W. Cabos, S. Calmanti, J.-C. Calvet, A. Carillo, D. Conte, E. Coppola, V. Djurdjevic, P. Drobinski, A. Elizalde-Arellano, M. Gaertner, P. Galàn, C. Gallardo, S. Gualdi, M. Goncalves, O. Jorba, G. Jordà, B. L’Heveder, C. Lebeaupin-Brossier, L. Li, G. Liguori, P. Lionello, D. Maciàs, P. Nabat, B. Önol, B. Raikovic, K. Ramage, F. Sevault, G. Sannino, M. V. Struglia, A. Sanna, C. Torma and V. Vervatis (2016). Med-Cordex initiative for Mediterranean studies. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 97, 1187-1208, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-14-00176.1. Open Access
  39. Senan, R., Y.J. Orsolini, A. Weisheimer, F. Vitart, G. Balsamo, T.N. Stockdale, E. Dutra, F.J. Doblas-Reyes and D. Basang (2016). Impact of springtime Himalayan-Tibetan Plateau snowpack on the onset of the Indian summer monsoon in coupled seasonal forecasts. Climate Dynamics, 47, 2709-2725, doi:10.1007/s00382-016-2993-y. Open Access (SPECS)
  40. Thunis, P., B. Degraeuwe, K. Cuvelier, M. Guevara, L. Tarrason and A. Clappier (2016). A novel approach to screen and compare emission inventories. Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health, 9, 325-333, doi:10.1007/s11869-016-0402-7. Open Access
  41. Turco, M., J. Bedia, F. Di Liberto, P. Fiorucci, J. von Hardenberg, N. Koutsias, M.C. Llasat, F. Xystrakis and A. Provenzale (2016). Decreasing fires in Mediterranean Europe. PloS ONE, 11, e0150663, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0150663. Open Access
  42. Turco, M., N. Levin, N. Tessler and H. Saaroni (2016). Recent changes and relations among drought, vegetation andGas-phase evaluation of the online NMMB/BSC-CTM model over Europe for 2010 in the framework of the AQMEII-Phase2 project wildfires in the eastern Mediterranean: The case of Israel. Global and Planetary Change, 11, e0150663, doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2016.09.002.
  43. Valverde, V., M.T. Pay and J.M. Baldasano (2016). A model-based analysis of SO2 and NO2 dynamics from coal-fired power plants under representative synoptic circulation types over the Iberian Peninsula. Science of the Total Environment, 541, 701-713, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.09.111.
  44. Valverde, V., M.T. Pay and J.M. Baldasano (2016). Ozone attributed to Madrid and Barcelona on-road transport emissions: characterization of plume dynamics over the Iberian Peninsula. Science of the Total Environment, 543, 670-682, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.11.070.


  1. Badia, A. and O. Jorba (2015). Gas-phase evaluation of the online NMMB/BSC-CTM model over Europe for 2010 in the framework of the AQMEII-Phase2 project. Atmospheric Environment, 115, 657-669, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.05.055. Open Access
  2. Barth, A., M. Canter, B. Van Schaeybroeck, S. Vannitsem, F. Massonnet, V. Zunz, P. Mathiot, A. Alvera-Azcárate and J.-M. Beckers (2015). Assimilation of sea surface temperature, sea ice concentration and sea ice drift in a model of the Southern Ocean. Ocean Modelling, 93, 22-39, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2015.07.011. (FNRS)
  3. Batté, L. and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2015). Stochastic atmospheric perturbations in the EC-Earth3 global coupled model: impact of SPPT on seasonal forecast quality. Climate Dynamics, 45, 3419-3439, doi:10.1007/s00382-015-2548-7. (SPECS)
  4. Bellprat, O., F.C. Lott, C. Gulizia, H.R. Parker, L. Pampuch, I. Pinto, A. Ciavarella and P.A. Stott (2015). Unusual past dry and wet rainy seasons over Southern Africa and South America from a climate perspective. Weather and Climate Extremes, 9, 36-46, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2015.07.001. (EUCLEIA) Open Access
  5. Binietoglou, I., S. Basart, L. Alados-Arboledas, V., Amiridis, A. Argyrouli, H. Baars, J. M. Baldasano, D. Balis, L. Belegante, J. A. Bravo-Aranda, P. Burlizzi, V. Carrasco, A. Chaikovsky, A. Comerón, G. D'Amico, M. Filioglou, M. J. Granados-Muñoz, J. L. Guerrero-Rascado, L. Ilic, P. Kokkalis, A. Maurizi, L. Mona, F. Monti, C. Muñoz-Porcar, D. Nicolae, A. Papayannis, G. Pappalardo, G. Pejanovic, S. N. Pereira, M. R. Perrone, A. Pietruczuk, M., Posyniak, F. Rocadenbosch, A. Rodríguez-Gómez, M. Sicard, N. Siomos, A. Szkop, E. Terradellas, A. Tsekeri, A. Vukovic, U. Wandinger and J. Wagner (2015). A methodology for investigating dust model performance using synergistic EARLINET/AERONET dust concentration retrievals. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 8, 3577-3600, doi:10.5194/amt-8-3577-2015. (PFRMCON, Severo Ochoa) Open Access
  6. Borrego, C., A. Monteiro, H. Martins, J. Ferreira, A.P. Fernandes, S. Rafael, A.I. Miranda, M. Guevara and J.M. Baldasano (2015). Air quality plan for ozone: an urgent need for North Portugal. Air Quality Atmosphere & Health, 9, 447–460. doi: 10.1007/s11869-015-0352-5.
  7. Camino C., E. Cuevas, S. Basart, S. Alonso-Pérez, J.M. Baldasano, E. Terradellas, B. Marticorena, S. Rodríguez and A. Berjón (2015). An empirical equation to estimate mineral dust concentrations from visibility observations in Northern Africa. Aeolian Research, Aeolian Research, 16, 55-68.
  8. Caron, L.-P., M. Boudreault and C.L. Bruyere (2015). Changes in large-scale controls of Atlantic tropical cyclone activity with the phases of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. Climate Dynamics, 44, 1801-1821, doi:10.1007/s00382-014-2186-5. (SPECS)
  9. Caron, L.-P., L. Hermanson and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2015). Multi-annual forecasts of Atlantic U.S. tropical cyclone wind damage potential. Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 2417-2425, doi:10.1002/2015GL063303. (RPI2.0-2013-CARON, SPECS)
  10. Caron, L.-P., M. Boudreault and S.J. Camargo (2015). On the variability and predictability of Eastern Pacific tropical cyclone activity. Journal of Climate, 28, 9678-9696, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0377.1. (SPECS, RESPONS)
  11. Cuevas, E., C. Camino, A. Benedetti, S. Basart, E. Terradellas, J. M. Baldasano, J.-J. Morcrette, B. Marticorena, P. Goloub, A. Mortier, A. Berjón, Y. Hernández, M. Gil-Ojeda and M. Schulz (2015). The MACC-II 2007–2008 reanalysis: atmospheric dust evaluation and characterization over Northern Africa and Middle East. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, 3991-4024, doi:10.5194/acp-15-3991-2015. Open Access
  12. Davis, M., R. Lowe, S. Steffen, F.J. Doblas-Reyes and X. Rodó (2015). Barriers to using climate information: Challenges in communicating probabilistic forecasts to decision-makers. In Communicating Climate-Change and Natural Hazard Risk and Cultivating Resilience (J.L. Drake et al. eds.), Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 45, 95-113, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-20161-0_7. (EUPORIAS, SPECS)
  13. Flaounas, E., V. Kotroni, K. Lagouvardos, S. Kazadzis, A. Gkikas and N. Hatzianastassiou (2015). Cyclone contribution to dust transport over the Mediterranean region. Atmospheric Science Letters, 16, 473-478, doi:10.1002/asl.584.
  14. Gama, C., O. Tchepel, J.M. Baldasano, S. Basart, J. Ferreira, C. Pio and C. Borrego (2015). Seasonal patterns of Saharan dust over Cape Verde – a combined approach using observations and modelling. Tellus B, 67, 24410,
  15. García-Serrano, J., C. Frankignoul, G. Gastineau and A. de la Cámara (2015). On the predictability of the winter Euro-Atlantic climate: lagged influence of autumn Arctic sea ice. Journal of Climate, 28, 5195-5216, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00472.1. (NACLIM, EMBRACE)
  16. García-Serrano, J., V. Guemas and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2015). Added-value from initialization in predictions of Atlantic multi-decadal variability. Climate Dynamics, 44, 2539-2555, doi:10.1007/s00382-014-2370-7. (SPECS)
  17. Goessling, H., T. Jung, S. Klebe J. Baeseman, P. Bauer, P. Chen, M. Chevallier, R. Dole, N. Gordon, P. Ruti, A. Bradley, D. Bromwich, B. Casati, D. Chechin, J. Day, F. Massonnet, B. Mills, I. Renfrew, G. Smith and R. Tatusko (2015). Paving the way for the year of Polar Prediction. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 97, ES85-ES88, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00270.1. (FNRS)
  18. Gkikas, A., E.E. Houssos, C.J. Lolis, A. Bartzokas, N. Mihalopoulos and N. Hatzianastassiou (2015). Atmospheric circulation evolution related to desert-dust episodes over the Mediterranean. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 141, 1634-1645, doi:10.1002/qj.2466.
  19. Gonçalves-Ageitos M., A. Barrera-Escoda, J. Cunillera and J.M. Baldasano (2015). Modelling wind resources in climate change scenarios in complex terrains.Renewable Energy, 76, 670-678, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2014.11.066.
  20. Guemas, V., J. García-Serrano, A. Mariotti, F.J. Doblas-Reyes and L.-P. Caron (2015). Prospects for decadal climate prediction in the Mediterranean region. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 141, 580-597, doi:10.1002/qj.2379. (SPECS, CLIM-RUN, QWeCI, RUCSS)
  21. Jung, T., F.J. Doblas-Reyes, H. Goessling, V. Guemas, C. Bitz, C. Buontempo, R. Caballero, E. Jakobson, J. Jungclaus, M. Karcher, T. Koenigk, D. Matei, J. Overland, T. Spengler and S. Yang (2015). Polar-lower latitude linkages and their role in weather and climate prediction. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 96, ES197-ES200, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00121.1. (SPECS) Open Access
  22. Korras-Carraca, M.B., N. Hatzianastassiou, C. Matsoukas, A. Gkikas, C.D. Papadimas (2015). The regime of aerosol asymmetry parameter over Europe, the Mediterranean and the Middle East based on MODIS satellite data: evaluation against surface AERONET measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, 13113-13132, doi:10.5194/acp-15-13113-2015.
  23. Massonnet, F. (2015). Communicating climate complexity. Commentary in Physics Today, 68, 8, doi:10.1063/PT.3.2894. (SPECS, FNRS)
  24. Massonnet, F., V. Guemas, N. Fuckar and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2015). The 2014 high record of Antarctic sea ice extent. In Explaining Extreme Events of 2014 from a Climate Perspective, Bulletin of American Meteorological Society. Bulletin of American Meteorological Society, 96, S163-S167, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00093.1. (SPECS, PICA-ICE, EUCLEIA, FNRS) Open Access
  25. D. Peña-Angulo, N.Cortesi , M. Brunetti, J.C. Gonzalez-Hidalgo (2015). Spatial variability of maximum and minimum monthly temperature in Spain during 1980-2010 evaluated by Correlation Decay Distance (CDD). Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 122, 35-45, doi:10.1007/s00704-014-1277-x.
  26. Pepler, A.S., L.B. Díaz, C. Prodhomme, F.J. Doblas-Reyes and A. Kumar (2015). The ability of a multi-model seasonal forecasting ensemble to forecast the frequency of warm, cold and wet extremes. Weather and Climate Extremes, 9, 68-77, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2015.06.005. (SPECS, EUCLEIA)
  27. Prodhomme, C., P. Terray, S. Masson, G. Boschat and T. Izumo (2015). Oceanic factors controlling the Indian summer monsoon onset in a coupled model. Climate Dynamics, 44, 977-1002, doi:10.1007/s00382-014-2200-y.
  28. Rodríguez-Fonseca, B., E. Mohino, C.R. Mechoso, C. Caminade, M. Biasutti, M. Gaetani, J. García-Serrano, E.K. Vizy, K. Cook, Y. Xue, I. Polo, T. Losada, L. Druyan, B. Fontaine, J. Bader, F.J. Doblas-Reyes, L. Goddard, S. Janicot, A. Arribas, W. Lau, A. Colman, M. Vellinga, D.P. Rowell, F. Kucharski and A. Voldoire (2015). Variability and predictability of west African droughts: A review of the role of sea surface temperature anomalies. Journal of Climate, 28, 4034-4060, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00130.1. (SPECS)
  29. Schaap, M., C. Cuvelier, C. Hendriks, B. Bessagnet, J.M. Baldasano, A. Colette, P. Thunis, D. Karam, H. Fargerli, A. Graff, R. Kranenburg, A. Nyiri, M.T. Pay, L. Rouïl, M. Schulz, D. Simpson, R. Stern, E. Terrenoire, and P. Wind (2015). Performance of European chemistry transport models as function of horizontal resolution. Atmospheric Environment, 112, 90-105, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2015.04.003.
  30. Sessions, W.R., J.S. Reid, A. Benedetti, P.R. Colarco, A. da Silva, S. Lu, T. Sekiyama, T.Y. Tanaka, J.M. Baldasano, S. Basart, M.E. Brooks, T.F. Eck, M. Iredell, J.A. Hansen, O.C. Jorba, H.-M. H. Juang, P. Lynch, J.-J. Morcrette, S. Moorthi, J. Mulcahy, Y. Pradhan, M. Razinger, C.B. Sampson, J. Wang and D. L. Westphal (2015). Development towards a global operational aerosol consensus: basic climatological characteristics of the International Cooperative for Aerosol Prediction Multi-Model Ensemble (ICAP-MME). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, 335-362, doi:10.5194/acp-15-335-2015. Open Access
  31. Stroeve, J., E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, V. Guemas, S. Howell, F. Massonnet and S. Tietsche (2015). Improving predictions of Arctic sea ice extent. EOS, 96, doi:10.1029/2015EO031431. (SPECS, PICA-ICE, FNRS)
  32. Torralba, V., B. Rodríguez-Fonseca, E. Mohino and T. Losada (2015). The non-stationary influence of the Atlantic and Pacific Niños on North Eastern South American rainfall.Frontiers in Earth Science, 3, 55, doi:10.3389/feart.2015.00055. Open Access
  33. Weber, R.T.J., A. Carrassi and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2015). Linking the anomaly initialization approach to the mapping paradigm: a proof-of-concept study. Monthly Weather Review, 143, 4695-4713, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-14-00398.1. (SPECS, INCLIDA)


  1. Asif, M., A. Cencerrado, O. Mula-Valls, D. Manubens, A. Cortés and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2014). Case study in large scale climate simulations: Optimizing the speedup/efficiency balance in supercomputing environments. 14th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, 248-251, doi:10.1109/ICCSA.2014.57 (SPECS, IS-ENES2, RUCSS, PRACE-HiResClim).
  2. Asif, M., A. Cencerrado, O. Mula-Valls, D. Manubens, F.J. Doblas-Reyes and A. Cortés (2014). Impact of I/O and data management in ensemble large scale climate forecasting using EC-Earth3. Procedia Computer Science, 29, 2370-2379, doi:10.1016/j.procs.2014.05.221 (SPECS, IS-ENES2, INCITE).
  3. Baldasano, J.M., A. Soret, M. Guevara, F. Martínez and S. Gassó (2014). Integrated assessment of air pollution using observations and modelling in Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Canary Islands). Science of the Total Environment, 473–474, 576-588, doi:0.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.12.062.
  4. Barrera-Escoda A, M. Gonçalves, D. Guerreiro, J. Cunillera and J. M. Baldasano (2014) Projections of temperature and precipitation extremes in the North Western Mediterranean Basin by dynamical downscaling of climate scenarios at high resolution (1971–2050).Climatic Change, 122, 567-582, doi:10.1007/s10584-013-1027-6. (ESCAT)
  5. Buontempo, C., C.D. Hewitt, F.J. Doblas-Reyes and S. Dessai (2014). Climate service development, delivery and use in Europe at monthly to inter-annual timescales. Climate Risk Management, 6, 1-5, doi:10.1016/j.crm.2014.10.002. (EUPORIAS, SPECS)
  6. Caron, L.P., C.G. Jones and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2014). Multi-year prediction skill of Atlantic hurricane activity in CMIP5 decadal hindcasts. Climate Dynamics, 42, 2675-2690, doi:10.1007/s00382-013-1773-1. (SPECS)
  7. Carrassi, A., R.J.T. Weber, V. Guemas, F.J. Doblas-Reyes, M. Asif and D. Volpi (2014). Full-field and anomaly initialization using a low-order climate model: a comparison and proposals for advanced formulations. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 21, 521-537, 2014, doi:10.5194/npg-21-521-2014. (INCLIDA, SPECS, PICA-ICE)
  8. Fučkar, N.S., D. Volpi, V. Guemas and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2014). A posteriori adjustment of near-term climate predictions: Accounting for the drift dependence on the initial conditions. Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 5200-5207, doi:10.1002/2014GL060815. (PICA-ICE, SPECS).
  9. Gallisai, R., F. Peters, G. Volpe, S. Basart and J.M. Baldasano (2014). Saharan dust deposition may affect phytoplankton growth in the Mediterranean Sea at ecological time scales. PloS one, 9(10), e110762.
  10. Gonçalves M., A. Barrera-Escoda, D. Guerreiro, J. M. Baldasano and J. Cunillera (2014). Seasonal to yearly assessment of temperature and precipitation trends in the North Western Mediterranean Basin by dynamical downscaling of climate scenarios at high resolution (1971–2050). Climatic Change, 122, 243-256, doi:10.1007/s10584-013-0994-y. (ESCAT)
  11. Guemas, V., L. Auger and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2014). Hypothesis testing for auto-correlated short climate time series. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 53, 637-651, doi:10.1175/JAMC-D-13-064.1. (RUCSS, QWeCI, SPECS, CLIMRUN, PICA-ICE)
  12. Guemas, V., F.J. Doblas-Reyes, K. Mogensen, S. Keeley and Y. Tang (2014). Ensemble of sea ice initial conditions for interannual climate predictions. Climate Dynamics, 43, 2813-2829, doi:10.1007/s00382-014-2095-7. (SPECS, CLIM-RUN, QWeCI, PICA-ICE)
  13. Guevara, M., M.T. Pay, F. Martínez, A. Soret, H.A.C. Denier van der Gon and J.M. Baldasano (2014). Inter-comparison between HERMESv2.0 and TNO-MACC-II emission data using the CALIOPE air quality system (Spain). Atmospheric Environment, 98, 134-145. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.08.067.
  14. Guevara, M., A. Soret, G. Arévalo, F. Martínez and J.M. Baldasano (2014). Implementation of plume rise and its impacts on emissions and air quality modelling. Atmospheric Environment, 99, 618-629. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.10.029.
  15. Guirado, C., E. Cuevas, V. E. Cachorro, C. Toledano, S. Alonso-Pérez, J. J. Bustos, S. Basart, P. M. Romero, C. Camino, M. Mimouni, L. Zeudmi, P. Goloub, J. M. Baldasano and A. Frutos (2014). Aerosol characterization at the Saharan AERONET site Tamanrasset Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14, 11753-11773, doi:10.5194/acp-14-11753-2014. Open Access
  16. Meehl, G.A., L. Goddard, G. Boer, R. Burgman, G. Branstator, C. Cassou, S. Corti, G. Danabasoglu, F.J. Doblas-Reyes, E. Hawkins, A. Karspeck, M. Kimoto, A. Kumar, D. Matei, J. Mignot, R. Msadek, H. Pohlmann, M. Rienecker, T. Rosati, E. Schneider, D. Smith, R. Sutton, H. Teng, G.J. van Oldenborgh, G. Vecchi and S. Yeager (2014). Decadal climate prediction: An update from the trenches. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 95, 243-267, doi:10.1175/BAMS-85-6-853. (RUCSS)
  17. Mona, L., N. Papagiannopoulos, S. Basart, J. M. Baldasano, I. Binietoglou, C. Cornacchia and G. Pappalardo (2014). EARLINET dust observations vs. BSC-DREAM8b modeled profiles: 12-year-long systematic comparison at Potenza, Italy. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14, 8781-8793, doi:10.5194/acp-14-8781-2014, 2014. 13, 31363-31407. Open Access
  18. Rodrigues, L.R.L., F.J. Doblas-Reyes and C.A.S. Coelho (2014). Multi-model calibration and combination of tropical seasonal sea surface temperature forecasts. Climate Dynamics, 42, 597-616, doi:10.1007/s00382-013-1779-8. (RUCSS, QWeCI, SPECS)
  19. Rodrigues, L.R.L., J. García-Serrano and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2014). Seasonal forecast quality of the West African monsoon rainfall regimes by multiple forecast systems. Journal Geophysical Research, 119, 7908-7930, doi:10.1002/2013JD021316. (RUCSS, QWeCI, SPECS)
  20. Tietsche, S., J.J. Day, V. Guemas, W.J. Hurlin, S.P.E. Keeley, D. Matei, R. Msadek, M. Collins and E. Hawkins (2014). Seasonal to interannual Arctic sea-ice predictability in current GCMs Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 1035-1043, doi:10.1002/2013GL058755.
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