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Director of the department

Francisco J. Doblas-Reyes

Personal page
Head of BSC-ES dept. and ICREA Research Professor
Member of the Polar Prediction Project (ppp) scientific committee
Leader of the PRACE project hi_res_clim
F. Doblas Calendar
Interests: climate variability, prediction and services, ranging from one month to several years.

Support Staff

Mar Rodríguez

Project manager
Interests: European projects

Dorota Chmielewska

Project manager
Interests: European projects

Gabriela Tarabanoff


Research groups

Climate Prediction (Pablo Ortega)

Atmospheric Composition (Carlos Pérez García-Pando)

Earth System Services (Albert Soret)

Computational Earth Sciences (Kim Serradell)

research_groups_and_staff/research_groups_and_staff.1530285260.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/29 15:14 by kserrade