User Tools

Site Tools


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The tools shared within ES can be downloaded from different GIT repositories, although some of them are installed on ES machines by default. When a tool is deployed on the machine, it is preferred to use the installed version because it will be always the last available stable version.

To run experiments you can use Autosubmit in combination with the auto-models repositories.

The climate experiments can be postprocessed by using:

Prediction scores can be computed by using:

And many other tools can be found under:

More details can be found in the wikis for each project


Autosubmit launches and monitors experiments on any Platforms used at Earth Sciences Department. A general description, what is the goal of Autosubmit, how it works, user's manual and documentation is available here.

Ocean postprocessing

Set of bash functions called through the ocean_pp.bash script allowing the user to perform a series of diagnostics.

A quick presentation about how to use ocean and atmospheric post processing tools has been given, the slides are available here tools_meeting_presentation.pdf

Atmosphere diagnostics

Set of bash and nco functions called used to format atmospheric monthly and daily means into standards from ENSEMBLE project.

A quick presentation about how to use ocean and atmospheric post processing tools can also be fin here: tools_meeting_presentation.pdf


Seasonal To Decadal (Climate) Verification. Set of tools to assess the performance of a model through the computation of typical prediction scores against one or more observational datasets or reanalyses (a reanalysis being a physical extrapolation of observations that relies on the equations from a model, not a pure observational dataset).


This set of tools has been developped in python using a object oriented framework in order to post-process and calculate statistics on daily data (ERAint daily reanalysis, raw outpust from EC-Earth experiments, ECMWF S4). These tools allows to calculate monthly extremes and means, daily climatologies, daily anomalies, precipitation based monsoon onset date, averaged or select data over a region. The function are done to save easily the output with the proper format on the /esnas. Some functions are also available for plotting. Most of the statistics are based on cdo.


This tool provides automated data collection from the EEA's Air Quality Portal (up-to-date EIONET Air Quality observations)

Perturbation of atmospheric forcing

Atmospheric Composition tools


Repository coordinators

Every tool has it's source code in a git repository in the ES GitLab. Here you can find the list of coordinators for every project.

tools/tools.1503937759.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/08/28 16:29 by dmanuben