Table of Contents




  1. Campus Gutenberg (Barcelona, Spain, 18-19 September 2024), Anatomía de una sequía:¿cómo la podemos predecir?, Terrado, M. (ASPECT) pdf
  2. EMS 2024 (Barcelona, Spain, 2-6 September 2024), Comparing the seasonal predictability of ENSO and the Tropical Pacific variability in EC-Earth3 at two different horizontal resolutions, Carreric, A. (ASPECT) pdf
  3. EMS 2024 (Barcelona, Spain, 2-6 September 2024), SUNSET: SUbseasoNal to decadal climate forecast post-processIng and asSEssmenT suite, Pérez-Zanón, N. (CERISE) poster.pdf
  4. IMSC 2024 (Toulouse, France, 24-28 June 2024), Attribution of long-term trends in the Western Mediterranean: exploring regional aspects, D. Campos (CLIMCAT). PDF
  5. EGU General Assembly 2024 (Vienna, Austria, 14-19 April 2024), Collaboratively developing workflows at the BSC-ES, G. Montané Pinto (FOCI). PDF LaTeX source
  6. EGU General Assembly 2024 (Vienna, Austria, 14-19 April 2024), The data streaming in the Climate Adaptation Digital Twin: a fundamental piece to transform climate data into climate information, F. Roura-Adserias (DestinE). PDF
  7. CERISE General Assembly 2024 (Reading, UK, 17-19 January 2024), SUNSET: the SUbseasoNal to decadal climate forecast post-processiNg and asSEssmenT suite, V. Agudetse (CERISE-101082139). PDF
  8. EGU General Assembly 2024 (Vienna, Austria, 14-19 April 2024), Assessing Job Wrapping as an Strategy for Workflow Optimization on Shared HPC Platforms, Manuel G. Marciani pdf Latex Code
  9. EGU General Assembly 2024 (Vienna, Austria, 14-19 April 2024), Autosubmit role in the EDITO-infra, Daniel Beltrán and Manuel G. Marciani (EDITO), pdf
  10. A workflow for the Climate Digital Twin (European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 14-19 April 2024), Aina Gaya-Àvila, (DE_340), pdf
  11. EC-Earth General Assembly (KNMI, Netherlands, 19-21 March 2024), Equity, diversity and inclusion in EC-Earth, Valentina Sicardi, Aude Carreric and Amirpasha Mozaffari, PDF


  1. AGU Annual Meeting 2023 (San Francisco, USA, 11-15 December 2023), Comparing the emitted dust particle size distribution in Iceland and Morocco from intensive field measurements, C. González-Flórez (FRAGMENT-773051). PDF
  2. IUGG 28th General Assembly (Berlin, Germany, 12 July 2023), Impact of model resolution on the representation of deep water formation and its link with the AMOC, E. Martin-Martinez (STREAM, EERIE, PRE2021-097163). PDF LaTeX source
  3. WWRP/WCRP S2S Summit 2023 (Reading, UK, 3-7 July 2023), Impacts of increased horizontal resolution on the seasonal predictability of Tropical Pacific variability, A. Carreric (Co-fund STARS Fellowship). PDF
  4. ECCA 2023 (Dublin, Ireland 19-21 June 2023), Destination Earth storyline perspective, G. Versteeg (DE_340, GLORIA). PDF
  5. ECCA 2023 (Dublin, Ireland 19-21 June 2023), Climate change adaptation stories of reindeer herders in Finnish Lapland, M. Terrado (ArcticXchange). PDF
  6. ITM2023 (Chapel Hill, USA, 22-26 May 2023), Evaluation of the MONARCH-simulated NO2 and HCHO tropospheric columns against Sentinel-5P TROPOMI observations over the Iberian Peninsula, F. Lopez (RYC2021-034511-I, CSIC-PNO3, AXA, MITIGATE, VITALISE). PDF
  7. I Jornada de Recerca i Divulgació de Doctorat de la UB (Barcelona, Spain, 19 May 2023), Entenent la formació d’aigües profundes amb un model climàtic que resol la mesoescala, E. Martin-Martinez (STREAM, EERIE, PRE2021-097163). PDF LaTeX source
  8. EGU (Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April 2023), Linking future Gulf Stream warming and increased European winter precipitation in eddy-rich global models, Moreno-Chamarro, E. (EERIE, STREAM). pdf
  9. EGU (Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April 2023), New Aerosol-sensitive Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation Parameterization in the EC-Earth3 Earth System Model: evaluation and climate response, M. Costa-Surós (STARS-MSCA-754433, FORCeS-821205, FRAGMENT-773051, AXA). pdf
  10. CLIVAR | Towards an integrated view of climate (Madrid, Spain, January 23-26, 2023), Impacts of the increased horizontal resolution on the predictability of the tropical Pacific variability. Carreric, A., Ortega P., Batte L., Specq D. PDF
  11. CLIVAR | Towards an integrated view of climate (Madrid, Spain, January 23-26, 2023), Atlantic Multidecadal Variability modulates the climate response to El Niño-Southern Oscillation in Australia. Trascasa-Castro, P., Maycock, A., Ruprich-Robert, Y., Turco, M., and F. Castruccio PDF
  12. CLIVAR | Towards an integrated view of climate (Madrid, Spain, January 23-26, 2023), Quantifying the role of climate and the environment on Lyme disease risk. Lotto Batista, M., Castel, S., Ghozzi, S., Lowe, R. PDF


  1. AGU (Chicago, USA, 12-16 December 2022), Dust-sensitive Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation in the EC-Earth3 ESM: comparison with INP obs. & radiative effects, M. Costa-Surós (STARS-MSCA-754433, FORCeS-821205, FRAGMENT-773051, AXA). pdf
  2. Whither the Gulf Stream Workshop: Present Understanding and Future Opportunities for Elucidating the Role of the Gulf Stream in Weather and Climate (Woods Hole, USA, June 15-17, 2022), Linking future Gulf Stream warming and increased European winter precipitation in eddy-rich global models, Moreno-Chamarro, E. (STREAM, PRIMAVERA) pdf


  1. Next Generation Challenges in Energy-Climate Modelling 2021, Online, 16th-17th September, Bridging teleconnections to produce seasonal forecasts of wind & solar power generation, Ll. Lledó (S2S4E) pdf
  2. BSC Doctoral Symposium (2021), Online, 11th-13th May, Sensitivity of soluble iron deposition to soil mineralogy uncertainty, E. Bergas-Massó (NUTRIENT) pdf
  3. EGU General Assembly 2021 (EGU2021), Online, 19–30 April 2021, Anticipating the computational performance of Earth System Models for pre-exascale systems pdf
  4. WCRP-CLIVAR Workshop on Climate Interactions among the Tropical Basins (Online) (24-26 Feb 2021) Impact of Equatorial Atlantic Variability on ENSO predictive skill, E. Exarchou (TRIATLAS) pdf


  1. Virtual AGU (16 December 2020) Investigating the climate predictability in the Southern Ocean using global and regional coupled models, E. Moreno-Chamarro (PARAMOUR) pdf
  2. Virtual AGU (8 December 2020) Projections of atmospheric soluble iron deposition under CMIP6 emission scenarios , E. Bergas-Massó (NUTRIENT) pdf
  3. IBS Conference on High Resolution Earth System Modelling (Virtual Event and Busan, South Korea, 12-14 October, 2020). Is winter precipitation change over Europe underestimated in current projections?, E. Moreno-Chamarro. pdf
  4. ECMWF-ESA Workshop on Machine Learning for Earth System Observation and Prediction, virtual event, 5-8 October. Learning to simulate precipitation with supervised and generative learning models, C. Gomez Gonzalez, M. Donat, K. Serradell Maronda. pdf
  5. Phi-week 2020, virtual event, 28th September - 2nd October. Identification of Wastewater CH4 Emission Sources with Computer Vision and Sentinel-2 Observations, C. Gomez Gonzalez, M. Guevara Vilardell, K. Serradell Maronda.pdf
  6. EC-Earth meeting 2020, Madrid, Spain, 3-5 March 2020 (Cancelled, virtual meeting). The atmospheric iron cycle in EC-Earth, E. Bergas-Massó (NUTRIENT) pdf
  7. EC-Earth meeting 2020, Madrid, Spain, 3-5 March 2020 (Cancelled, virtual meeting). Running and monitoring climate experiments easily with Autosubmit, W. Uruchi, P. Echevarria, M. Castrillo pdf
  8. EGU meeting 2020, Viena, Austria, 4-8 May 2020 (Cancelled, Online meeting). CSTools R package bringing state-of-the-arts postprocessing methods to seasonal-to-decadal forecast users, N. Pérez-Zanón et al pdf
  9. ISMS 2020, Barcelona, 1-3 July 2020 (virtual symposium). May Deep Learning contribute to improve Downscaling techniques?. J. Peña-Izquierdo, C. Gómez González, R. Marcos, N. Pérez-Zanón. pdf


  1. AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, CA, USA, 9-13 December 2019. Multi-model assessment of the late-winter ENSO teleconnection in the Euro-Atlantic sector (new and improved!), B. Mezzina. pdf
  2. Atmospheric Circulation in a Changing Climate (A Joint DynVarMIP·SPARCDynVar·SNAP Meeting), Madrid, Spain, 22- 25 October 2019. Multi-model assessment of the late-winter ENSO teleconnection in the Euro-Atlantic sector, B. Mezzina (MEDSCOPE) pdf
  3. AAAR, Portland, OR, USA, 14 - 18 October 2019. CAMP: A Scalable, Portable, Gas–Aerosol Chemistry Treatment for Atmospheric Models, M. Dawson (ACRoNNIM, BROWNING) pdf
  4. AeroCom/AeroSat, Barcelona, Spain, 23 - 28 September 2019. Towards the production of a high-resolution regional dust reanalysis for Northern Africa, the Middle East and Europe, E. Di Tomaso (DustClim, AXA, STARS, PRACE, Encomienda AEMET) pdf
  5. AeroCom/AeroSat, Barcelona, Spain, 23 - 28 September 2019. Soil mineral dust: Natural and anthropogenic aerosol, M. Klose (DUST.ES) pdf
  6. EMS Annual Meeting, Lyngby, Denmark, 9-13 September 2019. L-P Caron pdf
  7. EMS Annual Meeting, Lyngby, Denmark, 9-13 September 2019. CSTools: a new R package for the calibration, combination, downscaling and analysis of seasonal forecasts. L-P Caron pdf (MEDSCOPE)
  8. IMSC, Toulouse, France, 24-28 June 2019, Multi-year prediction of European summer drought conditions for the agricultural sector. B. Solaraju-Murali pdf (EUCP, MEDGOLD, HIATUS, CLINSA, INPhINIT)
  9. IMSC, Toulouse, France, 24-28 June 2019, CSTools R package: handy post-processing tool for state-of-the-arts methods of seasonal forecasts. N. Pérez-Zanón et al. pdf (MEDSCOPE)
  10. EC-Earth meeting, Reading, U.K., 21-23 May 2019, Robust, reproducible workflows for EC-Earth - The BSC use case, Echevarria et al. pdf (PRIMAVERA, ESiWASE) -
  11. PRACEdays19, Poznan, Poland, 13-17 May 2019, High-resolution regional dust analysis based on ensemble data assimilation techniques within the NMMB-MONARCH model Basart et al. pdf (PRACE eDUST, ACTRIS-2, ESA Aerosol CCI, AXA)
  12. EGU, Vienna, Austria, 8-12 April 2019, How large is the contribution of cropland and grazing lands to the global dust cycle? Martina Klose pdf (DUST.ES)
  13. EGU, Vienna, Austria, 8-12 April 2019, Characterization of European wind speed variability using weather regimes. Nicola Cortesi et al. pdf (S2S4E, NEWA)
  14. EGU, Vienna, Austria, 8-12 April 2019, CSTools: a new R package for the calibration, combination, downscaling and analysis of seasonal forecasts. L-P Caron et al. pdf (MEDSCOPE)
  15. WindEurope Conference & Exhibition, 2-4 April 2019, Wind speeds from global reanalyses. Intercomparison and validation with met mast data. Jaume Ramon. pdf
  16. CMIP6 workshop, Barcelona, 25-28 March 2019, Energy conserving and physically consistent method for isolating the impacts of sea-ice changes in a multi-model framework. Ivana Cvijanovic (Beatriu de Pinos, APPLICATE)pdf
  17. CMIP6 workshop, Barcelona, 25-28 March 2019, Northern hemisphere winter forecasts in current climate prediction systems. Juan Camilo Acosta Navarro. pdf
  18. CMIP6 workshop, Barcelona, 25-28 March 2019, Impact of initialisation on the reliability of decadal predictions. Deborah Verfaillie (EUCP). pdf
  19. CMIP6 workshop, Barcelona, 25-28 March 2019, An anatomy of the forecast errors in a seasonal prediction system with EC-Earth. Rubén Cruz-García. pdf
  20. CMIP6 workshop, Barcelona, 25-28 March 2019, Decadal Climate Predictions with EC-Earth at the BSC. Simon Wild, Roberto Bilbao et al. (STARS, EUCP). pdf


  1. AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Washington, D.C., USA, 10-14 December 2018, Subseasonal-to-Decadal Climate Forecast applications. Llorenç Lledó (S2S4E, EUCP, MED-GOLD, IMPREX, SPFireSD, CLINSA, SeasonalHurricanePredictions). pdfpptx
  2. AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Washington, D.C., USA, 10-14 December 2018, I/O scalability boost for the next generation of Earth system models: IFS-XIOS integration as a case study pdf
  3. EC-Earth meeting - Lisbon, Portugal. 22-24 October 2018. CMORization of CMIP6 data: workflow from the data request to the final ESGF-publishable data. Arthur Ramos & Pierre-Antoine Bretonnière. pdf
  4. Climateurope Festival 2018, Belgrade, Serbia, 17-19 October 2018, Co-designing the next generation of climate models for a better informed society. Dragana Bojovic (PRIMAVERA).pdf
  5. Climateurope Festival 2018, Belgrade, Serbia, 17-19 October 2018, How many Atlantic hurricanes do we expect for the coming season? Marta Terrado (SeasonalHurricanePredictions).pdf
  6. Climateurope Festival 2018, Belgrade, Serbia, 17-19 October 2018, Communicating, engaging and clustering: the MED-GOLD approach to provide climate services for Mediterranean grape, olive and durum wheat, Marta Terrado (MED-GOLD).pdf
  7. Climateurope Festival 2018, Belgrade, Serbia, 17-19 October 2018, Sub-seasonal to Seasonal climate predictions for Energy (S2S4E), Ilaria Vigo (S2S4E).pdf
  8. 17th AeroCom / 6th AeroSAT meeting, Maryland, USA, 15-19 October 2018, inDust: International Network to Encourage the Use of Monitoring and Forecasting Dust Products, Sara Basart pdf
  9. SPARC General Assembly - Kyoto, Japan. 1-5 October 2018. On how Turbulent Mountain Stress influences sudden stratospheric warming occurrence. Froila M. Palmeiro.pdf
  10. SPARC General Assembly - Kyoto, Japan. 1-5 October 2018. Assessing stratospheric winter variability in EC‐EARTH: High‐Top versus Low‐Top resolution. Froila M. Palmeiro.pdf
  11. SPARC General Assembly - Kyoto, Japan. 1-5 October 2018. Dynamics of the ENSO impact on the tropical upwelling. Froila M. Palmeiro.pdf
  12. SPARC General Assembly - Kyoto, Japan. 1-5 October 2018. Separating ENSO and NAO signatures in the North Atlantic. Bianca Mezzina.pdf
  13. 2nd Copernicus General Assembly Communication Session, Berlin, Germany, 27 September. Different objectives, different actions: communication and user engagement strategies in four C3S service contracts, Marta Terrado & Isadora Jiménez (Clim4Energy, SECTEUR, QA4Seas, MAGIC). pdf
  14. Second International Conference on Seasonal to Decadal Prediction - Boulder, USA. 17-21 September 2018. Assessing the added-value of near-term decadal climate information for decision making in the agricultural sector, Balakrishnan Solaraju Murali (INPhINIT, MED-GOLD, HIATUS, CLINSA, EUCP). pdf
  15. Second International Conference on Seasonal to Decadal Prediction - Boulder, USA. 17-21 September 2018. Wind drought episodes in the US and Europe, Llorenç Lledó & Albert Soret (S2S4E). pdf
  16. Second International Conference on Seasonal to Decadal Prediction - Boulder, USA. 17-21 September 2018. Decadal Prediction Research at the BSC, Deborah Verfaillie, Simon Wild (EUCP). pdf
  17. EMS Annual Meeting 2018, Budapest, Hungary, 3-7 September 2018, The societal benefits of Earth System Modelling for climate services, M. Terrado (Climateurope) pdf
  18. EMS Annual Meeting 2018 - Budapest, Hungary. 3-7 September 2018. Towards a new tall tower database, Jaume Ramon (Indecis) pdf
  19. PASC 2018 - Basel, Switzerland. 2-4 July 2018. Performance Study of Earth System Models. CES. Mario Acosta. pdf
  20. ISC 2018 - Frankfurt, Germany. 24-28 Jun 2018. An auto climate model continuous integration strategy. CES. Pablo Echevarria. pdf
  21. VII Jornada Ambiental (Bodegas Torres), Barcelona, Spain, 30 May 2018, Helping to ensure the future of the Mediterranean diet with climate services, M. Terrado (MED-GOLD, VISCA, HIATUS) pdf
  22. 9th International Workshop on Sand / Dust storm and Associated Dustfall, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain, 22-25 May 2018, Towards continuous evaluation of dust profiles in the WMO SDS-WAS Regional Center, S. Basart .pdf
  23. 36th International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application,Ottawa, Canada, 14 - 18 May 2018, Potential impact of a low emission zone on street-level air quality in Barcelona city using CALIOPE-Urban model, J.Benavides pdf
  24. EGU, Vienna, Austria, 9-13 April 2018, Impacts of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability on the tropical climate and Tropical Cylcone activity, Y. Ruprich-Robert pdf
  25. EGU, Vienna, Austria, 9-13 April 2018, Impact of Tropical Atlantic variability on Tropical Pacific predictability, E. Exarchou pdf
  26. EGU, Vienna, Austria, 9-13 April 2018, An observational study of the extreme wildfire events of California in 2017 : quantifying the relative importance of climate and weather, E. Tourigny pdf
  27. EGU, Vienna, Austria, 9-13 April 2018, Impact of satellite-derived export production on interior DIC distribution. Implications for ocean carbon uptake, R. Bernardello pdf
  28. 33rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Ponte Vedra, USA, April 15-20. pdf
  29. EGU, Vienna, Austria, 9-13 April 2018, Skill Improvement of Wind Speed Monthly Forecasts, N. Cortesi (NEWA) pdf
  30. EGU, Vienna, Austria, 9-13 April 2018, Skill assessment of sub-seasonal forecasts of temperature and precipitation, A. Manrique (IMPREX) pdf
  31. EGU, Vienna, Austria, 9-13 April 2018, Towards an optimal use of numerical precision in Earth System models: the case of NEMO, O. Tintó. pdf
  32. EGU, Vienna, Austria, 9-13 April 2018, Dust emission from crusted surfaces, M. Klose. pdf
  33. EGU, Vienna, Austria, 9-13 April 2018. Forecasting the climate response to volcanic eruptions. pdf
  34. EGU, Vienna, Austria, 9-13 April 2018. An assessment of regional sea ice predictability in the Arctic ocean. pdf
  35. EGU, Vienna, Austria, 9-13 April 2018. Separating ENSO and NAO signatures in the North Atlantic (updated!) pdf
  36. EGU, Vienna, Austria, 9-13 April 2018, Impact of model resolution on the winter North Atlantic-European climate variability and predictability, R.J. Haarsma pdf
  37. Air Quality Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 13-16 March 2018. Evaluation of traffic emission models coupled with a microscopic traffic simulator and real driving measures. pdf
  38. Conference of the Green Win Project, Barcelona, Spain, 13 March 2018, Earth System Services initiative, M. Terrado (Clim4Enery, S2S4E, RePort) pdf
  39. 2nd IceDust Workshop, Reykjavík, Iceland, 14 February 2018. inDust: International Network to Encourage the Use of Monitoring and Forecasting Dust Products, Sara Basart pdf
  40. Arctic Frontiers Conference, Tromso, Norway, 22-26 January 2018, ENGAGING, INVOLVING AND EMPOWERING: Triple Approach to Stakeholders ́ Collaboration on the Production of Enhanced Arctic Climate Prediction, D. Bojovic (APPLICATE) pdf


  1. PRIMAVERA GA, Bologna, Italy, 21-23 November 2017, Graphical presentation of the PRIMAVERA user engagement activities, D. Bojovic pdf
  2. PRIMAVERA GA, Bologna, Italy, 21-23 November 2017, Relation of ocean heat content to surface climate and the impact of resolution: open questions and methodological challenges. pdf
  3. Symposium on Urban Mobility Challenges, Barcelona, Spain, 13th November 2017, Design and evaluation of mobility policies impact on Barcelona's air quality. pdf
  4. 5th International Conference on Reanalysis (ICR5), Rome, Italy, 12th November 2017, Intercomparison of monthly Euro-Atlantic weather regimes obtained from different reanalysis and of their influence on wind energy resources. pdf
  5. GOTHAM International Summer School, Potsdam, Germany, 18-22 September 2017, Separating ENSO and NAO signatures in the North Atlantic pdf
  6. European Meteorological Society (EMS), Dublin, Ireland, 4-8 September 2017, From twitting to training: a communication approach to adapt to a changing Arctic climate (APPLICATE) pdf
  7. 4th International Conference on Energy & Meteorology (ICEM), Bari, Italy, 27-29 June 2017, Near-surface wind speed trends: uncertainty assessment of reanalysis products (NEWA) 20062017_vtorralba_ICEM2017.pdf
  8. 5th WGNE workshop on systematic errors in weather and climate models, Montreal, Canada, June 19-23, 2017, 20170619_etourign_5th_wgne.pdf
  9. 6th Hurricane and Climate Change Summit, Heraklion, Greece, 5-9 June 2017, pdf L-P Caron
  10. 6th Hurricane and Climate Change Summit, Heraklion, Greece, 5-9 June 2017, Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) – User engagement pdf L-P Caron
  11. OpenIFS workshop 2017, Trieste, Italy, 5-9 June 2017, Performance study of OpenIFS: towards a more efficiently scalable model pdf
  12. European Climate Change Adaptation Conference, Glasgow, UK, 5-7 June 2017, Co-designing the next generation of climate models for a better informed society, D. Bojovic (PRIMAVERA) pdf
  13. European Climate Change Adaptation Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 5-9 June 2017, Climate services for wind energy (Clim4Energy) pdf
  14. EC-Earth Meeting, Helsinki, Finland, 29-31 May 2017, CES Performance pdf
  15. 7th International Verification Methods Workshop (7IVMW), Berlin, Germany, 08-11 May 2017,Challenges in the user oriented verification of wind speed climate predictions 20170509_vtorralba_7IVMW.pdf
  16. 7th International Verification Methods Workshop (7IVMW), Berlin, Deutschland, 08-11 May 2017, s2dverification: an R package for climate forecast verification pdf
  17. EGU General Assembly 2017 (EGU2017), Wien, Austria, 24-28 April 2017, Uncertainty assessment of the near-surface wind speed trends in the reanalyses (RESILIENCE) 20170427_vtorralba_EGU2017.pdf
  18. EGU General Assembly 2017 (EGU2017), Wien, Austria, 24-28 April 2017, Near-surface wind speed statistical distribution: comparison between ECMWF System 4 and ERA-Interim (RESILIENCE) pdf
  19. EGU General Assembly 2017 (EGU2017), Wien, Austria, 24-28 April 2017, Seasonal forecast verification of extreme events for the wind energy sector (RESILIENCE) 20170428_dlee_EGU2017.pdf
  20. EGU General Assembly 2017 (EGU2017), Wien, Austria, 24-28 April 2017, Verification of ECMWF seasonal forecasts using Euro-Atlantic weather regimes (RESILIENCE) 20170428_ncortesi_EGU2017.pdf
  21. EGU General Assembly 2017 (EGU2017), Vienna, Austria, 24-28 April 2017, Simulation-based performance analysis of EC-Earth 3.2.0 using Dimemas pdf
  22. Climateurope Festival 2017, Valencia, Spain, 5-7 April 2017, RESILIENCE - Climate predictions for the wind energy sector (RESILIENCE, EUPORIAS) pdf


  1. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 12-16 December 2016: Climate forecasting services: coming down from the ivory tower pdf ppt
  2. MYGEOSS Final Event, Brussels, Belgium, 6 December 2016: bsc_20161206_mygeoss_final_poster_100ppp.pdf
  3. 7th CCI Integration Meeting, ESA ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, 4-6th October 2016: Exploring observational uncertainty in verification of climate predictions 20161004_omar_bellprat_cci.pdf
  4. EC-Earth Meeting, Reading, UK, 2-3 November 2016: Autosubmit 20161028_dmanubens_ec-earth2016.pdf
  5. WindEurope Summit 2016 (EWEA), Hamburg, Germany, 27-29 September 2016: Project Ukko: Seasonal wind speed predictions at a glance 20160927_ijimenez_windeurope2016_projectukko.pdf
  6. WindEurope Summit 2016 (EWEA), Hamburg, Germany, 27-29 September 2016: The weather roulette: seasonal wind speed predictions vs. climatology 20160927_ijimenez_windeurope2016_weatherroulette.pdf
  7. WindEurope Summit 2016 (EWEA), Hamburg, Germany, 27-29 September 2016: Predictability assessment of climate predictions within the context of the New European Wind Atlas project (NEWA) 20160927_asoret_windeurope2016_newa.ppt
  8. WindEurope Summit 2016 (EWEA), Hamburg, Germany, 27-29 September 2016: Corrosion in offshore wind energy: assessment of marine aerosol concentration using the CALIOPE air quality modelling system 20160927-asoret-windeurope_sea_salt.pdf
  9. SPARC QBO Workshop, Oxford, UK, 26-30 September 2016: Non-annular hemispheric signature of the winter North Atlantic Oscillation 20160926-27_jgarcia_sparc-qbo.pdf
  10. CLIVAR Open Science Conference (2016), Qingdao, China, 18-25 September, PRIMAVERA: High resolution climate processes: Impact of increase in horizontal resolution on Arctic sea ice evolution 20160921_nfuckar_clivar.pdf
  11. CLIVAR Open Science Conference (2016), Qingdao, China, 18-25 September, PRIMAVERA: High resolution climate processes: Internal variability generating hiatus periods in high resolution simulations 20160921_eexarcho_clivar.pdf
  12. 16th EMS Annual Meeting (2016), Trieste, Italy, 12-16 September, Seasonal forecasts for the wind power industry within the CLIM4ENERGY project 20160923_llledo_ems.pdf
  13. 16th EMS Annual Meeting (2016), Trieste, Italy, 12-16 September, Corrosion in offshore wind energy: assessment of marine aerosol concentration using the BSC-CALIOPE air quality modelling system in Europe 20160923_asoret-ems-sea_salt.pdf
  14. 16th EMS Annual Meeting (2016), Trieste, Italy, 12-16 September, Solar power forecasting: application of the NMMB/BSC-CTM on-line chemical weather prediction model in central Europe 20160923_asoret-ems-dust.pdf
  15. 16th EMS Annual Meeting (2016), Trieste, Italy, 12-16 September, Weather regimes as a tool to validate seasonal forecasts 20160909_ncortesi_ems.pdf
  16. 16th EMS Annual Meeting (2016), Trieste, Italy, 12-16 September, The weather roulette: communicating probabilistic predictions for wind energy 20160912_ijimenez_ems2016_weatherroulette.pdf
  17. NILS Closure Event (2016), Madrid, 26 May, Impact of aerosols' definition on regional climate simulations over North Africa, the Middle East and Europe. 20160526_goncalves_nilsposterclosure.pdf
  18. BSC Doctoral Symposium (2016), Barcelona, 4-6 May, Development of a wind energy climate service based on seasonal climate prediction 20160504_vtorralb_bsc_doctoral_symposium.pdf
  19. EGU General Assembly 2016 (EGU2016), Wien, Austria, 18-22 April 2016, Development of a wind energy climate service based on seasonal climate prediction (PICO)20160420_vtorralba_egu.ppt
  20. EGU General Assembly 2016 (EGU2016), Wien, Austria, 18-22 April 2016, The weather roulette: assessing the economic value of seasonal wind speed predictions 20160420_ijimenez_egu.pdf
  21. EGU General Assembly 2016 (EGU2016), Wien, Austria, 18-22 April 2016, European wintertime influence of Lamb Weather Types on Wind speed, Temperature and Precipitation 20160416_ncortesi_egu.pdf
  22. EGU General Assembly 2016 (EGU2016), Wien, Austria, 18-22 April 2016, Application and verification of the NMMB/BSC-CTM forecast for solar energy 2016414_asoret-egu.pdf
  23. EGU General Assembly 2016 (EGU2016), Wien, Austria, 18-22 April 2016, Prediction of sea ice thickness clusters in the Northern Hemisphere 20160421_nfuckar_egu.pdf
  24. EGU General Assembly 2016 (EGU2016), Wien, Austria, 18-22 April 2016, Volcanic forcing in decadal forecasts of surface temperature, Martin Ménégoz, menegoz_volcanoes_2016_egu.pdf
  25. Climwine 2016, Bordeaux, France, 11-15 April 2016, Grape sustainability in South America 20160411_ncortesi_climwine.pdf


  1. American Geophysical Union 2015 Fall Meeting (AGU2015) , San Francisco, USA, 14-18 December 201515, Direct radiative effect of intense dust outbreaks in the Mediterranean 20151214_agu2015_gkikas.pdf
  2. Advanced School and Workshop on Subseasonal to Seasonal (S2S) Prediction and Application to Drought Prediction, Trieste, Italy, 23-November-04-December 2015, Seasonal climate prediction: a new management tool for the wind energy sector 20151123_vtorralb_s2s.pdf
  3. EWEA Annual Event 2015, París, France, 16-20 November 2015, RESILIENCE: A semi-operational prototype to forecast wind power from weeks to months ahead 20151119_ijimenez_ewea2015.pdf ppt
  4. SC15, Austin, United States, 15 - 20 November 2015, Optimization of an Ocean Model Using Performance Tools 20151117_ces_sc15.pdf
  5. EMBRACE/WCRP conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 20 - 23 October 2015, Workshop on CMIP5 Model Analysis and Scientific Plans for CMIP6 20151020_cmip_poster_massonnet.pdf
  6. EMBRACE/WCRP conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 20 - 23 October 2015, Workshop on CMIP5 Model Analysis and Scientific Plans for CMIP6 20151021_nfuckar_cmip.pdf
  7. EMBRACE/WCRP conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 20 - 23 October 2015, Workshop on CMIP5 Model Analysis and Scientific Plans for CMIP6 20152510_eexarcho_cmip6.pdf
  8. MISTRALS2015, Marseille, France, 20 - 22 October 2015, Mediterranean desert dust outbreaks' direct impact on the radiation budget 20151020_agkikas_med-dres.pdf
  9. EUPORIAS General Assembly, Winterthur, Switzerland, 29 September- 01 October 2015, State-of-the-art seasonal forecasts for the wind energy sector 20153009_torralba_wind_speed_poster.pdf
  10. European Aerosol Conference (EAC2015), Milan, Italy, 6-11 September 2015, Modelling mineral dust emission over North Africa and Middle East using high-resolution surface properties from satellite retrievals 20150910_basart_NMMB_roughness.pdf
  11. European Aerosol Conference (EAC2015), Milan, Italy, 6-11 September 2015,Impact of aerosol definition on regional climate simulations over North Africa, Middle East and Europe 20150901_goncalves_nmmbregclim.pdf
  12. European Aerosol Conference (EAC2015), Milan, Italy, 6-11 September 2015, Aerosol modelling with the global online NMMB/BSC chemical transport model 20150901_spada_nmmbctm.pdf
  13. European Aerosol Conference (EAC2015), Milan, Italy, 6-11 September 2015, Does increasing horizontal resolution produce better dust predictions? Evaluation of the NMMB/BSC-Dust model for Northern Africa, Middle East and Europe 20150910_vendrell_NMMB_evaluation.pdf
  14. European Aerosol Conference (EAC2015), Milan, Italy, 6-11 September 2015, Direct radiative effect of an intense Mediterranean desert dust outbreak, based on NMMB/BSC-Dust model simulations: the case of 2 August 2012 20150910_agkikas_NMMB.pdf
  15. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), Prague, June 22 - July 2, Volcanic forcing in decadal forecasts of surface temperature pdf
  16. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), Prague, June 22 - July 2, Snow cover sensitivity to black carbon deposition in the Himalaya: from ice core measurements to regional climate simulations pdf
  17. EC-Earth meeting, Reading, UK, 5-6 May 2015 20150506_cprodhomme_ec-earth2015.pdf
  18. EC-Earth meeting, Reading, UK, 5-6 May 2015 20150506_eexarchou_ec-earth2015.pdf
  19. EC-Earth meeting, Reading, UK, 5-6 May 2015 20150506_jvegas_ec-earth2015.pdf
  20. EGU meeting, Vienna, Austria, 13-17 April 2015 20150416_nevensf_egu2015.pdf
  21. EGU2015 meeting, Vienna, Austria, 13-17 April 2015 20150413_agkikas_MODIS_DB.pdf


  1. AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, 15-19 December 2014 poster_agu_vguemas_201412.pdf
  2. WWRP-PPP and WCRP-PCPI International workshop on polar-lower latitude linkages and their role in weather and climate prediction (Barcelona, Spain, 10-12 December 2014). Summer Arctic sea ice and European winters in the pre-industrial EC-Earth control run 20141211_linkages_massonnet_poster.pdf
  3. WWRP-PPP and WCRP-PCPI International workshop on polar-lower latitude linkages and their role in weather and climate prediction (Barcelona, Spain, 10-12 December 2014). Robust identification of interannual Arctic sea ice variability modes neven_sf_poster_10_12_dec_2014a.pdf
  4. XX Jornades de Meteorologia Eduard Fontsere (Barcelona, Spain, November 29 2014). Initial conditions (IC) bias correction method for seasonal-to-decadal climate predictions neven_sf_poster_xx_jef_nov29_2014.pdf
  5. WIRE-COST final workshop “Renewable Energies Forecasting-State of the art & challenges for the future” (Paris, France 22nd October 2014) poster_cost_wire_workshop.pdf
  6. Advances in Climate Theory (Brussels, Belgium, 25-27 August 2014). On the choice of the initialisation method for seasonal-to-decadal predictions. poster_acarrassi_act.pdf
  7. World Weather Open Science Conference (Montreal, Canada, August 16-21 2014). The connection of Arctic sea ice and hemispheric climate variability in the k-means cluster analysis poster_neven_wwosc_2014.pdf
  8. 14th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (Guimarães, Portugal, June 30 - July 3, 2014). Case Study in Large Scale Climate Simulations: Optimizing the Speedup/Efficiency Balance in Supercomputing Environments. poster_masif_iccsa_2014.pdf
  9. International Conference on Computational Science (Cairns, Australia, June 10-12 2014). Impact of I/O and Data Management in Ensemble Large Scale Climate Forecasting Using EC-Earth3. poster_masif_iccs_2014.pdf
  10. EGU 2014 (Vienna, 27.04. - 02.05 2014). The k-means cluster analysis of the Arctic sea ice and the Northern Hemisphere climate variability nevensf_egu2014_kmeans.pdf
  11. EGU 2014 (Vienna, 27.04. - 02.05 2014). A posteriori adjustment of near-term climate predictions: Accounting for the drift dependence on the initial conditions nevensf_egu2014_ndvc.pdf
  12. EGU 2014 (Vienna, 27.04. - 02.05 2014). Impact of soil moisture initialization on subseasonal and seasonal forecast skill of temperature over Europe in EC-Earth 2.3 cprodhomme_egu2014.pdf
  13. SPECS workshop: European Energy Wind Association User Workshop (Barcelona, Spain, March 13th 2014) 20131023_ewea_poster_v0.pdf
  14. Knowledge for Climate and Climate KIC Climate Adaptation Business Challenge, Summer 2014 20140918_poster_climate_kic_large.pdf


  1. 4th International Summit on Hurricanes and Climate Change (Kos, 13-18 June 2013), Statistical predictions of multi-annual North Atlantic hurricane activity in a series of CMIP5 decadal hindcasts.poster_caron_kos_dec_pred.pdf
  2. 4th International Summit on Hurricanes and Climate Change (Kos, 13-18 June 2013), A re-analysis of North Atlantic hurricane activity with dynamic latent processes.poster_caron_kos_atl_rea.pdf
  3. WCRP Workshop on Seasonal-to-decadal predictions (Toulouse, 12-16 May 2013), Seasonal prediction of the intraseasonal variability of the West African summer monsoon precipitation 2013_lrodrigues_s2d.pdf
  4. WCRP Workshop on Seasonal-to-decadal predictions (Toulouse, 12-16 May 2013), Ensemble of sea-ice initial conditions for interannual climate predictions poster_vguemas_workshop_s2_d_s2_v3.pdf
  5. WCRP Workshop on Seasonal-to-decadal predictions (Toulouse, 12-16 May 2013), Decadal prediction in the Mediterranean region poster_vguemas_workshop_s2_d_s4_v5.pdf
  6. WCRP Workshop on Seasonal-to-decadal predictions (Toulouse, 12-16 May 2013), A stochastic dynamics method for ensemble seasonal forecasts with the CNRM-CM5.1 GCM 201305_lbatte_wcrp_s2d_toulouse_poster.pdf
  7. European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) 2013 Annual Event (Vienna, 4-7 February 2013), Wind energy risk management: state-of-the-art wind forecasting from 1 month - 30 years 201302_ewea_poster_mdavis.pdf


  1. MedCLIVAR 2012 Conference “The climate of the Mediterranean region: understanding its evolution and effects on environment and societies” (Madrid, Spain, 26-29 September 2012), Multi-model calibration and combination of seasonal sea surface temperature forecasts over three different tropical regions 2012_lrodrigues.pdf
  2. International Conference on Climate Services 2, ICCS2 (Brussels, 5-7 September 2012), Advancing Renewable Energy with Climate Services (ARECS) - Seasonal to decadal global climate forecasting 2012_arecs_mdavis.pdf
  3. ICDM workshop on Dynamics and predictability of high-impact weather and climate events (Kunming, China, 6-9 August 2012), Multi-model calibration and combination of seasonal sea surface temperature forecasts over three different tropical regions 2012_lrodrigues.pdf


  1. EGU General Assembly 2011 (Vienna, 3-8 April 2011), Differing impacts of resolution changes in latitude and longitude on the mid-latitudes in the LMDZ Atmospheric GCM poster_v_guemas_egu11_as_v4.pdf