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External Presentations

Please, follow the naming convention indicated below

  • Naming convention: title of the presentation (title of the event, city, country, date of event with format days month year), first author (name of the project/s acknowledged) file in both pdf and ppt or odp formats
  • Naming convention for files: yearmonthday_user_institution
  • keep the ascending chronological order

Presentations given outside BSC


  1. Modelizando el ciclo del polvo en el BSC: De investigación de operaciones (Curso interno AEMET, Avances en los pronósticos de intrusiones de polvo y su adaptación operacional. Impacto en las operaciones aeronáuticas, 10-11 November 2020), S. Basart (AXA, inDust, DustClim) pptx
  2. Conceptos Básicos del ciclo del polvo (Curso interno AEMET, Avances en los pronósticos de intrusiones de polvo y su adaptación operacional. Impacto en las operaciones aeronáuticas, 10-11 November 2020), S. Basart (AXA, inDust, DustClim) pptx
  3. Quantification of the Primary Emission Changes in Europe due to the COVID-19 Quarantine Measures (The Impact of COVID19 on the Environment: Observations and Insights, IOP webinar, 04 November 2020), M. Guevara (CAMS/COP_066) pdf
  4. Quantifying COVID-19 transportation emission reductions: European, US and global perspectives (AMIGO COVID-19 workshop, online, 03 November 2020), M. Guevara (CAMS/COP_066) pdf
  5. Time-resolved emission reductions for atmospheric chemistry modelling in Europe during the COVID-19 lockdowns (19th Annual CMAS Conference, online, 29 October 2020), M. Guevara (CAMS/COP_066) pdf
  6. Sub-seasonal and Seasonal predictions for energy: breaking the barrier of chaos in the atmosphere (International Symposium on Forecasting, online, 26 October 2020), Ll. Lledó pdf
  7. Digital Twin: Climate information for climate change adaptation (Destination Earth Workshop on Climate change Adaptation, online, 22 October 2020), F.J. Doblas-Reyes ppt pdf
  8. AI, climate data and service development at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (All-Atlantic Summit: The 6th High-Level Industry-Science-Government Dialogue on Atlantic Interactions, online, 9 October 2020), F.J. Doblas-Reyes ppt pdf
  9. Contributions of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center to the Copernicus services (User’s Workshop on the Copernicus Climate and Atmosphere Services, online, 6 October 2020), F.J. Doblas-Reyes ppt pdf
  10. Improving NEMO Diagnostics with GPU Port and Asynchronous Execution (18 September 2020), Maicon Faria pdf
  11. Evaluation and optimization of the I/O scalability of the (Open)IFS atmospheric model using XIOS (11th JLESC Workshop, Virtual, 8 September 2020) - Xavier Yepes pdf
  12. Scaling NEMO4 I/O using the new ORCA36 configuration (28 July 2020) - Miguel Castrillo pdf
  13. Huawei-BSC collaboration kick-off meeting (21st July 2020) - Paco Doblas-Reyes & Kim Serradell pptx
  14. Air quality modelling at BSC and contribution to the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service activities (Copernicus First on line JOINT USER FORUM ITALY-SPAIN, 10th July 2020) Oriol Jorba pdf
  15. Climate services coproduction: How close are we to transdisciplinary knowledge production (Workshop Advancing Research for Regional Climate Information, online, 2nd July 2020) Dragana Bojovic pdf
  16. The new CAMS global and regional emission temporal profiles (19th GEIA Conference, online, 23rd June 2020) M. Guevara (CAMS_81) pdf
  17. Communication and visualisation of uncertainty in climate services (MED-GOLD Living Lab, online, June 18 2020) Marta Terrado (MED-GOLD, S2S4E, VISCA, EUPORIAS, Seasonal Hurricane Predictions) pptx
  18. Integration of climate modelling and climate services. Chapter 5 of Matching new demands of climate services with evolving Earth System modelling and prediction capabilities (Climateurope Webstival, online, June 18 2020) Marta Terrado (Climateurope) pptx
  19. Integrated Kinetic Energy of Tropical Cyclones in PRIMAVERA simulations (PRIMAVERA General Assembly, May 27 2020) Philip Kreussler pdfpptx
  20. Sensitivity of future projected precipitation changes over Europe to model resolution (PRIMAVERA General Assembly, May 27 2020) Eduardo Moreno-Chamarro pdf
  21. The NEMO ORCA36 configuration and approaches to increase NEMO4 efficiency (6th ENES HPC workshop, Virtual, 25 May 2020, Miguel Castrillo) pptx pdf
  22. MEDSCOPE prototype for renewable energy: wind power capacity factor forecasts. (MEDSCOPE WP4 meeting), online, 25 May 2020, Llorenç Lledó (MEDSCOPE) pdf
  23. Impacts of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability on the Tropical Pacific – At the origins of the inter-model spread (PRIMAVERA Webinar, May 21st 2020) Y. Ruprich-Robert pdf
  24. Tropical Cyclones in PRIMAVERA HighResMIP Simulations (PRIMAVERA Webinar, May 21st 2020) L-P Caron pdfpptx
  25. HARMONIE performance analysis: summary of the 1st phase (Virtual HARMONIE System Working Week, At home, 7 May 2020) Xavier Yepes-Arbós pdfpptx
  26. Seasonal dynamics of mesopelagic organic particles in the subpolar North Atlantic. Learning from the crosstalk between biogeochemical Argo float measurements and PISCESv2 simulations (EGU 2020: Sharing Geoscience online, 7 May 2020), Martí Galí (ORCAS) pdf
  27. An evaluation of the mixed precision version of NEMO 4.0.1 (EGU 2020: Sharing Geoscience online, 6 May 2020), Oriol Tintó pdf
  28. Predictable weather regimes at the S2S time scale (EGU 2020: Sharing Geoscience online, 5 May 2020), Nicola Cortesi (S2S4E, NEWA, JdC) pdf
  29. Inspiring the sea ice forecasting community to co-produce knowledge (Sea Ice Prediction Network 2 webinar, online, 28 April 2020), Marta Terrado (APPLICATE, S2S4E) pptx
  30. Bojos per la Computació (Barcelona, April 27th 2020), Pablo Echevarría slides
  31. Bojos per la Computació (Barcelona, April 27th 2020), Nicola Cortesi slides
  32. BSC-ES Performance team updates from IMMERSE and ESiWACE2 H2020 projects (NEMO HPC group, Virtual, 22 April 2020, Miguel Castrillo) pptx pdf
  33. ESiWACE Centre of Excellence (High Performance Innovation Conference, Virtual, 30 March 2020), Kim Serradell pptx
  34. Energy forecasts that take climate variability into account: the S2S4E Decision Support Tool (e-World 2020, Essen, 11 February 2020), Llorenç Lledó (S2S4E) pdf
  35. Towards shortwave reflectance data assimilation for aerosols: a radiative transfer model benchmark and the 1D-Var assimilation efforts in CAMS 43 (ECMWF atmospheric composition internal seminar, Reading (by remote conference), UK, 23 January 2020), J. Escribano (CAMS43) pdf
  36. APPLICATE climate services: Sharing knowledge through the co-production of case studies (APPLICATE GA, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 20 January 2020), M. Terrado and D. Bojovic (APPLICATE) pdf
  37. Summer predictions of sea ice edge and the link between autumnal Arctic sea ice and Northern Hemisphere winter forecast skill (APPLICATE General Assembly), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 20 January 2020, J. Acosta Navarro (APPLICATE) pdf
  38. Decadal Climate Predictions with EC-Earth (Ocean & Climate Physics Seminar, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, University of Columbia, New York, US, 17 January 2020), Simon Wild (STARS_Simon, EUCP) pdf
  39. Improving geophysical air quality forecasts with machine learning (AMS / 19th conference on AI for environmental science, Boston, US, 15 January 2020), H. Petetin (STARS) pdf
  40. Quality Assessment of Decadal Predictions with EC-Earth (AMS / 33rd Conference on Climate Variability and Change, Boston, US, 14 January 2020), Simon Wild (STARS_Simon, EUCP) pdf
  41. Prediccions climàtiques pel sector de l'energia (Jornada tècnica del grup d'experts en canvi climàtic de Catalunya (GECCC), Barcelona, 10 January 2020), Llorenç Lledó (S2S4E) pdf


  1. Decision making under a changing climate? A climate service for clean energy in Spain and beyond, S2S4E (COP25, IPCC WMO Pavillon: Climate services for Energy Transition, successful stories from Germany and Spain, Madrid, Spain, 12th December 2019) I.Vigo pdf
  2. Impacts and associated previsibility of a persistent NAO forcing (presentation at the AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, USA, 9-13 Dec 2019). Y. Ruprich-Robert (INADEC, PRIMAVERA) pdf
  3. The Impacts of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability on Tropical Pacific (as Assessed from CMIP6/DCPP-C Idealized Simulations) (presentation at the AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, USA, 9-13 Dec 2019). Y. Ruprich-Robert (INADEC, PRIMAVERA) pdf
  4. Seeking value in decadal predictions (presentation at the AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, USA, 9-13 Dec 2019). M. Donat (EUCP, RyC_Markus) ppt
  5. FRAGMENT: FRontiers in dust minerAloGical CoMposition and its Effects upon climaTe (EMIT annual meeting, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, 7 December 2019) C. Pérez García-Pando (FRAGMENT, EMIT) pdf
  6. Uncertainties and challenges when predicting the climate of the years and decades to come (WCRP Climate Science Week Joint Early Career Researcher Workshop “Water Cycle in a 1.5°C warmer world: interdisciplinary approaches”, San Francisco, USA, 6 Dec 2019). M. Donat (EUCP, RyC_Markus) ppt
  7. Dust cycle within the Earth System (COP25, Side event: Sand and Dust Storms and climate, Madrid, Spain, 5th December 2019) S. Basart pdf
  8. ESiWACE WP3 - Final Review (ESiWACE Final Review, EUROFORUM Building, Luxembourg, 3rd December 2019), K. Serradell pptx pdf
  9. A benchmark for testing the accuracy and computational cost of shortwave top-of-atmosphere reflectance calculations in clear-sky aerosol-laden atmospheres (Eradiate Workshop, JRC Ispra, Italy, 26-27 November 2019), J. Escribano (STARS, CAMS43) pdf
  10. BSC-HIRLAM collaboration: HARMONIE code profiling current status (HARMONIE System Working Week, MET Norway, Oslo, 26 November 2019) Xavier Yepes-Arbós pdf odp
  11. Paraver hands-on for HARMONIE (HARMONIE System Working Week, MET Norway, Oslo, 26 November 2019) Xavier Yepes-Arbós pdf
  12. Optimizing numerical precision in NEMO 4 (NEMO HPC Group, 25 November 2019), O. Tintó pptx
  13. Present models & machines running future resolutions. The ORCA36 configuration and approaches to increase NEMO4 efficiency (Mercator Ocèan / MetOffice / NOC / ECMWF, Toulouse / Exeter / Southampton / Reading, France / UK, 20/25-27 November 2019), M. Castrillo pptx pdf
  14. Natural and anthropogenic contributions to mineral dust aerosol (Staubtag, Karlsruhe, Germany, 18-19 November 2019), M. Klose (DUST.ES, InDUST) pptx pdf
  15. Current status of MEDSCOPE CS-Tools R package (MedCOF-13, November 21 2019) pdf
  16. Evaluation and Quality Control Function for the CDS (Copernicus Climate Change Service General Assembly, Warsaw, Poland, 30 October 2019), F.J. Doblas-Reyes ppt pdf
  17. Decadal predictability of wildfires within the ESM EC-Earth (FireMIP Workshop, Letaba Rest Camp, South Africa, October 23 2019), Etienne Tourigny pdf
  18. S2S4E Development of user-oriented services in the energy sector (InDust General Assembly, Porto, Poland, 23 October 2019) ppt
  19. Reproducible science at large scale within a continous delivery pipeline: the BSC vision (Workshop on reproducible workflows, ECMWF - Reading, UK, 14-16 October 2019) Miguel Castrillo pptx pdf
  20. Coupling between traffic and emission models for the evaluation of mobility plans (FAIRMODE, CIEMAT - Madrid, Spain, 07-09 October 2019) Daniel Rodríguez pptx pdf
  21. Importance of constraining robustly the climate impacts for reconstruction purposes (CLIMOVAR Workshop , Cosmocaixa - Barcelona , Spain, 25-27 September 2019) Pablo Ortega pdfppt
  22. Perspectives on modeling dust mineralogical composition and its effects upon climate (18th AEROCOM meeting, BSC - Barcelona , Spain, 24 September 2019) C. Perez Garcia-Pando (NUTRIENT, AXA Chair, RyC C. Perez, FRAGMENT) pptx
  23. Overview of the need and status of data assimilation and uncertainty estimates (AEROCOM / AEROSAT , BSC - Barcelona , Spain, 23-28 September 2019) Jeronimo Escribano (STARS, DustClim, CCI/CMUG2) pdfodp
  24. Development of the EC-Earth offline land surface model and application to decadal prediction of wildfires using LPJ-Guess + EC-Earth C4MIP spinup status (Lund University, September 26 2019, Lund, Sweden, Etienne Tourigny) pdf
  25. Improving the I/O scalability for the next generation of Earth system models: OpenIFS-Cassandra integration as a case study (NEXTGenIO Workshop on applications of NVRAM storage to exascale I/O, ECMWF, UK, 26 September 2019) Xavier Yepes-Arbós pdfpptx
  26. An Overview of European Union-Funded Project APPLICATE (SIPN2 webinar, 17 September 2019), P. Ortega pptx pdf
  27. Mineral dust modeling for optimizing operation and maintenance procedures in concentrated solar power plants (European Meteorological Society Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, 11 September 2019), Eleni Karnezi ppt pdf
  28. Evaluation and quality control function of the C3S (European Meteorological Society Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, 12 September 2019), F.J. Doblas-Reyes ppt pdf
  29. Sub-seasonal and seasonal climate forecast applications (ECMWF Annual Seminar, Reading, UK, 5 September 2019), F.J. Doblas-Reyes ppt pdf
  30. The WMO SDS-WAS Regional Center for Northern Africa,Middle East and Europe, APDIM Side Event on Sand and Dust Storms, Bangkok 27-28 August 2019, Sara Basart (attending remotely) (SDS-WAS, DustClim, inDust, AXA SDS) pptx
  31. Introduction to climate (and ocean biogeochemistry) prediction (TRIATLAS KOM - Bergen, Norway, August 27, 2019), P. Ortega pdf ppt
  32. - Update on ESM activities at BSC (TRIATLAS KOM - Bergen, Norway, August 28, 2019), R. Bernardello pdf pptx
  33. Preliminary Results of recent Decadal Predictions with EC-Earth ( University of Oxford, UK, August 12, 2019), S. Wild pdf ppt (EUCP, STARS_Simon)
  34. Exploring linkages between AMOC and ITCZ variability: a tale of energy and momentum, of water and dust (Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, GE, August 06, 2019), E. Moreno-Chamarro pdf
  35. BSC Update: MONARCH model (11th ICAP working group meeting, Tsukuba, Japan, 22-24 July 2019) O. Jorba pdf (BROWNING, COFUND-2016-754433)
  36. CALIOPE-Urban v1.0: Coupling R-LINE with a mesoscale air quality modelling system for urban air quality forecasts over Barcelona city (Spain) (2nd Street-in-Grid (SinG) Modeling Sumposium, Champs-sur-Marne, France, 28 June 2019) O. Jorba pdf (BROWNING)
  37. A Framework to Determine the Limits of Achievable Skill for Interannual to Decadal Climate Predictions (IMSC 2019, Toulouse, France, 24-28 June 2019), M. Donat ppt (EUCP, RyC_Markus)
  38. Towards reliable extreme weather and climate event attribution (IMSC 2019, Toulouse, France, 24-28 June 2019), M. Donat ppt (EUCP, RyC_Markus)
  39. Impact of initialisation on the reliability of decadal predictions (IMSC 2019, Toulouse, France, 24-28 June 2019) D. Verfaillie pdf (EUCP)
  40. Multi-model assessment of the impact of Arctic sea-ice variability on the winter North Atlantic-Eurasian atmospheric circulation (PAMIP Workshop, Darntington Hall - Devon, UK, 25-27 June 2019) J. García-Serrano pdf
  41. A portable framework to generate initial conditions for IFS/OpenIFS from ERA reanalysis products using OpenIFS (5th OpenIFS workshop 2019, University of Reading, UK, 18-21 June 2019) Xavier Yepes-Arbós pdfpptx
  42. BSC-HIRLAM collaboration: HARMONIE code profiling roadmap and current status (HARMONIE System Working Week, ECMWF, UK, 18 June 2019) Xavier Yepes-Arbós pdfpptx
  43. New Methodologies for Computational Performance Evaluation of Climate and Weather Models (PASC19, Zurich, Switzerland, 12-14 June 2019) Mario Acostapdf
  44. Improving Ocean Model Computational Performance by using Mixed-Precision Approaches (PASC19, Zurich, Switzerland, 12-14 June 2019) O. Tintópptx pdf
  45. Implementation of EC-Earth 10km Global Coupled ESiWACE Demonstrator and Recent Computational Improvements (PASC19, Zurich, Switzerland, 12-14 June 2019) K. Serradell pptx pdf
  46. Towards the development of a dust observational database (INDICES Training School, Saclay, France, 3-7 June 2019) S. Basart pdf (inDust, AXA Research Fund, DustClim)
  47. A multi-model comparison of the ocean contributions to multidecadal variability in the North Atlantic (Climate Prediction Workshop, Bergen, June 4th 2019) P. Ortega. pptx pdf (APPLICATE)
  48. Climate change and animals (American School of Barcelona, Barcelona, June 7th 2019). R. White and L-P Caron. pptx
  49. A three-step participatory approach to climate services coproduction (ECCA2019, Lisbon, Portugal, 27-30 May, 2019) D.Bojovic pptx (PRIMAVERA)
  50. The weather roulette: a game to communicate the usefulness of probabilistic climate predictions (ECCA2019, Lisbon, 28 May 2019) M. Terrado ppt (S2S4E, EUPORIAS)
  51. S2S4E: A decision support tool to visualize climate variability weeks and months ahead (ECCA2019, Lisbon, 29 May 2019) M. Terrado ppt (S2S4E)
  52. Visualisation and communication of uncertainty and risk (ECCA2019, Lisbon, 28 May 2019) M. Terrado ppt (S2S4E, VISCA)
  53. APPLICATE user engagement activities (JPI Climate & Climateurope booth at ECCA2019, Lisbon, 28 May 2019) D. Bojovic & M. Terrado ppt (APPLICATE)
  54. S2S4E: A decision support tool to visualize climate variability weeks and months ahead (JPI Climate & Climateurope booth at ECCA2019, Lisbon, 29 May 2019) M. Terrado ppt (S2S4E)
  55. Turning climate-related information into added value for traditional Mediterranean grape, olive and durum wheat food systems (JPI Climate & Climateurope booth at ECCA2019, Lisbon, 29 May 2019) M. Terrado ppt (MED-GOLD)
  56. The added value of user-driven climate predictions (ECCA2019, Lisbon, 29 May 2019) F.J. Doblas-Reyes pdfppt (EUCP)
  57. Evaluation and uality control function of the Climate Data Store and the Sectoral Information System (ECCA2019, Lisbon, 29 May 2019) F.J. Doblas-Reyes pdfpptx (C3S_512)
  58. Integration of XIOS in the ECMWF weather model (NLeSC visit, Amsterdam, 27 May 2019) Xavier Yepes-Arbós pdfodt
  59. Seasonal modulation of Sudden Stratospheric Warmings in EC-EARTH (Visiting CMCC, Bologna, May 23 2019) Froila M. Palmeiro pptx
  60. Atmospheric Chemistry Modelling at BSC (MUSICA Kick-off Meeting, NCAR Foothills Lab, Boulder CO, USA, 21-22 May 2019) pptx
  61. An update of the current climate prediction activities at BSC with EC-Earth (EC-Earth Meeting 2019, 21-23 May 2019, Reading, UK, Pablo Ortega) pdf ppt (EUCP, APPLICATE, PRIMAVERA, CCICC, TRIATLAS)
  62. Preliminary results from DCPP Component A experiments with EC-Earth 3.3.1 (EC-Earth Meeting 2019, 21-23 May 2019, Reading, UK, Pablo Ortega) pdf ppt (EUCP, DCPP)
  63. Quality Assurance: general view and the case of EC-Earth (EC-Earth Meeting 2019, 21-23 May 2019, Reading, UK, Pierre-Antoine Bretonnière) pdf
  64. EC-Earth land surface model : development of the offline configuration and application to decadal prediction of wildfires (EC-Earth Meeting 2019, 21-23 May 2019, Reading, UK, Etienne Tourigny) odp pdf
  65. Seasonal prediction of fire danger using ECMWF’s SEAS5 prediction system (ECMWF visit, 20 May 2019, Reading, UK, Etienne Tourigny)odp pdf
  66. The impact of EuroAtlantic Teleconnections in energy generation and demand over Europe (S2S4E WP3 Webinar, 17 May 2019, online, Llorenç Lledó) pdf pptx (S2S4E)
  67. Trends in Arctic Ocean Dimethylsulfide Emission Diagnosed From Multi-Satellite Data, 1998-2016 (ESA: Living Planet Symposium 2019, 17 May 2019, Milano, Italy, Martí Galí) pptx
  68. Atmospheric dust transport models and usage (InDust COST Action: The Effect of Soiling on Solar Energy, 16 May 2019, Munich, Germany, Eleni Karnezi pptx pdf
  69. MEDSCOPE WP2: Analysis of stratospheric variability in the ENSO/PDO sensitivity experiments (MEDSCOPE GA, Milan, May 15-17 2019) Froila M. Palmeiro (MEDSCOPE)pptx
  70. MEDSCOPE WP3 Overview (MEDSCOPE GA, Milan, May 15-17 2019) Louis-Philippe Caron (MEDSCOPE)pptx
  71. MEDSCOPE WP3: CSTools Status (MEDSCOPE GA, Milan, May 15-17 2019) Núria Pérez-Zanón (MEDSCOPE)pdf
  72. MEDSCOPE WP3: CSTools - BSC functions (MEDSCOPE GA, Milan, May 15-17 2019) Louis-Philippe Caron (MEDSCOPE)pptx
  73. MEDSCOPE WP4 - Wind Energy (MEDSCOPE GA, Milan, May 15-17 2019) Llorenç Lledó/Louis-Philippe Caron (MEDSCOPE)pptx
  74. Making global coupled 15km simulations possible (PRACEdays 2019 @ EuroHPC Summit Week, Andersia Hotel, Poznan, 14 May 2019, Miguel Castrillo) pptx pdf
  75. Satellite data assimilation of dust aerosol observations for the MONARCH forecasting system (ESA: Living Planet Symposium 2019, 13-17 May 2019, Milano, Italy, Enza Di Tomaso)pptx pdf (ACTRIS-2)
  76. Models de pronòstic d’ozó troposfèric (Jornada Campanya d'ozó 2019, Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat, Barcelona, 13 May 2019, María Teresa Pay) pptx (PAISA)
  77. An anatomy of the forecast errors in the seasonal prediction system with EC-Earth (ELIC Seminar - UCLouvain, 29 April 2019, Rubén Cruz García)pptxpdf
  78. Towards exa-scale ocean simulation. (Seguiment de Tesi, Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona, 26 April 2019) pptx pdf
  79. Current and future drought impacts on forest fire risk (MISTRALS workshop on droughts - Montpellier, France, 25 April 2019, Marco Turco)pptxpdf
  80. Servicios climáticos para la agricultura, de la modelización del clima al usuario (Invited talk at CEIGRAM, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 25 April 2019) ppt pdf
  81. Work on numerical precision in NEMO (Invited talk at VVUQ workshop for ESCAPE2, Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse, France, 24th April 2019) pptx pdf
  82. Atmospheric Composition Group at BSC (ACTRIS España - Granada, España, 24-26 April 2019, Oriol Jorba)pptx
  83. Breve Historia del Clima: Una mirada del pasado hacia el futuro. Tertulias científicas en el Jardín Botánico de Córdoba, Spain, 23 April 2019, Pablo Ortega ppt pdf
  84. Towards the development of dust user-oriented products: DustClim and inDust, Sand and Dust Storms (SDS) Project Technical Scoping Meeting, Geneva 15-16 April 2019, Sara Basart (SDS-WAS, DustClim, inDust, AXA SDS) ppt
  85. The WMO SDS-WAS Regional Center for Northern Africa,Middle East and Europe, CADUC conference, Dunshabe, Republic of Tajikistan, 8-12 Abril 2019, Sara Basart (attending remotely) (SDS-WAS, DustClim, inDust, AXA SDS) pptx
  86. Climate response to soil dust aerosol and its sensitivity to mineralogical composition in Northern Africa (PICO). EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 12 April 2019, María Gonçalves Ageitos (AXA SDS, FRAGMENT, C. Pérez RyC) pptxpdf
  87. FRontiers in dust minerAloGical coMposition and its Effects upoN climaTe (FRAGMENT) (invited PICO). EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 12 April 2019, C. Pérez García-Pando (AXA SDS, FRAGMENT, C. Pérez RyC) pptxpdf
  88. Assimilating vertical profiles of dust observations with ensemble meteorological initial and boundary conditions. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 12 April 2019, Jeronimo Escribano (ACTRIS, STARS J. Escribano, C. Pérez RyC) pptxpdf
  89. The S2S4E project: sub-seasonal to seasonal climate predictions for energy. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 11 April 2019, Andrea Manrique-Suñén (S2S4E) pptxpdf
  90. The S2S4E Decision Support Tool: Operational sub-seasonal and seasonal forecasts for Renewable Energy (PICO). EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 11 April 2019, Martí Badal (S2S4E) pptxpdf
  91. Sub-seasonal to seasonal climate predictions for energy: Boosting renewables in the energy mix (Leading practices in RES integration, 10 April 2019, REE Barcelona, Spain)s2s4e_bsc_ilariavigo.pptx s2s4e_bsc_ilariavigo.pdf
  92. Scalable kinetics treatment for gas–aerosol systems in atmospheric models (EGU General Assembly, 10 April 2019, Vienna, Austria) Matthew Dawson, Matthew West, Nicole Riemer, Oriol Jorba pptx pdf
  93. Opposing influences of Arctic sea-ice loss on Californian and Mediterranean rainfall (EGU General Assembly (CL4.09 Arctic changes: processes and feedbacks in climate, the ocean and the Greenland Ice Sheet), 10 April 2019, Vienna, Austria) Ivana Cvijanovic (Beatriu de Pinos, APPLICATE) pptx pdf
  94. Extreme weather events in the Northern Hemisphere in EC-EARTH and their association with interannual variations in the seasonal-mean Arctic climate and sea ice cover (Xavier J. Levine and Co-authors). Presented in session CL4.12: Climate Variability and Predictions in High Latitudes, at the EGU General Assembly, on 8 April 2019, in Vienna, Austria. pdf
  95. The S2S4E project: sub-seasonal to seasonal climate predictions for energy. Workshop on Predictability, dynamics and applications research using the TIGGE and S2S ensembles, Reading, UK, 2-5 April 2019, Andrea Manrique-Suñén (S2S4E) pptxpdf
  96. Sub-seasonal to seasonal climate predictions for wind energy forecasting (WindEurope workshop, 2-4 April 2019, Bilbao, Spain) Albert Soret (S2S4E) pptx pdf
  97. Benefit of assimilating dust observations: MONARCH experience (ACTRIS-2 Final general meeting, 1-4 April 2019, Darmstadt, Germany) Enza Di Tomaso (ACTRIS-2) pdf
  98. An assessment of in-situ observational uncertainties for the task of model evaluation (27th GLOREAM workshop, 1-3 April 2019, Norrköping, Sweden) Dene Bowdalo pptx
  99. European air quality with the online multiscale MONARCH v2.0 Model (27 GLOREAM workshop, 1-3 Aoril 2019, Norrköping, Sweden) Maria Teresa Pay pptx pdf (PAISA)
  100. Engagement, Involvement and Empowerment: Triple approach to effective climate services (PRIMAVERA GA4, 26-29 March 2019, Barcelona, Spain) Dragana Bojovic (PRIMAVERA) pdf
  101. BSC’s contribution to CAMS and associated activities (“Workshop on Copernicus climate change and atmosphere monitoring services”, organizado por la Agencia de Desarrollo Regional de Cantabria, SODERCAN, 19 March 2019) C. Pérez García-Pando pptx pdf
  102. Data visualization for researchers crash course (inDust workshop on data visualisation and science communication, Bucharest, Romania, 18-19 March 2019) G. Marín (CASE) pdf
  103. Communication and social media strategy (inDust workshop on data visualisation and science communication, Bucharest, Romania, 18-19 March 2019) M. Badal pdf
  104. Good practices in user engagement (inDust workshop on data visualisation and science communication, Bucharest, Romania, 18-19 March 2019) M. Terrado (S2S4E, MED-GOLD, VISCA, Climateurope, APPLICATE, EUCP, IMPREX, DustClim, HIATUS) pdf
  105. inDust overview (inDust User Workshop on Aviation products, Cranfield, UK, 14-15 March 2019) S. Basart ppt
  106. inDust overview (inDust User Workshop on Air Quality products, Rome, Italy, 11-12 March 2019) S. Basart ppt
  107. Implementation of EC-Earth 10km global coupled demonstrator and performance analysis (ESiWACE GA, Hamburg, Germany, 11 March 2019) M. Castrillo pptx pdf
  108. ESiWACE WP3 Usability (ESiWACE GA, Hamburg, Germany, 11 March 2019) K. Serradell pptx
  109. Climate information for the next two decades: A user perspective (Scoping workshop for C3S prototype decadal component, Paris, France, 25-26 February 2019) ppt pdf
  110. User-oriented products for the solar energy sector - Summary of the workshop (inDust User Workshop on Solar Energy products, Offenbach, Germany, 19-20 February 2019) S. Basart on behalf of L. Mona ppt
  111. inDust overview (inDust User Workshop on Solar Energy products, Offenbach, Germany, 19-20 February 2019) S. Basart ppt
  112. Earth Sciences Department: Ocean Activities (Meeting with PLOCAN and Puertos el Estado, Madrid, 18 February 2019) F.J. Doblas-Reyes and P. Ortega ppt pdf
  113. Earth System Modelling: requirements and challenges (BDEC2, Kobe, Japan, 19-21 February 2019) K. Serradell pdf
  114. Impact of initialisation on the reliability of decadal predictions (Presentation at the EUCP General Assembly 4-7 Feb in Venice), Deborah Verfaillie (EUCP) pdf
  115. What level of decadal prediction skill would be achievable given perfect initialisation? (Presentation at the EUCP General Assembly 4-7 Feb in Venice), Markus Donat ppt pdf
  116. Decadal climate prediction at BSC (EUCP General Assembly 4-7 Feb in Venice) F.J. Doblas-Reyes ppt pdf
  117. inDust overview (inDust Training School on dust products, Aveiro, Portugal, 4-6 February 2019) S.Basart pdf
  118. Dust prediction models (inDust Training School on dust products, Aveiro, Portugal, 4-6 February 2019) S.Basart pdf
  119. Moving the iceberg: achieving co-production in climate services (APPLICATE Early Career Students event, Reading, UK, 31 January 2019) D. Bojovic & M. Terrado (APPLICATE) pptx pdf
  120. Sorces of skill in APPLICATE seasonal forecast systems (APPLICATE GA 2019 - WP5 BOG session, Reading, UK, 28-30 January 2019), J.C Acosta Navarro pdf
  121. Flux and transformations of small organic carbon particles in the oceans' mesopelagic zone (Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC) weekly seminar, Barcelona, 1 February 2019) M. Galí pdf
  122. Improving the representation of sea ice variability and seasonal prediction. (APPLICATE GA 2019, Reading, UK, 28-30 January 2019) E. Moreno-Chamarro pdf
  123. Development of sea ice forecast errors in a seasonal forecast system with EC-Earth (APPLICATE GA 2019, Reading, UK, 28-30 January 2019), R. Cruz-García pdf
  124. Improved safety and environmentally sound operations in the Arctic Ocean for ship operators - how to move forward? (Arctic Frontiers 2019, Tromso, Norway, 23-24 January 2019). M.Terrado & D. Bojovic (APPLICATE) pdf
  125. ENSO and PDO modulation of sudden stratospheric warmings (+ extras) (MEDSCOPE WP2 sensitivity experiments workshop, Toulouse, France, 22-23 January 2019), F.M.Palmeiro pdf
  126. ENSO teleconnection vs. NAO dynamics in late winter (+ extras) (MEDSCOPE WP2 sensitivity experiments workshop, Toulouse, France, 22-23 January 2019), B. Mezzina pdf
  127. Seasonal climate prediction: forecast quality and multi-model combination (SECLI-FIRM Stakeholder Workshop, Milan, Italy, 17 January 2019), F.J. Doblas-Reyes pdf pptx


  1. Climate Services - Interdisciplinary teams in action (BSC Talks, Barcelona, 20 December 2018), I. Jiménez (S2S4E, EUCP, VISCA, MED-GOLD, CLINSA, HIATUS, APPLICATE, IMPREX, PRIMAVERA) pptx
  2. Marine plankton, atmospheric sulfur and Arctic climate change (Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche sur mer, Nice, France, 18 December 2018), M. Galí pdf pptx
  3. How climate services can help key sectors of society (COP 24, Katowice, 5 December 2018), A.Soret (S2S4E, EUCP, VISCA, MED-GOLD, CLINSA, HIATUS) pptx
  4. Seasonal to decadal prediction of fire danger (AGU Fall meeting, Washington DC, 12 December 2018), E. Tourigny pdf
  5. How much soil dust aerosol is man-made? (AGU Fall meeting, Washington DC, 11 December 2018; invited talk), M. Klose pptx pdf
  6. FRAGMENT: FRontiers in dust minerAloGical coMposition and its Effects upoN climaTe (AGU Fall meeting, Washington DC, 11 December 2018; talk), C. Pérez García-Pando pptx pdf
  7. Climate services for clean energy (AGU Fall meeting, Washington DC, 10 December 2018), Ll. Lledó (S2S4E) pdf pptx
  8. Working with probabilities (VISCA 2nd General Assembly, Mirabella-Eclano, Italy, 12 December 2018), R. Marcos (VISCA) pdf pptx
  9. Work Package 2: Climatic & Agricultural Data (VISCA 2nd General Assembly, Mirabella-Eclano, Italy, 10 December 2018), R. Marcos (VISCA) pdf pptx
  10. Decadal/Seasonal predictability of the climate system with case studies for the North Atlantic/Arctic (Invited Seminar UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 30 November 2018), P. Ortega pdf pptx
  11. O3 sensitivity by reducing emissions of precursors in Barcelona (Ministry for the Ecological Transition, Madrid, Spain, 21-22 November 2018), M.T. Pay pdf pptx (PAISA)
  12. DUST.ES: Addressing key uncertainties in mineral DUST EmiSsion modelling to better constrain the global dust cycle (Staubtag, Darmstadt, Germany, 28 November 2018), M. Klose pdf pptx
  13. FRAGMENT: FRontiers in dust minerAloGical coMposition and its Effects upoN climaTe (Staubtag, Darmstadt, Germany, 28 November 2018), C. Pérez/M. Klose pdf
  14. Role of ENSO at seasonal timescale over the Mediterranean region: MEDSCOPE experiments (11th Mediterranean Climate Outlook Forum - MedCOF, Cairo, Egypt, 26-29 November 2018), J. García-Serrano pdf
  15. Role of sea-ice and snow cover on predictability of the Northern Hemisphere cold season (11th Mediterranean Climate Outlook Forum - MedCOF, Cairo, Egypt, 26-29 November 2018), J. García-Serrano pdf
  16. Status of QC for tall tower wind data (INDECIS GA, Dublin, Ireland, 13-14 November 2018) J. Ramon (INDECIS) ppt pdf
  17. Tall wind mast data collection (INDECIS GA, Dublin, Ireland, 13-14 November 2018) J. Ramon (INDECIS) ppt pdf
  18. Dust prediction models (7th Training Course on WMO SDS-WAS Products, Ahvaz, Iran, 10-14 November 2018) S.Basart part1 pdf part2 pdf
  19. WP3 Status of co-design: pilot service on grape/wine (MEDGOLD GA, Porto, Portugal, 29-31 October 2018) N. Gonzalez (MED-GOLD) pptpdf
  20. BSC-ES climate prediction contributions to CMUG (Integration meeting CMUG/CCI-ECVs, Exeter 29-31 October) P. Ortega pptpdf
  21. Description of WP 3.10 and 3.11 (Integration meeting CMUG/CCI+, Exeter 29-31 October) E. Di Tomaso ppt pdf
  22. Modelling and forecasting Sand and Dust Storms (Evaluating the short-term health effects of desert and anthropogenic dust, WHO Air Quality and health Pre-conference workshops, Geneva, Switzerland, 29 October 2018) S. Basart pdf
  23. Preserving Mediterranean diet through climate services (ENSO 2018 meeting, Guayaquil 16-18 October 2018) E. Exarchou (MED-GOLD, VISCA, HIATUS) pdf
  24. Impact of Tropical Atlantic variability on Tropical Pacific predictability (ENSO 2018 meeting, Guayaquil 16-18 October 2018) E. Exarchou pdf
  25. Improving the representation of sea ice variability and seasonal prediction. (EC-Earth meeting, Lisbon, Portugal 22-24 October 2018) E. Moreno-Chamarro pdf
  26. User engagement in climate services - Lessons learnt (2nd InDust General Meeting, Larnaca, Cyprus, 24-26 October 2018), I. Jimenez (S2S4E, MED-GOLD, VISCA, APPLICATE, EUCP, IMPREX, PRIMAVERA, HIATUS) pptpdf
  27. HERMESv3: A stand-alone multiscale atmospheric emission model (17th Annual CMAS Conference, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, EEUU, 22-24 October 2018) pptx
  28. (Open)IFS-XIOS integration for the future EC-Earth 4 version: the benefits of outputting CMORized netCDF files (EC-Earth meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, 22-24 October 2018) X. Yepes pptxpdf
  29. Assessing stratospheric winter variability in EC-Earth (EC-Earth meeting, Lisbon, Portugal 22-24 October 2018) Froila M Palmeiroppt
  30. EC-Earth workflow activities in the BSC - Update on Cylc prototype (EC-Earth meeting, Lisbon, Portugal 22-24 October 2018) Miguel Castrillo pdf
  31. BSC's potential contribution to C4MIP…and some results too - (EC-Earth meeting, Lisbon, Portugal 22-24 October 2018)Raffaele Bernardello pdf
  32. The callenges of probabilistic predictions (2nd Climateurope festival, Belgrade, Serbia, 17-19 October 2018) Isadora Jiménez (S2S4E) pptx pdf
  33. El corazón partío: de la modelización del clima al desarrollo de servicios (11 Congreso internacional AEC, Cartagena Spain 17-19 October 2018) F.J. Doblas-Reyes ppt pdf
  34. Climate services for the Mediterranean food security (11 Congreso internacional AEC, Cartagena Spain 17-19 October 2018) Nube Gonzalez-Reviriego (MED-GOLD, VISCA, HIATUS) pptx pdf
  35. A modelling system for air quality forecast and air quality management in Mexico City (Taller para la evaluación del PROAIRE 2011-2020 , Ciudad de México México 26-27 October 2018) pdf
  36. The different developments and uses of NEMO surface restoring (sbcssr.F90) at BSC (NEMO meeting, Toulouse, 11-12 October 2018) Yohan Ruprich-Robert pptx pdf
  37. BSC contributions to the IMPREX project: improving seasonal predictions of hydrological variables (IMPREX General Assembly, Valencia, Spain, 1-3 October 2018) pptx pdf
  38. Description of WP 3.10 and 3.11 (CMUG kick-off meeting, ESCAT, Harwell, UK, 1 October 2018) pdfpptx
  39. Quin temps farà aquest hivern? (Matí de la recerca 2018, Barcelona, Spain, 28 September 2018) pptx pdf
  40. C3S_51 Lot 3: EQC for Seasonal Forecasts (Second C3S General Assembly, Berlin, Germany, 25-28 September 2018) F.J. Doblas-Reyes pptx pdf
  41. Computational aspects and performance evaluation of the IFS-XIOS integration (18th Workshop on High Performance Computing in meteorology, ECMWF, Reading, UK, 24-28 September 2018) X. Yepes pptxpdf
  42. Generation of Initial Conditions for climate predictions (12th RES users'conference. Valencia, 20th September, 2018) Valentina Sicardi pptxpdf
  43. Predicción de la Calidad del Aire Multiescala con el modelo MONARCH en el Centro Nacional de Supercomputación, (Sexto Simposio Nacional de Predicción AEMET, Madrid, Spain, 17-19 September 2018) O.Jorba pptx
  44. Predicción Climática Decadal Global con el modelo Ec-Earth: Avanzando hacia una predicción Operativa en Tiempo Real, (Sexto Simposio Nacional de Predicción AEMET, Madrid, Spain, 17-19 September 2018) P.Ortega pptxpdf
  45. Climate prediction at different timescales: An overview of the current activities at the BSC, (Seminario de Geofísica, UCM, Madrid, Spain, 20 September 2018), P.Ortega pptxpdf
  46. Application of operational seasonal prediction systems for seasonal prediction of fire danger: a case study of the extreme wildfire events in California, Spain and Portugal of 2017 (Second International Conference on Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction S2S, Boulder, US, 17-21 September 2018) E. Tourigny pdf
  47. How skilful are the multi-annual forecast of Atlantic hurricanes? (Second International Conference on Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction S2S, Boulder, US, 17-21 September 2018) L.-P. Caron pptx pdf
  48. Impact of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability on tropical climate and tropical cyclones (Second International Conference on Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction S2S, Boulder, US, 17-21 September 2018) Y. Ruprich-Robert pptx pdf
  49. Impacts of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability on North American summer climate and heat waves (Second International Conference on Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction S2S, Boulder, US, 17-21 September 2018) Y. Ruprich-Robert pptx pdf
  50. Subseasonal to seasonal climate predictions for energy: the S2S4E project (Second International Conference on Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction S2S, Boulder, US, 17-21 September 2018) A. Manrique-Sunen (S2S4E) pptx pdf
  51. Climate services for clean energy (EERA JP Wind annual event 2018, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 17-18 September 2018), A.Soret (S2S4E) pptxpdf
  52. Climate services for clean energy: S2S4E project (EMS Annual Meeting 2018, Budapest, Hungary, 3-7 September 2018), A.Soret (S2S4E) pptxpdf
  53. From MAGIC to reality: Facilitating access to sector-specific climate projection information (EMS Annual Meeting 2018, Budapest, Hungary, 3-7 September 2018), D.Bojovic (MAGIC) pptxpdf
  54. - From Autosubmit to Cylc (3rd ENES workflows workshop, Burssels, Belgium, 13-14 September 2018), D. Manubens pptx pdf
  55. Shedding light on the intraseasonal variations of the winter ENSO teleconnection in the Northern Hemisphere (EMS Annual Meeting 2018, Budapest, Hungary, 3-7 September 2018), J. García-Serrano pptpdf
  56. Assessment of near-surface wind speeds from multiple reanalyses (EMS Annual Meeting 2018, Budapest, Hungary, 3-7 September 2018), J. Ramon pdf
  57. Impacts of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability on tropical climate and tropical cyclone activity (2nd workshop on the tropical interbasin interactions, Jeju, South Korea, 22-25 August 2018), Y. Ruprich-Robert pdf
  58. From data to knowledge: climate information made visual (DataBeers BCN, Barcelona, Spain, 19 July 2018), I. Jiménez pptxpdf
  59. Constraining soil dust emissions from natural and anthropogenic sources (ICAR X, Bordeaux, France, 25-29 June 2018), M. Klose pdf
  60. A changing Arc - Dialogues from the North (AdaptationFutures,Cape Town, South Africa, 21 June 2018) D. Bojovic (APPLICATE) pdf
  61. DustClim (AdaptationFutures, JPI Climate side event: Exploring ways of International Cooperation in Climate Services for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, 18 June 2018) S. Basart & D. Bojovic pptx
  62. Arctic Climate Spatio-temporal Modes of Variability as Sources of Predictability (POLAR2018, Davos, Switzerland, 21st June 2018) J.C. Acosta Navarro pdf
  63. EC-Earth, a coupled Climate Model for extreme Event Prediction (ISC2018, Frankfurt, Germany, 26th June 2018) K. Serradell pptx pdf
  64. Canvi Climàtic: Una perspectiva regional (Jornada de Presentació de l'Informe sobre l'estat del medi ambient a Catalunya, 2011-2015, Barcelona, 26 June 2018) M. Gonçalves pdf
  65. The MINECO project VOLCADEC from 2016 to 2018: conclusions and future plans (Jornadas de Seguimiento de los proyectos MINECO CGL/CLI, Madrid, 21st June 2018), Martin Ménégoz pdf, pptx.
  66. The MINECO project HIATUS from 2016 to 2018: conclusions and future plans (Jornadas de Seguimiento de los proyectos MINECO CGL/CLI, Madrid, 21st June 2018), Isadora Jiménez (HIATUS) pptx.
  67. The MINECO project DANAE from 2016 to 2018: conclusions and future plans (Jornadas de Seguimiento de los proyectos MINECO CGL/CLI, Madrid, 21st June 2018), J. García-Serrano pdf
  68. BSC Update: MONARCH model (10th ICAP working group meeting: Seamless model development: Aerosol modelling across timescales, Exeter, UK, 6-8 June 2018) O. Jorba ppt
  69. Seasonal to Decadal Prediction of fire danger (ECMWF visit, 6 June 2018, Reading, UK, Etienne Tourigny) pdf
  70. inDust: International Network to Encourage the Use of Monitoring and Forecasting Dust Products (10th ICAP working group meeting: Seamless model development: Aerosol modelling across timescales, Exeter, UK, 6-8 June 2018) S. Basart pdf
  71. Impact of soil dust aerosols upon weather and climate (Second WMO Workshop on Operational Climate Prediction, Barcelona, Spain, 30 May-1 June 2018) C. Pérez García-Pando ppt pdf
  72. Good practices for user engagement and communication of operational services (Second WMO Workshop on Operational Climate Prediction, Barcelona, Spain, 30 May-1 June 2018) M. Terrado (VISCA, MED-GOLD, EUPORIAS, S2S4E, SeasonalHurricanePredictions, Clim4Energy, CLIM-RUN, SDS-WAS, inDust) ppt
  73. Predictability at different time scales (Second WMO Workshop on Operational Climate Prediction, Barcelona, Spain, 30 May-1 June 2018) F.J. Doblas-Reyes ppt pdf
  74. Discussion Meeting Performance ECMWF Models (Reading, UK, 29-30 May 2018). Mario Acosta pdf
  75. Dust assimilation activities at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (9th International Workshop on Sand / Dust storm and Associated Dustfall, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain, 22-25 May 2018) E. Di Tomaso pdf
  76. Constraining soil dust emissions from natural and anthropogenic sources (9th International Workshop on Sand / Dust storm and Associated Dustfall, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain, 22-25 May 2018) M. Klose pdf
  77. inDust: International Network to Encourage the Use of Monitoring and Forecasting Dust Products (9th International Workshop on Sand / Dust storm and Associated Dustfall, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain, 22-25 May 2018) S. Basart pdf
  78. Dust forecasting models (Training Workshop on Sand and Dust Storms in West Africa, 21 May 2018, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain) S. Basart pdf
  79. Unravelling the origin of high ozone concentrations in southwestern Europe (36th ITM on Air Ppollution Modelling and its Application) M.T. Pay pptx (PAISA)
  80. Aerosol intensive optical properties in the NMMB-MONARCH model (36th ITM on Air Ppollution Modelling and its Application) O. Jorba pptx
  81. 5th ENES HPC Workshop on “HPC for high-resolution climate and weather modelling” (Lecce, Italy, 17-18 May 2018). Mario Acosta pdf
  82. ¿Sabes qué pasará el verano que viene? (Pint of Science BCN, Barcelona, Spain, 16 May 2018). I. Jiménez (MED-GOLD, S2S4E, VISCA, EUPORIAS, NEWA, SPECS, Clim4Energy) pptx
  83. Historias del Norte - cambio climático en el Ártico (Pint of Science BCN, Barcelona, Spain, 16 May 2018). D. Bojovic (APPLICATE) pptx
  84. Seasonal to Decadal Prediction of fire danger (Lund University, May 15 2019, Lund, Sweden, Etienne Tourigny) pdf
  85. The ADAMONT method for statistical adjustment of climate projections and seasonal-to-decadal predictions applicable to energy balance land surface models (Second Workshop on Bias Correction in Climate Studies, 14-16 May 2018, Santander, Spain). Deborah Verfaillie (EUCP)pdf ppt
  86. Bias adjustment of climate predictions in a climate service context (Second Workshop on Bias Correction in Climate Studies, 14-16 May 2018, Santander, Spain). F.J. Doblas-Reyes pdf ppt
  87. An assessment of regional sea ice predictability in the Arctic ocean (Polar Prediction Workshop, 7-9 May, Montreal, Canada). Rubén Cruz-García pdf
  88. Impact of Tropical Atlantic variability on Tropical Pacific predictability (PREFACE GA, 17-20 April, Lanzarote, Spain ). Eleftheria Exarchou pdf
  89. CT4- Climate Prediction in Tropical Atlantic (PREFACE GA, 17-20 April, Lanzarote, Spain ). Eleftheria Exarchou pdf
  90. Seguiment de tesi 2018 (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, 20 April 2018). Oriol Tintó Prims pdf ppt
  91. MAPP Webinar Series: Fire: Modeling and Prediction Issues (Part 1) - An observational study of the extreme wildfire events of California in 2017: quantifying the relative importance of climate and weather (online, 19 April 2018). Etienne Tourigny Webinar Link pdf
  92. Towards an optimal use of numerical precision in Earth Science models (JLESC 2018, Barcelona, 18 April 2018). Oriol Tintó pdfppt
  93. Improving the throughput of Earth System Models using an asynchronous parallel I/O server (JLESC18 Climate BoS, Barcelona, 17 April 2018). Xavier Yepes pdfppt
  94. JLESC - Earth Science models & developments at BSC (JLESC18 Climate BoS, Barcelona, 17 April 2018). Pablo Ortega, Miguel Castrillo & Mario Acosta pdf ppt
  95. JLESC Performance activities in Earth Science Department (JLESC18 Performance Session, Barcelona, 17 April 2018). Mario Acosta and Miguel Castrillo pdf ppt
  96. How Unusual was the 2005 Hurricane Season in the Atlantic? (33rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Ponte Vedra, USA, April 15-20). pptx
  97. JLESC Research Collaboration: Monitoring the Arctic Climate (JLESC Scientific Committee, Barcelona, 16 April 2018). P. Ortega pdf ppt
  98. inDust: International Network to Encourage the Use of Monitoring and Forecasting Dust Products (EGU 2018, Vienna, Austria, 9-13 April 2018). Sara Basart pdf
  99. PRIMAVERA Splinter Session: Does High Resolution Climate Modelling Matter (EGU, Vienna, Austria, 12 April 2018). Dragana Bojovic (PRIMAVERA) pdf
  100. Shape of things to come? The 2017 wildfire season - press conference (EGU, Vienna, Austria, 11 April 2018). Etienne Tourigny pdf
  101. Climate services for agriculture (EGU, Vienna, Austria, 13 April 2018). Raül Marcos (VISCA, IMPREX, MEDSCOPE) pdf pptx
  102. Sub-seasonal to seasonal forecasts from a climate service perspective (EGU, Vienna, Austria, 13 April 2018). F.J. Doblas-Reyes pdf ppt
  103. Webinar of the PVQAT Soiling Group: Aerosol and Dust Historical Models, Monitoring, and Forecasting - Atmospheric Dust Modeling: Challenges and Perspectives (Webinar, 10 April 2018) Carlos Pérez García-Pando pptx
  104. Overview of the 2017 hurricane season (XL Catlin yearly teleconference, 19th March 2018). Louis-Philippe Caron pptx
  105. BSC Highlights in IMPREX (IMPREX mini-GA, 16th March 2018). Louis-Philippe Caron pptx
  106. Evaluation and Quality Control for the Copernicus Seasonal Forecast Systems (ESIP IQC monthly teleconference, 3rd March 2018). Nicolau Manubens pdf pptx
  107. Forecasting the European wind drought of winter 2016/17 (2nd C3S Symposium for the energy sector, 6th March 2018, Paris, France). Llorenç Lledó (Clim4Energy) pdf pptx
  108. Source apportionment assessment of O3 in peak summer events over southwestern Europe (Air Quality Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 13 March 2018) M.T. Pay pdf (PAISA)
  109. Training Workshop on Sand and Dust Storms in the Arab Region (Cairo, Egypt, 10-12 February 2018) S. Basart pdf part 1 pdf part 2
  110. Understanding, modelling and forecasting the climate response to volcanic eruptions (seminar given at Météo-France, CNRM, Toulouse, France, 01 February 2018). M. Ménégoz menegoz_volcanoes_cnrm_0221018.pdf
  111. Implementation of a 4D stratospheric aerosol forcing in EC-Earth (presentation at the EC-Earth Meeting, Reading, 30 January 2018). K. Wyser and M. Ménégoz. presentation also given at Météo-France (Toulouse, 01 February 2018) menegoz_cmip6_volcanoes.pdf
  112. Update on the ongoing CPG activities with EC-Earth (presentation at the EC-Earth Meeting, Reading, 30 Juanuary 2018). P. Ortega pdf
  113. Increasing EC-Earth productivity & usability(EC-Earth Meeting, Reading, 30 Juanuary 2018). Miguel Castrillo pdf
  114. Sea ice modes of interannual variability (APPLICATE general assembly, Barcelona, 15-17 January 2018). J.C. Acosta Navarro pdf


  1. Earth System Services (seminar to the Natural Resource Sciences department at McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 18 December 2017). Marta Terrado pdf
  2. APPLICATE: a project within the EU Arctic cluster for advanced prediction in Polar regions and beyond (Arctic Change Conference, Québec City, Canada, 14-15 December 2017). Marta Terrado (APPLICATE) pdf
  3. Assimilation experiments of IASI dust retrievals (12th Aerosol_cci phase 2 progress meeting, Harwell, UK, 14-15 December 2017). E. Di Tomaso pdf
  4. Evaluation and Quality Control for the Copernicus Seasonal Forecast Systems (AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, United States, 13th December 2017) Nicolau Manubens pdfpptx
  5. Tall wind masts: wind data processing and evaluation (INDECIS kick-off meeting and Annual General Assembly, 12th December 2017, Tarragona, Spain) Jaume Ramon and Llorenç Lledó pdf
  6. EC-Earth and ESGF (ESGF F2F Meeting, 7 December 2017, San Francisco, USA) Kim Serradell pptx pdf
  7. Understanding, modelling and forecasting the climate response to volcanic eruptions (IGE seminar, 7 December 2017, Grenoble, France) Martin Ménégoz, pdf, pptx
  8. Modelling the impact of dust on air quality at BSC: From R&D to operations (WMO GAW International Workshop on Air Pollution for Africa: from Regional to Urban, 4-6 December 2017, Pretoria, Sudafrica) Sara Basart ppt
  9. A source apportionment assessment of ozone concentrations in peak summer events over southwestern Europe (26 GLOREAM workshop, 27-29 November 2017, Berlin, Germany) Maria Teresa Pay pdf (PAISA)
  10. Atmospheric Chemistry with the online multiscale NMMB-MONARCHv1.0 model: global-regional evaluations and data assimilation capability (26 GLOREAM workshop, 27-29 November 2017, Berlin, Germany) Oriol Jorba pdf
  11. PRIMAVERA and ESMValTool(Workshop on developing Python frameworks for earth system sciences, 28-29 November 2017, ECMWF, Reading, UK) Javier Vegas-Regidor pptx pdf
  12. Eurodelta-Trends, a multi-model experiment of air quality hindcast in Europe over 1990-2010 (26 GLOREAM workshop, 27-29 November 2017, Berlin, Germany) Agustin Colette pdf
  13. Limits of the DCPP AMV-experiments (Primavera 3rd General Assembly, Bologna, Italy, 21-23 November 2017) Yohan Ruprich-Robert pdf
  14. Seasonal forecasts for the energy sector (9th MedCOF, 23 November 2017) Llorenç Lledó pptx
  15. EC-Earth ORCA12-T1279 Resolution (Primavera 3rd General Assembly, Bologna, Italy, 21-23 November 2017) Roberto Bilbao pdf
  16. Modelización del Polvo Mineral Atmosférico (Jornada sobre el polvo atmosférico y sus impactos en diferentes sectores, AEMET, 22 Novemeber 2017) Carlos Pérez García-Pando pptx
  17. Adding PRIMAVERA metrics to ESMValTool (Primavera 3rd General Assembly, Bologna, Italy, 21-23 November 2017) Javier Vegas-Regidor pptx pdf
  18. CURSO: EL CICLO DEL POLVO MINERAL EN LA ATMÓSFERA: OBSERVACIÓN Y PREDICCIÓN (AEMET, 20 November 2017, Barcelona) Carlos Pérez García-Pando pdf part 1 pdf part 2
  19. Modelling of the impact of dust on air quality (PSF/TAIEX Workshop on Air Pollution, Industrial, Emissions, Sand and Dust Storms, 21-22 November 2017, Tehran, Iran) Sara Basart pdf
  20. COST Action InDust Overview (1st Management Committee Meeting of the COST Action InDust, 14 November 2017, Brussels, Belgium) Sara Basart ppt
  21. Intercomparison of the near-surface wind speed trends in three reanalyses (5th international conference on reanalysis, Rome, Italy, 13-17 November 2017) Verónica Torralba ppt
  22. 6th Training Course on WMO SDS-WAS Products: Dust prediction models (Istanul, Turkey, 25-27 October 2017) Sara Basart pdf Part 1 pdf Part 2
  23. 5th International Workshop on Middle East Dust Sources and Their Impacts: High-resolution SDS forecast requirements for the Middle East (Istanbul, Turkey, 23-25 October 2017) Sara Basart et al. ppt pdf
  24. 5th International Workshop on Middle East Dust Sources and Their Impacts: Dust Modeling: Challenges and Perspectives (Istanbul, Turkey, 23-25 October 2017) Carlos Pérez García-Pandopdf
  25. CMAS conference 2017: CALIOPE-urban:​ coupling​​ R-LINE​ with​ ​ CMAQ​ for​​ urban​ ​air​ quality​​ forecasts​​ over Barcelona (Chapel Hill, USA, 23-25 October 2017) Jaime Benavides et al. ppt pdf
  26. Curso Interno de AEMET sobre Observación y predicción del contenido de polvo mineral en la atmósfera - Modelización del polvo atmosférico (Barcelona, Spain, 16-16 October 2017) Sara Basart pdf Part 1 pdf Part 2
  27. Climate Services for the wine sector (Bodegas Torres, Vilafranca del Penedès, Spain, 25 October 2017) Raul Marcos, Nube González, Albert Soret pptx
  28. Observational interaction between QA4Seas and other C3S lots (Coordination across C3S EQC contracts, Oslo, Norway, 12 October 2017) Pierre-Antoine Bretonnière pdf ppt
  29. QA4Seas overview and status (Coordination across C3S EQC contracts, Oslo, Norway, 12 October 2017) Nicolau Manubens pdf ppt
  30. ERC Consolidator Grant Interview (FRAGMENT, Brussels, 11 October 2017) Carlos Pérez García-Pando pptx
  31. Task 2.2 - Teleconnections with low-latitudes (MEDSCOPE kick-off meeting, Barcelona, Spain, 09 October 2017). J. García-Serrano pdf
  32. Como puede la investigación climatica ayudar a las energias renovables? (University of Tarapacá, Arica, Chile, 1 October 2017) Nicola Cortesi pdf
  33. UNC Institute for the Environment brown bag seminar: CALIOPE-urban:​ coupling​​ R-LINE​ with​ ​ CMAQ​ for​​ urban​ ​air​ quality​​ forecasts​​ over Barcelona (Chapel Hill, USA, 28 September 2017) Jaime Benavides et al. ppt pdf
  34. ESiWACE: Center of Excellence (EaPEC 2017, Minsk, Belarus, 27 September 2017) Kim Serradell pdf
  35. The evaluation and quality control of seasonal climate forecasts in the C3S (Servicios marinos y supercomputación: experiencias y retos futuros, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 27 September 2017) F.J. Doblas-Reyes ppt pdf
  36. A test-bed for joint climate prediction and services approach (16th CTWF International Symposium on Advances in Seasonal to Decadal Prediction, Beijing, China, 20 September 2017) F.J. Doblas-Reyes pptpdf
  37. First Experiences of Mexico Ctiy Air Quality Forecast System (18th GEIA Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 13-15 September 2017) B. Cardenas (
  38. An emission processing system for the Mexico City metropolitan area: Evaluation and comparison of the MOBILE6.2-Mexico and MOVES-Mexico traffic emissions (18th GEIA Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 13-15 September 2017) M. Guevara pdf
  39. New methods to bridge differences between regional and local emission inventories (18th GEIA Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 13-15 September 2017) L. Tarrason (
  40. US EPA meeting: CALIOPE-urban:​ coupling​​ R-LINE​ with​ ​ CMAQ​ for​​ urban​ ​air​ quality​​ forecasts​​ over Barcelona (Chapel Hill, USA, 8 September 2017) Jaime Benavides et al. Link to presentation folder. To visualize the presentation you need to download and open in a web browser the file index.html.
  41. Earth System Services WMO Dust Centers @ BSC-ES (Big Data for Earth Sciences Summer School, Santander, Spain, 6 September). Kim Serradell pdf
  42. Earth System Services communication: bringing science to society (EMS 2017, Dublin, Ireland, 5 September 2017). M.Terrado (RESILIENCE, Clim4Energy, Report) pptpdf
  43. On the hemispheric scale of the winter NAO (Seminar at NCAR, Boulder, USA, 18 August 2017). J. García-Serrano pdf
  44. Progress, challenges and perspectives in modeling dust composition (Keynote) (Goldschmidt Conference 2017, Paris, 17 August 2017) Carlos Perez Garcia-Pandopptpdf
  45. Adaptive Ensemble Climate simulations (AMS 2017, BAltimore, MD, USA, 28 July 2017) Alicia Sanchezpdf
  46. Online diagnostics generation in high resolution climate simulations (JLESC2017, Urbana, USA, 17 July 2017) Kim Serradell ppt pdf
  47. Optimización de modelos de Ciencias de la Tierra (RES workshop at XXXVI Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, Santiago de Compostela, 18 July 2017). Miguel Castrillo odp pdf
  48. Global climate modelling - EC-EARTH (RES workshop at XXXVI Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, Santiago de Compostela, 18 July 2017). J. García-Serrano ppt pdf
  49. User-driven climate modelling research for a better climate information (Lloyd's, London, UK, 4 July 2017) F.J. Doblas-Reyes pdf ppt
  50. EC-Earth as a test-bed for climate prediction and services research (ECMWF informal visit, Reading, UK, 3 July 2017) F.J. Doblas-Reyes pdf ppt
  51. Joint uncertainty assessment of models and observations in verification of climate predictions (ECMWF, 3 July 2017) O. Bellprat pdfpptx
  52. A climate service for the wind power industry within Clim4Energy (ICEM 2017, Bari, 28 June 2017) Ll. Lledó (Clim4Energy, RESILIENCE) pdf pptx
  53. Towards reliable extreme event attribution (Univ. Oxford, 28th June 2017) O. Bellprat pdfpptx
  54. Dust-radiation interactions: from weather to climate (ICAP meeting in Lille, 26-28 June 2017) C. Perez Garcia-Pando pdfpptx
  55. BSC Update (ICAP meeting in Lille, 26-28 June 2017) C. Perez Garcia-Pando pdfpptx
  56. Sources of the SST bias in Tropical Atlantic in EC-Earth (WGNE, Montreal, Canada, 21 June 2017) Eleftheria Exarchou pdf
  57. Atmospheric Composition research, modeling and services at BSC (ISGlobal, 13 June 2017) C. Perez Garcia-Pando pdfpptx
  58. EQC for Seasonal Forecasts C3S_51 Lot 3 (C3S EQC Workshop, Barcelona, 12-14 June 2017) F.J. Doblas-Reyes pdf pptx
  59. Assessment of Seasonal Climate Forecast Skill of EUROSIP over EUROPE (IMPREX GA-2, Reading, U.K., 31 May 2017) Niti Mishra pdf
  60. EC-Earth Climate Prediction Working Group (EC-Earth meeting, Finish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland, 29-31 May 2017) E. Tourigny session : odp pdf report : odp pdf
  61. EC-Earth users needs: survey on workflow tools (EC-Earth meeting, Finish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland, 30 May 2017) Domingo Manubens pdf pptx
  62. EC-Earth ORCA12-T1279, (EC-Earth meeting, Finish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland, 30 May 2017) L. Brodeau pdf
  63. Scientific & Computing challenges in Climate Modeling (VI Jornada, Castelldefels, Spain, 24 May 2017) L. Brodeau pdf
  64. QA4Seas evaluation software for climate forecast verification (Evaluating climate and Earth system models at the process level, Brussels, Belgium, 24 May 2017) V. Guemas - given remotely pdfppt
  65. Joint uncertainty assessment of models and observations in verification of climate predictions (Evaluating climate and Earth system models at the process level, Brussels, Belgium, 23 May 2017) V. Guemas given by F. Massonnet pdfppt
  66. Overview of the main aims of INTAROS - Integrated Arctic Observing System (Evaluating climate and Earth system models at the process level, Brussels, Belgium, 23 May 2017) V. Guemas - given remotely pdf ppt
  67. PRIMAVERA model evaluation aims and plan (Evaluating climate and Earth system models at the process level, Brussels, Belgium, 23 May 2017) V. Guemas - given remotely pdfppt
  68. INTAROS model evaluation aims and plan (Evaluating climate and Earth system models at the process level, Brussels, Belgium, 23 May 2017) V. Guemas - given remotely pdfppt
  69. Global climate predictions: forecast drift and bias adjustment issues (Workshop on Bias Correction of Climate Variables and the Impact on Crop Forecasting Models, Ispra, Italy, 22-24 May 2017) F.J. Doblas-Reyes pdf ppt
  70. Progress on the BSC user case study on data assimilation (11th Aerosol_cci phase 2 progress meeting, Barcelona, Spain, 22-23 May 2017). E. Di Tomaso pdf
  71. Software stack deployment for Earth System Modelling using Spack (PRACEdays17, Barcelona, Spain, 17th May 2017) Kim Serradell pdf pptx
  72. Autosubmit: A versatile tool to manage Earth System Models on HPC platforms, (seminar at the Bjerknes Center, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, 16 May 2017) Domingo Manubens pptx pdf
  73. Work Package 2: Climatic & Agricultural Data (VISCA Kick-Off Meeting, Caves Codorniu, Sant Sadurní d'Anoia, Spain, 10 May 2017) pptx
  74. Earth System Services, Earth Sciences Department at BSC (VISCA Kick-Off Meeting, Caves Codorniu, Sant Sadurní d'Anoia, Spain, 10 May 2017) pptx
  75. Joint uncertainty assessment of models and observations in verification of climate predictions. (WCRP 7th Verification Workshop, Berlin, Germany, 8-11 May 2017) pdf pptx
  76. Bias, variability and seasonal forecast in the Tropical Atlantic, (Seminar at the Bjerknes Center,University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, 8 May 2017) pdf odp
  77. Uncertainty in near-surface wind speed trends at seasonal time scales, (4th BSC Severo Ochoa doctoral symposium, BSC, Barcelona, Spain, 2-4 May 2017). V. Torralba ppt
  78. Modulation of the climate response to a volcanic eruption by the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability (Observing and understanding the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, Conference LEFE-IMAGO, Brest, France, 3-5 May 2017). M. Ménégoz pdf
  79. Near-Term Climate Predictability and Prediction (IPCC AR6 Scoping Meeting, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, 1-5 May 2017). F.J. Doblas-Reyes pptx pdf
  80. How El Niño can be used to improve wind speed seasonal skill? (European Geophysics Union, Viena, Austria, 26 April 2017. PICO session). N. González-Reviriego (RESILIENCE) pptx pdf
  81. Presentación CoE ESiWACE (Meeting of the Supercomputación y eCiencia network, Madrid, 26 April 2017). K. Serradell pdf
  82. Area Ciencias de la Tierra (Meeting of the Supercomputación y eCiencia network, Madrid, 25 April 2017). F.J. Doblas-Reyes pdf
  83. Possible use of BSC facility for SEE-MHEWS Advisory System (SEE-MHEWS Workshop, Athens, 4-6 April 2017). F. Benincasa pdf
  84. NEMO at the BSC (NEMO Enlarged Developer's Committee Meeting, Barcelona, 3 April 2017). F.J. Doblas-Reyes ppt pdf
  85. Seasonal climate prediction for the wind energy sector: methods and tools for the development of a climate service (Jornadas Doctorandos UCM, Madrid, 15 March 2017). V. Torralba ppt pdf
  86. Seasonal Predictions of Wind Power Generation are now possible (WindEurope technical workshop on wind resource assessment, Edinburgh, UK, 16 March 2017). Ll. Lledó (Clim4Energy, RESILIENCE, NEWA) ppt pdf
  87. SPECS: Climate Prediction for Climate Services (MAPP Webinar Series: High Resolution Modeling, 13 March 2017). F.J. Doblas-Reyes ppt pdf
  88. EQC Status Overview (C3S General Assembly, Toulouse, France, 7-9 March 2017). F.J. Doblas-Reyes ppt pdf
  89. Climate services communication & user engagement: a tool to anticipate climate change (World Symposium on Climate Change Communication, Manchester, UK, 23-24 February 2017). M. Terrado (RESILIENCE, EUPORIAS, SECTEUR) ppt pdf
  90. ESA CCI Climate Modelling User Group (CMUG) 7th integration meeting: Integrating observational uncertainty in model-observation comparison, IPSL, Paris, 14 February 2017. O. Bellprat ppt
  91. Dust Storms: characteristics, effects and prediction (Invited talk at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait, 14 February 2017). C. Perez Garcia-Pando (ppt too large due to videos, please contact C Perez if needed)pdf
  92. AQFS-MexDF official presentation (Official presentation of the air quality system with the Governor of Mexico, Mexico's Secretary of Enviornment as well as other institutions and press, Mexico City, Mexico, 13 February 2017). M. Guevara pdf
  93. Modeling and Predicting the Dust Cycle at BSC: From R&D to Operational Forecast (Proposal presentation at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait, 13 February 2017). C. Perez Garcia-Pandopptpdf
  94. Climate prediction: Climate modelling driven by climate services (Informal seminar, Oxford, UK, 2 February 2017). F.J. Doblas-Reyesppt pdf
  95. Towards continuous evaluation of dust profiles in the WMO SDS-WAS (3rd ACTRIS-2 General Meeting, Science Meeting, Granada, Spain, 1-2 February 2017). S. Basart ppt pdf
  96. Progress on the BSC user case study on data assimilation (10th Aerosol_cci phase 2 progress meeting, Webex to Norway, 1 February 2017). E. Di Tomaso pdf
  97. Climate predictions and the MANTEL ITN (MANTEL kick-off meeting, Dundalk, Ireland, 23-24 January 2017). M. Terradoppt pdf
  98. Quality Assurance for Multi-model Seasonal Forecast Products (QA4Seas) (Joint Meeting QA4Seas-Météofrance, Barcelona, 11 January 2017). F. Doblas-Reyes ppt pdf
  99. Decadal climate prediction: experience and perspectives (Seminar at CR2/University of Chile, Santiago, 11 January 2017). J. García-Serrano ppt pdf


  1. Calibration of event propabilities (EUCLEIA final General Assembly, Exeter, 28 - 1 December 2016). Omar Bellprat ppt pdf
  2. Highlights of FP7 SPECS project and BSC climate research activities (InterDec kick-off meeting, Hamburg, 21-23 November 2016). J. García-Serrano ppt pdf
  3. On polar-nonpolar linkages: observations and model diversity (InterDec kick-off meeting, Hamburg, 21-23 November 2016). J. García-Serrano ppt pdf
  4. Predictability of water resources at seasonal time-scales: the Boadella reservoir case (North-Eastern Spain) (International Conference. Rivers Under Water Scarcity: Threats and Challenges, Barcelona, 15 November 2016). Raül Marcos pdf
  5. Reproducibility of EC-Earth: toward a protocol for CMIP6 (EC-Earth meeting, Reading, 2-3 November 2016). Martin Ménégoz ppt pdf
  6. OpenIFS Session (EC-Earth meeting, Reading, 2-3 November 2016). Kim Serradell pdf pptx
  7. EC-Earth Climate Prediction Working Group (EC-Earth meeting, Reading, 2-3 November 2016). E.Tourigny presentation: odp pdf report: odp pdf
  8. Results of EC-Earth3.2 and implementation of an ensemble Kalman filter for sea ice data assimilation (invitation to the ARCPATH meeting, DMI, Copenhagen, 26-27 October). F. Massonnet pptxpdf
  9. Some thoughts about future requirements of climate prediction (ENES Strategy Meeting, Reading, 25 October 2016). F.J. Doblas-Reyes ppt pdf
  10. Multifaceted aspects of model performance (Crossing the Chasm, Reading, 25 October 2016). K. Serradell pdf pptx
  11. A European community Earth System Model in collaboration with R. Doescher (1st ESCAPE dissemination meeting, Elsinore, Denmark, 18-20 October 2016). K. Serradell pdf
  12. BSC user case study on data assimilation (9th Aerosol_cci phase 2 progress meeting, Bremen, Germany, 17-18 October 2016). E. Di Tomaso pdf
  13. SPECS Climate Prediction for Climate Services: Highlights (ECOMS conference, Exeter, 5-7 October 2016). F.J. Doblas-Reyes ppt pdf
  14. From soil initialization to crop prediction (ECOMS conference, Exeter, 5-7 October 2016). Chloé Prodhomme pdf
  15. SPECS Climate Prediction for Climate Services (ECOMS conference, Exeter, 5-7 October 2016). F.J. Doblas-Reyes ppt pdf
  16. Climate prediction for climate services (ECOMS conference, Exeter, 5-7 October 2016). Martin Ménégoz pdf ppt
  17. Impact of resolution increase for seasonal forecast quality in EC-Earth (SPECS General assembly, Exeter, 5-7 October 2016). Chloé Prodhomme pdf
  18. Climate services: The added value of communication and social science (International Conference on climate science and climate services, Exeter, 5-7 October 2016). I. Jiménez (RESILIENCE) pptx pdf
  19. On polar-nonpolar linkages: observations and model diversity (ECOMS conference, Exeter, 5-7 October 2016). J. García-Serrano ppt pdf
  20. Expanding the concept of forecast verification (ECOMS conference, Exeter, 5-7 October 2016). F. Massonnet ppt pdf
  21. VERITAS-CCI: Joint uncertainty assessment of models and observations (ESA CCI 7th Collocation Meeting, Frascati, 4-6 October 2016). O. Bellprat ppt pdf
  22. Application of bias correction methods for the wind industry (Workshop on Bias correction in climate studies, Berlín, 4-6 October 2016). V. Torralba (RESILIENCE) ppt pdf
  23. Climate change, variability and droughts: observations, impacts and adaptation measures (MEDCLIVAR 2016 conference, Athens, Greece, 27-30 September 2016) M. Turco pptx
  24. Autosubmit, Cylc and ecFlow (Joint IS-ENES Workshop on Workflows and Metadata Generation, Lisbon, Portugal, 26-29 September 2016) D. Manubens pdf pptx
  25. Online generation of metadata through CMORization (Joint IS-ENES Workshop on Workflows and Metadata Generation, Lisbon, Portugal, 26-29 September 2016) PA Bretonnière pdf
  26. Skill assessment of seasonal forecast systems (General Assembly IMPREX 2016, Chania, Crete, Greece, 26-28 September 2016) E. Tourigny 20160926_etourign_imprex_ga2016.odp 20160926_etourign_imprex_ga2016.pdf
  27. Drift in climate prediction and the need for a balanced initialisation (DAMES 2016 Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 26-28 September 2016) F.J. Doblas-Reyes ppt pdf
  28. Modelling the dust cycle at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center: From R&D to operational forecasts (International Asian Dust and Aerosol Workshop, Jeju, Korea, 21 September 2016) S.Basart ppt pdf
  29. Impact of ocean resolution and initialization in climate seasonal predictions (10th RES Users conference, Leon, Spain, 20 September 2016) E. Exarchou pdf pptx
  30. Assessment of the forecast quality of different seasonal climate prediction systems for the wind energy sector (16th EMS Annual Meeting, Trieste, Italy, 16 September 2016) D.Y. Lee (RESILIENCE) ppt pdf
  31. Tailored seasonal climate predictions for wind energy users (16th EMS Annual Meeting, Trieste, Italy, 15 September 2016) V. Torralba (RESILIENCE) ppt pdf
  32. Predictability assessment of climate predictions within the context of the New European Wind Atlas project (NEWA) (16th EMS Annual Meeting, Trieste, Italy, 15 September 2016) V. Torralba (NEWA) ppt pdf
  33. Non-annular, hemispheric signature of the winter North Atlantic Oscillation (16th EMS Annual Meeting, Trieste, Italy, 13 September 2016) J. García-Serrano pdf ppt
  34. Requisitos de cómputo de alto rendimiento para la investigación en clima y calidad del aire (UNAM, México DF, 19 August 2016) F.J. Doblas-Reyes ppt pdf
  35. Climate prediction for Climate Services (Visit Institute for Atmospheric and Climate research (IAC)) (ETH, Zürich, 8 August 2016) Omar Bellprat pptpdf
  36. Big Data en el estudio del clima y la calidad del aire (XVII ENEM, Barcelona, 25 July 2016) Kim Serradell pptx pdf
  37. Seamless management of ensemble climate prediction experiments on HPC platforms (International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, HPCS 2016, Innsbruck, Austria, July 18-22, 2016) pdf odp
  38. NMMB/BSC-CTM updates (International Cooperative for Aerosol Prediction (ICAP) 8th working group meeting (College Park, MD, USA, 12-14 July 2016) Carlos Pérez García-Pando pdf
  39. Earth Sciences from a computational point of view: The BSC Earth Sciences experience (CLIMA2016 Workshop, Oporto, 1 July 2016) Kim Serradell pdf pptx
  40. Can dynamical seasonal forecast be useful? (Imprex WP11 workshop, Ispra, Italy, 28 June 2016). C. Prodhomme. pdf odp
  41. WG2 Summary and recommendations for the next workplan (FAIRMODE Technical Meeting, Zagreb, Croatia, 27-29 June 2016) Marc Guevara, Leonor Tarrason pdf
  42. Good practice guidelines on urban traffic emission compilation (FAIRMODE Technical Meeting, Zagreb, Croatia, 27-29 June 2016) Marc Guevara pdf
  43. Performance tools for climate models optimization (International HPC Summer School 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 27 June 2016) M.Castrillo pdf pptx
  44. Which sea ice models does the climate community need? (NEMO Users meeting, Lecce, 22-23 June 2016 - remote attendance). F. Massonnet. pdf pptx
  45. Alta disponibilidad de los servicios del SDS-WAS y BDFC (SDS-WAS Steering Board Extraordinary Meeting, Madrid, Spain, 13 June 2016) F.J. Doblas-Reyes pdf pptx
  46. HPC and data requirements for weather, climate and air quality research (BSC Annual Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, 10 June 2016) F.J. Doblas-Reyes pdf The ppt file is too large, it is available on request
  47. On the linkage between eastern Arctic sea-ice variability and the Euro-Atlantic atmospheric circulation in current climate (SPARC-DynVar Workshop, Helsinki, Finland, 6-10 June 2016) J. García-Serrano pdf ppt
  48. Insurance Sector (SECTEUR Kick-off meeting, Reading, UK, 6th June 2016) Louis-Philippe Caron pdf ppt
  49. On the ENSO teleconnection to the Tropical North Atlantic (Seminar at CNRM-GMGEC, Toulouse, France, 26 May 2016) J. García-Serrano pdf ppt
  50. PCPI Workshop on feedbacks in polar regions and the way they are represented in climate models (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 17-19 May 2016), F. Massonnet pptxpdf
  51. NEWA project. First results on predictability assessment. (NEWA general meeting, Perdigao, Portugal, 10-13 May 2016), A. Soret pdf ppt
  52. A common framework for evaluation of sea ice forecasts and verification products (Polar Prediction Workshop, 4-6 May, Palisades, NY, U.S.) pptx pdf
  53. Big Data for the study of climate and air quality (Third BSC Doctoral Symposium, 4 May 2016, Barcelona) ppt pdf
  54. Toward seasonal forecasts for MARS Crop Yield Forecasting System (JRC meeting, Ispra, Italy, 02-06 May 2016), M. Turco pdf ppt
  55. Mediterranean desert dust outbreaks' direct radiative effects based on regional model simulations (8th International Workshop on Sand/Duststorms and Associated Dustfall, 1-4 May 2016, Lisbon, Portugal), A.Gkikas ppt pdf
  56. WMO SDS-WAS: Towards continuous evaluation of dust models in Northern Africa (8th International Workshop on Sand/Duststorms and Associated Dustfall, 1-4 May 2016, Lisbon, Portugal) S. Basart ppt pdf
  57. Climate Prediction for Climate Services (7th Japan-EU Workshop on Climate Change Research, 26-27 April 2016, Tokyo, Japan) ppt pdf
  58. WGSIP (37th Session of the World Climate Research Programme Joint Scientific Committee, 25-27 April 2016, Geneva, Switzerland) ppt pdf
  59. Data for climate and air quality (RDA Europe Science Workshop, 19-20 April 2016, Paris, France) ppt pdf
  60. Direct radiative effects induced by intense desert dust outbreaks over the broader Mediterranean basin (European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, 17-22 April 2016, Vienna, Austria), A. Gkikas ppt pdf
  61. Relation between mean bias and Atlantic Niño representation in the CMIP5 models (European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, 17-22 April 2016, Vienna, Austria), C. Prodhomme odp pdf
  62. Impact of resolution increase for seasonal forecast quality in EC-Earth (European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, 17-22 April 2016, Vienna, Austria), C. Prodhomme odp pdf
  63. Climate predictions for vineyard management (ClimWine, Bordeaux, France, April 10-13, 2016), A. Soret pdf pptx
  64. Climate prediction in the North Atlantic basin (Workshop for the 100th anniversary of the Izaña observatory, 7 April 2016, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain) ppt pdf
  65. Better observations, better forecasts? (7th IICWG Data assimilation and PPP ice verification Workshop, 5-7 April 2016, Frascati, Italy) pptx pdf
  66. Evaluation of Southern Ocean currents and sea ice thickness in global reanalyses (EOS-Cost meeting on assessment of polar ocean reanalyses, 23-24 March 2016, Helsinki, Finland) pptx pdf
  67. Climate prediction and climate services activities at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (ECRA meeting, 09 March 2016, Brussels, Belgium) ppt pdf
  68. Quality assurance for multi-model seasonal forecasts (QA4Seas) (Negotiation meeting at ECMWF, Reading, UK, 2 March 2016) F.J. Doblas-Reyes pdf ppt
  69. Birds of a Feather on the creation of a Research Data Alliance Interest Group on weather, climate and air quality (RDA 7th plenary meeting, 01-03 March 2016, Tokyo, Japan) Presentation of the BoF Summary of BSC workshop
  70. Dust modelling and DA at BSC (ACTRIS-2 General Meeting, Frascati, Italy, 1 March 2016) E. Di Tomaso pdf pptx
  71. On polar/non-polar atmospheric linkages: observations and model diversity [CNRM-CM5] + Introduction to DPETNA (Seminar at CNRM-GMGEC, Toulouse, France, 1 March 2016) J. García-Serrano pdf ppt
  72. Better observations, better forecasts? Same machine, Same climate? (Scientific visit at ECMWF, Reading, UK, 29 February-4 March 2016) F. Massonnet pdf pptx
  73. Big Data for climate and air quality (Fundación Ramón Areces Big Data meeting, Madrid, 29 February-1 March 2016) F.J. Doblas-Reyes pdf ppt
  74. Arctic research activities at BSC and On Arctic sea ice thickness clusters (Arctic ECRA workshop, Brussels, Belgium, 25-26 February 2016) Neven S. Fuckar pdf ppt
  75. Variability and prediction of the NH sea ice thickness clusters (Seminar at TECLIM, UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 24 February 2016) Neven S. Fuckar pdf ppt
  76. SPECS (ClipC Workshop on Confidence in Climate Services, Hamburg, Germany, 15-17 February 2016) F.J. Doblas-Reyes pdf ppt
  77. Support to scientific research on seasonal-to-decadal climate and air quality modelling (EUDAT User Forum, Rome, Italy, 3-5 February 2016), P.A. Bretonnière, F. Benincasa pdf odp
  78. Reproducibility of EC-EARTH (EC-Earth meeting, Rome, Italy, 2-3 February 2016) J. García-Serrano, M. Acosta pdf pptx
  79. On polar/non-polar atmospheric linkages: observations and model diversity [EC-EARTH2.3] (EC-Earth meeting, Rome, Italy, 2-3 February 2016) J. García-Serrano pdf ppt
  80. Proposal for a Climate Prediction Working Group (EC-Earth meeting, Rome, Italy, 2-3 February 2016) Virginie Guemas pdf ppt
  81. Ocean and Ice Initial Conditions for EC-Earth (EC-Earth meeting, Rome, Italy 2-3 February 2016) Valentina Sicardi pdf pptx
  82. Getting started with Autosubmit and EC-Earth 3.2 beta (overview) (EC-Earth meeting, Rome, Italy, 2-3 February 2016) Domingo Manubens pdf odp
  83. Testing ECMWF seasonal forecasts for MARS Crop Yield Forecasting System (Kick-off meeting, Ispra, Italy, 25-29 January 2016), M. Turco pdf ppt


  1. Autosubmit: investigando el clima con Python (PyConES Python conference in Spain, UPV, València, 20-22 November 2015), D. Manubens odp pdf
  2. Working Group on Seasonal Predictions for Wind (SP4Wind) (Paris, 19th November 2015), I. Jiménez pptx pdf
  3. Opportunities for seasonal forecasting application in fisheries (ICAWA conference, Dakar, Senegal, 17-19 November 2015), D. Volpi pdf
  4. Decadal predictability and prediction in a complex international context (CLIVAR-ICTP Workshop on Decadal Climate Variability and Predictability, ICTP, Trieste, 16-20 November 2015), F.J. Doblas-Reyes ppt pdf
  5. CALIOPE Mobile. European Air Quality Forecast at hand (Open Geospatial Consortium Joint Session on Citizen GEOSS, City of Mexico, Mexico, 10 November 2015), M.Castrillo pdf pptx
  6. The Pinatubo eruption simulated under extreme phases of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (MORDICUS meeting, LOCEAN, Paris, France, 5-6 November), Martin Ménégoz pptx pdf
  7. Ciudades como centros de modelización científica (Biosfera y ciudades-The club of Rome, Barcelona, Spain, 4 November 2015), A. Soret pptx
  8. Dust prediction models (1st Africa/Middle-East Expert Meeting and Workshop on the health impact of airborne dust, Amman, Jordan, 2-5 November 2015), S. Basart pdf
  9. Dust forecast services (1st Africa/Middle-East Expert Meeting and Workshop on the health impact of airborne dust, Amman, Jordan, 2-5 November 2015), F. Benincasa pdf
  10. Seasonal prediction of seasonal extremes (First MedCOF Training Workshop on Seasonal Forecasting, Madrid, Spain, 26-30 October 2015), C. Prodhomme pdf odp
  11. Climate forecasting or the continuous adaptation to climate change (First MedCOF Training Workshop on Seasonal Forecasting, Madrid, Spain, 26-30 October 2015), F.J. Doblas-Reyes pdf ppt
  12. Drivers of mid-latitude seasonal forecasts (First MedCOF Training Workshop on Seasonal Forecasting, Madrid, Spain, 26-30 October 2015), J. García-Serrano pdf ppt
  13. Are we ready for hot and cold extremes? (PAGES Ocean2k workshop, outreach event, Barcelona, Spain, 8 Oct 2015), Virginie Guemas pdf pptx
  14. Climate prediction in a user-driven context (Seminar at the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, Bergen, Norway, 8 October 2015), F.J. Doblas-Reyes pdf ppt
  15. Predicting climate extreme events in a user-driven context (WCRP Workshop on Understanding, Modelling and Predicting Weather and Climate Extremes, Oslo, Norway, 6 October 2015), F.J. Doblas-Reyes pdf ppt
  16. Predictability of the Euro-Atlantic climate from Arctic sea-ice variability (WCRP Workshop on Understanding, Modelling and Predicting Weather and Climate Extremes, Oslo, Norway, 6 October 2015), J. García-Serrano pdf ppt
  17. Reproducibility assessment of the links between Arctic sea-ice variability and the Euro-Atlantic atmospheric circulation in CMIP5 present climate (NACLIM General Assembly, Almada, Portugal, 30 September - 02 October 2015), J. García-Serrano pdf ppt
  18. The Year of Polar Prediction, SORP 10th meeting (Frascati, Italy, 24-25 Sept 2015), François Massonnet. Presentation pdf pptx
  19. Impact of resolution and initialisation in climate seasonal predictions (9th RES Users' Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 23 September 2015), F.J. Doblas-Reyes pdf ppt
  20. Autosubmit 3.1, SMHI visit, (Norrköping, 21-23 Sept 2015), Domingo Manubens. Presentation pdf odp
  21. EC-Earth & Autosubmit, SMHI visit, (Norrköping, 21-23 Sept 2015), Domingo Manubens. Presentation pdf pptx
  22. Predict and understand heat waves: A case study of summer 2003 and 2010, HEPEX workshop, (Norrköping, 21-23 Sept 2015), Chloé Prodhomme. pdf odp
  23. SPECS data repositories: status and upload, SPECS GA (Norrköping, 16 Sept 2015), Pierre-Antoine Bretonnière. Presentation pdf pptx
  24. Forecasting the climate response to volcanoes, SPECS GA (Norrköping, 16 Sept 2015), Martin Ménégoz. Presentation pdf pptx
  25. Is the current active era of Atlantic hurricane activity over? (and how we could find out…) (SPECS GA, Norrköping, 16 Sept 2015). Presentation pdf ppt
  26. s2dverification: An R package for seasonal to decadal forecast verification (SPECS GA, Norrköping, 15 Sept 2015), Chloé Prodhomme. pdf ppt
  27. Understanding 2003 and 2010 Heat waves (SPECS GA, Norrköping, 15 Sept 2015), Chloé Prodhomme. pdf odp
  28. Impact of resolution increase for seasonal forecast quality in EC-Earth (SPECS GA, Norrköping, 15 Sept 2015), Chloé Prodhomme. pdf odp
  29. SPECS: Climate Predictions for Climate Services (17th Meeting of the Working Group on Seasonal-to-Interannual Prediction, Norrköping, Sweden, 14 September 2015), F.J. Doblas-Reyes pdf ppt
  30. BSC-ES/IC3-CFU Climate prediction activity (17th Meeting of the Working Group on Seasonal-to-Interannual Prediction, Norrköping, Sweden, 13 September 2015), F.J. Doblas-Reyes pdf ppt
  31. Bodegas Torres, Determinación de las condiciones climáticas actuales y evolución climática hasta 2050 en el sur de Chile para estimar la idoneidad para la plantación de la vid (Vilafranca del Penedès, 8 September 2015) N. Cortesi, A. Soret pdf
  32. CALIOPE Mobile. European Air Quality Forecast at hand (Workshop of Open Data projects cluster, Brussels, Belgium, 7-8 September 2015), M.Castrillo pdf pptx
  33. The WMO SDS-WAS Regional Center Northern Africa, Middle East and Europe: Different approaches to dust forecast evaluation, (EAC2015, Milan, Italy, 6-11 September 2015), S. Basart. Presentation pdf
  34. Drift, bias, variability and skill in the Tropical Atlantic - IC3 contribution to PREFACE, PREFACE General Assembly 2015, (Cape Town, South Africa, 27/08/2015), Chloé Prodhomme pdfodp
  35. Polar-lower latitude linkages (YOPP Summit, Geneva, Switzerland, 13-15 July 2015). Presentation pdf ppt
  36. Leuven, predicting wind power markets: a new generation of climate risk management tools (9 July 2015), I.Jimenez (RESILIENCE) pdfppt
  37. El proyecto SPECS y la multidisciplinaridad en la investigación en servicios climáticos (Jornada Servicios Climáticos de CDTI, Madrid, 7 July 2015). Presentation pdf ppt
  38. Reliability assessment methods (EUCLEIA General Assembly, Paris, France, 6-8 July 2015). Presentation
  39. EWEA, From day ahead to decadal wind power forecasting (30 June 2015) A. Soret (NEWA) pdfppt
  40. BSC Performance tools suite: study cases on improving the efficiency of the EC-EARTH model components (3rd JLESC, Barcelona, Spain, 29 June - 1 July 2015), M. Castrillo pdf
  41. Bodegas Torres, Determinación de las condiciones climáticas actuales y evolución climática hasta 2050 en el sur de Chile para estimar la idoneidad para la plantación de la vid (Vilafranca del Penedès, 28 June 2015) N. Cortesi, A. Soret pdfppt
  42. From global climate predictions to climate services (Visit to AWI, Bremerhaven, Germany, 17-18 June 2015). Presentation pdf ppt
  43. Forecast Skill Assessment of 5-year mean North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature (and implication for hurricanes) (RPI meeting on hurricane volatility, London, England, 16-17 June 2015). Presentation pdf ppt
  44. Forecast Skill Assessment of Atlantic Tropical Activity over a 5-year Horizon (5th Hurricane and Climate Change Summit, Chania, Greece, 9-14 June 2015). Presentation pdf ppt
  45. Predictability and prediction in the SPECS project (AGCI Workshop, Aspen, USA, 8-12 June 2015). Presentation pdf ppt
  46. Some comments from WGSIP (AGCI Workshop, Aspen, USA, 8-12 June 2015). Presentation pdf ppt
  47. Climate predictions for site selection: a new generation of risk management tools (EWEA Resource Assessment workshop, Helsinki, 2nd June 2015) A. Soret (RESILIENCE) pdfppt
  48. How to predict future climates (ICREA Colloquium, Barcelona, 12 May 2015). Presentation pdf ppt
  49. BSC tools to study the computational efficiency of EC-Earth components (EC-Earth meeting, Reading, UK, 5-6 May 2015), M. Castrillo pdf
  50. Seasonal-to-decadal forecasting with EC-Earth at IC3/BSC (EC-Earth meeting, Reading, UK, 5-6 May 2015). Presentation pdf ppt
  51. Volcanoes and decadal forecasts with EC-Earth (EC-Earth meeting, Reading, UK, 5-6 May 2015). Presentation pdf ppt
  52. Do different machines simulate different climates? (EC-Earth meeting, Reading, UK, 5-6 May 2015) pdf pptx
  53. Ocean and sea ice initialization and prediction activities at the Climate Forecasting Unit (EC-Earth meeting, Reading, UK, 5-6 May 2015) pdf ppt
  54. Data formats and requirements in CMIP6: the climate-prediction case (EC-Earth meeting, Reading, UK, 5-6 May 2015) pdf ppt
  55. Impact of resolution increase for seasonal forecast quality in EC-Earth (EC-Earth meeting, Reading, UK, 5-6 May, 2015, Chloé Prodhomme) pdf ppt
  56. Observers-Modelers, Observations-Models: same struggle? (Barrow workshop on snow on sea ice, 30th April 2015, Barrow, Alaska – video contribution) pdf pptx
  57. Near-term predictions and projections as sources of climate information (C3S Climate Projections Workshop, Reading, UK, 20-21 April 2015). Presentation pdf ppt
  58. Elements of polar climate and changes in cryosphere (EGU 2015 meeting, lecture at SC10/SSS0.16C3S, Vienna, Austria, 15 April 2015) 20150415_nevensf_short_course_lecture_egu2015.pdf
  59. Study of the Mediterranean desert dust outbreaks' vertical structure based on a synergistic use of satellite and ground retrievals, (EGU2015, Vienna, Austria, 12-17 April 2015). Antonis Gkikas,pdf pptx
  60. Impact of sea ice initialisation on sea ice and atmosphere prediction skill on seasonal timescales (Reading, UK, 10 April 2015) 20150410_vguemas_polar_predictability_workshop.pdf
  61. Impact of different bias correction methods on the NH sea ice prediction in a set of seasonal forecast systems (Reading, UK, 10 April 2015) 20150410_nevensf_polar_predictability_workshop.pdf
  62. European tour (ISAC, CMCC, MPI, SMHI, UiB, Météo-France, 9-30 April 2015). Presentation pdf
  63. The 2014 all-time record of Antarctic sea ice extent (Reading, UK, 8-10 April 2015) pdf pptx
  64. The high resolution in seasonal climate predictions with EC-Earth (Reading, UK, 8-10 April 2015) massonnet_resolution_reading.pptx
  65. Interannual sea ice variability modes in the NH (Reading, UK, 8 April 2015) 20150408_nevensf_polar_predictability_workshop.pdf
  66. Research Activities of the CFU at IC3 (Ouranos, Montreal, Canada, 31 March 2015) 20150331_lpcaron_ouranos.pdf
  67. What are the global impacts of Arctic climate change? (ECRA General Assembly, Brussels, Belgium, 25-26 March 2015). Presentation pdf ppt
  68. The high resolution in seasonal climate predictions with EC-Earth (High Latitude Dynamics workshop, Rosendal, Norway, 23-27 March 2015) 2015032_massonnet_rosendal.pdf
  69. Weather, seasonal and decadal forecasts for the energy sector (Private Sector Partnership Forum: Climate Services and Decision Support Tools for the Energy Sector, Geneva, 23 March 2015). Presentation pdf ppt
  70. Climate Services for energy (CLIVAR-ES, Tortosa, 13 March 2015) gonzalez_tortosa.pdf
  71. Climate information for the next 30 years (CLIVAR-ES, Tortosa, 13 March 2015) pdf ppt
  72. Framing climate services research (CLIVAR-ES, Tortosa, 12 March 2015) 20150312_specs_cs.pdf
  73. Climate Services for Energy (Tortosa, 12 March 2015), N. Gonzalez pdfppt
  74. Ocean prediction activities at BSC-IC3 (BSC, 11 March 2015) 20150311_bsc_acuicultura_vguemas_v1.pptx
  75. WGSIP experience: Land, ocean, cryosphere initialization (WCRP Workshop on Reanalyses, Paris, 10 March 2015) 20150310_wgsip_reanal.pdf
  76. The SPECS experience: climate predictions on the ESGF (Copernicus Data Store Workshop, ECMWF, 05 March 2015) 20150305-pabretonniere_c3_s-specs.pdf
  77. Impacts of initialisation on skills (Joint SPECS-MiKlip workshop, Offenbach, 24 February 2015) 20150224_dvolpi_specsmi_klip.pdf
  78. Volcanoes and decadal forecasts (Joint SPECS-MiKlip workshop, Offenbach, 24 February 2015) specsfebruary_martin.pdf
  79. Climate prediction for climate services (Joint SPECS-MiKlip workshop, Offenbach, 24 February 2015) 20150224_fdoblasreyes_specsmi_klip.pdf
  80. Multi-annual forecasts of Atlantic tropical cyclone wind damage (Joint SPECS-MiKlip workshop, Offenbach, 24 February 2015) lpcaron_frankfurt_2015.pdf
  81. Sea ice activities at the Climate Forecasting Unit (ICM, Barcelona, invited seminar, 24 February 2015) 20150224_icm_vguemas.pptx
  82. Quelles sont les causes du plateau en température moyenne globale de la dernière décennie? (LEGOS, Toulouse, invited seminar, 19 February 2015) 20150219_legos_vguemas.pdf
  83. Climate prediction and climate services (BSC industrial seminar, 9 February 2015) 20150209_bsc_industrial_seminars_vguemas.pptx
  84. Applying clustering and folding techniques to study performance issues on the NEMO global ocean model (HPC Knowledge Meeting’15, Barcelona, Spain, 3-4 February 2015), M. Castrillo pdf
  85. Volcanoes and decadal forecasts (Ateliers de Modélisation de l'Atmosphère, AMA, 19-23 January 2015) pdf
  86. Kerguelen ice cap and climate change (Ateliers de Modélisation de l'Atmosphère, AMA, 19-23 January 2015) pdf
  87. SPARC Regional Meeting (Granada, Spain, 12-13 January 2015) 20150113_specs_sparc_fdoblasreyes.pdf


  1. International workshop on polar-lower latitude linkages and their role in weather and climate prediction (Barcelona, 10-12 December 2014) 20141211_linkages_vguemas.ppt
  2. International workshop on polar-lower latitude linkages and their role in weather and climate prediction (Barcelona, 10-12 December 2014) 20141211_linkages_massonnet.pdf
  3. National workshop on data assimilation (Toulouse, 1 December 2014) 20141201_vguemas_cic_toulouse_data_assimilation_workshop.ppt
  4. 1st BSC-ES meeting (Barcelona, 1 December 2014) 20141201_nevensf_bsc_cfua.pdf
  5. XX Jornades de Meteorologia Eduard Fontserè (Barcelona, 29 November 2014) 20141129_fdoblasreyes_xxef.pdf
  6. Meeting SPECS/EUPORIAS with Copernicus Climate Change Service (Reading, 28 November 2014) 20141128_fdoblasreyes_specs_cccsmeeting.pdf
  7. CFU Activities (10 November 2014) cfuactivities_final_eexarchou.pdf
  8. PREFACE Second General Assembly (Casablanca, Morocco, 28-31 October 2014) 20141031_eleftheria_presentation_preface_ga.pdf
  9. PREFACE Second General Assembly (Casablanca, Morocco, 28-31 October 2014) 20141030_fdoblasreyes_specs_prefacega.pdf
  10. SPECS 3rd General Assembly (Toulouse, France, 22-24 October 2014) 20141023_nevensf_specs_3rd_ga.pdf
  11. SPECS 3rd General Assembly hands on session on s2dverification (Toulouse, France, 22-24 October 2014) presentation.pdf tutorial_specs.pdf
  12. EUPORIAS Annual General Assembly (Toulouse, 20-22 October 2014) WP41 20141014_euporias_ga_wp41.ppt RESILIENCE prototype 20141021_resilience_prototype.ppt
  13. Colloquium Seasonal forecasting: current challenges and potential benefits for decision making in the water sector (Koblenz, 15-16 October 2015) 20141015_fdoblasreyes_wmoihp.pdf
  14. Description of the future strategy for the BSC Earth Sciences Department (Barcelona, 10 October 2014) 20141010_fdoblasreyes_bsc_es_strategy.pdf 20140204_vguemas_ec_earth_gelato_v8.ppt
  15. European Meteorological Society Annual Conference (Prague, 06-10 October 2014) 20141008_resilience_ems.ppt
  16. NOAA Climate Program Office: Virtual Workshop on Bias Corrections in Subseasonal to Interannual Predictions (WebEx to USA, 30 September-2 October 2014) 20141002_nevensf_noaa_virtual_workshop_on_bias.pdf
  17. NOAA Climate Program Office: Virtual Workshop on Bias Corrections in Subseasonal to Interannual Predictions (WebEx to USA, 30 September-2 October 2014) 20141002_fdoblasreyes_noaa_virtual_workshop_on_bias.pdf
  18. EC-Earth meeting September 2014 (Lund, Sweden, 29-30 September 2014) 20140930_nevensf_ec_earth_ocean_sea_ice_ic.pdf
  19. EC-Earth meeting September 2014 (Lund, Sweden, 29-30 September 2014) 20140930_fdoblasreyes_hi_res_clim_ec_earthmeeting.pdf
  20. EC-Earth meeting September 2014 (Lund, Sweden, 29-30 September 2014) 20140930_cprodhomme_soil_ini.pdf
  21. RPI meeting (Bermuda, September 24-25) lpcaron_rpimeeting_2014_final.pdf
  22. Knowledge for Climate and Climate KIC Climate Adaptation Business Challenge, Summer 2014 (20 September-20 October 2014) KFC Dutch final: 20140920_resilience_kf_c.pdf Climate KIC national final:20141020_resilience_climate_kic.pdf
  23. Seminar BSC (Barcelona, 16 September 2014) 20140916_fdoblasreyes_bsc.pdf
  24. 6th International Workshop on Sea Ice Modelling and Data Assimilation (Toulouse, France, 15 September 2015) presentation_icearc_vguemas_15_sept2014_v3.pdf
  25. Hands-on training workshop on seasonal forecasting: Data access, bias correction and downscaling (Santander, 10-12 September 2014) 20140910_pabretonniere_santander_seasonal_forecasting_workshop.pdf
  26. IPCC AR5: Lessons Learnt for Climate Change Research and WCRP (Bern, Switzerland, 8-10 September 2014) 20140910_fdoblasreyes_wcrpipcc.pdf
  27. World Weather Open Science Conference (Montréal, 16-21 August 2014) 20140818_fdoblasreyes_wwosc.pdf
  28. World Weather Open Science Conference (Montréal, 16-21 August 2014) lpcaron_wwosc_2014.pdf
  29. WCRP-ICTP School on Attribution and Prediction of Extreme Events (Trieste, 21-31 July 2014) 20140725_fdoblasreyes_ictpcourse.pdf
  30. WCRP-ICTP School on Attribution and Prediction of Extreme Events (Trieste, 21-31 July 2014) 20140722_cprodhomme_project_presentation.pdf 20140722_cprodhomme_hands_on.pdf and final presentation of the group project group_presentation.pdf
  31. Joint pan-CLIVAR/pan-GEWEX meeting (The Hague, 17-18 July 2014) 20140718_fdoblasreyes_clivargewex.pdf
  32. BC3 Summer School: Climate Change, Understanding the Challenge (San Sebastián, 14-16 July 2014) 20140714_fdoblasreyes_bc3summerschool.pdf
  33. WMO Technical Conference on Climate Services: Building on CLIPS Legacy (Heidelberg, 2 July 2014) 20140702_fdoblasreyes_ccl_wcrpjointsession.pdf
  34. 35th Meeting of the WCRP Joint Scientific Committee (Heidelberg, 30 June-4 July 2014) 20140701_fdoblasreyes_jsc35_wgsip.pdf
  35. Workshop on predictability of climate in the North Atlantic Sector (Bergen, 11-13 June 2014) prodhomme_napred.pdf
  36. IS-ENES2 First General Assembly (Barcelona, 11-13 June 2014) 20140611_fdoblasreyes_isenes2_bcn.pdf
  37. IS-ENES2 Workshop on workflows (Hamburg, 3-5, June 2014) 20140604_dmanubens_hamburg.pdf
  38. CCI CMUG Fourth Integration Meeting (Exeter, 2-4 June 2014) 20140602_fdoblasreyes_cmug.pdf
  39. RES Earth Sciences Seminar (BSC, Barcelona, Spain, 29 May 2014) 20140529_fdoblasreyes_res.pdf
  40. Informal visit to the Joint Research Centre (JRC, Ispra, Italy, 26-27 May 2014) 20140527_fdoblasreyes_jrc.pdf
  41. SIPN 2014 Sea Ice Prediction Workshop (NCAR, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 1-2 April 2014) 20140401_nevensf_ncar_sip_workshop.pdf
  42. SPECS workshop: European Energy Wind Association User Workshop (Barcelona, Spain, March 13th 2014).PDF 20140210_ewea_workshop_v4.pdf .PPT 20140210_ewea_workshop_v4_ppt.ppt
  43. MORDICUS kick-off meeting (CERFACS, Toulouse, 4 March 2014) 20140303_vguemas_mordicus_v4.ppt
  44. EPIDOM closing meeting (CERFACS, Toulouse, 3 March 2014) 20140303_vguemas_epidom_v3.ppt
  45. EC-Earth meeting February 2014 (ECMWF, Reading, 3-4 February 2014) 20140204_nevensf_ec_earth_ic_bias_correction.pdf
  46. EC-Earth meeting February 2014 (ECMWF, Reading, 3-4 February 2014) 20140204_rseferian_vguemas_ec_earth_pisces.pdf
  47. EC-Earth meeting February 2014 (ECMWF, Reading, 3-4 February 2014)


  1. ECRA-ADSIMNOR workshop on Arctic climate change and processes (SMHI, Norrköping, Sweden, 13-15 November 2013) 20131114_nevensf_ecra_adsimnor.pdf
  2. IFREMER/LPO Seminar: Attribution of the 2001-2010 global temperature plateau (Brest, October 8, 2013) 20130709_vguemas_cnrm.ppt
  3. European Climate Research Alliance meeting (Brussels, September 25, 2013) 20130925_vguemas_ecra.ppt
  4. Symposium on Stochastic Parameterisation in Weather and Climate Models (Bonn, 16-19 September 2013) 20130919_lbatte_sympo_bonn.pdf
  5. CNRM Seminar: Attribution of the 2001-2010 global temperature plateau (Toulouse, July 9, 2013) 20130709_vguemas_cnrm.ppt
  6. International Conference Energy & Meteorology (Toulouse, June 28, 2013) 20130628_flienert_icem_2013.pdf
  7. ECMWF-WWRP/THORPEX workshop on polar prediction (Reading, June 24-27, 2013) 20120625_vguemas_reading_polar_prediction.pdf
  8. International workshop on seasonal to decadal prediction (Toulouse, May 13-16, 2013) 20130513_vguemas_workshop_s2_d.pdf
  9. EC-Earth meeting April 2012 (Lisboa, April 16-17, 2013) 20130417_vguemas_ec_earth_meeting.pdf


  1. HPCSysadmin meeting 2012 (Barcelona, October 16, 2012) 20121016_dmanubens_barcelona_hpcsysadmin_2012.pdf
  2. IC3 ENSO Predictability Meeting (Barcelona, 12 June 2012) 20120612_fdoblasreyes_ic3_enso.pdf
  3. PARA 2012: Workshop on State-of-the-Art in Scientific and Parallel Computing (Helsinki, Finland, June 10 - 13, 2012), On the best use of HPC resources for ensemble climate forecasting 20120612_masif_helsinki_para_2012.pdf
  4. CLIVAR VAMOS Modeling Workshop – Assessing Progress and Defining the Future Direction (Petropolis, 4-6 June 2012) 20120605_lrodrigues_petropolis_vamos_workshop.pdf
  5. International meeting with EC-EARTH contributors/users (Reading, UK, May 30 - 31, 2012), On the best use of HPC resources for ensemble climate forecasting with EC-Earth 20120531_masif_reading_ec_earth_meeting.pdf
  6. International meeting with EC-EARTH contributors/users (ECMWF, Reading, May, 30th-31st, 2012), Performance of EC-Earth climate forecast system and generation of new sea ice initial conditions 20120601_vguemas_reading_ec_earth_meeting.pdf
  7. EPIDOM-PRECLIDE 2012 meeting, A quick overview of the benefits from initialization of the EC-Earth forecast system: comparison between yearly decadal hindcasts and historical simulations (Capbreton, 3 May 2012) 20120503_vguemas_initialization_ecearth_part_i.pdf 20120503_vguemas_initialization_ecearth_part_ii.pdf
  8. UK-France decadal prediction meeting 2012, Decadal prediction of North Pacific sea surface temperature (Capbreton, 2 May 2012) 20120502_flienert_ws_capbreton_2012.pdf
  9. CLIM-RUN AGM 2012, Empirical statistical downscaling of seasonal climate forecasts (Barcelona, 21 March 2012) 20120321_flienert_esd_climrun.pdf
  10. CLIM-RUN AGM 2012, Decadal prediction and predictability in the Mediterranean (Barcelona, 21 March 2012) 20120321_vguemas_mediterranean_amo_skill.pdf
  11. CLIM-RUN AGM 2012, WP7 Overview (Barcelona, 20 March 2012) 20120308_climate_services_and_renewable_energy_climrun_meeting_2012.ppt
  12. CERFACS Informal Seminar (Toulouse, 15 March 2012) 20120315_fdoblasreyes_cerfacs.pdf
  13. International workshop on climate change projection and high performance computing (Maui, Hawaii 12-15 March 2012) 20120314_flienert_ws_hawaii_2012.pdf
  14. AMS 92nd Annual Meeting, Climate Services for Renewable Energy (New Orleans, 22-26 January 2012) 20120117_mdavis_ams2012.pdf
  15. AMS 92nd Annual Meeting, Decadal prediction of North Atlantic variability (New Orleans, 22-26 January 2012) 20120117_fdoblasreyes_ams2012.pdf
  16. Invited talk (Reading, ECMWF, January 2012) 201201_vguemas_ecmwf.ppt


  1. Invited talk (Hamburg, MPI, December 2011) 201112_vguemas_mpi.ppt
  2. Seminar (Toulouse, Meteo-France, September 2012) 201109_vguemas_meteo_france.pdf
  3. EMS Annual Meeting, AMO and PDO skill assessment (Berlin, 12-16 September 2011) 20110913_jgarcia_amo_pdo_ems2011.pdf
  4. EMS Annual Meeting, CLIM-RUN WP7 (Berlin, 12-16 September 2011) 20110913_jgarcia_clim_run_ems2011.pdf
  5. EMS Annual Meeting, EC-EARTH talk (Berlin, 12-16 September 2011) 20110915_jgarcia_ec_earth_ems2011.pdf
  6. QWeCI Annual Meeting (ICTP, Trieste, 12-15 September 2011) 20110914_fdoblasreyes_qwe_ci.pdf
  7. International Meeting of EC-EARTH contributors/users (DMI, Copenhagen, 7-8 September 2011) 20110909_fdoblasreyes_dmi.pdf
  8. Climate Investment Funds Partnership Forum 2011 (Cape Town, South Africa, 24-25 June 2011) 20110624_fdoblasreyes_cif_intro_decadal_prediction.pdf
  9. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011 (Vienna, Austria, 03-08 April 2011) 20110404_vguemas_initial_perturbations.pdf
  10. 1st QWeCI Annual Meeting (Dakar, Senegal, 25th-27th January 2011)20110125_jgarcia_qwe_ci_intro_decadal_prediction.pdf
  11. 1st QWeCI Annual Meeting (Dakar, Senegal, 25th-27th January 2011)20110126_jgarcia_qwe_ci_ensembles_results.pdf
  12. International meeting with EC-EARTH contributors/users (ECMWF, Reading, January, 17-19th, 2011) 20110118_vguemas_decadal_prediction.pdf
  13. International meeting with EC-EARTH contributors/users (ECMWF, Reading, January, 17-19th, 2011) 20110117_fdoblas_reyes_seasonal_to_decadal_prediction.pdf


  1. AEMET Informal Seminar (AEMET, Madrid, 17 December 2010) 20101217_fdoblasreyes_aemet.pdf
  2. Third EUROBRISA Workshop (IC3, Barcelona, 14-15 December 2010) 20101214_fdoblasreyes_eurobrisa_bcn.pdf
  3. WWRP/WCRP/THORPEX Workshop on Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction (Met Office, Exeter, 1-3 December 2010) 20101202_fdoblasreyes_wwrp_wcrp_thorpex_exeter.pdf
  4. IS-ENES/PRACE meeting (Université Pierre et Marie CURIE (UPMC), Paris, 30th November and 1st December 2010)20101201_masif_is_enes_prace_meeting_paris.pdf
library/external/presentations_away.1605112130.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/11 16:28 by sbasart